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®DIBELS Next Benchmark Goals and Composite Score
© Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc. / December 1, 2010
Benchmark Goals
DIBELS benchmark goals are empirically derived, criterion-referenced target scores that represent adequate reading prog-
ress. A benchmark goal indicates a level of skill where the student is likely to achieve the next DIBELS benchmark goal
or reading outcome. Benchmark goals for DIBELS are based on research that examines the predictive validity of a score
on a measure at a particular point in time, compared to later DIBELS measures and external outcome assessments. If a
student achieves a benchmark goal, then the odds are in favor of that student achieving later reading outcomes if he/she
receives research-based instruction from a core classroom curriculum.
Benchmark Goal Research
The DIBELS Next benchmark goals, cut points for risk, and Composite Score were developed based upon data collected
in a study conducted during the 2009–2010 school year. The goals represent a series of conditional probabilities of meet-
ing later important reading outcomes. The external criterion was the Group Reading and Diagnostic Evaluation (GRADE;
Williams, 2001). The 40th percentile on the GRADE assessment was used as an indicator that the student was making
adequate progress in acquisition of important early reading and/or reading skills. Data for the study were collected in
thirteen elementary and middle schools in five states. Data collection included ...
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DIBELS® Next Benchmark Goals and Composite Score © Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc. / December 1, 2010
Benchmark Goals DIBELSbenchmark goalsare empirically derived, criterion-referenced target scores that represent adequate reading prog-ress.  enchmar goal indicates a level of sill here the student is liely to achieve the net DIBELS enchmar goal or reading outcome. Benchmar goals for DIBELS are ased on research that eamines the predictive validity of a score on a measure at a particular point in time, compared to later DIBELS measures and eternal outcome assessments. If a student achieves a enchmar goal, then the odds are in favor of that student achieving later reading outcomes if heshe receives research-ased instruction from a core classroom curriculum.
Benchmark Goal Research he DIBELS et enchmar goals, cut points for ris, and omposite Score ere developed ased upon data collected in a study conducted during the –1 school year. he goals represent a series of conditional proailities of meet-ing later important reading outcomes. he eternal criterion as the roup eading and Diagnostic Evaluation DE illiams, 1. he th percentile on the DE assessment as used as an indicator that the student as maing adequate progress in acquisition of important early reading andor reading sills. Data for the study ere collected in thirteen elementary and middle schools in five states. Data collection included administering the DIBELS et measures to participating students in grades – in addition to the DE. articipants in the study ere 1 students across grades - from general education classrooms ho ere receiving English language reading instruction, including students ith disailities and students ho ere English language learners provided they had the response capailities to participate. he study included oth students ho ere struggling in reading and those ho ere typically achieving.  suset of the total sample participated in the DE assessment n  1 across grades –. dditional information aout the study ill e included in theDIB et echnical Manual, hich ill e availale in anuary, 11.
Cut Points for Risk hecut points or risksill elo hich the student is unliely to achieve susequent reading goalsindicate a level of ithout receiving additional, targeted instructional support. Students ith scores elo the cut point for ris are identified as liely to need intensive support. Intensive support refers to interventions that incorporate something more or something different from the core curriculum or supplemental support. Intensive support might entail • delivering instruction in a smaller group, • providing more instructional time or more practice, • presenting smaller sill steps in the instructional hierarchy, • providing more eplicit modeling and instruction, andor • providing greater scaffolding and practice
Because students needing intensive support are liely to have individual and sometimes unique needs, e recommend that their progress e monitored frequently and their intervention modified dynamically to ensure adequate progress.
Beteen a enchmar goal and a cut point for ris is a range of scores here the student’s future performance is harder to predict. o ensure that the greatest numer of students achieve later reading success, it is est for students ith scores in this range to receive carefully targeted additional support in the sill areas here they are having difficulty, to e moni-tored regularly to ensure that they are maing adequate progress, and to receive increased or modified support if neces-sary to achieve susequent reading goals. his type of instructional support is referred to as strategic support.
