27 pages

Lietuvos vietos valdžios atstovų vertybinių orientacijų dinamika 1991-2001 ; The dynamics of the value orientations of the lithuanian local government‘ representatives in 1991-2001


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KAUNAS UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY INSTITUTE FOR SOCIAL RESEARCH Svajonė Mik ėnien ė THE DYNAMICS OF THE VALUE ORIENTATIONS OF THE LITHUANIAN LOCAL GOVERNMENT‘ REPRESENTATIVES IN 1991-2001 Summary of Doctoral Dissertation Social Sciences, Sociology (05 S) KAUNAS 2004 The research was accomplished in 1999-2003 at Kaunas University of Technology, Department of Sociology. Academic supervisor: Prof. Dr. Habil. Arvydas Virgilijus MATULIONIS (Institute for Social Research, Social Sciences, Sociology, 05S). Council of Sociology trend: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vladas GAIDYS (Institute for Social Research, Social Sciences, Sociology, 05S); Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irena JUOZELI ŪNIEN Ė (Vilnius University, Social Sciences, Sociology, 05 S); Assor. Jolanta KUZNECOVIEN Ė (Vytautas Magnus University, Social Sciences, Sociology, 05S); Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irmina MATONYT Ė (Institute for Social Research, Social Sciences, Sociology, 05S); Assoc. Prof. Dr. Leonardas RINKEVI ČIUS (Kaunas University of Technology, Social Sciences, Sociology, 05S). – chairman. Official opponents: Prof. Dr. Habil. Romualdas GRIGAS (Vilnius Pedagogical University, Social Sciences, Sociology, 05S); Prof. Dr. Algis KRUPAVI ČIUS (Kaunas University of Technology, Social Sciences, Sociology, 05S). The official defense of the dissertation will be held at 2 p.m.



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Publié le 01 janvier 2005
Nombre de lectures 13
Langue English


The research was accomplished in 1999-2003 at Kaunas University of Technology, Department of Sociology.  Academic supervisor: Prof. Dr. Habil. Arvydas Virgilijus MATULIONIS(Institute for Social Research, Social Sciences, Sociology, 05S).   Council of Sociology trend:  Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vladas GAIDYS(Institute for Social Research, Social Sciences, Sociology, 05S); Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irena JUOZELIŪNIENĖ (Vilnius University, Social Sciences, Sociology, 05 S); Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jolanta KUZNECOVIENĖ (Vytautas Magnus University, Social Sciences, Sociology, 05S); Assoc. Prof. Dr. Irmina MATONYTĖ for Social Research, Social (Institute Sciences, Sociology, 05S); Assoc. Prof. Dr. Leonardas RINKEVIČIUS University of (Kaunas Technology, Social Sciences, Sociology, 05S). –chairman.  Official opponents:  Prof. Dr. Habil. Romualdas GRIGAS Pedagogical University, (Vilnius Social Sciences, Sociology, 05S); Prof. Dr. Algis KRUPAVIČIUS (Kaunas University of Technology, Social Sciences, Sociology, 05S).   The official defense of the dissertation will be held at 2 p.m. September 3, 2004 at the public session of the Council of Sociology trend in the Rectorate Hall (K.Donelaičio g. 73, room No. 402) of Kaunas University of Technology.  Address: K. Donelaičio g. 73, LT – 44029 Kaunas, Lithuania. Tel.: (370) 37 30 00 42, fax: (370) 37 32 41 44; e-mail:mok.gr@amd.ktu.lt  The sending – out date of the summary of the Dissertation is on 7 July, 2004.  Dissertation is available at the libraries of Kaunas University of Technology and the Institute for Social Research.     
