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Police Officer Application Form Questions and Answers
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ISBN: 9781907558689
First published 2012
Copyright © 2012 Richard McMunn. All rights reserved.
All rights reserved. Apart from any permitted use under UK copyright law, no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or any information, storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher or under licence from the Copyright Licensing Agency Limited. Further details of such licenses (for reprographic reproduction) may be obtained from the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, Saffron House, 6-10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS.
Typeset for How2become Ltd by Molly Hill, Canada.
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Police Officer Application Form Questions and Answers
Welcome to Police officer application form questions and answers . This guide has been designed to help you prepare for the initial stage of the tough police officer selection process
The selection process to join the police is highly competitive. Approximately 65,000 people apply to join the police every year. What is even more staggering is that only approximately 7,000 of those applicants will be successful. You could view this as a worrying statistic, or alternatively you could view it that you are determined to be one of the 7,000 who are successful. Armed with this workbook you have certainly taken the first step to passing the police officer application form.
The guide itself has been split up into useful sections to make it easier for you to prepare. Read each section carefully and take notes as you progress. Don’t ever give up on your dreams; if you really want to become a police officer then you can do it. The way to approach the police officer selection process is to embark on a programme of in-depth preparation and this guide will show you exactly how to do that.
The way to pass the police officer application form is to develop your own skills and experiences around the core competencies that are required to become a police officer. Many candidates who apply to join the police will be unaware that the core competencies even exist. As you progress through this guide you will find that these important elements of the police officer role will form the foundations of your preparation. So, the first step in your preparation and before we go any further, is to get hold of a copy of the police officer core competencies. They will usually form part of your application pack but if they don’t, you can obtain a copy of them by visiting the website of the force you are applying to join.
If you need any further help with any elements of the police officer selection process including role play, written test and interview then we offer a wide range of products to assist you. These are all available through our online shop www.how2become.co.uk .
We also run a 1-day intensive Police Officer Course. Details are available at the website www.PoliceCourse.co.uk .
Once again, thank you for your custom and we wish you every success in your pursuit to becoming a police officer.
Work hard, stay focused and be what you want…
Best wishes,
The How2become Team
The application form is the first stage of the selection process for becoming a police officer. During this section I will provide you with a step-by-step approach to completing a successful application. It is important to point out that I have used a number of the more common types of application form questions within this section and it is your responsibility to confirm that they relate to your particular form. I have deliberately not made reference to any sections of the form that relate to personal details, simply because what you write here is based on you and you alone.
Whenever I have completed application forms in the past I have always set aside plenty of time to give them justice. I would recommend you allow at least five evenings to complete the form, breaking it up into manageable sections. Many candidates will try and complete the form in one sitting and as a result their concentration will wane and so will the quality of their submission.
You will be asked a number of questions on the application form and on the following pages I have provided you with some tips and advice on how to approach these questions. Please remember that these are provided as a guide only and you should base your answers around your own experiences in both work life and personal life. Questions that are based around ‘knowledge, skills and experience’ are looking for you to demonstrate that you can meet the requirements of the ‘person specification’ for the job you are applying for. Therefore, your answers should match these as closely as possible.
Your first step is to find out what the ‘person specification’ is for the particular force you are applying to join. Essentially, the role of a police officer is made up of a number of core competencies. You may receive these in your application pack or alternatively they can usually be found on the main police recruitment website, or on the website of the force you are applying to join. Whatever you do, make sure you get a copy of them, and have them by your side when completing the application form. Basically you are looking to match your responses with the police officer core competencies.
Once you have found the ‘core competencies’, now is the time to structure your answer around these, ensuring that you briefly cover each area based upon your own experiences in both your work life and personal life.
The core competencies that form the basis of the police officer role are similar to the following. Please note that the core competencies do change from time to time so it is important to confirm that they are correct.
Respect for race and diversity
This essentially involves considering and showing respect for the opinions, circumstances and feelings of colleagues and members of the public, no matter what their race, religion, position, background, circumstances, status or appearance. You must ensure that you are aware of how important this is to the role of a police officer.
Team working
Police officers must be able to work in teams as well as having an ability to work on their own, unsupervised. In order to meet this core competency you will need to be able to develop strong working relationships both inside and outside the team. If there are barriers between different groups then you will need to have the skills to break them down and involve other people in discussions and decisions that you make.
Community and customer focus
As a police officer you must focus on the customer. The customer is essentially the members of the public whom you will be dealing with. You will need to be capable of providing a high-quality service that is tailored to meet each person’s individual needs.
The only way that you can provide a high quality service to the public is by understanding the needs of your community. Once you understand the needs of your community then you will be able to provide an excellent service.
Effective communication
Police officers must be able to communicate both verbally and in writing. You will also need to communicate to the people you are addressing in a style and manner that is appropriate. This can sometimes be difficult, but with practice, it can be achieved.
As a serving police officer you will be required to take accurate notes of incidents that you attend. Therefore, the Police Force that you are applying to join will want to assess your potential in this area during the written tests element of the selection process.
Problem solving
In order to solve problems effectively you will first need to gather sufficient information. This can usually be achieved through a number of sources. For example, if as a police officer you were investigating a burglary, you would first want to gather witness statements from the owner of the property and also the owners of surrounding properties. This information may then lead to other information sources, which will allow you to gather sufficient evidence to make decisions that will ultimately lead to the problem being solved through effective decision-making.
Personal responsibility
Police officers have a reputation for getting things done. They are very good at taking personal responsibility for making things happen and achieving results. In order to effectively achieve this you will need to display a level of motivation, commitment, perseverance and conscientiousness. At all times you will need to act with a high degree of integrity.
As a police officer you will do doubt be faced with difficult and pressurised circumstances. It is during these tough situations that you will need to show resilience. For example, imagine turning up to a 999 call where a group of drunken lads are refusing to leave a pub after closing time. How would you deal with the situation? You must be prepared to make difficult decisions and have the confidence to see them through.
Now that we have taken a brief look at the core competencies, we can start to look at some of the application form questions. But before we do this, take a read of the following important tips, which will help you to submit a first class application.
- Make sure you read the whole of the application form at least twice before preparing y