1000 Paintings of Genius , livre ebook









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From the early Renaissance through Baroque and Romanticism to Cubism, Surrealism, and Pop, these canonical works of Western Art span eight centuries and a vast range of subjects. Here are the sacred and the scandalous, the minimalist and the opulent, the groundbreaking and the conventional. There are paintings that captured the feeling of an era and those that signaled the beginning of a new one. Works of art that were immediately recognised for their genius, and others that were at first met with resistance. All have stood the test of time and in their own ways contribute to the dialectic on what makes a painting great, how notions of art have changed, to what degree art reflects reality, and to what degree it alters it. Brought together, these great works illuminate the changing preoccupations and insights of our ancestors, and give us pause to consider which paintings from our own era will ultimately join the canon.
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04 juillet 2023

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9 Mo

Authors: Victoria Charles
Joseph Manca, Megan McShane, Donald Wigal

With the dedicated support of Klaus H. Carl, Thu Nguyen, Trang Nguyen, Marie de Roujoux, Eliane de Sérésin, Cornelia Sontag, Elodie Vasseur, Maïté Vicedo, Thai Vo, Elisabeth Woodville.

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© Confidential Concepts, worldwide, USA
© Parkstone Press International, New York, USA

© Joseph Albers Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
© Karel Appel Foundation, Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, USA
© Hans Arp Estate, Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, USA/ VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
© Jean-Michel Atlan Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Corneliu Baba Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ Visarta, Bucarest
© Francis Bacon Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ DACS, London
© Giacomo Balla Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ SIAE, Roma
© Baltasar Balthus Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Georg Baselitz, Michael Werner Gallery
© Willi Baumeister Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
© Jean Bazaine Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Max Beckmann Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
Art © Thomas Hart Benton / Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY
© Roger Bissière Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ARS/ ADAGP, Paris
© Pierre Bonnard Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Tate London 2006, David Bomberg
© Georges Braque Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Bernard Buffet Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Alberto Burri, Fondazione Palazzo Albizzini
© Carlo Carra Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ SIAE, Roma
© Marc Chagall Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Gaston Chaissac Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Whitney museum, John Stuart Curry
© Salvador Dalí, Gala-Salvador Dalí Foundation/ Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, USA
Art © Stuart Davis Estate / Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY
© Georgio de Chirico Estate, Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, USA/ SIAE, Rome
© The Willem de Kooning Foundation, Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, USA Robert Delaunay and Sonia Delaunay : © L&M Services , B.V. Amsterdam 20051203
© Paul Delvaux Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ SABAM, Brussels
© Maurice Denis Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Paul Derain Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Otto Dix Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
© Jean Dubuffet Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris/ Succession Marcel Duchamp
© Raoul Dufy Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Max Ernst Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Maurice Estève Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© James Ensor Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ SABAM, Brussels
© Jean Fautrier Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Lyonel Feininger Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
© Fondazione Lucio Fontana Milano
© Samuel L. Francis Foundation, California/ Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, USA
© Helen Frankenthaler Copyright reserved
© Lucian Freud
© Whitney museum, Mark Gertler
© Alberto Giacometti Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Albert Gleizes Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Natalia Goncharova Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Arshile Gorky Estate, Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, USA
Art © George Grosz/ Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY
© Francis Gruber Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Richard Hamilton Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ DACS, London
© Marsden Hartley copyright reserved
© Hans Hartung Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© David Hockney
© Hundertwasser Archives, Vienna
© Johannes Itten Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ProLitteris Zurich
© Alexei von Jawlensky Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
Art © Jasper Johns/ Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY
© fam. Jorn/ Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York/ COPY-DAN, Copenhagen
© Banco de México Diego Rivera & Frida Kahlo Museums Trust. AV. Cinco de Mayo n°2, Col. Centro, Del. Cuauhtémoc 06059, México, D.F.
© Wasily Kandinsky Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Ellsworth Kelly
© Ernst Kirchner, by Indeborg and Dr Wolfgang Henz-Ketter, Wichtrach/Bern
© Paul Klee Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
© Yves Klein Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Franz Kline Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA
© Oskar Kokoschka Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ProLitteris, Zurich
© Frantisek Kupka Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Wilfredo Lam Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Mikhail Larionov Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Marie Laurencin Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Fernand Léger Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Imperial War Museum, London
© Tamara de Lempicka Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© André Lhote Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Roy Lichtenstein Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Max Liebermann Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
© Morris Louis Estate, Garfinkle & Associates, Washington
© Alberto Magnelli Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© C. Herscovici, Brussels/ Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, USA
© Alfred Manessier Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Albert Marquet Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© André Masson Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Henri Matisse, Les Héritiers Matisse, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Sucession H. Matisse, Paris/ Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, USA
© Henri Michaux Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Joan Miró Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Giorgio Morandi Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ SIAE, Roma
Art © Robert Motherwell / Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY
© Edvard Munch Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ BONO, Oslo
© Tate London 2006, Paul Nash
© Barnett Newman Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Benn Nicholson Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ DACS, London
© Emil Nolde Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
© The Georgia O’Keeffe Museum, Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, USA
© Roland Penrose, England, 2006. All rights reserved
© Francis Picabia Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Estate of Pablo Picasso/ Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, USA
© Serge Poliakoff Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© The Pollock-Krasner Foundation/ Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, USA
Art © Robert Rauschenberg/ Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY
© Ad Reinhardt Estate, Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, USA
© Bridget Riley, all rights reserved
© Jean-Paul Riopelle Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ SODRAC, Montreal
© Banco de México Diego Rivera & Frida Kahlo Museums Trust. Av. Cinco de Mayo n°2, Col. Centro, Del. Cuauhtémoc 06059, México, D.F.
Art © Estate of Larry Rivers / Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY
© 1943 The Norman Rockwell family Entities
© Norman Rockwell Art Collection Trust, Norman Rockwell Museum, Stockbridge, Massachussets
Art © James Rosenquist/ Licensed by VAGA, New York, NY
© Kate Rothko Prizel & Christopher Rothko/ Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, USA
© Georges Rouault Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Sucession Antonio Saura/ www.antoniosaura.org/ ARS, New York/ Vegap, Madrid
© Oskar Schlemmer Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Karl Schmidt-Rotluff Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
© Kurt Schwitters Estate, Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, USA/ VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn
© Gino Severini Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Walter Sickert Richard Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ DACS, London
© Pierre Soulages Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Chaim Soutine Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Stanley Spencer Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ DACS, London
© Nicolas de Staël Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Frank Stella Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA
© Clyfford Still, copyrights reserved
© Tate London 2006, Graham Sutherland
D.R.© Rufino Tamayo/ Herederos/ México/2006/ Fundacion Olga y Rufino Tamayo, A.C.
© Yves Tanguy Estate, Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York, USA
© Antoni Tàpies Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ VEGAP, Madrid
© Vladimir Tatlin Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Mark Tobey copyrights reserved
© Maurice Utrillo Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Suzanne Valadon Estate, Artists Rights Society, New York, USA/ ADAGP, Paris
© Kees van Dongen Estate, Artists Rights Society, New

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