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Trading portfolio risk management in banking ; Prekybinio portfelio rizikos valdymas banke

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Audrius DZIKEVI ČIUS TRADING PORTFOLIO RISK MANAGEMENT IN BANKING Summary of Doctoral Dissertation Social Sciences, Economics (04S) 1249 Vilnius 2006 VILNIUS GEDIMINAS TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY Audrius DZIKEVI ČIUS TRADING PORTFOLIO RISK MANAGEMENT IN BANKING Summary of Doctoral Dissertation Social Sciences, Economics (04S) Vilnius 2006 Doctoral Dissertation was prepared at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in 2001 – 2005 Scientific Supervisor Prof Dr Habil Romualdas GINEVI ČIUS (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Social Sciences, Economics – 04S) The Dissertation is being defended at the Council of Scientific Field of Economics at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University: Chairman Prof Dr Habil Aleksandras Vytautas RUTKAUSKAS (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Social Sciences, Economics – 04S) Members: Prof Dr Habil Borisas MELNIKAS (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Social Sciences, Economics – 04S) Prof Dr Habil Rimvydas SIMUTIS (Kaunas University of Technology, Technological Sciences, Informatics Engineering – 07T) Prof Dr Habil Algis ŠILEIKA (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Social Sciences, Economics – 04S) Assoc Prof Dr Dalia ŠTREIMIKIEN Ė (Vilnius University, Social Sciences, Economics – 04S) Opponents: Prof Dr Habil Leonas SIMANAUSKAS (Vilnius University,



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Publié le 01 janvier 2006
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    Audrius DZIKEVI Č IUS     TRADING PORTFOLIO RISK MANAGEMENT IN BANKING     Summary of Doctoral Dissertation Social Sciences, Economics (04S)        
VILNIUS GEDIMINAS TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY          Audrius DZIKEVI Č IUS     TRADING PORTFOLIO RISK MANAGEMENT IN BANKING       Summary of Doctoral Dissertation Social Sciences, Economics (04S)      
 Vilnius 2006
Doctoral Dissertation was prepared at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University in 2001  2005  Scientific Supervisor Prof Dr Habil Romualdas GINEVI Č IUS  (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Social Sciences, Economics  04S)  The Dissertation is being defended at the Council of Scientific Field of Economics at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University: Chairman Prof Dr Habil Aleksandras Vytautas RUTKAUSKAS  (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Social Sciences, Economics  04S) Members: Prof Dr Habil Borisas MELNIKAS (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Social Sciences, Economics  04S) Prof Dr Habil Rimvydas SIMUTIS (Kaunas University of Technology, Technological Sciences, Informatics Engineering  07T) Prof Dr Habil Algis ILEIKA (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Social Sciences, Economics  04S) Assoc Prof Dr  Dalia TREIMIKIEN Ė  (Vilnius University, Social Sciences, Economics  04S) Opponents: Prof Dr Habil Leonas SIMANAUSKAS  (Vilnius University, Social Sciences, Economics  04S) Prof Dr Habil Art ū ras KAKLAUSKAS  (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Social Sciences, Economics  04S)  The dissertation will be defended at the public meeting of the Council of Scientific Field of Economics in the Senate Hall of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University at 10 a.m. on 4 April 2006. Address: Saul ė tekio al. 11, LT10223 Vilnius40, Lithuania Tel.: +370 5 274 49 52, +370 5 274 49 56; fax +370 5 270 01 12; email: doktor@adm.vtu.lt  The summary of the doctoral dissertation was distributed on 3 March 2006. A copy of the doctoral dissertation is available for review at the Library of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Saul ė tekio al. 14, Vilnius).  © Audrius Dzikevi č ius, 2006    
VILNIAUS GEDIMINO TECHNIKOS UNIVERSITETAS          Audrius DZIKEVI Č IUS     PREKYBINIO PORTFELIO RIZIKOS VALDYMAS BANKE       Daktaro disertacijos santrauka Socialiniai mokslai, ekonomika (04S)       
 Vilnius 2006
