Wheat genealogy; a history of the Wheat family in America, with a brief account of the name and family in England and Normandy








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M.L.Gc929„2W5605WV.21762958REYNOLDS HISTORICALGENEALOGY COLLECTIONALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARYGENEALOGY929.23 1833 01398 5384W5605WV.2WHEAT GENEALOGYBYTHE LATE SILAS CARMI WHEATOFBROOKLYN, NEW YORKANDSCRANTONHELEN LOVEDESCENDANTSOF MOSESWHEATOF CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTSAND OFMARYLANDFRANCIS WHEAT OF1960Publishing Co.Shore Line TimesConnecticutGuilford,1762958CONTENTSMOSES WHEAT ofMASSACHUSETTSand DESCENDANTS 1FRANCISWHEAT ofMARYLANDand DESCENDANTS 346UNPLACED FAMILIES 371APPENDICES:A: Ancestry (ALLEN) WHEAT 374of JERUSHAB: The Estate of SAMUEL WHEAT (1809-1879) 376INDEX 377ABBREVIATIONS USED:d.i. died in infancy; d,y, died young; s.p., sine prole, withoutissue; bp. baptized; c. about; the plus sign between the nameand the person's number indicates that the child is carried tothe next generation as a principal.refers Mr. Wheat's book,sew to 1903.PREFACEMore than fifty years ago Silas Carmi Wheat published a gene-alogy, dealing primarily with the family of Moses Wheat (c. 1616-1700) of Concord, Massachusetts. The early generations of his des-—cendants were hisgiven, as far as great-grandsons, four brothersSamuel, Salmon, Benjamin and Solomon. From there Mr. Wheatcarried on only his own direct line from Solomon (died c. 1797).publishIt was his intention to a second volume to cover the otherthree brothers, but after his sudden death in 1922 his valuablemanuscript remained untouched. The present compiler, also ...
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M.L.Gc 929„2 W5605W V.2 1762958 REYNOLDS HISTORICAL GENEALOGY COLLECTION ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY GENEALOGY 929.2 3 1833 01398 5384 W5605W V.2 WHEAT GENEALOGY BY THE LATE SILAS CARMI WHEAT OF BROOKLYN, NEW YORK AND SCRANTONHELEN LOVE DESCENDANTSOF MOSESWHEAT OF CONCORD, MASSACHUSETTS AND OF MARYLANDFRANCIS WHEAT OF 1960 Publishing Co.Shore Line Times ConnecticutGuilford, 1762958 CONTENTS MOSES WHEAT ofMASSACHUSETTS and DESCENDANTS 1 FRANCISWHEAT ofMARYLAND and DESCENDANTS 346 UNPLACED FAMILIES 371 APPENDICES: A: Ancestry (ALLEN) WHEAT 374of JERUSHA B: The Estate of SAMUEL WHEAT (1809-1879) 376 INDEX 377 ABBREVIATIONS USED: d.i. died in infancy; d,y, died young; s.p., sine prole, without issue; bp. baptized; c. about; the plus sign between the name and the person's number indicates that the child is carried to the next generation as a principal. refers Mr. Wheat's book,sew to 1903. PREFACE More than fifty years ago Silas Carmi Wheat published a gene- alogy, dealing primarily with the family of Moses Wheat (c. 1616- 1700) of Concord, Massachusetts. The early generations of his des- —cendants were hisgiven, as far as great-grandsons, four brothers Samuel, Salmon, Benjamin and Solomon. From there Mr. Wheat carried on only his own direct line from Solomon (died c. 1797). publishIt was his intention to a second volume to cover the other three brothers, but after his sudden death in 1922 his valuable manuscript remained untouched. The present compiler, also Wheata descendant, had for years been working on a Wheat genealogy, and finally Mr. Wheat's daughters with wonderful generosity gave her all their father's papers, in the hope that the work might eventually be completed. This is not and cannot pretend to be a finished genealogy, but it appears at this time with the sole thought of saving it from the much unpublished material that is later scattered and lost.fate of so A's nothing had been added to Mr. Wheat's MS between 1922 and 1942 when it was given to me, some families are not carried further the present.than 1922 while others are brought down to In order to avoid duplication the descendants of Solomon in Mr. Wheat's line are not given in detail but reference is made for further information to Vol. I by page. The names of Wheat descendants are in capitals and each has a number, with the possible exception of some who died in infancy or listed under the parents, but when grand-childhood. Children are children and even great-grandchildren follow immediately, the sys- tem of numbering may seem confused, as each generation is taken the indexup separately. However, no difficulty should be found if in the back of the book is consulted. There may be those who do not own Vol. I, Mr. Wheat's book published in 1903 but may wish to do so. A limited number of these remain and a special price is proposed when both volumes are order- ed together. In addition to the family of Moses Wheat of Massachusetts, that of Francis Wheat (born probably between 1690 and 1705) of Maryland is included; no connection them in England has been found, though it may well exist. Francis is thought to have come to this country in 1724, and owned a large plantation on the site of the present city of Washington, D.C. Records of several unplaced families are also included, with the hope that they may eventually find homes in the Wheat field, and quantities of items from books, magazines and newspapers, old and new, have been collected but are too numerous to add here. Since this record is not complete it is hoped that descendants will consider it as a framework only, to be corrected and amplified by them. The compiler welcomes additional information and cor- rections. Helen Love Scranton Mrs. William Dowd Scranton, P. 0. Box 427, Madison, Connecticut. 1960
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