Origin of the nitrogen assimilated by soil fauna living in decomposing beech litter









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In: Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 2004, 36 (11), pp.1861-1872. We investigated the nitrogen source for main taxa of soil fauna in two beech forests of contrasted humus type using N-15-labelled beech litter and N-15 analysis of soil fauna. N-15-labelled beech litter was deposited on the topsoil in December 2000 in four stands of different ages at Leinefelde (Germany) with mull humus and in one mature stand at Sorphi (Denmark) with moder humus. The fate of the tracer isotope was measured in litter and soil, as well as in the soil fauna, and for each taxa, we calculated the proportion of N in the animal derived from the labelled substrate. Of the original N contained in the litter, 20-41% was lost after 9 months at Leinefelde, and only 10% at Sorphi. This loss was counterbalanced by the incorporation of 24-31% external N at Leinefelde, and 31% at Sorphi, partly originating from fungal colonisation of the added litter. The proportion of N assimilated from the labelled litter by the different soil animals varied in relation to their mobility and feeding preferences. Large and mobile soil animals, especially predators, derived on average less N-15 because they were also able to feed outside the labelled litter boxes. Detritivores assimilated at most 15% of their nitrogen content at Leinefelde and 11% at Sorphi from the decomposing labelled litter. The most labelled taxa at Leinefelde were small fungivorous and coprophagous species, mainly isotomid Collembola such as Isotomiella and Folsomia. At Sorphi, best labelled taxa were saprophagous species such as Enchytraeidae, Glomeridae and Phthiracaroidea. These low rates of N-15 assimilation indicate that fresh litter is not directly the main N source for soil animals. The results obtained suggest that soil fauna fed preferentially upon microorganisms colonising the litter at Leinefelde (mull) and from litter itself at Sorphi (moder).
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25 avril 2017



Origin of the nitrogen assimilated by soil fauna living in decomposing beech
a, a a b c a Laurent Caner *, Bernd Zeller , Etienne Dambrine , Jean-François Ponge , Matthieu Chauvat , Curmi Llanque
a INRA Centre de Nancy, Biogéochimie des Ecosystèmes Forestiers, 54280 Seichamps, France
b Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, CNRS UMR 8571, 91800 Brunoy, France
c Departement of Animal Ecology, Justus Liebig University, 35392 Giessen, Germany
We investigated the nitrogen source for main taxa of soil fauna in two beech forests of contrasted
15 15 15 humus type using N-labelled beech litter and N analysis of soil fauna. N-labelled beech litter was deposited
on the topsoil in December 2000 in four stands of different ages at Leinefelde (Germany) with mull humus a nd
in one mature stand at Sorø (Denmark) with moder humus. The fate of the tracer isotope was measured in litter
and soil, as well as in the soil fauna, and for each taxa, we calculated the proportion of N in the animal derived
from the labelled substrate. Of the original N contained in the litter, 20% to 41% was lost after 9 months at
Leinefelde, and only 10% at Sorø. This loss was counterbalanced by the incorporation of 24% to 31% external N
at Leinefelde, and 31% at Sorø, partly originating from fungal colonisation of the added litter. The proportion of
N assimilated from the labelled litter by the different soil animals varied in relation to their mobility and feeding
15 preferences. Large and mobile soil animals, especially predators, derived on average less N because they were
also able to feed outside the labelled litter boxes. Detritivores assimilated at most 15% of their nitrogen content
at Leinefelde and 11% at Sorø from the decomposing labelled litter. The most labelled taxa at Leinefelde were
small fungivorous and coprophagous species, mainly isotomid Collembola such asIsotomiellaandFolsomia. At
Sorø, best labelled taxa were saprophagous species such as Enchytraeidae, Glomeridae and Phthiracaroidea.
* Corresponding author. Address: Université de Poitiers, UMR, CNRS 6532 HydrASA 40, avenue du Recteur Pineau, 86022 Poitiers Cedex, France.E-Mail address:laurent.caner@hydrasa.univ-poitiers.fr(L. Caner).
15 These low rates of N assimilation indicate that fresh litter is not directly the main N source for soil animals.
The results obtained suggest that soil fauna fed preferentially upon microorganisms colonising the litter at
Leinefelde (mull) and from litter itself at Sorø (moder).
