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CityNet (Procurement) Follow-Up Audit April 2010 Patrice Randle, City Auditor Craig Terrell, Assistant City Auditor Michelle Brown, Staff Auditor CityNet (Procurement) Follow-Up Audit Table of Contents Page Executive Summary .........................................................................................................................1 Audit Scope and Methodology ........................................................................................................2 Status of Prior Audit Recommendations..........................................................................................3 CityNet (Procurement) Follow-Up Audit Office of the City Auditor Patrice Randle, CPA City Auditor Report #10-03 April 30, 2010 The City Auditor’s Office has completed a follow-up to the Executive August 2009 CityNet (Procurement) Audit. The follow-up audit Summary was conducted in accordance with generally accepted government auditing standards. Those standards require that we Two of three plan and perform the audit to obtain sufficient, appropriate recommendations were evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our findings and fully implemented conclusions based on our audit objectives. We believe that the evidence obtained ...
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CityNet (Procurement) Follow-Up Audit
April 2010
Patrice Randle, City Auditor
Craig Terrell, Assistant City Auditor
Michelle Brown, Staff Auditor
CityNet (Procurement) Follow-Up Audit
Table of Contents
Executive Summary .........................................................................................................................1
Audit Scope and Methodology ........................................................................................................2
Status of Prior Audit Recommendations..........................................................................................3
CityNet (Procurement) Follow-Up Audit
Office of the City Auditor
Patrice Randle, CPA
City Auditor
Report #10-03
April 30, 2010
Two of three
recommendations were
fully implemented
Track professional
service contracts in
Monitor after-the-
fact purchase
orders and notify
departments of
Compare City
vendors to a
download from the
debarred vendors
The City Auditor’s Office has completed a follow-up to the
August 2009 CityNet (Procurement) Audit.
The follow-up audit
was conducted in accordance with generally accepted
government auditing standards.
Those standards require that we
plan and perform the audit to obtain sufficient, appropriate
evidence to provide a reasonable basis for our findings and
conclusions based on our audit objectives.
We believe that the
evidence obtained provides a reasonable basis for our findings
and conclusions based on our audit objectives.
The objective of
the follow-up was to determine the implementation status of
prior audit recommendations.
The initial CityNet (Procurement) Audit included three
recommendations for which management concurred.
follow-up audit indicated that two of the three recommendations
were fully implemented and one was partially implemented.
Management fully implemented recommendations related to
tracking professional service contracts through the use of service
purchase orders and monitoring the use of after-the-fact purchase
orders, including notifying departments of noncompliance.
Management partially implemented the recommendation
concerning a download from the Excluded Parties List System
(EPLS) to compare to the City’s vendor database.
includes information regarding entities debarred, suspended,
proposed for debarment, excluded or disqualified, or otherwise
declared ineligible from receiving Federal contracts, certain
subcontracts, and certain Federal assistance and benefits.
Management indicated that due to the recent outsourcing of the
accounts payable function and the implementation of the Lawson
Strategic Sourcing Module, time constraints have prevented staff
from determining if an EPLS download is feasible and
CityNet (Procurement) Follow-Up Audit
Audit Scope and Methodology
The City Auditor’s Office reviewed activity in the Purchasing Division since January 2009.
following methodology was used in completing the audit.
Interviewed Purchasing Division and Financial and Management Resources staff
responsible for and knowledgeable of actions taken to implement initial audit
Reviewed updated polices and procedures
Observed newly created monitoring reports and procurement training materials made
available to staff
CityNet (Procurement) Follow-Up Audit
Status of Prior Audit Recommendations
The City Manager should require that departments using professional service contracts utilize the
service PO function in Lawson to track their contracts and expenditures.
Management’s Response:
[The Purchasing Division will:]
Add a statement in the Purchasing Manual, requiring that Professional Services
(engineering, personal, etc.) be entered into Lawson as a PO to facilitate payment tracking;
Continue with current quarterly training to end users on how to enter Professional Services
POs in such a way that they can be easily identified and distinguished from goods/services
POs; and,
Continue tracking quarterly goods/services expenditures and breaking apart Professional
Services PO data.