Disertacija rengta 20012005 metais Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitete.  Mokslinis vadovas prof. habil. dr. Romualdas GINEVI Č IUS  (Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, socialiniai mokslai, ekonomika 04S).  Disertacija ginama Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto Ekonomikos mokslo krypties taryboje: Pirmininkas prof. habil. dr. Aleksandras Vytautas RUTKAUSKAS  (Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, socialiniai mokslai, ekonomika  04S). Nariai: prof. habil. dr. Borisas MELNIKAS (Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, socialiniai mokslai, ekonomika  04S), prof. habil. dr. Rimvydas SIMUTIS (Kauno technologijos universitetas, technologijos mokslai, informatikos ininerija  07T), prof. habil. dr. Algis ILEIKA (Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, socialiniai mokslai, ekonomika  04S), doc. dr.  Dalia TREIMIKIEN Ė  (Vilniaus universitetas, socialiniai mokslai, ekonomika  04S). Oponentai: prof. habil. dr. Leonas SIMANAUSKAS  (Vilniaus universitetas, socialiniai mokslai, ekonomika  04S), prof. habil. dr. Art ū ras KAKLAUSKAS  (Vilniaus Gedimino Technikos Universitetas, socialiniai mokslai, ekonomika  04S).  Disertacija bus ginama vieame Ekonomikos mokslo krypties tarybos pos ė dyje 2006 m. balandio 4 d. 10 val. Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto senato pos ė di ų sal ė je. Adresas: Saul ė tekio al. 11, LT10223 Vilnius40, Lietuva. Tel.: +370 5 274 49 52, +370 5 274 49 56; faksas +370 5 270 01 12; el. patas doktor@adm.vtu.lt  Disertacijos santrauka isiuntin ė ta 2006 m. kovo 3 d. Disertacij ą  galima peri ū r ė ti Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universiteto bibliotekoje (Saul ė tekio al. 14, Vilnius). VGTU leidyklos Technika 1249 mokslo literat ū ros knyga.  © Audrius Dzikevi č ius, 2006  
 1. General characteristics of the dissertation   Topicality of the problem . Rapidly changing conditions in performance of financial institutions, increasing volatility and global turnover of financial markets, emerging new financial instruments along with new risk types of financial institutions are stimulating the arising need for the risk management of trading portfolio. This is proved by the fact that the largest financial institutions of the world started to tighten risk management and controlling procedures after a number of financially sound and conservative financial institutions suffered huge losses or even gone bankrupt. As subsequent historical analysis revealed, main reason behind the losses or collapses was the inability to manage market risks of trading portfolios adequately. Trading portfolio risk management becomes more and more important for financial institutions of Lithuania and other Eastern European countries as well, especially for managers of investment and retirement funds investing into foreign financial instruments denominated in other currencies than litas or euro. The topic is very important to central banks and international regulatory bodies seeking financial stability in local and international markets.  The scientific problem . Means adequate to current market conditions are needed for a trading portfolio risk management. More than a decade the concept of Value at Risk had been used as a tool of trading portfolio risk management, but after analysis of the scientific literature was done by the author, it was concluded that this concept is not sufficiently theoretically developed in order it could be straightforward applied to manage trading portfolio of a certain financial institution.  The scientific problem of the dissertation is search of adequacy of the trading portfolio risk management methods and models to the current economic, technological, and informational circumstances of financial institutions. This problem may be researched in different aspects. The dissertation mainly concentrates into the following aspects: i) in scientific papers there is no common opinion regarding choosing and reasoning of estimation method for value at risk as a measure of a trading portfolio risk adequate to a certain conditions and this is relevant aspect of the scientific problem; ii) scientific debates are also actively going on regarding choosing, theoretical reasoning and application of volatility (that directly influences value at risk measure) and covariances adequacy to the market financial instruments return forecasting models; this is also relevant aspect of the scientific problem; iii) discussions regarding theoretical reasoning and application into trading portfolio management process of measures in a single ratio combining financial results and risks taken; besides, it is starting to put efforts towards plugging of modern measures of financial risk such as Value at Risk into riskadjustment methodologies, so a lot of unsolved questions are also in this field. This is also relevant aspect of the scientific problem.