15 Keywords:tracing; Litter; Soil fauna; Detritivores; Predators N
1. Introduction
Food selection by soil fauna is generally investigated by morphological evidence of tissue degradation
and gut content observations in the field and in chamber experiments (Whittaker, 1981; Behan Pelletier and Hill,
1983; Verhoef et al., 1988; Saur and Ponge, 1988; Ponge, 1991a; Klironomos et al., 1992), as well as by choice
experiments (Visser and Whittaker, 1977; Shaw, 1988; Stöckli, 1990; Hendriksen, 1990). These investigations,
although long and difficult, provide most reliable indications about the different ingested material. However,
they do not imply that nutrients (C, N) contained in the ingested diet are effectively assimilated by the animals.
For instance, most of the N in beech litter is incorporated in polyphenol-protein compounds (Berthelin et al.,
This N form is not readily available to many microorganisms and invertebrates. These difficulties might
13 15 be resolved using nutrient tracers such as stable isotopes ( C, N) which assess the long-term assimilated
13 15 nutrients. Variation of nitrogen stable isotope ratios (δC,δN) in soil animals recently appeared as a new and
easy tool to analyse the long-term dietary preferences and the trophic position of soil animals along food chains,
15 because theδN of predators is about 3‰ higher than that of herbivore or detritivore species (Minagawa and
Wada, 1984; Peterson and Fry, 1987; Schmidt et al., 1997; Neilson et al., 2000; Ponsard and Arditi, 2000; Scheu
and Falca, 2000; Oelbermann and Scheu, 2002).
15 Because large variations inδN occur within each trophic level, Ponsard and Arditi (2000) and Scheu
and Falca (2000) suggested that there were continuous gradients from primary to secondary decomposers, and
from predators feeding predominantly on primary to predators feeding predominantly upon secondary
decomposers (Scheu, 2002) rather than a theoretical trophic chain. However, results should be interpreted
15 carefully, asδN may vary with age of soil fauna (Owens, 1987; Ponsard and Averbuch, 1999; Adams and
Sterner, 2000; Oelbermann and Scheu, 2002) and quality of the prey (Oelbermann and Scheu, 2002) and are site -
specific (Neilson et al., 2000).
Food diets and prey-predator relationships may also be studied using stable isotope labelling. Briones et
13 al. (1999) used substrates differing in their quality and theirδC to investigate the relative contribution of
mixtures of different substrates to animal nutrition.
15 In a coniferous forest with moder humus, Setälä and Aarnio (2002), using soil N-labelling, showed
that: (1) animals collected in surface litter layer (L layer) fed principally in this layer; (2) large and mobile fauna
collected in F and H layers fed predominantly in the L layer; and (3) small sedentary taxa from F and H layers
fed mostly in the layer in which they were collected. These results imply that foodwebs in moder humus were
vertically stratified with little exchange between horizons, as suggested by Ponge (1999).
Based on these studies, we explored the combination of both natural isotope variation and isotopic
labelling to get insight into the functional role of the soil fauna. This approach was applied to two beech forests
differing in their humus form.
15 For this purpose, N-labelled beech litter was deposited in December 2000 at two sites. We chose a
chronosequence of four beech stands with mull humus at Leinefelde (Germany) and an old beech forest with
moder humus at Sorø (Denmark). The biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nutrients at these two sites are
intensively studied in the context of several European projects (FORCAST, 2000). After 9 months (September
2001), the fate of the tracer isotope was measured in litter and soil, as well as in soil animals. In parallel, natural
15 15 N isotope variations in the soil fauna were measured. For each taxon, we calculated the proportion of N in the
animal that was derived from the labelled substrate. Species were then ranked by the percentage of assimilated
N, which was related to their mobility and their involvement in litter decomposition and N mineralisation.
2. Material and methods
2.1. Site description
The study was carried out in two beech (Fagus sylvaticaL.) forests with contrasting humus types, the
Leinefelde forest in Germany, and the Sorø forest in Denmark.
