1=^^=t/i=o=>-LIBRARY g?Ienf LIBRARYJroOF THE COURTIERTHE BOOKBALDESARBY COUNTCASTIGLIONE"^^3^^--,J:J*Vli .^9SmU .cn»du^ Dna Awyo ti9iqo3a^uAt'i io VIX-u)x(bnijl'0 »« aoijCASTIGLIONEBALDESARCOUNT OF NOVILLARA1478-1529Reduced from Braun's ofthe in the inphotograph (no. 11.505) portrait Louvre, paintedI afterThe to Charles of1516 by Raphael (1483-1530). original belonged England,whose death it was a Dutch collector and Rubens. Later itbought by copied bybecame the ofCardinal from whose heirs itwas for Louisproperty Mazarin, acquiredXIV of FranceThe medalliononthe is from a made ofatitle-page photograph, specially byMansell, cast,furnished T. Whitcombe ofan medal in his collec-kindly by Greene, Esq., anonymoustion at Chandler's See the late Alfred Armand's Les MidaillturtFord, Hampshire.no. zo.lUiliens, ii, 100,BOOK OF THE COURTIERTHEBY COUNT BALDESARCASTIGLIONE(1528)TRANSLATED FROM THE ITALIANBY LEONARD ECKSTEIN OPDYCKEWITH TWELVE PORTRAITS AND FIFTEEN AUTOGRAPHSNEW YORKCHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS19031901, 1903,Copyright, byLXONABD ECKSTKIN OPDYCKIThe Book of the Courtier was written,at Urbino and at be-partly partly Rome,tween the and 1.S16. and was firstyears 1508at the Aldine in theprinted Press, Venice,month of April, 1528.There have since been more than onepublishedhundred and a list of whicheditions,fortywill be found at of this volume.page 417The first Boscanversion,Spanish by JUANwas issued at Barcelona ...