®DIBELS Next Benchmark Goals and Composite Score
© Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc. / December 1, 2010
Benchmark Goals
DIBELS benchmark goals are empirically derived, criterion-referenced target scores that represent adequate reading prog-
ress. A benchmark goal indicates a level of skill where the student is likely to achieve the next DIBELS benchmark goal
or reading outcome. Benchmark goals for DIBELS are based on research that examines the predictive validity of a score
on a measure at a particular point in time, compared to later DIBELS measures and external outcome assessments. If a
student achieves a benchmark goal, then the odds are in favor of that student achieving later reading outcomes if he/she
receives research-based instruction from a core classroom curriculum.
Benchmark Goal Research
The DIBELS Next benchmark goals, cut points for risk, and Composite Score were developed based upon data collected
in a study conducted during the 2009–2010 school year. The goals represent a series of conditional probabilities of meet-
ing later important reading outcomes. The external criterion was the Group Reading and Diagnostic Evaluation (GRADE;
Williams, 2001). The 40th percentile on the GRADE assessment was used as an indicator that the student was making
adequate progress in acquisition of important early reading and/or reading skills. Data for the study were collected in
thirteen elementary and middle schools in five states. Data collection included ...