 Research object is trading portfolio risk: estimation methods, forecasting o f volatility and covariance, incorporation of Value at Risk into portfolio management decisions.  Aim and tasks of the work . The main aim  of the dissertation is the following. From one side, in virtue of Value at Risk as a methodology of an aggregated portfolio risk measure, to explore relevant selected problems of trading portfolio risk management such as selection of Value at Risk estimation method, selection of volatility and covariances forecasting method and selection of riskadjustment measure and its application to manage trading portfolio. From the second side, in virtue of research results, to suggest solutions to portfolio risk management problems under investigation.  The following main tasks are raised and worked out in the dissertation: - To define the structure of problems of trading portfolio risk management topic; - To overview results relevant to the research object and directions of scientific researches; - To analyze assumptions behind Value at Risk estimation methods and to highlight their features and possibilities to apply in a certain specific situation for risk management purposes; to determine does the selected method influence the magnitude of VaR and how, if so; - To analyze assumptions behind volatility and covariances forecasting models and to highlight their features and possibilities to apply in a certain specific situation for risk management purposes; to determine does the accuracy of forecasts depend on chosen criterion of accuracy assessment, and how if does; - To analyze assumptions behind riskadjusted measures and to highlight  their features and possibilities to apply in a certain specific situation for risk management purposes.  Research methods . To solve research tasks mentioned above the following knowledge of science fields was used: economics, mathematics, statistics and probability theory, management, etc. In empirical studies real rates of foreign exchanges and their derivatives were used.  Multidisciplinary research methods such as analysis, synthesis, analogy, modeling, extrapolation and verification were used in the studies.  In empirical studies the following specific research methods were used: descriptive statistics, chisquare, KolmogorovSmirnov and ShapiroWilk tests to define whether empirical probability distribution functions are close to normal probability distribution function, correlationdispersion analysis, simulation technology, time series forecasting, error estimation according to statistical and operational criteria, and formulation of statistical conclusions.  Practical results of the research : - Original structure of trading portfolio risk management problems was suggested;
- The original empirical comparative study on Value at Risk estimation methods was done. Valuable practical results were achieved, using which, practical recommendations regarding application of Value at Risk estimation methods were suggested; - The original empirical comparative study on performance of volatility forecasting models was done. Valuable practical results were achieved, using which, practical recommendations regarding application volatility and covariances forecasting models were suggested.  Scientific novelty of the research . The main features of science novelty characteristic to this research are the following: - The comparative study on Value at Risk estimation methods allowed to make important theoretic conclusion that selection of Value at Risk estimation methods depends mostly on characteristics of the portfolio under investigation; theoretic recommendations regarding selection of Value at Risk estimation methods were suggested as well; - The comparative study on performance of volatility forecasting models allowed to make important theoretic conclusion that selection of Value at Risk estimation methods depends on characteristics of the data under investigation and selected criteria for assessment of forecasting accuracy; in the context of risk management, the priority was given to operational rather than statistical accuracy assessment techniques in the context of risk management; - The comparative study on risk adjustment measures allowed making important theoretic conclusion that selection of risk adjustment measures depends mostly on characteristics of the portfolio under investigation; theoretic recommendations regarding selection of risk adjustment measures were suggested as well.   2. Theoretical models, their characterization and improvement   Value at Risk model became very popular in the banking sector, because it has wide possibilities of practical application. Value at Risk (or VaR)  indicates the maximum expected loss over a certain time period under normal market conditions within a specified confidence level  (Jorion, 1996).  It is very important to know how Value at Risk measure to use properly and apply in specific situations. There are known three groups of methods for portfolio Value at Risk estimation (variancecovariance, historical simulation and Monte Carlo simulation), each of them has a number of different versions that are based on different assumptions. A comprehensive theoretical comparative analysis of Value at Risk estimation methods was performed that revealed advantages and disadvantages of each of them, and also possibilities of application in a certain specific situations.
 The decision of choosing the certain approach is influenced mainly by the kind of portfolio for which we wish to estimate Value at Risk.  If the portfolio complies with the underlying assumptions of the Variance Covariance approach, then this approach will be the best for a given portfolio, since applying other approaches to it would not give us more accuracy, but would require more financial, human and time costs.  So concluding there is no the best approach suitable for all possible situations, the decision to choose a specific model s determined mainly by the characteristics of data, length of historical data set and available technical facilities to perform necessary calculations.  The author worked out recommendations regarding selection of Value at Risk estimation approach.  In the second chapter volatility and covariances forecasting models were overviewed and theoretical comparative analysis of main volatility and covariances forecasting models  Bank for International Settings (BIS), Exponentially Weighted Moving Average (EWMA), and GARCH (1,1)  presented. The comparative analysis was performed using the following criteria: - Volatility/covariances change in time;  - Response speed to changes in the market; - Meanreversion.  Three main volatility and covariances forecasting models were compared  BIS, EWMA and GARCH (1,1).  From the comparative analysis of the three forecasting models it was concluded that BIS and EWMA models are traditional time series average forecasting models so we may assume that they should forecast averages of Value at Risk well, but financial analysts are concentrated on deviations from the mean rather that mean, so in this situation GARCH (1,1) model should be superior to other two models.  In the third chapter risk adjustment concept and risk adjustment measures were introduced, the results of comparative analysis of them described. Management of financial institutions and their shareholders seek to see real picture of achieved financial results, because it is important what risks bearing were or will be achieved certain financial results. Financial results and risks taken are being combined through the concept of risk adjustment.  The author suggested recommendations regarding selection of appropriate risk adjustment technique and developed the possibilities of the generalized Sharpe rule, expressed in Value at Risk form, for application for portfolio management decisions and capital allocation among structural units of the bank.   3. Empirical studies   Three original empirical studies are presented in the dissertation.