The site of Leinefelde, Thueringen (Germany), located 51°23’ N; 10°19’ E at an altitude of 200 m, is
comprised of 4 adjacent beech stands of increasing age: 40 y (L-1), 70 y (L-2), 120 y (L-3) and 150 y (L-4). The
parent material is limestone with loess deposit of varying depth. Soils vary over a short distance between loamy-
clay Eutric Cambisols on limestone to loamy to clay-loamy Luvisols (FAO classification) on loess, presenting
features of hydromorphy at 6070 cm soil depth. The humus form is always a Mull. The L layer is spotted with
many earthworms’ casts. Soil pH in the A1horizon varies in the range 6 to 7 (Mund, personal communication),
depending on the depth of the loess cover.
The site of Sorø, located 55°29' N; 11°38' E at an altitude of 20 m, is an almost pure beech stand 100 y
old. Soil is a sandy-loamy Dystric Cambisol (FAO classification), with a moder humus with well-developed L, F
and H layers. A more detailed description of the sites can be found in FORCAST (2000).
15 2.2. N-labelled litter field experiment
15 N-labelled senescent leaves were picked off at the end of November 1997 and 1998 from 12-year-old
15 beech trees formerly enriched by spraying N-labelled urea on their foliage (Zeller et al., 1998). The litter
collected each year was air-dried; thoroughly mixed (12 kg) and 10 samples were analysed for N content and
15 δN. The nutrient content of the labelled litter was close to that of the natural litter of the sites. The litter
15 produced in the year 1997 with aδN of 2580‰ was deposited at sites L-2 and L-3 and at Sorø, that collected in
15 the year 1998, with aδN of 1234‰, was deposited at sites L-1 and L-4 (Table 1). The initial N concentration in
the labelled litter was 1.1% N, about 10% of the total N was water-soluble.
15 Eighteen grams of N-labelled litter were introduced in plastic boxes (25 x 25 x 2.5 cm length x width
x height) closed with a 5 mm mesh size plastic net in order to allow almost all soil invertebrates to enter and free
-2 drainage. The nets were fixed at the bottom and at the top of each box. This amount (290 g m ) represented
about 3/4 of the annual litterfall in the studied forests (FORCAST, 2000). In December 2000, after main
2 litterfall, 80 litter boxes (5 m ) were deposited at each stand in two parallel lines. Each line was 50 cm wide (two
adjacent boxes) and 5 m long (20 adjacent boxes). The two lines were 1 m apart. The existing fresh L layer was
15 carefully removed from the plot surface before deposition of the N-labelled litter. At each site, 6 litter boxes
were randomly collected in June 2001 for litter decomposition studies and in September 2001 for soil fauna and
litter decomposition studies. The litter layer below the boxes (Lv layer) at Leinefelde and the F and H layers at
Sorø, as well as 2 soil cores (8 cm diameter) of the 0-5 cm topsoil were collected in the field. 6 litter samples and
15 6 soil cores were also collected outside the labelled litter area at Leinefelde to study the naturalδN of soil
2.3. Mass loss and N dynamics
Collected litter samples were carefully cleaned from adhering soil particles and plant residues, dried at
15 65°C to constant mass, weighed and ground in a ball mill before chemical analyses. N content and N isotopic
abundance were measured. In this experiment we did not measure the input of particles into the boxes. But no
fresh litter from the stands was deposited on the labelled litter boxes during the time of the experiment
(December 2000 until September 2001). In June 2002, about 200500 µg white fungal hyphae were collected at
the surface of decaying leaves at L-1 and L-2 sites and at Sorø.
2.4. Soil fauna studies
The soil mesofauna (Collembola, Oribatida, Gamasida and Enchytraeidae) and macrofauna (Diplopoda,
15 Chilopoda, Isopoda, Araneae and Lumbicidae) were extracted from N-labelled litter boxes, underlying litter
layers and the 0-5 cm topsoil as well as from unlabelled samples (litter, 0-5 cm topsoil).
Animals were extracted using a two-step procedure:
(1)Enchytraeids were first extracted by the wet funnel method (O’Connor, 1955) then preserved in 95 %
(2)Remaining samples were then transferred to a funnel closed by a 1.5 mm mesh size wire net.
Arthropods (including macrofauna) and Lumbricidae were extracted by heat (Macfadyen, 1962) for 10
days. Soil fauna was collected in ethylene glycol then transferred to 95% ethanol after the extraction
was completed. Storage for a short period in ethylene glycol, and for longer periods in ethanol had little
15 effect on theN of soil arthropods (Fabiàn, 1998; Ponsard and Amlou, 1999).
