Comptrollers Audit Corrective Action Plan06-07








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Greene Central School District 40 South Canal Street, Greene, NY 13778 Telephone 607.656.4161Office of the State Comptroller Division of Local Government Services & Economic Development Bureau of Examinations th 110 State Street, 12  Floor Albany, NY  12236 April 4, 2007 To Whom It May Concern: The Greene Central School District prides itself on maintaining quality financial controls, systems, and operating procedures over our financial activities.  With this in mind, the Comptroller’s Audit recommendations for operational improvement are another opportunity for us to improve upon the quality of our district. The District would like to respond to each of the three recommendations and to offer the following action plan to the Report of Examination for the period July 1, 2004 through April 4, 2006. The first recommendation involved the internal claims auditor.   Presently, this service is provided by DCMO BOCES as part of the business office functions they perform on our behalf.  The internal claims audit function is performed by a person who is independent of the staff associated with our daily processing activities.  This claims review has proven effective in providing a processing environment that ensures payments are made based on the satisfaction of rules and guidelines .  The SED’s position toward the use of BOCES for this service has been noted in their rules and regulations.  In an effort to comply with the new regulation ...
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Office of the State Comptroller
Division of Local Government Services & Economic Development
Bureau of Examinations
110 State Street, 12
Albany, NY 12236
April 4, 2007
To Whom It May Concern:
The Greene Central School District prides itself on maintaining quality financial controls,
systems, and operating procedures over our financial activities. With this in mind, the
Comptroller’s Audit recommendations for operational improvement are another
opportunity for us to improve upon the quality of our district.
The District would like to respond to each of the three recommendations and to offer the
following action plan to the Report of Examination for the period July 1, 2004 through
April 4, 2006.
The first recommendation involved the internal claims auditor.
Presently, this service is
provided by DCMO BOCES as part of the business office functions they perform on our
behalf. The internal claims audit function is performed by a person who is independent
of the staff associated with our daily processing activities. This claims review has proven
effective in providing a processing environment that ensures payments are made based on
the satisfaction of rules and guidelines
The SED’s position toward the use of BOCES
for this service has been noted in their rules and regulations. In an effort to comply with
the new regulation, Greene CSD will review options for changing this process.
Corrective Action Plan:
Greene CSD would like to continue to utilize the BOCES claims audit process to audit all
payments. We recognize the SED’s concern with BOCES auditing business functions
they perform on our behalf. That function is performed by someone who has no other
responsibilities related to the business operation of the school district. In consideration of
this concern, controls have been stepped up to ensure funds have been encumbered up to
service request limits and monthly invoices are reviewed thoroughly by the Greene
Business Office with approval indicating the exact payment levels.
We understand the SED is continuing its review of this business practice, and should a
final decision require we change our practice, we will be supportive and responsive to
this directive.
Greene Central School District
40 South Canal Street, Greene, NY 13778
Telephone 607.656.4161
The second recommendation addressed the documenting of internal control policies and
procedures for capital assets and consumable inventories.
The audit highlighted a need
for documented processes in the areas of capital assets and consumable inventories,
specifically cafeteria food/supplies and transportation fuel. It was noted that the staff
executed a consistent process that provided for accurate tracking of inventory, but the
process lacked documentation.
The areas identified will be reviewed for change, and the
subsequent review may be expanded to other areas to ensure this documentation is
effectively in place.
Corrective Action Plan:
Greene CSD has reviewed with its Capital Asset stakeholders and School
Lunch/Transportation management the present processes and the internal control
requirements for accurate and timely records. Policies and procedures are presently
being documented and will be presented to the Board of Education for approval by May
16, 2007.
The third and final recommendation dealt with the need to maintain accurate and timely
inventory records for fixed assets.
In several instances, inventory tags were not affixed
to capital assets and property records were inaccurately recorded on the property system
report. The accuracy and ability to track fixed assets within the District requires a
defined process that involves a central focal point and timely communication with the
other stakeholders in this process.
I am pleased to note several changes were recently
implemented within this process, even prior to the Comptroller’s preliminary report. We
will continue to review, document, and execute a change management process to ensure
we accurately account for fixed assets.
Corrective Action Plan:
Greene CSD has reviewed with its Capital Asset stakeholders required process changes
and these have already been implemented. The Capital Asset Management plan is being
finalized and will be presented to the Board of Education for approval by May 16, 2007.
In closing, the Greene Central School District Board of Education and Administration,
are committed to ensuring the recommendations are implemented in an effort to
continually improve the effective and efficient management of the Greene Central School
Gary P. Smith
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