KAUNO TECHNOLOGIJOS UNIVERSITETAS SOCIALINIŲTYRIMŲINSTITUTAS    SvajonėMikėnienė        LIETUVOS VIETOS VALDŽIOS ATSTOVŲVERTYBINIŲ  ORIENTACIJŲDINAMIKA 1991-2001    Daktaro disertacijos santrauka Socialiniai mokslai, sociologija (05 S)              KAUNAS 2004    
Disertacija rengta 1999-2003 metais Kauno technologijos universiteto Socialiniųmokslųfakultete, Sociologijos katedroje.  Mokslinis vadovas:  Prof. habil. dr. Arvydas Virgilijus MATULIONIS(Socialinių tyrimų institutas, socialiniai mokslai, sociologija, 05S).   Sociologijos mokslo krypties taryba:  Doc. dr. Vladas GAIDYS(Socialinių tyrimų institutas, socialiniai mokslai, sociologija, 05S); Doc. dr. Irena JUOZELIŪNIENĖ(Vilniaus universitetas, socialiniai mokslai, sociologija, 05S); Doc. dr. Jolanta KUZNECOVIENĖ Didžiojo Universitetas, (Vytauto socialiniai mokslai, sociologija, 05S); Doc. dr. Irmina MATONYTĖ (Socialinių tyrimų socialiniai institutas, mokslai, sociologija, 05S); Doc. dr. Leonardas RINKEVIČIUS (Kauno technologijos universitetas, socialiniai mokslai, sociologija, 05S) –pirmininkas.   Oficialieji oponentai:  Prof. habil. dr. Romualdas GRIGAS(Vilniaus pedagoginis universitetas, socialiniai mokslai, sociologija, 05S); Prof. dr. Algis KRUPAVIČIUS (Kauno technologijos universitetas, socialiniai mokslai, sociologija, 05S).  Disertacija bus ginama 2004 m. rugsėjo 3 d. 14 val. viešajame Sociologijos mokslo krypties tarybos posėdyje, kurisįvyks Kauno technologijos universitete, Rektorato salėje (K.Donelaičio g. 73- 402, Kaunas).  Adresas: K. Donelaičio g. 73, LT-44029, Kaunas, Lietuva. Tel.: (370) 37 30 00 42, fax: (370) 37 32 41 44; e-mail:mok.gr@amd.ktu.lt  Disertacijos santrauka išsiųsta 2004 m. liepos 7 d.  Su disertacija galima susipažinti Kauno technologijos universiteto ir Socialinių tyrimųinstituto bibliotekose.  
  Introduction  More than a decade ago, in Lithuania as well as in all Eastern and Central Europe the processes of post-communist transformation to the democratic regime have begun. The Soviet-type political, administrational, production and distribution structures have been replaced by modern democratic structures. The councils that represent the local communities replaced the soviet-type councils on the level of local government; there were established new relationships between government levels. The institutions of local administration has an important task- to create the mechanisms that would enable to solve economic, cultural, education, ecological problems in the governed territory efficiently, taking into considerations the interests of the local community.  In Lithuania, the research of self-governance level is focused on functions of local government institutions which are included in laws, the participation of parties in the self-government institutions and the election of self-government institutions, the connections between center-periphery, financial indexes etc. The other researchers are interested in the analysis of the problem of the inhabitants’ low participation in the local self-governance, their passiveness. Only in recent years, some researchers became interested in aspects of local self-government, other than managerial and public administration aspects: Berglund (2003) presents the comparative analysis of Russian, Lithuanian, Estonian and Latvian local elites’ perceptions’ of satisfaction by the functioning of democracy on the local level and on the national level as well; Åström (2003) is analyzing the support for democracy of the local elites by two dimensions: first, support for democratic ideals; and, secondly, satisfaction with the current performance of government institutions; Matonytė (2004) has analyzed the results of the survey of social capital indicators in Kaunas region. However, there is no research of value orientations of the representatives of local government institutions, except the longitudinal research that has been made in accordance with the program “Democracy and Local Governance” (DLG). The analyzedproblemof this research is local government representatives’ value orientations, the signs of democracy. The one of the problematic areas analyzing the period of transformations is the determination of the change of value orientations: what is the content of the local government representatives‘ value orientations‘, how has it changed over time. Do we have preconditions for the existence of the local self-government of society? Can we assert that people working for newly established democratic institutions follow the democratic values? Knowing the heritage of the soviet experience, it is important to understand how did it influence the structure of local government representatives‘ value orientations. The main problem analyzing the change of value orientations during the period of transformations is to find the adequate theoretical perspectives and tools of analysis. One of the ways is to analyze the
