Truth Pixie Goes to School , livre ebook









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New school. New friends. Same old pixie. 'Don't try to be somethingYou really are not. Your one true selfIs the best thing you've got.'In this heartwarming adventure. the Truth Pixie and her human friend go to school, face a bully and learn the importance of friendship and being yourself. With words by the bestselling mastermind Matt Haig and pictures by the inky genius Chris Mould.
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Date de parution

01 août 2019





Poids de l'ouvrage

8 Mo

Also by Matt Haig
Shadow Forest The Runaway Troll To Be A Cat Echo Boy A Boy Called Christmas The Girl Who Saved Christmas Father Christmas and Me The Truth Pixie Evie and the Animals

First published in Great Britain, the USA and Canada in 2019 by Canongate Books Ltd, 14 High Street, Edinburgh EH1 1TE
Distributed in the USA by Publishers Group West and in Canada by Publishers Group Canada
This digital edition first published in 2019 by Canongate Books
Copyright Matt Haig, 2019 Illustrations copyright Chris Mould, 2019
The moral rights of the author and the illustrator have been asserted
British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available on request from the British Library
ISBN 978 1 78689 826 5 eISBN 978 1 78689 827 2
To Pearl and Lucas
Also by Matt Haig
The Truth Pixie: Goes to School
There once was a girl Who lived far away, And who tried to be kind, Whatever the day.

This girl was called Aada .
She lived with her dad.
She was sometimes happy,
But now she was sad.
She’d had a bad year, She’d had to move town, And start a new school, And wear a new frown.
Her gran had died, Her dad lost his job. Aada spent the whole year Trying not to sob.

But this isn’t a sad story – Not really, no –

The pixie lived In Aada’s house, And in her hair Was Maarta the mouse.
This pixie slept Under Aada’s bed, And Aada trusted Whatever she said.

You see . . .

And Aada was pleased

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