These Pleasures








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These Pleasures (Lyrics & Message) SEVEN THREE SEVEN - (Chorus) These Pleasures which one you gonna choose these pleasures choose sin you gonna loose the ones in His right hand these pleasures the ones in the worlds hands I got everything I want everything I need (shawde) I'm talking bout the old me man I'm the stuff gettin with these ladies sexual pleasures Gettin Drunk at parties substance pleasures blown off that weed so low high off the spirit of this world never feellin so good not to mention hoopin it up a ballin athlete i tell them hataz take a seat my names in the paper I feed off my own pride everyone knows me I keep it live somethin's missin' inside oh no oh why (Chorus) These Pleasures which one you gonna choose these pleasures choose sin you gonna loose the ones in His right hand these pleasures the ones in the worlds hands you weren't made to live in constant sin you weren't made to live apart from Him (Christ) come and get some please (Life) so let me ask you what you see on tv all the celebrities are they really happy? they don't show what goes on off screen its called deception there's superior pleasures in the resurrection let me tell you bout the pleasures of God set free by His love to you might seem odd but listen for a sec there's somethin so much better and it starts with the written letter Jesus Christ the Lamb of God (Chorus) These Pleasures which one you gonna choose ...
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These Pleasures (Lyrics & Message)
These Pleasures
which one you gonna choose
these pleasures
choose sin you gonna loose
these pleasures
the ones in His right hand
these pleasures
the ones in the worlds hands
I got everything I want
everything I need (shawde)
I'm talking bout the old me
man I'm the stuff
gettin with these ladies sexual pleasures
Gettin Drunk at parties substance pleasures
blown off that weed so low
high off the spirit of this world
never feellin so good
not to mention hoopin it up
a ballin athlete
i tell them hataz take a seat
my names in the paper
I feed off my own pride
everyone knows me I keep it live
somethin's missin' inside
oh no oh why
These Pleasures
which one you gonna choose
these pleasures
choose sin you gonna loose
these pleasures
the ones in His right hand
these pleasures
the ones in the worlds hands
you weren't made to live in constant sin
you weren't
made to live apart from Him (Christ)
come and get some please (Life)
so let me ask you what you see on tv
all the celebrities are they really happy?
they don't show what goes on off screen
its called deception
there's superior pleasures in the resurrection
let me tell you bout the pleasures of God
set free by His love to you might seem odd
but listen for a sec
there's somethin so much better
and it starts with the written letter
Jesus Christ the Lamb of God
These Pleasures
which one you gonna choose
these pleasures
choose sin you gonna loose
these pleasures
the ones in His right hand
these pleasures
the ones in the worlds hands
I can pretty much guarentee
God's presence out beats drinking at any party
In His presence is fullness of joy
in His righthand is pleasures forevermore
I want em! you want em? come get em! yeah get some
this joy that's found in Christ makes me consider the past trash
the pleasures of God or the world? they don't even compare
even if you a billionaire you'll still find despair
apart from Christ there is no life I declare
true pleasures are found in God so PLEASE stop looking elsewhere
These Pleasures
which one you gonna choose
these pleasures
choose sin you gonna loose
these pleasures
the ones in His right hand
these pleasures
the ones in the worlds hands
true fulfillment, true satisfaction is found in One Name - Jesus
we were created for intimate fellowship with God
your soul will always be searching until you submit to Jesus
be abandon to Him and find true life, true pleasures
their superior
He's what you were made for
this world can't satisfy you
it's only Christ
there's pleasures in His right hand
This is the message behind my song "These Pleasures" off my album Intimately
Throughout middle-school and high-school, I chose to close my heart and live for
myself. In doing this, naturally, I wanted to do what felt good to my body. I have
experienced many of the vain pleasures that this world has to offer. By pleasures - I
mean the "high's" in life. For example, getting drunk or high or experiencing sex
outside of marriage, can bring about a "high" or pleasurable feeling to us. It looks and
feels satisfying, but underneath that is complete death. After years of chasing the
pleasures this world has to offer (success, sex, drugs, alcohol, popularity, etc), I have
realized that they are temporary and do not truly satisfy us. I jumped off the never
ending treadmill of meaninglessness.
The Author of Life has created us to live and be in fellowship with Himself. When this is
missing in your life- there will ALWAYS be an empty void inside you. You can try to
turn to the next thing, and the next, and the next, but eventually that will get old as
You were made to experience a love that's unconditional which is what our souls long
for deep down inside.
This is why Jesus says to the women at the well in John chapter
seven that if you knew who He was, you would have asked Him for Living Waters and
you never would thirst. When you have a relationship with the Lord Jesus, you will
never thirst for more and more in life because it brings about true satisfaction. To be
accepted, loved, cared for and to have a purpose and experience pleasures that are
superior to those of this world. This is found, and only found, in Jesus Christ.
True pleasures and satisfaction is found in the place of intimacy with Christ. Where you
are in a relationship with Abba, the Father. There are pleasures in His right hand
waiting for you to search out and discover. There is fullness of joy in His presence (Ps
16:11). There is life, joy, hope, peace, patience, goodness, etc in the relationship
between the Spirit of God and you. What pleasures are you seeking after? What are
you trying to fill that "emptiness" inside with? If it is not fully Christ, I promise you that
it will fail you everytime.
You don't have to look any further - submit to Jesus (James 4). He is all we need and
the one that can truly satisfy us (2 Peter 1:3). He said, "I will give you living water, and
you will never thirst." Ask Him to fill you with His streams of living water. Ask Him for
the pleasures in His right hand. Open your heart and submit to Him completely. He is
someone you can trust with your everything. Get off the treadmill and start living for
something that lasts. Start living for Someone who is eternal, Jesus Christ. Don't waste
your life building your own fame and glory, for it will soon pass and fade away. Don't
waste your life seeking after the next pleasurable experience. Come to Him whose
pleasures know no end. He is who you were made for and He awaits you! Come to Him
and enjoy Him. I pray that you would be like Moses, "choosing rather to endure ill-
treatment with the people of God than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin (Heb
Psalm 21:6 - "For You make Him most blessed forever; You make him joyful with
gladness in Your presence."
Psalm 16:11 - In my presence is fullness of joy, and in My right hand there are pleasures
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