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Few people discuss the fact that Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) was the most important artist of the 20th century. Born in Malaga, Spain, Picasso revealed his genius at a very early age and was quick to make contact with the most advanced art circles of his time, first in Barcelona and later in Paris. In the modernist quest for novelty, Picasso turned to pre-Modern history and ‘primitive’ art for inspiration. We owe him and his colleague Georges Braque the invention of Cubism, not just one of many avant-garde movements but the aesthetic that would change the art of painting forever. Once free from traditional values, Picasso produced an outstanding oeuvre, both in terms of variety and quality.Victoria Charles received her PhD in art history. She has published extensively on art history and has contributed to Art Information, an international guide to contemporary art. She is a regular contributor to journals and magazines, Victoria Charles recently contributed to a collective work, World History of Art.
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Victoria Charles & Anatoli Podoksik
© Confidential Concepts, worldwide, USA
© Parkstone Press International, New York, USA
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© Estate of Pablo Picasso, Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
© Man Ray Trust / Adagp, Paris
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or adapted without the permission of the copyright holder, throughout the world. Unless otherwise specified, copyright on the works reproduced lies with the respective photographers, artists, heirs or estates. Despite intensive research, it has not always been possible to establish copyright ownership. Where this is the case, we would appreciate notification.
ISBN: 978-1-78310-501-4
Victoria Charles & Anatoli Podoksik

The ultimate book on
The Beginning
Blue Period
Rose Period and Primitivism
The Cubist Revolution
Picasso and the Russians
Barcelona and Paris 1901-1906
Cubism 1907-1914
Rappel à l’ordre 1915-1925
Contacts with Surrealism 1926-1937
War and Peace 1937-1960
Final Years 1961-1973
List of Illustrations
Self-Portrait , 1917-1919. Pencil and charcoal on paper, 64.2 x 49.4 cm. Musée Picasso Paris, Paris.

Portrait of the Artist’s Mother , 1896. Pastel on paper, 49.8 x 39 cm. Museu Picasso, Barcelona.
The Beginning
Although, as Picasso himself put it, he “led the life of a painter” from very early childhood, and although he expressed himself through the plastic arts for eighty uninterrupted years, the essence of Picasso’s creative genius differs from that usually associated with the notion of the artiste-peintre . It might be more correct to consider him an ‘artist-poet’ because his lyricism, his psyche, unfettered by mundane reality, and his gift for the metaphoric transformation of reality are no less inherent in his visual art than they are in the mental imagery of a poet.
According to Pierre Daix, “Picasso always considered himself a poet who was more prone to express himself through drawings, paintings, and sculptures.” [1] Always? That calls for clarification. It certainly applies to the 1930s, when he wrote poetry, and to the 1940s and 1950s, when he turned to writing plays. There is, however, no doubt that from the outset Picasso was always “a painter among poets, a poet among painters”. [2]
Picasso had a craving for poetry and attracted poets like a magnet. When they first met, Guillaume Apollinaire was struck by the young Spaniard’s unerring ability “to straddle the lexical barrier” and grasp the fine points of recited poetry. One may say without fear of exaggeration that whilst Picasso’s close friendship with the poets Jacob, Apollinaire, Salmon, Cocteau, Reverdy, and Éluard left an imprint on each of the major periods of his work, it is no less true that his own innovative work had a strong influence on French (and not only French) 20 th -century poetry.
And this assessment of Picasso’s art, so visual and obvious, yet at times so blinding, opaque, and mysterious, as that of a poet, is dictated by the artist’s own view of his work. Picasso once said: “After all, the arts are all the same; you can write a picture in words just as you can paint sensations in a poem.” [3] He even expressed the following thought: “If I had been born Chinese, I would not be a painter but a writer. I’d write my pictures.” [4]

José Ruiz Blasco, Pablo Picasso’s father.

