Getting Started Tutorial
Extension Key: doc_tut_quickstart
Language: en
Keywords: forBeginners, forEditors, forAdmins
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Official documentation
This document is included as part of the official TYPO3 documentation. It has been approved by t he
TYPO3 Documentation Team following a peer-review process. The reader should expect th e
information in this document to be accurate - please report discrepancies to the Docume ntation
Team ( Official documents are kept up-to-date to the best o f the
Documentation Team's abilities.
This document is a Tutorial. Tutorials are designed to be step-by-step instructions specifically
created to walk a beginner through a particular task from beginning to end. To facilitate effect ive
learning, Tutorials provide examples to illustrate the subjects they cover. In addition, Tutorials Getting Started Tutorial - doc_tut_quickstart Getting Started Tutorial
provide guidance on how to avoid common pitfalls and highlight key concepts that shoul d be
remembered for future reference.
2Getting Started Tutorial - doc_tut_quickstart Getting Started Tutorial
Table of Contents
Templates..........................80........................Getting ...