2010 11 Distributed Learning (DL) Enrolment Audit Program








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2010/11 Distributed Learning (DL) Enrolment Audit Program Date of Visit: School Visited: School District: Lead Auditor: Audit Team Members: Auditors’ Criteria We are looking for: What the analysis Audit Program Initials will allow us to say: BC College of Teachers (BCCoT) To be eligible for provincial funding, Verification that all Whether teaching Key Documents: Boards of Education must ensure that staff teaching K-12 staff are current  School Act Section 17 to 20 students are: students hold a members of the  BC Regulation 265/89, Sec.4-Duties of a certificate of BCCoT.  under the supervision of, assessed teacher qualification as a and evaluated by a member of the BC  K-12 Funding General Policy College of Teachers teacher, or a letter of  BCCoT Website: permission to teach (Ref: K-12 Funding General Policy) www.bcct.ca/MemberServices/FindATeacher.aissued under Section spx 25(2) of the Teaching Profession Act. Audit Steps 1. Prior to the audit, verify teachers’ membership in BCCoT by reviewing each of the teachers’ current membership. B.C. RESIDENCY AND OUT-OF-PROVINCE STUDENTS (Ref: K-12 Funding General Policy) Evidence that those That students Key Documents: As above, and To be eligible for provincial funding, DL students who are reported for funding  Distributed Learning – BC Residency Policy Boards of Education must ensure that living in and outside are ordinarily  School Act, Section 168 (3) students are: of British ...
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2010/11 Distributed Learning (DL) Enrolment Audit Program

Date of Visit: School Visited: School District:

Lead Auditor: Audit Team Members:

Auditors’ Criteria We are looking for: What the analysis Audit Program
Initials will allow us to say:
BC College of Teachers (BCCoT)
To be eligible for provincial funding, Verification that all Whether teaching Key Documents:
Boards of Education must ensure that staff teaching K-12 staff are current  School Act Section 17 to 20
students are: students hold a members of the  BC Regulation 265/89, Sec.4-Duties of a
certificate of BCCoT.  under the supervision of, assessed teacher
qualification as a and evaluated by a member of the BC  K-12 Funding General Policy
College of Teachers teacher, or a letter of  BCCoT Website:
permission to teach (Ref: K-12 Funding General Policy) www.bcct.ca/MemberServices/FindATeacher.a
issued under Section spx
25(2) of the Teaching
Profession Act. Audit Steps
1. Prior to the audit, verify teachers’ membership
in BCCoT by reviewing each of the teachers’
current membership.
(Ref: K-12 Funding General Policy) Evidence that those That students Key Documents: As above, and
To be eligible for provincial funding, DL students who are reported for funding  Distributed Learning – BC Residency Policy
Boards of Education must ensure that living in and outside are ordinarily  School Act, Section 168 (3)
students are: of British Columbia resident in BC and  School, Act, Section 82 (1,2)
meet the ordinarily therefore eligible for  ordinarily resident in BC (and where
applicable) with their parent/legal resident in B.C. provincial funding. Audit Steps-Ordinarily Resident:
requirement. guardian Determine the school process for ensuring
Whether there is  enrolled in the district students (incl. adults), and parents/legal
written information guardians (of school-age students) are ordinarily
for the sampled (Ref: DL BC Residency Policy) resident in BC.
students who are not Boards or authorities are responsible to 1. Interview appropriate staff, to determine board
living in BC indicating determine their own residency policy in policy, guidelines and directives that ensure that
they intend to return compliance with the School Act and the students and parents/guardians (where
to British Columbia Regulations and the Ministry of applicable) are ordinarily resident in BC. Obtain
within a reasonable Education policy. a copy of the Board’s policy.
amount of time. 2. Interview appropriate staff to determine board
Boards or authorities may enrol policy, guidelines and directives ensuring that the
Whether the Board of students who are ordinarily residents of parents/guardians of students who are
Education has a British Columbia, but temporarily out of
Page 1 of 15 December 2010-Rev.3 Auditors’ Criteria We are looking for: What the analysis Audit Program
Initials will allow us to say:
province, in distributed learning schools residency policy in temporarily out of the province are ordinarily
or programs. compliance with residents of BC.
…boards or authorities are required to provincial 3. Determine if there is a written statement on file
establish their own residency policy requirements. indicating when each sampled student who is
consistent with Ministry legislation and temporarily out of the province will be returning to
policy BC.
4. Document any discrepancies on an
For students who were residents of Observation Sheet and attach supporting
British Columbia at one time, but do not documentation.
have a current address in British NOTE: Student files should be able to clearly
Columbia, determining “ordinarily demonstrate that students are temporarily out of
resident” status is a school board the province.
decision, and a board or authority must
have a policy for determining “ordinarily For International students, check to see if there
resident” status to claim funding for is documentation in each student’s file verifying
these students. the claim that the students (and the guardian/
parent, where applicable) are ordinarily resident
Evidence used to establish residency in BC. Evidence of residency must be in
must be kept in the student’s file. accordance with board’s residency policy.
Contact Manager of Compliance Program if no
Non-residents Within Canada: Have a evidence is provided or if the school is having
written agreement with the education difficulties obtaining the information.
authority in the other jurisdiction where Note: The evidence requirement is for Ministry
the student(s) resides. The student(s) audit verification only. Evidence may take the
in the other jurisdiction are ineligible form of hard copy/electronic scanned documents,
for funding. School boards may set notes on file, conversations, and meeting
fees for the courses. minutes, etc.