Earthworms were also collected in the field when removing the litter boxes. Species extracted were
Lumbricus(juveniles), sp. Allolobophorarosea,Aporectodeacaliginosa at Leinefelde andLumbricus sp.
(juveniles),Lumbricuscastaneus,Lumbricusrubellus,and DendrobaenaoctaedraatSorø.
Soil animals were separated under a dissecting microscope and determined to the genus or to the family
level for Collembola, to the superfamily level for Oribatida and Gamasida, to the family level for Diplopoda and
to the order level for Chilopoda, Isopoda and Araneae. This level of determination allowed separation of animals
following a priori feeding preferences (fungivorous, coprophagous, saprophagous, herbifungivorous (pollen,
micro-algae and fungal spores) within the decomposer compartment, and predators (Gunn and Cherrett, 1993;
Walter and Proctor, 1999; Haq, 1981; Luxton, 1979; Behan and Hill, 1978; Poole, 1959). A list of the taxa
analysed with their feeding preferences is given in the Appendix. Small microarthropods were transferred to tin
capsules by pipetting them into ethanol then the alcohol was evaporated at 50°C. Large animals were dried at
50°C, ground in a ball mill then the powder was weighed in tin capsules. Capsules were stored in a desiccator
15 until N analysis.
Fungal hyphae colonising the decomposing litter collected on June 2002 were sorted under a dissecting
15 microscope, manually cleaned with distilled water to remove adhering litter and soil and their N content was
15 2.5. N analysis
15 N contents of litter, soil and animals were measured by an elemental analyser (Carlo Erba, NA1500-
NC, Milano, Italy) coupled with a gas isotope mass spectrometer (Finnigan, delta-S, Bremen, Germany) by
15 15 continuous flow (EA-CF-IRMS). N abundance is expressed asδN units relative to atmospheric N2 as
standard, according to the formula:
15 15 14 δN (‰) = [(Rsample/RSTDratio.N/ N ) - 1] x 1000, where R is the
15 An internal standard (labelled beech litter powder) of known isotopic composition (δN = 50‰) was
measured after each batch of twelve samples, and used as a working standard to calibrate the mass spectrometer
15 for labelled samples. Reliable measures ofδN for soil fauna were obtained for samples containing more than
10 µg N, thus we grouped smallest animals to obtain 10-100 µg N. As the N content of the fauna is close to 10%,
samples of 10 to 50 (depending on their size) microarthropods (Collembola, Oribatida, Gamasida and
Uropodida) were needed for analyses. The animals extracted from the six replicates were bulked and three sub-
samples were made when possible for isotopic analysis. For larger animals, 200-500 µg were weighed and
replicates corresponded to individuals or groups of 2-3 individuals.
Gut contents of large earthworms were removed by the filter paper method (Dalby et al., 1996) and after
dissection. For small animals, as their whole body was used for isotopic analysis, the presence of non-
15 assimilated N-labelled litter in the digestive tract may have caused a bias by artificially increasing the labelling
rate of the animals.
15 The isotopic excess of detritivores and predators was calculated by subtracting the mean naturalN
15 value of the same animals collected in non-labelled areas (δNna). At Leinefelde we used the natural abundance
15 of animals from the L-2 stand. At Sorø we used the naturalδN values of the soil fauna previously studied at the
site of Fougères (France), a beech forest stand with a moder humus similar to that of Sorø.
15 The proportion of litter-derived N in detritivores was calculated as the ratio of the animal isotopic
15 excess to the mean N content of the enriched litter, before deposition in the field (December 2000) and at the
time of collection (September 2001) for both Leinefelde and Sorø using the following equation:
15 15 δN detritivoreδNna detritivore Assimilated N by detritivores 100(%) 15 15 δN depositedlitterδN collectedlitter
15 15 15 whereδN detritivore being theδN of the animals collected in the labelled litter boxes andδNna detritivore
15 being the naturalδN of the animals collected in the non-labelled area.
