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Miss Charlotte - the new coach of a children's football team - has some odd methods to prepare them for the big match, including talking to the ball and drinking a special potion, smalalamiam. Also, she teaches them how to lose! And to have fun. Incredibly, it seems to work - but will their hopes of victory be dashed when their star player decides to join the other team?The latest instalment in Dominique Demers's popular Adventures of Miss Charlotte series, The New Football Coach, brilliantly illustrated by Tony Ross, is a marvellous tale about believing in yourself and beating the odds.
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Date de parution

09 mai 2018

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Poids de l'ouvrage

4 Mo

The New Football Coach
Dominique Demers
Translated by Sander Berg Illustrations by Tony Ross


Alma books Ltd 3 Castle Yard Richmond Surrey TW10 6TF United Kingdom
The Mysterious Librarian first published in French by Éditions Québec Amérique in 2007
This translation first published by Alma Books Ltd in 2018
© Dominique Demers, 2007
Translation © Sander Berg, 2018
Inside and cover illustrations by Tony Ross. Illustrations first published in France by Éditions Gallimard Jeunesse © Éditions Gallimard Jeunesse, 2008
Printed in Great Britain by CPI Group (UK) Ltd, Croydon CR0 4YY
isbn : 978-1-84688-435-1
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise), without the prior written permission of the publisher. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not be resold, lent, hired out or otherwise circulated without the express prior consent of the publisher.

Chapter 1 Yvette Pesky’s Challenge
Chapter 2 Smalalamiam, Anyone?
Chapter 3 Somebody Pinch Me, Please!
Chapter 4 I Love You Lots, Anatole
Chapter 5 The Famous Professor Martinonini
Chapter 6 Pass Tadpole to Mexico
Chapter 7 A Bit of Spling, Please
Chapter 8 The Answer Is in the Sky
Chapter 9 Grasshopper Juice for All
Chapter 10 Miss Charlotte’s Secret
Chapter 11 An Almighty Big Kick!
Chapter 12 Goals and Kisses

The New Football Coach

Chapter 1
Yvette Pesky’s Challenge
When I saw her coming, I nearly did a runner. I was not expecting that , even though my cousin Marie had warned me: “You’ll see, Jeremy: Miss Charlotte is very… different.”
Let’s just say I had not expected her to be that different. Marie had not mentioned that Miss Charlotte was tall and as thin as an asparagus, that she was everything but a spring chicken and that she wore weird clothes and a huge hat, a bit like a witch’s hat but with a round top instead of a pointy one.
I have nothing against being original. The problem was that Miss Charlotte had not been invited to a fancy-dress party. She had come to rescue us. To save our skins. That’s how I saw it at least.
Her mission was straightforward: to train the players of the Black Duck Brook Football Club. My club. And we simply had to beat the team from Blueberry Bay in the last match of the season. And if I say we had to, I am not exaggerating. And that is of course the problem…
Our headmistress, Paulette Pesky, is the twin sister of Yvette Pesky, the headmistress of the Blueberry Bay school. The two headmistresses have been bickering since they were in nursery school – or as good as – and they still argue over everything. This time they both want their school to be named after the famous international football star Tony Brilliant. Tony Brilliant lives in England now, but he was born in between Black Duck Brook and Blueberry Bay.
We, the pupils, could not care less. Renaming the school will not change our lives in the least. Still, we are in a real fix!
A few weeks ago, Yvette Pesky challenged her sister and our headmistress Paulette: the school that would win the last match of the season could call itself the Tony Brilliant School. Ever since then, every day at half-eight, Paulette Pesky hollers down the PA system: “Victory will be ours! We must win!” When I hear that, I feel my stomach tying itself into knots.
Our opponents have found a fearsome coach: Reginald Robust, Yvette Pesky’s husband, an ex-Army colonel, super-strict, mega-disciplined and ever so determined. He will do anything to win.

On hearing the news, our coach, Ed Coward, handed in his notice. And no one is willing to replace him. Everyone is too scared to take on Reginald Robust!
The day our coach dropped us like a hot brick, I rang my cousin Marie. I needed to speak to someone I could trust. As she had done on previous occasions, Marie talked about a certain Miss Charlotte, who has changed her life. That’s when we came up with a plan.
Marie rang Paulette Pesky pretending to be a headmistress who could recommend her a football coach. My cousin is a great actress. She sang Miss Charlotte’s praises so much that PP – that is what we call our headmistress – hired her without even meeting her!
All we had to do now was to track down that supposedly wonderful Miss Charlotte.

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