The DL BC Residency Policy does not Audit Steps – Non-Resident Within Canada
enable boards/authorities to offer DL Students:
services outside of Canada. 1. Interview appropriate staff to determine if they
have any students from other provinces or
jurisdictions in Canada.
2. Request a list of the names of those students
and check them against the ECHO9100 report.
Note: Out-of-province students are not eligible
for funding.
3. Document any discrepancies on an
Observation Sheet and attach supporting
Page 2 of 15 December 2010-Rev.3 Auditors’ Criteria We are looking for: What the analysis Audit Program
Initials will allow us to say:
The Ministry will only fund enrolled Evidence that the Whether the students Key Documents: As above, and
students that meet the active policy. students claimed on claimed for funding  DL Active Policy, January 2009 and September
Active participation in distributed Form 1701 have met meet the 30, 2010
learning is equivalent to attendance in a the DL Active policy requirements of the  DL Standards – February 2010
school and is a requirement under the requirements. DL Active policy.  Adult Funding Policy
School Act. Public boards of education  Form 1701 Instructions (Fall and February Data
or authorities must have evidence of Collection periods)
active participation to be funded by the  Required Areas of Study in an Education
Ministry for a distributed learning Program Order M295/95 (Students’ Learning
student’s course or program. (Ref: DL- Plan)
Active Policy)  Graduation Program Order M302/04 –

(Students’ Graduation Program Plan) Definitions:
 BC Adult Graduation Requirements Order Active Date – for a student in a course
M320/04 or program is defined as the earliest
Audit Steps: date, supportable with evidence, which
Select students enrolled in the program. The satisfies the Active policy criteria for
selection must include students from both the funding. The Active Date is no later
September and February count documents. If than the date when the school assigns
applicable: In order to ensure that none of the a student to a course through
students on the sample list are identified on the registration, enrolment, or class
current INAC nominal roll, request the District’s configuration mechanisms.
list of nominal roll students. Activation Submission Dates
September Claims: September 30,
Grades K – 9 2010
To determine that the students in the sample September Timeline: report all courses
were active in the funded program by the in which the Grade 10-12 student was
appropriate activation submission timeline active since April 30, 2010 and that
listed in the Form 1701 Instructions, verify that have not previously been reported.
the school records meet the Active policy February Claims: February 18, 2011
requirements. Is there: February Timeline: report all courses
1. Evidence of the student’s active participation in which the Grade 10-12 student was
in the program three weeks after the activation active since October 1, 2010.
date? Are exceptions (e.g. sickness) documented Attend – To be enrolled in an
and reasonable? educational program that includes
2. A teacher-developed student learning plan distributed learning; and to participate in
(SLP) and a signed commitment to the learning an educational activity by means of
plan from the parent. Signed commitment can distributed learning.
include such evidence as: Student Learning Plan (SLP) – A
 a logged parent/teacher meeting discussing the
Page 3 of 15 December 2010-Rev.3 Auditors’ Criteria We are looking for: What the analysis Audit Program
Initials will allow us to say:
document listing the courses or SLP
components of a student’s program of  email discussion between parent and teacher
studies meeting Required Areas of regarding the SLP
Study or Graduation Program Order  documented information about parent reviewing
requirements.. SLP
(Ref: DL Active Policy)  other documented forms of communication
identifying parent was involved in SLP
To be considered active in a DL development
course/program for funding purposes: 3. Evidence the SLP was in place by the
Grades K –9 Each student file must appropriate activation submission date.
 Has the plan been created by and is it being  Ev

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