The Purchasing Card Benchmark








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AberdeenGroupThe Purchasing CardBenchmark ReportBest Tactics to Increase Program GrowthABRIDGED EDITIONComplete Edition Available at: 2005The Purchasing Card Benchmark Report Executive Summary his report presents the findings of a benchmark study sponsored jointly by Aber-deenGroup and the National Association of Purchasing Card Professionals T (NAPCP). Purchasing card program challenges, priorities, strategies, and tech-nologies were surveyed to provide program management parameters and best practices. Issues of program control to enable new business and cost reductions are pre-sented along with additional ways to drive value from purchasing card programs. Key Business Value Findings The chief trait of best practice purchasing card programs with greater than average growth over the past five years is the depth of attention placed on the program. Best prac-tice programs go beyond traditional convention and do not confine the use of purchasing cards to off contract, non-traditional, non-purchase order, or ad-hoc, incidental purchas-ing requirements. The best purchasing card programs are changing historical paradigms. Implications & Analysis Best practice programs address new spend categories and supplier types, and embrace technology for reasons beyond administration convenience. Success factors common to best practice programs include: • Purchasing cards are used as ...
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The Purchasing Card Benchmark Report
Best Tactics to Increase Program Growth
ABRIDGED EDITION Complete Edition Available at:
March 2005
Executive Summary
The Purchasing Card Benchmark Report
his report presents the findings of a benchmark study sponsored jointly by Aber-T deenGroupthe National Association of Purchasing Card Professionals and (NAPCP). Purchasing card program challenges, priorities, strategies, and tech-nologies were surveyed to provide program management parameters and best practices. Issues of program control to enable new business and cost reductions are pre-sented along with additional ways to drive value from purchasing card programs.
Key Business Value Findings The chief trait of best practice purchasing card programs with greater than average growth over the past five years is the depth of attention placed on the program. Best prac-tice programs go beyond traditional convention and do not confine the use of purchasing cards to off contract, non-traditional, non-purchase order, or ad-hoc, incidental purchas-ing requirements. The best purchasing card programs are changing historical paradigms.
Implications & Analysis Best practice programs address new spend categories and supplier types, and embrace technology for reasons beyond administration convenience. Success factors common to best practice programs include: Purchasing cards are used as electronic payment for small dollar transactions Purchasing cards address master agreements and contract pricing, purchase orders, and project or recurring services purchases Purchasing cards are integrated into mainstream business activities Purchasing card data is collected and used for strategic sourcing and contract compli-ance
Recommendations for Action To achieve higher than average growth, purchasing card programs should expand the program in the following areas: Address master agreement and contract pricing requirements Create strategic sourcing strategies and selection activities Examine specific categories, supplier relationships, or business regions to determine which purchase orders lend themselves to payment via purchasing cards Extend the use of the card to service categories such as advertising, marketing, print, maintenance, temporary services, and consulting Evaluate and proactively collect electronic payment remittance information on sup-pliers providing non-traditional, large project, or recurring services requirements
All print and electronic rights are the property of Aberdeen Group © 2005.AberdeenGroup i
Table of Contents
The Purchasing Card Benchmark Report
Executive Summary ............................................................................................... Key Business Value Findings........................................................................... Implications & Analysis .................................................................................... Recommendations for Action........................................................................... Chapter One: Issue at Hand .................................................................................. Chapter Two: Key Business Value Findings ........................................................... Purchasing Card Program PACE..................................................................... Priorities .................................................................................................... Actions ...................................................................................................... Challenges/Capabilities.............................................................................Key Enablers............................................................................................. Chapter Three: Implications & Analysis................................................................. Purchases Under Master Agreement and Contract Pricing ............................. Dont Confuse a Purchase Order with Electronic Payment.............................. Electronic Approvals and Documentation Support........................................... Capture and Use Spend Analysis Information ................................................. Chapter Four: Recommendations for Action .......................................................... Use Purchasing Cards to Reduce Process and Transaction Costs via an Electronic Payments Approach ........................................................................................ Break the Paradigm  Structurally Address a Broader Class of Purchased Re-quirements and Transactions........................................................................... Go Beyond Convenience; Use Technology to Support the Program ............... Featured Sponsors................................................................................................. Sponsor Directory .................................................................................................. Author Profile ......................................................................................................... Appendix A: Research Methodology ...................................................................... Appendix B: Related Aberdeen P-Card Benchmarks ............................................. Related Aberdeen Research & Tools...................................................................... About AberdeenGroup..........................................................................................