15 15 For predators we calculated the proportion of litter-derived N, and the proportion of prey-derived N
using mean values of micro-detritivores (Collembola, Oribatida), for micropredators (Gamasida, Uropodida and
and the mean value of all detritivores for macropredators
Geophilomorpha, Araneae) using these equations:
15 15 δN micropredatorδNna micropredator Assimilated N by micropredators 100(%) 15 meanδmicrodetritivoresN of
15 15 δN macropredatorδNna macropredator Assimilated N by macropredators 100(%) 15 meanδdetritivoresN of
The proportion of litter-derived nitrogen for the different soil taxa was analysed by two-way analysis of
variance using the SAS General Linear Model (SAS Institute, 1995). Contrasts were employed for each taxon to
test differences according to stand age and soil depth.
3. Results
3.1. Litter decomposition
3.1.1. Leinefelde
Within nine months, beech litter had lost between 27% (L-1, L-2 and L-3) and 23% (L-4) of its original
weight while the total N content slightly decreased (10%, L-1), remained almost stable (L-2 and L-3), or
increased (7%, L-4) compared to the original amount (Table 2).
Of the original N contained in the litter, 41% was lost at L-1, and about 20% at L-2, L-3 and L-4. This
output was counterbalanced by the incorporation of 31% (L-1), 24% (L-2, L-3) and 27% (L-4) external N,
respectively (Table 2).
3.1.2. Sorø
Within nine months, beech litter had lost about 28% of its original weight while its total N content
increased (20%) compared to the original amount (Table 2).
Of the original N contained in the litter, 10.3% was lost. This output was counterbalanced by the
incorporation of 31% of external N (Table 2).
15 As a consequence from this release of labelled litter N, theδN in the Lv and F layer switched from
15 negative to positive values (Table 1). At Leinefelde the increase in soilδN varied from 3.3 ‰ at L-4 to 9.7‰ at
L-3 after nine months of litter decomposition.
15 3.2.δN of soil fauna
15 Table 3 gives the natural isotopic abundance฀ ฀δN) of the different animal communities at the L-2
site. Values for detritivores ranged from–3.1‰ (Lumbricusspp.juv) to 0.00‰ (Isopoda) with a mean of –1.9‰
15 (S.E. = 0.3, n= 32) for all detritivores. Predator N varied between 1.2‰ (Lithobiomorpha) to 4.2 ‰
(Coleoptera) with a mean of 2.3 (S.E.= 0.2, n= 38). (Fig. 1).
15 In comparison to theδN of the litter initially deposited (2580‰) and of the litter partly decomposed
15 after nine months (1983‰),δN values measured in the fauna extracted from labelled litter boxes at site L-2
were: Lepidocyrtus: 236 to 282‰,Folsomia240 to 257‰,Pogonognathellus82 to 229‰, Nothroidea 67 to
126‰, Glomeridae 1 to 287‰, Parasitidae 82 to 196‰, Lithobiomorpha –1.4 to 13.0‰, Geophilomorpha –1 to
78‰, Araneae 3.3 to 31.6‰ (Table 3).
Measurements made on single large animals (Pogonognathellus, Lithobiomorpha, Geophilomorpha,
and Diplopoda) showed large inter-individual variation, whereas bulk samples of small animals (Folsomia,
Lepidocyrtus, Oribatid and Gamasid mites) presented smaller variation.
15 These results point out for almost all soil animals N contents larger than in the non-labelled area
(background), implying that they ingested labelled litter or microorganisms feeding on labelled litter, and
15 assimilated its heavy isotope nitrogen. The difference between the natural abundance and the N content in the
labelled litter boxes gives an estimate of the proportion of animal N derived from litter.
3.3. Proportion of N originating from labelled litter
3.3.1. Leinefelde
15 Hyphae of white-rot fungi isolated from decaying litter in June 2002 were variably enriched in N.
They had derived on average 14.0% (S.E.= 3.9, n= 4) of their nitrogen from decomposing labelled litter (Fig. 2).
Faunal communities extracted from litter boxes at the four sites were largely similar, as observed
outside litter boxes. However, some taxa, such as Neanuridae,Pseudosinella,Pogonognathellus,Sminthurinus,
Isotomiella,Entomobrya,Achipteria, Uropodidae, Isopoda, Julidae, Geophilomorpha, were not extracted from
all age classes of the chronosequence.
