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Publié par
Date de parution
01 octobre 2014
Poids de l'ouvrage
1 Mo
This ebook bundle contains:
Broken Arrow
The Wolf and Me
From the Dead
Tin Soldier
Double You
"This unusual series features seven books that are connected but can
stand alone as individual adventures. Building upon a plot line first
laid out in the “Seven” series, each entry follows one of
David McLean’s seven grandsons as he embarks on a dangerous mission in a
far flung locale, as per instructions in Grandpa McLean’s oddball
will…This thrill-a-minute series will hook reluctant readers as well as
fans of James Bond and Jason Bourne." —School Library Journal
Publié par
Date de parution
01 octobre 2014
Poids de l'ouvrage
1 Mo
Orca Book Publishers is proud of the hard work our authors do and of the important stories they create. If you are reading this ebook bundle and did not purchase it or did not check it out from a library provider, then the authors have not received royalties for their books. The ebook bundle you are reading is licensed for single use only and may not be copied, printed, resold or given away. If you are interested in using this ebook bundle in a classroom setting, we have digital subscriptions with multiuser, simultaneous access to our books, or classroom licenses available for purchase. For more information, please contact digital@orcabook.com .
by Eric Walters
Broken Arrow
by John Wilson
by Ted Staunton
The Wolf and Me
by Richard Scrimger
From the Dead
by Norah McClintock
Tin Soldier
by Sigmund Brouwer
Double You
by Shane Peacock
Copyright 2014 Eric Walters
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system now known or to be invented, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication
Walters, Eric, 1957-, author Sleeper / Eric Walters. (The seven sequels)
Issued in print and electronic formats. ISBN 978-1-4598-0543-9 (pbk.).-- ISBN 978-1-4598-0544-6 (pdf).-- ISBN 978-1-4598-0545-3 (epub)
I. Title. PS 8595. A 598 S 56 2014 j c 813 .54 c 2014-901539-9 c2014-901540-2
First published in the United States, 2014 Library of Congress Control Number: 2014935382
Summary: Fast cars and a gorgeous girl await DJ in England, where he tries to unearth the truth about his grandfather s role as a spy-or a traitor.
Orca Book Publishers gratefully acknowledges the support for its publishing programs provided by the following agencies: the Government of Canada through the Canada Book Fund and the Canada Council for the Arts, and the Province of British Columbia through the BC Arts Council and the Book Publishing Tax Credit.
Design by Chantal Gabriell Cover photography by Paul Brace, Eagle E-Types, Dreamstime, CGTextures and iStock Author photo by Sofia Kinachtchouk ORCA BOOK PUBLISHERS PO Box 5626, Stn. B Victoria, BC Canada V 8 R 6 S 4 ORCA BOOK PUBLISHERS PO Box 468 Custer, WA USA 98240-0468
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For John, Norah, Richard, Shane, Sigmund and Ted- it s been such a joy sharing this ride with all of you!
There were flashing lights ahead. I pumped the brakes and was relieved when the car responded, slowing down instead of fishtailing on the snow-covered road. I eased over into the empty oncoming lane to go wide around the police car on the side of the road. A police officer was out of his car, helping some people whose vehicle was in the ditch. That was the eighteenth car we d seen that had gone off the road, along with two transport trucks and a snowplow. I d never seen a snowplow skid out, which said a lot about the driving conditions.
I couldn t help but look over at the accident as we went by. The car s occupants, an older couple, seemed to be fine, although there was no way they were getting their car out of the ditch without a tow truck. At least it had been cushioned by the snowbank, which had stopped them from going too far off the road.
They re okay, I said.
My cousin Spencer looked up from his handheld device. Who?
I said they re okay. They weren t injured.
I almost laughed, but stopped myself. Between the glasses and his response- who, who -he did look more than a little like an owl. There was another car in the ditch, I explained.
He craned his neck to look behind us. I didn t notice sorry.
Don t be sorry. Keep working.
Okay, thanks. He turned back to his tablet.
Spencer was sitting in the passenger seat beside me, but he had been somewhere else most of the trip. He was in first-year film school and was doing some editing on a project for one of his classes. He d occasionally mutter something, but for the most part he was totally absorbed in what he was doing. He had said he wanted us all to see it when it was done. I got the feeling that if we did go off the road and were upside down in the ditch, hanging from our seat belts, he would hardly notice. And when he did notice, he would want to make a movie about it. Grandpa had always said, Follow your passions . He would have been proud of Spencer.