DIBELS is a registered trademark of Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc. http://dibels.org/
ale 1 provides the target or design odds of achieving later reading outcomes and laels for liely need for support for each of the score levels. Benchmar goals and cut points for ris are provided for the DIBELS omposite Score as ell as for individual DIBELS measures.
ale 1. dds of chieving Susequent Early Literacy oals,DIB etBenchmar oal Levels, and Liely eed for Support Odds of ikely need for achieving support to achieve subsequent early Visual subsequent early literacy goals Representation Score evel literacy goals  to  t or ove Benchmar Liely to eed ore scores at or aboe the benchmark goalSupport  to  Belo Benchmar Liely to eed Strategic scores belo the benchmark goal anSupport at or aboe the cut point or risk 1 to sceolrleBsebloeloBetnhcehcmutaroint or riskorpptivnsSue nIetee dot le yLip
BS Composite Score he DIBELS omposite Score is a comination of multiple DIBELS scores and provides the est overall estimate of the student’s early literacy sills andor reading proficiency. ost data management services ill calculate the DIBELS om-posite Score for you. o calculate the DIBELS omposite Score yourself, see theDIB et omposite core ork sheets. In DIBELS th Edition, the Instructional ecommendations provided the est overall estimate of the student’s early literacy sills andor reading proficiency. he DIBELS et omposite Score and the enchmar goals and cut points for ris ased on the composite score replace the Instructional ecommendations on DIBELS th Edition.
Benchmar goals and cut points for ris for the DIBELS omposite Score are ased on the same logic and procedures as the individual DIBELS measures hoever, since the DIBELS omposite Score provides the est overall estimate of a stu-dent’s sills, the DIBELS omposite Score should generally e interpreted first. If a student is at or aove the enchmar goal on the DIBELS omposite Score, the odds are in the student’s favor of reaching later important reading outcomes. Some students ho score at or aove the DIBELS omposite Score enchmar goal may still need additional support in one of the asic early literacy sills, as indicated y a elo enchmar score on an individual DIBELS et measure S, S, , D, or Dae, especially for students hose composite score is close to the enchmar goal.
Because the scores used to calculate the DIBELS omposite Score vary y grade and time of year, it is important to note that the composite score generally cannot e used to directly measure groth over time or to compare results across grades or times of year. oever, ecause the logic and procedures used to estalish enchmar goals are consistent across grades and times of year, the percent of students at or aove enchmar can e compared, even though the mean scores are not comparale.
requently sked uestions bout BS et Benchmark Goals
 hy doesn’t etter aming luency have benchmark goals nser Letter aming luency L is aninicator o risk, rather than an instructional target. hile the aility to recognie and name letters in preschool and at the eginning of indergarten is a strong predictor of later reading achievement e.g.,Badian, 1 alsh, rice, and illingham, 1, studies have failed to sho that teaching letter names to students enhances their reading aility e.g., Ehri, 1 and, in fact, have demonstrated that successful learning of letter-sound
DIBELS is a registered trademark of Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc. http://dibels.org/
correspondences that leads to reading acquisition can occur ithout noledge of letter names Bruc, enesee,  aravolas, 1 ann  immer, . Because learning letter names is not a poerful instructional target, enchmar goals are not provided for L. L is a strong predictor of later reading, hoever, so it is included as a part of the DIBELS omposite Score in indergarten and early first grade.
 hy are the sith grade benchmark goals loer than the fifth grade goals nser
he difficulty level of the passages used for D and Dae changes y grade, so composite scores and enchmar goals can’t e directly compared across grades. he difficulty level of the passages increases y grade in a roughly linear fashion. oever, student performance increases in a curve, ith the most groth occurring in the earlier grades, and sloer groth in the upper grades. Beteen fifth and sith grade, the difficulty level of the materials increases at a faster rate than student performance, so enchmar goals are loer in sith grade than in fifth.
Badian, .. 1. redicting reading aility over the long term he changing role of letter naming, phonological aareness and orthographic processing.nnals o Dysleia, ,-.
Bruc, ., enesee, .,  aravolas, . 1.  cross-linguistic study of early literacy acquisition. In B. Blachman Ed.,ounations o reaing acuisition an ysleia Implications or early interentionpp. 1-1. ahah,  Larence Erlaum ssociates.