 The aim of the first empirical study was to perform a comparative study of three main Value at Risk estimation approaches  VarianceCovariance approach, Historical simulation and Monte Carlo simulation  and to determine their features and to suggest recommendations for financial analysts.  Scientific novelty of this empirical study is in the following aspects: - All three main Value at Risk approaches are being compared  Variancecovariance, Historical simulation and Monte Carlo simulation; - Real trading portfolio consisting of spot foreign exchange contracts was used in the study; - The dependence between results of Monte Carlo simulation and the number of iterations used is studied.  Data. Daily real exchange rates of EU euro (EUR) and pounds of Great Britain (GBP) expressed in dollars of the U.S. were collected for the empirical analysis.  Daily data covers the period from 5 May 2000 through 8 July 2002, i.e. 600 observations.  Methodology. We constitute a trading portfolio of the two exchanges under consideration using an assumption that the weights of both exchanges in the portfolio are equal. Also we made an assumption that the value of a trading portfolio on July 8, 2002 is equal to MUSD 1.  Using the data and three VaR estimation approaches we calculate VaRs for 9 July 2002.  All necessary calculations were performed using MS Excel 2002 spreadsheet software.  With each one of the approaches VaR has been calculated for the different parameters: 9  Confidence levels specifically for 99 %, 97.5 % and 95 %. 9  Time periods: one day, one week (5 trading days), two weeks (10 trading days) and one month (20 trading days).  Moving from one time period to the other we use the square root of time rule t , where t is the number of trading days.  Regarding the VarianceCovariance approach, first of all standard deviations of selected foreign exchanges log returns were calculated ( σ EUR = 0.3 %, σ GBP  = 0.2 %), correlation matrix  with single correlation coefficient ( ρ  = 0.607), weighted standard deviations ( σ EUR = 0.15 %, σ GBP  = 0.11 %). And finally, the standard deviation of the trading portfolio ( σ p = 0.23 %) and Value at Risk were calculated.  In Historical simulation case, VaRs were calculated from the histogram of daily profits and losses.  Regarding Monte Carlo simulation two series of random values Y EUR  and Y GBP  were generated that were distributed according to normal distribution with 9
real averages and standard deviations inferred from series of logarithmic changes in exchange rates.  Then, using Cholesky decomposition , two series of correlated random variables Z EUR and Z GBP were calculated:  Z EUR = Y EUR , Z GBP = Y EUR  ρ + Y GBP (1 ρ 2 ) 0,5  ,   where ρ  is a correlation coefficient between foreign exchange rates under consideration.  Finally, using weights the profits and losses on the trading portfolio were calculated. From the histogram of profits and losses of the trading portfolio using specified parameters and VaRs were calculated.  Also, the relationship between VaRs calculated using Monte Carlo simulation and the number of iterations used was investigated. For this reason the following numbers of iterations were used: 100, 1000, 10000, and 30000.  Results. In Table 1 empirical study results are presented. The layout of the table is explained below. By VC we mean the VarianceCovariance approach (Assetsnormal version), by HS we mean Historical simulation, and finally, by MCM we mean Monte Carlo simulation. Monte Carlo simulation results correspond in this order to the different number of iterations used in the simulation: 30000, 10000, 1000 and 100.  Table 1. VaR empirical estimation, July 9, 2002 (in thousands of US dollars)  Confidence level 99 % 97.5 % 95 % Method Method Method VC HS MCS VC HS MCS VC HS MCS  29.20 24.45 20.56  29.81 24.43 20.34 20 23.97 32.98 27.32 20.16 27.28 23.81 16.97 23.48 20.02 18.77 17.12 16.34 20.65 17.29 14.54 21.08 17.27 14.38 10 16.95 23.32 19.32 14.26 19.29 16.84 12.00 16.60 14.16 13.28 12.11 11.55 14.60 12.22 10.28 14.90 12.21 10.17 9 10.08 13.64 8.49 11.74 5 11.98 16.4 13.66 11.9 10.01 9.39 8.56 8.17 6.53 5.47 4.60 6.66 5.46 4.55 1 5.36 7.38 6.11 4.51 6.10 5.32 3.80 5.25 4.48 4.20 3.83 3.65 10
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