Grandpa had been on my mind a lot the last few days. Not that he was ever that far away from my thoughts, but going to his cottage brought back so many memories. He had been gone for over six months, but somehow I expected that when we got there, he d be waiting on the porch, the cottage warm, a big fire going, the snow shoveled, hot chocolate waiting and stories to share.
Are we almost there?
I startled a bit at the voice coming from right behind me. Spencer s younger brother, Bunny, had been asleep so long I d forgotten he was there.
Yup, it s the next turnoff.
It s been a long drive, I said.
It s beautiful up here. All the snow and the openness .
It is beautiful, for sure.
And open. I like open. There is no open in jail.
Bunny-Bernard was his real name-had just been temporarily released from juvie. He was one of the last people I would have expected to end up in jail to begin with, and definitely the last person I expected to survive it. I guess I d seen too many movies about prison. But the way he described it made it sound more like extended summer camp than jail. That didn t mean it was that way-that was just how he saw it.
My cousins Spencer and Bunny were a little different. The three of us and my brother Steve had all gone to the same high school, and more than once I d had to step in when somebody was picking on Bunny or ragging on Spencer. Spencer saw the world from a unique perspective, but Bunny was simply odd. Nice but odd . Very odd. There was no other way to describe him. He hardly ever seemed to have much more than a vague understanding of what was happening around him. I guess that might be an advantage in juvie. And now, even if he had been awake for the entire drive, the conditions wouldn t have worried him. Worrying was more my job.
The turnoff appeared just ahead, and I slowed us down to practically nothing and made the turn. The tires grabbed the gravel underneath the crust of beaten-down snow. The road had been plowed, but there was still a dusting of freshly fallen snow on top. We d have clear sailing through the last section.
I m glad we came up here, Bunny said.
So am I. Grandpa would have liked it.
We were coming up to spend a week at the place Grandpa had loved the most. Five of the six of us no, five of the seven grandsons were coming up. I felt bad about not including Rennie in the original count, but it had only been since Grandpa s death that we had even known we had another cousin. Rennie wasn t going to be with us at the cottage, since he was on vacation in South America with his father, and my brother Steve wasn t here either. His choice. I glanced at my watch. From Steve s text I knew he was already on the train, headed for Seville. He had touched down in Spain two days ago and had been given an enthusiastic greeting from Laia, the girl he d met in the summer. So there he was, with no snow, lots of sun and a beautiful girl. He d bugged out on our get-together, but I did understand it. Honoring Grandpa was one thing. Hot girl trumped that every time. Still, I was a bit annoyed and maybe a little jealous.
Our other two cousins, Adam and Webb, were driving up from the States together and might even be at the cottage when we arrived. Part of me wanted them to get there before us-get a fire started to warm the place up-but a bigger part wanted to arrive first. It was hard to put aside my competitiveness, even for things that didn t matter in the least. Steve always joked that I could turn washing dishes into a sporting event. He was right. I could make anything into a competitive sport and win.
Adam and Webb had really connected over the past months. Spencer had Bunny, and of course Steve and I had each other the way only twins could, and now Adam and Webb had each other. Webb had even stayed with Adam and his parents over the summer. That left only Rennie out of the mix, although Adam seemed to be trying to draw him in; the two of them were Facebook and texting buddies. That was great. It would be hard to be the one on the outside. Rennie had invited all of us to come visit him, and Steve and I were going to take him up on that. Next summer Steve and I were going to go to England for two weeks to visit my friend Doris and then spend two weeks with Laia in Spain. Laia was going to spend some time in Canada before that so I d get to know her. I couldn t help but wonder if she was as wonderful as Steve thought she was. The most significant difference between Doris and Laia was that Doris was in her late sixties. She had promised to introduce us to a couple of her granddaughters and have them show us around London.
While we were at the cottage, our mothers were also spending time together. The girls were going away on a cruise, something they had often done with Grandpa when they really were girls. It was one of the bequests in his will-just like the requests made of his seven grandsons. It would have been simpler if he d paid for the seven of us to go on a cruise instead of on far-flung adventures around the world, but simpler wasn t necessarily better.
Hardly a day went by that I didn t think about my experience climbing Kilimanjaro, and never a day wen