Maria Picasso Lopez, Pablo Picasso’s mother.
Picasso, however, was born a Spaniard and, so they say, began to draw before he could speak. As an infant he was instinctively attracted to the artist’s tools. In early childhood he could spend hours in happy concentration drawing spirals with a sense and meaning known only to himself; or, shunning children’s games, he would trace his first pictures in the sand. This early self-expression held out promise of a rare gift.
The first phase of life, preverbal, preconscious, knows neither dates nor facts. It is a dream-like state dominated by the body’s rhythms and external sensations. The rhythms of the heart and lungs, the caresses of warm hands, the rocking of the cradle, the intonation of voices, that is what it consists of. Now the memory awakens, and two black eyes follow the movements of things in space, master desired objects, express emotions.
Sight, that great gift, begins to discern objects, imbues ever-new-shapes, captures ever-broader horizons. Millions of as-yet-meaningless visual images enter the infantile world of internal sight where they strike immanent powers of intuition, ancient voices, and strange caprices of instinct. The shock of purely sensual (visual-plastic) impressions is especially strong in the South, where the raging power of light sometimes blinds, sometimes etches each form with infinite clarity.
And the still-mute, inexperienced perception of a child born in these parts responds to this shock with a certain inexplicable melancholy, an irrational sort of nostalgia for form. Such is the lyricism of the Iberian Mediterranean, a land of naked truths, of a dramatic “search for life for life’s sake”, [5] in the words of Garcia Lorca, one who knew these sensations well. Not a shade of the Romantic here: there is no room for sentimentality amid the sharp, exact contours and there exists only one physical world. “Like all Spanish artists, I am a realist”, Picasso would say later.
Gradually the child acquires words, fragments of speech, building blocks of language. Words are abstractions, creations of consciousness made to reflect the external world and express the internal. Words are the subjects of imagination, which endows them with images, reasons, meanings, and conveys to them a measure of infinity. Words are the instrument of learning and the instrument of poetry. They create the second, purely human reality of mental abstractions. In time, after having become friends with poets, Picasso would discover that the visual and verbal modes of expression are identical for the creative imagination. It was then that he began to introduce elements of poetic technique into his work: forms with multiple meanings, metaphors of shape and colour, quotations, rhymes, plays on words, paradoxes, and other tropes that allow the mental world to be made visible.
Picasso’s visual poetry attained total fulfilment and concrete freedom by the mid-1940s in a series of paintings of nudes, portraits, and interiors executed with ‘singing’ and ‘aromatic’ colours; these qualities are also evident in a multitude of Indian ink drawings traced as if by gusts of wind.
“We are not executors; we live our work.” [6] That is the way in which Picasso expressed how much his work was intertwined with his life; he also used the word ‘diary’ with reference to his work. D.H. Kahnweiler, who knew Picasso for over sixty-five years, wrote: “It is true that I have described his œuvre as ‘fanatically autobiographical’.
That is the same as saying that he depended only on himself, on his Erlebnis . He was always free, owing nothing to anyone but himself.” [7] Jaime Sabartés, who knew Picasso most of his life, also stressed his complete independence from external conditions and situations. Indeed, everything convincingly shows that if Picasso depended on anything at all in his art, it was the constant need to express his inner state with the utmost fullness.
One may, as Sabartés did, compare Picasso’s œuvre with therapy; one may, as Kahnweiler did, regard Picasso as a Romantic artist. However, it was precisely the need for self-expression through creativity that lent his art that universal quality that is inherent in such human documents as Rousseau’s Confessions , Goethe’s The Sorrows of Young Werther , and Rimbaud’s A Season in Hell .
Let it also be noted that Picasso looked upon his art in a somewhat impersonal manner, took pleasure in the thought that the works, which he dated meticulously and helped scholars to catalogue, could serve as material for some future science. He imagined that branch of learning as being a “science of man, which will seek to learn about man in general through the study of the creative man”. [8]

Portrait of the Artist’s Father , 1896. Blue watercolour on paper, 18 x 11.8 cm. Museu Picasso, Barcelona.

The Embrace , 1900. Oil on cardboard, 53 x 56 cm. Pushkin Museum, Moscow.
But something akin to a scientific approach to Picasso’s œuvre has long been current in that it has been divided into periods, explained both by creative contacts (so-called influences, often only hypothetical) and reflections of biographical events (in 1980 a book called Picasso: Art as Autobiography [9] appeared).
If Picasso’s work has for us the general significance of universal human experience, this is due to its expressing, with the most exhaustive completeness, man’s internal life and all the laws of its development. Only by approaching his œuvre in this way can we hope to understand its rules, the logic of its evolution, and the transition from one putative period to another.
The works of Picasso published in the present volume cover those early periods which, based on considerations of style (less often subject matter), have been classified as Steinlenian (or Lautrecian), Stained Glass, Blue, Circus, Rose, Classic, ‘African’, proto-Cubist, Cubist (analytic and synthetic) […] the definitions could be even more detailed.
However, from the viewpoint of the ‘science of man’, these periods correspond to the years 1900-1914, when Picasso was between nineteen and thirty-three, the time which saw the formation and flowering of his unique personality.
There is no question about the absolute significance of this stage in spiritual and psychological growth (as Goethe said, to create something, you must be something); the Hermitage and Pushkin collections’ extraordinarily monolithic and chronological concentration allows us to examine, through the logic of that inner process, those wor

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