Call Me Penny Pickleberry , livre ebook









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And that’s when it started . . . the inside-out squeezing, pulsing, whirly feeling in Penelope’s belly. 

Meet Penelope Pickleberry, first grader extraordinaire. Penelope can do lots of things, like pack her own snack and tie her shoelaces in under thirty seconds. But Penelope has one huge problem—Nelly, the negative voice in her head that tells her about bad things that might happen. 

At the final game of the soccer season, Nelly’s I-just-can’t message is getting louder. Luckily, Penelope also has Penny, the positive, confidence-boosting voice inside her that tells her to be brave and persevere. Will Nelly win the battle? Or will Penny’s words of encouragement prove more powerful? 

This fun and relatable picture book helps kids manage childhood anxiety by learning to quiet their negative self-talk and listen to their own Penny, the inner voice that fills them with the courage to conquer everyday obstacles. 

Includes “A Guide for Shushing Your Nelly”—practical tips to help children overcome anxious thoughts.


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Date de parution

06 septembre 2022

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Poids de l'ouvrage

3 Mo

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, organizations, places, events, and incidents are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
Copyright © 2022 by Meghan Grana
Illustrations © 2022 by Fanny Liem
All rights reserved.
No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.
Published by Bird Upstairs Books™, Seattle
Produced by Girl Friday Productions
Design: Paul Barrett
Development & editorial: Kristin Duran
Production editorial: Bethany Davis
ISBN (hardcover): 978-1-954854-58-1
ISBN (e-book): 978-1-954854-59-8
Library of Congress Control Number: 2022900363
First edition

Author’s Note
For many children, anxiety can present a huge obstacle to engaging in everyday activ- ities. As caregivers, we can support children by teaching them how to recognize what anxiety feels like, how to question negative thoughts for validity, and how to persevere even when we feel unsure. Call Me Penny Pickleberry provides families with an oppor- tunity to discuss fears or worries and learn strategies to overcome them. And I hope it brings a bit of fun to your day as well.
For Georgia and Josephine, may you always listen to your Pennys. And for my personal barista, PJ, who responds to every one of my wild ideas with, “You should totally do that.” —MG

But Penelope has one HUGE problem . . .

Meet Penelope Pickleberry, first grader extraordinaire, ringleader of success, architect of her own bright future! She can tie her shoelaces in under thirty seconds, pack her own mom-approved snack bag, and build an entire mouse hotel out of milk cartons. Penelope Pickleberry is simply spectacular!


Nelly is the voice in Penelope’s head that tells her about bad things that might happen, like getting chased by a swarm of bees or finding a shark in the swimming pool.

Sometimes, Nelly reminds Penelope about her most embarrassing moments, like when she burped during the Pledge of Allegiance or got the stub of a movie ticket stuck up her nose.

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