 6 known theories and methods trying to adapt them to a certain situation. There are few theories related to the object of the research of dissertation: the concept of political culture, the theories of values, and the theories of democracy and democratization and of tranzitology. The elements of all of the mentioned theories can be adapted referring to the alternative interpretations. The Lithuanian local government representatives‘ value orientations and their changes in the period of the decade (1991-2001) are studied in the dissertation analyzing the results of empirical research accomplished using the methodology of the program „Democracy and the Local Governance“. The methodological problemarises in the analysis: model of the research was the created for different societies, so-called “old democracies”, so the question is if it can be adjusted to the Lithuanian situation- the state, in which the democratic regime continues a little longer than a decade? Could we receive the well-founded empirical data, which would mark the post–soviet realities of the dynamics of value orientation change of the last decade? That is the practical problem of the research. The model used in the researches done in the past was almost forty- year old. Thus the old research model‘s suitability to Lithuanian local government representatives‘ value orientations will be studied in my dissertation, and the new model of research will be created after the necessary corrections are made in the scales for measuring of the values. The object the research: value orientations of Lithuanian local of government‘ representatives‘. Thesubjectof the research: the change of value orientations of Lithuanian local government’ representatives’ in the period of ten years (1991-2001). The research objective:to explore the dynamics of value orientations of the Lithuanian local government representatives in 1991-2001. The main goals: 1. To analyze the theoretical concepts of political culture, transitology, democracy and democratization and to determine the factors, the processes, their structures and mechanisms that influence the value orientations of local government’ representatives. 2. To conduct the analysis of the methodology of the program „Democracy and the Local Governance“(DLG); to adapt DLG methodology for the research of Lithuanian local government‘ representatives‘ value orientations. 3. Based on the comparative analysis of the results of longitudinal research executed in 1991-2001 year period, to determine the tendencies, peculiarities of the Lithuanian local government‘ representatives‘ value orientations, and to test the influence of different factors to the changes in value orientations of Lithuanian local government’ representatives in accordance with the hypotheses raised. Hypotheses: The main question of the research is whether Lithuanian local government‘ representatives‘ value orientations have been changing towards
 7 democratization during the first decade since Independence restoration. These hypotheses have been raised to answer the question: H 1. Lithuanian local government‘ representatives‘ democratic orientations have strengthened in the 1991-2001 year period. The democratic value orientations depend on the historic experience of the country. Communist socialization was the force that inculcated the soviet values for the individuals (Reisinger et al, 1994: 184). Also, the values are relatively stable and are changing slowly, as the political culture itself (Wegener:2000; Inglehart:1977), lagging behind the institutional change (Gibson, Duch & Tedin, 1992:330, Sztompka:1996; Valionis:2000). Based on such propositions, it is possible to assert that ten-years period was too short for the democratic orientations to become consolidated. Barry (1970) postulates a possibility that democratic value orientations are an effect, rather than a cause of democracy (Barry, 1970:50-52). According to this theoretical tradition, the scholars think that it is the institutional conditions of the political system, and especially the experiences of the political elites and their ability to change and to learn from institutional structures, which foster democratic orientations (Dahl, 18971:124-188; Szücz, 1998:82; 2000; Schmitter & Karl: 1991; Muller & Seligson:1994 etc.). Therefore, it is possible to assert that in the further time perspective the political values (which at a current time are in the phase of transformation from the autoritarism) in the countries representing the post-soviet block are transforming adjusting to values dominating in the democratic West countries. In other words, the longer the democratic institutions exist, the more democratic are the social institutions and political culture in a certain society. This lets us make a presumption that Lithuanian local government‘ representatives‘ value orientations should strengthen across the studied period. The strengthening of orientations wil be considered both as a) the increase of orientation level, and b) the settlement of orientation level and slight change; but not the decrease. H 2. If at the beginning of transitional period the Lithuanian local government representatives expressed the democratic orientations significantly declarative, then in due course of time these orientations were more adequate to the existing values. Based on the theories of transitionists, the values can change suddenly as the consequence of the “revolutionary” changes – as it has been happening in Lithuania after the declaring of the Independence. During the period of transformation, first of all, the “new” institutions arise, and the “old” cultural models do not correspond them (Valionis: 2000; Sztompka:1996). Also, at the beginning of the transformation period the pseudo-opinions, instant valuations, intersection of declared values and opinions reveal themselves (Matonyte, 2002:88), and later, in the evolutionary period (after 1992; in our research it was fixed in 1995, 1988, 2001), the old social tissue is finished to change and the value orientations become more realistic. It allows to make a presumption, that