The proportion of N derived from labelled litter ranged from 0 to 15% in the different taxa (Fig. 2). The
age of the beech stand had no effect on the proportion of N originating from litter (p > 0.05) for most soil fauna
extracted from litter boxes, except for Glomeridae (p = 0.006), Enchytraeidae (p = 0.003), Julidae (p = 0.015)
andEniochthonius(p < 0.001) which derived more N from litter in the younger stand (L-1) compared to others.
In the litter under the boxes the proportion of N originating from the labelled litter in the taxaFolsomia,
Eniochthonius, Onychiuridae and Uropodidae was larger in the younger stands (L-1 and / or L-2) compared to
older ones, but inter-individual variation was large.
15 Soil fauna of the four stands (decomposers then predators) were ranked according to the amount of N
assimilated from labelled litter into litter boxes (Fig. 2). Three groups of decomposers and two groups of
predators were separated:
(1)Taxa having derived more than 10% of their N from labelled litter:
15 The soil animals that were the most enriched in N were mainly small fungivorous (Eupodidae:14.6%;
Pseudosinella: 13.3%),coprophagous (Isotomiella: 15.1%;Folsomia: 11.4%) and herbifungivorous grazers
(Sminthurinus: 13.3%).
When extracted from the litter under the boxes these animals derived less than 3% of their N from the
above labelled litter.
(2)Taxa having derived 5-10% of their N from labelled litter:
These taxa were mostly saprophagous of variable size (Eniochthonius:8.1%,Glomeridae: 8.0%,
Enchytraeidae:7.1% and Phthiracaroidea: 6.9%); fungivorous and herbifungivorous (Lepidocyrtus:9.3%) and
small litter browsers and suckers (Neanuridae: 9.1%)
When extracted from the litter layer under the boxes, these taxa had derived less than 3% of their N
from the above labelled litter.
(3)Taxa having derived 1-5% of their N from labelled litter:
These soil animals were saprophagous Oribatida (Nothroidea: 4.7%, Belboidea; 4.2%,Achipteria:
4.1%), large saprophagous (Julidae: 3.8 %, Isopoda: 3.2%, andLumbricidae: 1.2%), and herbifungivorous
Collembola (Entomobrya: 2.8 %,Pogonognathellus: 3.8%) and Uropodidae (4.1%).
When extracted from the underlying Lv layer, these taxa had derived 0.1% (Belboidea, Julidae,
Pogonognathellus) to 2.5% (Achipteria) of their N from the above labelled litter.
Micro-predator taxa (Trachytes) derived between 3% to 8% of their N from labelled litter (Fig. 2).
When related to the mean labelling level of micro-detritivores (their prey), micro-predators derived between 40%
and 101% of their nitrogen from the prey available in the litter boxes (Table 3). Values larger than 100% are due
to the fact thatTrachytesfed on prey more labelled than average.
Macro-predator taxa derived less than 2% of their N from labelled litter. When related to the mean label
of detritivores, macro-predators derived between 15% and 22% of their nitrogen from the prey available in the
litter boxes (Table 3).
15 Predators extracted from the decayed litter below the boxes assimilated less N but the difference was
not significant (p>0.05).
In the 0-5 cm topsoil, detritivores and micro-predators derived a low proportion of their N from labelled
litter (Collembola 1.3%, Glomeridae 1.1%, Isopoda 1.1%, Oribatida 1.0%, Enchytraeidae 0.4%, Julidae 0%,
Gamasida 1.5%). For macro-predators extracted from the 0-5cm topsoil the values were close to that obtained
for animals collected in the litter boxes (Lithobiomorpha 2.9%, Geophilomorpha 0.9%).
15 In comparison, the Lv litter layer presentedδN values of less than 10‰ (between 0.5‰ at L-4 and
15 8.1‰ at L-3) and the 0-5 cm topsoil of less than of less than 5‰. Thus these horizonswithδN lower than that
15 of the soil fauna provided low amounts of N to the soil animals (Table 1).
3.3.2. Sorø
Hyphae of white-rot fungi isolated from decaying litter in the boxes collected in June 2002 had derived
on average 9.3% (S.E. = 0.16, n=3) of their nitrogen from decomposing litter (Fig. 3).
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