All print and electronic rights are the property of Aberdeen Group © 2005.AberdeenGroup
The Purchasing Card Benchmark Report
Figure 1: Purchasing Card Program Satisfaction Based on Original Business Goals Figure 2: Steady Growth of Purchasing Card Programs ........................................ Figure 3: Top Priorities of Purchasing Card Programs ........................................... Figure 4: Influence of SOX on Purchasing Card Programs .................................... Figure 5: Top Actions to Increase Success of Purchasing Card Programs............. Figure 6: Spend Categories Addressed By Purchasing Cards ............................... Figure 7: Planned Spend Categories to be Addressed By Purchasing Cards ........ Figure 8: Top Challenges Facing Purchasing Card Programs................................ Figure 9: Impact of Addressing Master Agreements Spend on P-Card Growth......
Figure 10: Impact of Addressing Purchase Order Initiated Transactions on P-Card Growth ................................................................................................................... Figure 11: Impact of Electronic Approvals and Documentation Support on Purchasing card Growth............................................................................................................ Figure 12: Levels of Data Collected for Purchasing Card Activity........................... Figure 13: Increased Spend Reduction by Percentage of Expenditures Analyzed. Figure 14: Goals of Purchasing Card Programs.....................................................
All print and electronic rights are the property of Aberdeen Group © 2005.AberdeenGroup
The Purchasing Card Benchmark Report
Table 1: Purchasing Card Program Benchmarks ................................................... Table 2: Improvement from Electronic Processing Methods...................................
All print and electronic rights are the property of Aberdeen Group © 2005.AberdeenGroup
The Purchasing Card Benchmark Report
For the full version of this report. . .
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All print and electronic rights are the property of Aberdeen Group © 2005.AberdeenGroup 1
The Purchasing Card Benchmark Report
Author Profile
Jeff Pikulik Director Buy-Side Research Aberdeen Group Jeff Pikulik focuses on the successful deployment of strategic procurement best practices in the Global 5000. His efforts continue to reveal cost savings beyond the traditional supply chain. Specifically, Pikulik works with executives and business unit managers from all functional backgrounds and their cross-functional teams to bring many time-tested strategies and tactics into the mainstream. Pikulik currently examines how transferable best practices are being applied to address specific opportunities internal and external to the corporation. Based on these findings, business and purchasing executives will be able to clearly define the financial opportu-nity and organizational approach by understanding the consistency and predictability of proven best practices as applied to nontraditional supply expenditure categories.
Pikulik has helped executives in the energy, pharmaceuticals, and hospitality industries deploy strategic procurement programs to achieve second-wave cost reduction results and better organizationally align with the business owners and users of indirect expendi-ture categories.
All print and electronic rights are the property of Aberdeen Group © 2005.AberdeenGroup 2
About AberdeenGroup
The Purchasing Card Benchmark Report
Our Mission To be the trusted advisor and business value research destination of choice for the Global Business Executive.
Our Approach Aberdeen delivers unbiased, primary research that helps enterprises derive tangible busi-ness value from technology-enabled solutions. Through continuous benchmarking and analysis of value chain practices, Aberdeen offers a unique mix of research, tools, and services to help Global Business Executives accomplish the following:
IMPROVE the financial and competitive position of their business now PRIORITIZE operational improvement areas to drive immediate, tangible value to their business LEVERAGE information technology for tangible business value. Aberdeen also offers selected solution providers fact-based tools and services to em-power and equip them to accomplish the following: CREATE DEMAND, by reaching the right level of executives in companies where their solutions can deliver differentiated results ACCELERATE SALES, by accessing executive decision-makers who need a solution and arming the sales team with fact-based differentiation around business impact EXPAND CUSTOMERS, by fortifying their value proposition with inde-pendent fact-based research and demonstrating installed base proof points
Our History of Integrity Aberdeen was founded in 1988 to conduct fact-based, unbiased research that delivers tangible value to executives trying to advance their businesses with technology-enabled solutions. Aberdeen's integrity has always been and always will be beyond reproach. We provide independent research and analysis of the dynamics underlying specific technology-enabled business strategies, market trends, and technology solutions. While some reports or portions of reports may be underwritten by corporate sponsors, Aberdeen's research findings are never influenced by any of these sponsors.
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 The Purchasing Card Benchmark Report
Founded in 1988,AberdeenGroupis the technology-AberdeenGroup, Inc. driven research destination of choice for the global 260 Franklin Street, Suite 1700 business executive.AberdeenGrouphas over 100,000 Boston, Massachusetts research members in over 36 countries around the world 02110-3112 that both participate in and direct the most comprehen-USA sive technology-driven value chain research in the Telephone: 617 723 7890market. Through its continued fact-based research, benchmarking, and actionable analysis,AberdeenGroupFax: 617 723 7897 offers global business and technology executives a unique mix of actionable research, KPIs, tools, © 2005AberdeenGroup, Inc.and services. All rights reserved March 2005The information contained in this publication has been obtained from sources Aberdeen believes to be reliable, but is not guaranteed by Aberdeen. Aberdeen publications reflect the analysts judgment at the time and are subject to change without notice. The trademarks and registered trademarks of the corporations mentioned in this publication are the property of their respective holders.
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