 8 at the beginning of the period (in 1991) the Lithuanian local government’ representatives will express unadequately strong, “slogans” character orientations to the democratic values, and later (in 1995 and later empirically fixed phases), these orientations will be more adequate to the existing values. H 3. The democratic orientations of the Lithuanian local government representatives in Lithuanian municipalities differ depending on the socio-cultural and economic context of the locality. On one hand, the democratic regime resocializes political culture in the whole country (Lithuania is a small country already). Therefore, the representatives working in different municipalities of the country should not differ in their orientations to the democratic values. On the other hand, based on the observations and data of researches, such differences are possible: according to Eldersveld et al. (1995:87) theoretical interpretation, the representatives of local government belonging to the exactly definite geographical unit (such as the municipality or region) are influenced by the certain social interaction. The differences between the regions (municipalities) could be explained by the socio-cultural context of the locality. The other explanations of the possible differences between the regions (municipalities) stress the local economic differences (Inglehart: 1998; 2002) and institutional context, i.e. the influence of institutions in power – according to this theory, the local government use special procedures, by which it constrains its members and renders them certain democratic orientations (March & Olsen, 1989:159-164; Putnam, 2001:25-38). Therefore, it is possible to expect differences in the strength of value orientations of local government representatives of the different Lithuanian municipalities. H 4. The strength of Lithuanian local government‘ representatives‘ value orientations is predetermined by the experience of management and the political activity of these persons. The experience of management and the political activity means as follows: 1.The positions held during soviet times(the representatives that held the positions during soviet times, will express weaker orientations to the democratic values than the representatives without such experience). This proposition underlines the influence of the specific political socialization, holding the public service position or the position in the local government institutions during soviet time (until the year of 1990). There the proposition is made that the representatives of the local government that have the experience of holding the positions during the soviet period, will express weaker democratic orientations comparing to the representatives without such experience. If the difference between these groups does not exist, it is more likely that soviet political socialization did not have any meaningful influence; and the so-called democratic orientations are typical to the local leaders irrespective of such socialization factors.
 9 2. The party affiliation/support (the orientations of the representatives of the Left affiliation are weaker; the orientations of the Right affiliation are stronger to the economic values. 3. The position in the municipality (the politicians are more oriented to the political values, the administrators- to the economic values). These propositions were created on the grounds of the institutional perspective. According to this theoretical perspective, individuals who hold certain positions in the political hierarchy and other levels of government (Aberbach et al: 1981, Eldersveld et al:1995 distinguishes the positions of politics and administrators), adjust value orientations of their own to the one‘s of the institution, organization formal and non-formal values and norms (March and Olsen: 1989) because the individuals aim to justify the expectations of the reference groups and the standards of acceptable behavior in the organization. H 5. Democratic orientations depend on the age (generation) of local government representatives. This hypothesis is based on few propositions. Based on socialization theory (Inglehart: 1977; 1997; Parsons:1951a; 1967), the values of the individual formed in the early age and teenage-years stabilize in the period of maturity and do not change. Also, it was observed that the political orientations depend on the phase of life cycle: older people tend to be more conservative (Reisinger et al, 1994:196; Flanagan: 1982). Therefore, we make a proposition that the value orientations of local government representatives will differ, depending on age: the local government representatives belonging to the group of the older generation will express comparatively weaker democratic value orientations comparing to the younger generation representatives. The proposition will be confirmed if we find the statistically significant differences between the older local and younger local government representatives in their orientations towards the political and economic values (the older comparing to the younger leaders will express weaker democratic value orientations, viewed by them as new and thus „strange”). However, there are some scholars that suppose, that due to modernization influence (information technologies, education level, etc.), the citizens of the states of former Soviet Union could become more open, more accepting the democratization and market reforms (Hough:1988; Reisinger et al, 1994:201), therefore, independently of the age differences to reorient and to support the democratic political and economic values. Research methods 1. The analysis ofscientific literature executed analyzing the results of was post-soviet transformations, change of political culture, democratization, value theoretical and empirical research. 2. The method ofdocument analysis applied in an effort to discover the was aspects of self-governments legal regulation in Lithuania and their change since 1990. The laws of the Republic of Lithuania were analyzed.
