Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania; genealogy--family history--biography; containing historical sketches of old families and of representative and prominent citizens, past and present








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.f;'^{,•j^jlKV -%t}>'•;>";.Isi<-<'ml,- i 'v:i rI'mm'.801 M. U.£ch8sVol.11153969REYNOLDS HISTORICALGENEALOGY COLLECTION^ALLEN COUNGENEALOGY18333 01203 8755 974.801SCH8Sv.lSCHUYLKILLCOUNTYPENNSYLVANIA— —Genealogy Family History BiographyContaining Historical Sketches of Old Families and ofRepresentative and Prominent CitizensPast and PresentIN TWO VOLUMESILLUSTRATEDVOLUME ICHICAGOJ. H. BEERS & COMPANY1916v06GL10-3 : 3 57 9\,1153969^ PREFACEThe importance of placing in book form biographical history of representa-live citizens—both for its immediate worth and for its value to coming^^generations— admitted by all thinking\Q is people; and within the past decadethere has been a growing interest in this commendable means of perpetuatingbiography familyand genealogy.That the public is entitled to the privileges afforded by a work of thisnature needs no assertion at our hands ; for one of our greatest Americans hassaid that the history of any country resolves itself into the biographies of itsstout, earnest and representative citizens. This medium, then, serves morethan a single purpose while it family genealogy; f>erpetuates and biography, itrecords history, much of which would be preserved in no other way.In presenting its patrons "Schuylkillto County, Pa., Genealogy—FamilyHistory—Biography," the publishers have to acknowledge, with gratitude, theencouragement and support their enterprise has received, and the ...
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.f;' ^{, •j^jlKV - %t}>' •;>";.Is i<-<'ml,- i ' v:i rI' mm '.801 M. U. £ch8s Vol.1 1153969 REYNOLDS HISTORICAL GENEALOGY COLLECTION ^ ALLEN COUN GENEALOGY 18333 01203 8755 974.801 SCH8S v.l SCHUYLKILL COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA — —Genealogy Family History Biography Containing Historical Sketches of Old Families and of Representative and Prominent Citizens Past and Present IN TWO VOLUMES ILLUSTRATED VOLUME I CHICAGO J. H. BEERS & COMPANY 1916 v06GL 10-3 : 3 57 9\, 1153969 ^ PREFACE The importance of placing in book form biographical history of representa- live citizens—both for its immediate worth and for its value to coming^^ generations— admitted by all thinking\Q is people; and within the past decade there has been a growing interest in this commendable means of perpetuating biography familyand genealogy. That the public is entitled to the privileges afforded by a work of this nature needs no assertion at our hands ; for one of our greatest Americans has said that the history of any country resolves itself into the biographies of its stout, earnest and representative citizens. This medium, then, serves more than a single purpose while it family genealogy ; f>erpetuates and biography, it records history, much of which would be preserved in no other way. In presenting its patrons "Schuylkillto County, Pa., Genealogy—Family History—Biography," the publishers have to acknowledge, with gratitude, the encouragement and support their enterprise has received, and the willing assistance rendered in enabling them to surmount the many unforeseen obstacles to be met with in the production of a work of this character. In material composingnearly every instance the the sketches was gathered from those immediately interested, and all were submitted in typewritten form for affording amplecorrection and revision, thus opportunity for accuracy and , \^v reliability. The volumes are placed in the hands of the public with the belief that they will be found a valuable addition to the library, as well as an invaluable contribution to the historical literature of the State of Pennsylvania. THE PUBLISHERS.
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