Will forward Professional Services portion to the City Manager’s Office
for review and compliance with known professional services contracts.
Target Date:
Debra Carrejo, Purchasing Manager
Implementation Status:
Fully Implemented.
The Purchasing Manual was updated on January 8, 2010 to include verbiage
stating that professional service contracts should be entered into the Lawson procurement system
and shall be encumbered through the use of a purchase order (PO).
The Purchasing Division
also drafted a User’s Guide to Contracting for Professional Services that details how to enter and
track professional service contracts in Lawson.
The Purchasing Division does not currently have
a training class dedicated to professional service contracts, but does address it in procurement
training classes offered quarterly.
According to the Purchasing Division, they also continue the
practice of quarterly tracking professional service POs entered into Lawson.
The Financial and Management Resources Director should establish controls to monitor the use
of after-the-fact purchase orders for non-exempt purchases and should notify Department Heads
of continued noncompliance.
Management’s Response:
[The Purchasing Division will:]
Work with IT to modify the existing PO254 quarterly tracking report to add column of
“Invoice Date” for comparison with PO date.
If this option is not viable, then create new
report to be run/evaluated quarterly;
CityNet (Procurement) Follow-Up Audit
Update Purchasing Manual to incorporate specific exemptions such as resale/aborted p-card
transactions; and,
Formally notify directors when their department is habitually posting non-exempt after-the-
fact POs.
Target Date:
Debra Carrejo, Purchasing Manager
Implementation Status:
Fully Implemented.
The Purchasing Division has created a modified PO254 report that includes
a field for invoice date.
The Purchasing Division has also updated the Purchasing Manual to
include specific exemptions concerning after-the-fact POs such as resale and aborted
procurement card transactions.
In addition to a revised policy, the Purchasing Division has
developed the following new procedure.
Upon review of the modified PO254 report, Purchasing
staff contact department representatives, via email, if after-the-fact POs are identified.
Department Heads are notified if flagrant or habitual violations are identified.
Enforcement of
this new requirement will begin after FY2010 second quarter reports are completed and
Management is currently exploring how to best utilize SourceNet, the vendor
responsible for the City’s outsourced Accounts Payable function, to track the use of after-the-fact
POs and notify departments of noncompliance.
The Financial and Management Resources Director should ensure that a download of debarred
vendors is obtained via and periodically compared to the City’s vendor database to
ensure that current vendors have not been debarred after being entered into the system.
Management’s Response:
[The Purchasing Division will:]
Continue current Purchasing Division practice of checking all vendors prior to initial set-up
in Lawson AP10 screen;
Continue current Purchasing Division practice of re-checking any vendors as contracts are
implemented, renewed, or modified;
Require that documentation verifying a recheck of vendor status will be formalized as part of
the renewal process; and
Staff will review the EPLS download capabilities and evaluate the cost/benefit and feasibility
of comparing the two databases; noting areas that stop such an attempt (Tax-IDs
unavailable in federal download).
Target Date:
Debra Carrejo, Purchasing Manager
CityNet (Procurement) Follow-Up Audit
Implementation Status:
Partially Implemented.
The Purchasing Division has continued its practice of checking all
vendors against the EPLS at the time the vendor is set-up in Lawson and as contracts are
implemented, renewed or modified.
The Purchasing Division has also implemented a Bid
Contract Sheet that is included in bid files.
The Bid Contract Sheet details contract and renewal
information including the date that EPLS was reviewed and by whom.
According to the
Purchasing Division, the cost/benefit and feasibility analysis of obtaining an EPLS download to
compare to the City’s vendor database (to ensure that vendors contracting with the City were not
debarred after being entered into Lawson) has not begun.
The Systems Analyst within the
Financial and Management Resources Department will be assigned this task.
However, due to
the outsourcing of the accounts payable function and implementation of the Lawson Strategic
Sourcing Module, there has not been adequate time to address this issue.
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