 10 3. The method ofexpert interview was applied aiming to gather the information from the primary sources - Lithuanian local government representatives. 4.Mathematic statistical analysis methodswere used in the second part of the dissertation analyzing the data of 1991, 1995, 1998 and 2001 surveys. Factor analysis and non-parametrical methods (tests of independent samples) were applied together with descriptive statistical analysis methods.  Scientific novelty and theoretical meaningfulness of the work Different theoretical perspectives are integrated in the analysis of scientific problem: theories of values, democracy and democratization, political culture, transitological theories. Theoretical studies and results of empirical research could be useful for the development of interdisciplinary view towards the values in politics. The methodology and instruments could be used in the future conducting analysis of value orientations both in national, and local government levels. Practical Significance of the Work Modified scales of values and the amended empirical data be used in might the future adding up the existing data which include results of the longitudinal research done over a decade to the new data which would emphasize the tendencies of the change of value orientations in regards of time. the evaluation of the manifest ofThe results of this work-  democratic values in the local government level – might be very important informing the leaders of municipalities, politicians, and civil servants about the consolidation of democratic values in the self-government level. Students could use the theoretical knowledge and results of the research.  Dissertation consists of the following parts: introduction, theoretical, methodological and empirical parts, and conclusions. Conclusions, references and appendixes follow after five main chapters. Appendixes enclose the survey questionnaire of the research designed for local government representatives, research values’ scales and indicators, and detailed statistical calculations.  The aim of theoretical part of the dissertation (that consists of two chapters) is to determine the factors, the processes, their structures and mechanisms that influence the value orientations of local government’ representatives.  In CHAPTER 1,“Post-communist transformation and establishment of democratic background of local self-governance in Lithuania“, the specific characteristic to the period of transformation in the post-communist countries is analyzed, distinguishing the changes in the spheres of the social life in Lithuania and the other post-communist countries, and apportioning this
 11 period into the phases (subchapter 1.1.). The four main phases of transition from authoritarian to democratic rule (O‘Donnell et al: 1986) and their peculiarities are reviewed; the Copenhagen criteria, created for the countries of East and Central Europe, corresponding to which allows the country to become a candidate to the members of the European Union. Also, the two phases of development of Lithuanian society, distinguished by Šaulauskas (2000) and the three periods, distinguished by Matonytė(2001a; 2002) were reviewed. In subchapter 1.2, the concept oflocal self-governancewas analyzed and interpreted, and the definitions and the interpretations of the other related concepts were presented. The phrases, such as:representatives of local government–administratorsandpoliticians, the value orientations (analyzed in the empirical part of the dissertation) are defined. The conclusion is made that the conceptslocal leaders,local elite, orlocal government representatives are just titles that do not change the main point, that: 1) the analyzed individuals are the people who acceptresponsible decisions, influencing the whole community; 2) the community has (at least formal) right to control their decisions, therefore that decisions are thedecisions of the community, which is represented by them. Therefore, the politicians and administrators working in the local government are calledlocal government representatives in this dissertation. The review of alternative terms is also presented. In the subchapter 1.3., the definition and development of local self-government in Lithuania after Independence re-establishment in legal aspect was presented, the laws regulating the sphere of local self-government were reviewed. The laws helped to: form two-level system of administrative units of self-government‘s and local government‘s creating 60 municipalities and 10 counties; the competencies of self-government institutions were determined: they were divided into independent and delegated; the proportional electoral system was legalized, setting preconditions for the formation of party coalitions; etc. The overview of researches done in the area of local self-governance was presented. In the level of self-governance, researches were focused on the functions, other legal aspects and political parties. Some of the authors analyze the problem of citizen participation in the self-government, it‘s solution distinguishing better abilities of the society and officers in the training in the adoption of organizational and administrative solutions, in an effort to increase citizen participation in the self-government‘s development. The big part of the problem is the lack of means, which is needed for the organizing of training and education. The value orientations of Lithuanian local government leaders‘ have not been researched so the author of this dissertation was striving to fill up the niche.  The CHAPTER 2, „The political/ civic culture and consolidation of democracy in post-communist Lithuania“ is devoted for the analysis of the political culture and to the value aspects of the democratization. Trying to define the concepts of political / civic culture and to present their interpretations, there the most popular theories of political culture (subchapter 2.1) were reviewed. In
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