Ehri, L.. 1.  critique of five studies related to letter-name noledge and learning to read. In L. entile, . amil,  . Blanchard Eds.,eaing research reisisitepp. 1-1. olumus,  .E. errill.
ann, ..,  immer, . . honeme aareness and pathays into literacy  comparison of erman and merican children.eaing an riting n Interisciplinary ournal, 1,-.
alsh, D.., rice, ..,  illingham, .. 1. he critical ut transitory importance of letter naming.eaing esearch uarterly, 2,1-1.
illiams, .. 1. roup eading ssessment and Diagnostic Evaluation DE. e or earson.
DIBELS is a registered trademark of Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc. http://dibels.org/
Kindergarten Benchmark Goals and Cut Points for Risk  Beginning Measure Score Level Likely Need for Support of Year DIBELS At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 26 + Composite Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 13 - 25 Score Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 12     FSF At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 10 +  Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 5 - 9  Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 4     PSF At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support
Middle End of Year of Year 122 + 119 + 85 - 121 89 - 118 0 - 84 0 - 88   30 + 20 - 29 0 - 19   20 + 40 +  10 - 19 25 - 39  0 - 9 0 - 24    NWF-CLS At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 17 + 28 +  Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 8 - 16 15 - 27  Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 7 0 - 14       The benchmark goal is the number provided in the At or Above Benchmark row. The cut point for risk is the first number provided in the Below Benchmark row.
Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support   
DIBELS is a registered trademark of Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc. http://dibels.org/
First Grade Benchmark Goals and Cut Points for Risk  Beginning Middle End Measure Score Level Likely Need for Support of Year of Year of Year DIBELS At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 113 + 130 + 155 + Composite Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 97 - 112 100 - 129 111 - 154 Score Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 96 0 - 99 0 - 110       PSF At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 40 +  Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 25 - 39  Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 24       NWF-CLS At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 27 + 43 + 58 +  Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 18 - 26 33 - 42 47 57 - Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 17 0 - 32 0 - 46       NWF-WWR At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 1 + 8 + 13 +  Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 0 3 - 7 6 - 12  Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 2 0 - 5       DORF At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 23 + 47 + Words Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 16 - 22 32 - 46 Correct Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 15 0 - 31       DORF At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 78% + 90% + Accuracy Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 68% - 77% 82% - 89%  Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0% - 67% 0% - 81%       Retell At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 15 +  Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 0 - 14  Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support       The benchmark goal is the number provided in the At or Above Benchmark row. The cut point for risk is the first number provided in the Below Benchmark row.  
DIBELS is a registered trademark of Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc. http://dibels.org/
Second Grade Benchmark Goals and Cut Points for Risk  Beginning Middle End Measure Score Level Likely Need for Support of Year of Year of Year DIBELS At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 141 + 190 + 238 + Composite Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 109 - 140 145 - 189 180 - 237 Score Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 108 0 - 144 0 - 179       NWF-CLS At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 54 +  Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 35 - 53  Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 34       NWF-WWR At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 13 +  Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 6 - 12  Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 5       DORF At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 52 + 72 + 87 + Words Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 37 - 51 55 - 71 65 - 86 Correct Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 36 0 - 54 0 - 64       DORF At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 90% + 96% + 97% + Accuracy Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 81% - 89% 91% - 95% 93% - 96%  Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0% - 80% 0% - 90% 0% - 92%       Retell At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 16 + 21 + 27 +  Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 8 - 15 13 - 20 18 - 26  Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 7 0 - 12 0 - 17       Retell At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 2 + 2 + Quality of Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 1 1 Response Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support       The benchmark goal is the number provided in the At or Above Benchmark row. The cut point for risk is the first number provided in the Below Benchmark row.  
DIBELS is a registered trademark of Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc. http://dibels.org/
Third Grade Benchmark Goals and Cut Points for Risk  Beginning Middle End Measure Score Level Likely Need for Support of Year of Year of Year DIBELS At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 220 + 285 + 330 + Composite Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 180 - 219 235 - 284 280 - 329 Score Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 179 0 234 0 - 279 -      DORF At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 70 + 86 + 100 + Words Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 55 - 69 68 - 85 80 - 99 Correct Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 54 0 - 67 0 - 79       DORF At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 95% + 96% + 97% + Accuracy Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 89% - 94% 92% - 95% 94% - 96%   Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0% - 88% 0% - 91% 0% - 93%       Retell At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 20 + 26 + 30 +  Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 10 - 19 18 - 25 20 - 29  Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 9 0 - 17 0 - 19       Retell At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 2 + 2 + 3 + Quality of Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 1 1 2 Response Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 1       Daze At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 8 + 11 + 19 + Adjusted Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 5 - 7 7 - 10 14 - 18 Score Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 4 0 - 6 0 - 13       The benchmark goal is the number provided in the At or Above Benchmark row. The cut point for risk is the first number provided in the Below Benchmark row.  
