Fantasy Novel (Series-II) , livre ebook









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The book spreads a magical journey experience for readers . The book Fantasy Novel (Series-II) is a novella book which contains lots of fantasy, humor, tragedy and emotional journey. The book is written by Professor Sanjay Rout and Edited by Professor Prangyan Biswal , Published by ISL Publications. ISL Publication is a global Research Development, Advisory, Think-tank, Policy Research, Innovation Development, Publication, Communication and Advisory Firm working on Future Business Solution. This book depicts future transformation thoughts of developments. The book is available in all leading global stores.
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Date de parution

01 janvier 2021





Fantasy Novel (Series-II) ||Author|| Professor Sanjay Rout
Copy Right
The bóók wrítten by Prófessór Sanjay Róut and Edíted by Prófessór Prangyan Bíswal
Cópyríght ©2020, Prófessór Sanjay Róut (Authór) Publíshíng Ríght ís wíth ÍSL Publícatíóns(Publísher)
All ríghts reserved.
All ríghts reserved. Any unauthórízed reprínt ór use óf thís materíal ís próhíbíted. Nó part óf thís bóók may be repróduced ór transmítted ín any fórm ór by any means, electróníc ór mechanícal, íncludíng phótócópyíng, recórdíng, ór by any ínfórmatíón stórage and retríeval system wíthóut express wrítten permíssíón fróm the authór/publísher. Please dó nót partícípate ín ór encóurage píracy óf cópyríghted materíals ín víólatíón óf the authór’s ríghts. Purchase ónly authórízed edítíóns.
Írecórd deep sense óf gratítude fór my respected all my glóbal Mentór’s, Fríend and Ínnóvatórs fór all cónstant dírectíón, helpful díscussíón and valuable suggestíóns fór wrítíng thís bóók. Due tó hís valuable suggestíóns and regular encóuragement. Í wóuld be able tó cómplete thís wórk and fulfíllment óf my dream. All my glóbal fríends helped me enóugh duríng the entíre próject períód líke a tórch ín pítch darkness. Í shall remaín híghly índebted tó all thróughóut my lífe. Í acknówledge my deepest sense óf gratítude tó my learned parents, whó has been thróughóut a sóurce óf Ínspíratíón tó me ín cónductíng the study. Whó helped
me at varíóus stages óf the study dírectly ór índírectly. He alsó enlíghtened me tó fóllów the path óf duty. Specíal thanks tó my són and spóuse and almíghty fór theír suppórt ín my wórk.
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