DIBELS is a registered trademark of Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc. http://dibels.org/
Fourth Grade Benchmark Goals and Cut Points for Risk  Beginning Middle End Measure Score Level Likely Need for Support of Year of Year of Year DIBELS At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 290 + 330 + 391 + Composite Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 245 - 289 290 - 329 330 - 390 Score Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 244 0 - 289 0 - 329       DORF At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 90 + 103 + 115 + Words Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 70 - 89 79 - 102 95 - 114 Correct Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 69 0 - 78 0 - 94       DORF At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 96% + 97% + 98% + Accuracy Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 93% - 95% 94% - 96% 95% - 97%  Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0% - 92% 0% - 93% 0% - 94%       Retell At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 27 + 30 + 33 +  Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 14 - 26 20 - 29 24 - 32  Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 13 0 - 19 0 - 23       Retell At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 2 + 2 + 3 + Quality of Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 1 1 2 Response Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 1       Daze At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 15 + 17 + 24 + Adjusted Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 10 - 14 12 - 16 20 - 23 Score Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 9 0 - 11 0 - 19       The benchmark goal is the number provided in the At or Above Benchmark row. The cut point for risk is the first number provided in the Below Benchmark row.  
DIBELS is a registered trademark of Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc. http://dibels.org/
Fifth Grade Benchmark Goals and Cut Points for Risk  Beginning Middle End Measure Score Level Likely Need for Support of Year of Year of Year DIBELS At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 357 + 372 + 415 + Composite Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 258 - 356 310 - 371 340 - 414 Score Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 257 0 - 309 0 - 339       DORF At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 111 + 120 + 130 + Words Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 96 - 110 101 - 119 105 - 129 Correct Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 95 0 - 100 0 - 104       DORF At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 98% + 98% + 99% + Accuracy Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 95% - 97% 96% - 97% 97% - 98% - Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0% - 94% 0% - 95% 0% 96%       Retell At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 33 + 36 + 36 +  Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 22 - 32 25 - 35 25 - 35   Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 21 0 - 24 0 - 24        Retell At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 2 + 3 + 3 + Quality of Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 1 2 2 Response Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 1 1       Daze At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 18 + 20 + 24 + Adjusted Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 12 - 17 13 - 19 18 - 23 Score Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 11 0 - 12 0 - 17       The benchmark goal is the number provided in the At or Above Benchmark row. The cut point for risk is the first number provided in the Below Benchmark row.  
DIBELS is a registered trademark of Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc. http://dibels.org/
Sixth Grade Benchmark Goals and Cut Points for Risk  Beginning Middle End Measure Score Level Likely Need for Support of Year of Year of Year DIBELS At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 344 + 358 + 380 + Composite Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 280 - 343 285 - 357 324 - 379 Score Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 279 0 - 284 0 - 323       DORF At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 107 + 109 + 120 + Words Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 90 - 106 92 - 108 95 - 119 Correct Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 89 0 - 91 0 - 94        DORF At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 97% + 97% + 98% + Accuracy Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 94% - 96% 94% - 96% 96% - 97%  Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0% - 93% 0% - 93% 0% - 95%       Retell At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 27 + 29 + 32 +  Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 16 - 26 18 - 28 24 - 31  Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 15 0 - 17 0 - 23       Retell At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 2 + 2 + 3 + Quality of Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 1 1 2 Response Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 1       Daze At or Above Benchmark Likely to Need Core Support 18 + 19 + 21 + Adjusted Below Benchmark Likely to Need Strategic Support 14 - 17 14 - 18 15 - 20 Score Well Below Benchmark Likely to Need Intensive Support 0 - 13 0 - 13 0 - 14       The benchmark goal is the number provided in the At or Above Benchmark row. The cut point for risk is the first number provided in the Below Benchmark row.  
DIBELS is a registered trademark of Dynamic Measurement Group, Inc. http://dibels.org/
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