Tips for Choosing a Payroll Provider: How Do We Stack Up?









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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres - Forbes is one of the leading publications for business owners, executives, and entrepreneurs. When they have something to say, business people listen. So we were intrigued to know that they recently published an article covering things a company should be looking at when trying to choose a payroll provider. The tips they offered are a point of reflection for us. We wondered how well we stack up.
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16 mars 2018

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Tips for Choosing a Payroll Provider: How Do We Stack Up? Forbes is one of the leading publications for business owners, executives, and entrepreneurs. When they have something to say, business people listen. So we were intrigued to know that they recently published an article covering things a company should be looking at when trying to choose a payroll provider. The tips they offered are a point of reflection for us. We wondered how well we stack up.
As a nationwide leader in payroll processing and benefits administration, we like to believe that we continue to grow and expand because our customers are happy with our service. Yet we know we cannot rest on the successes of the past. We must continually strive to be better at payroll processing, better at developing innovative benefits plans, and better at making client payroll operations more efficient. In light of that, we thought it might be helpful to review Forbes tips for choosing a payroll provider. If you are concerned about any of these things in your relationship with BenefitMall, please do not be afraid to reach out to us. We want to give you the best service possible.
1. Level of Customer Service It should be obvious that customer service is a top priority for our clients. We get it. Like Forbes, we know that modern business does not necessarily run on a Monday-Friday, 9-to-5 schedule. You need customer service available 24 hours a day. You also need dedicated representatives acting as a single point of contact when you have a problem.
2. Level of Technology One of the things that has enabled the payroll administration industry to prosper is the advent of new technology. It is technology that makes it possible to process payroll online. It is technology that has harnessed the benefits of the cloud to make payroll more efficient and cost-effective. We take great pride in our adoption of technology on behalf of our clients. Not only that, we make a point of continually looking at new technologies coming down the pike. Our goal is to remain one of the industry's most technologically advanced providers offering all the latest solutions.
3. Level of Security
Digital and online security is non-negotiable in the modern era. The payroll provider that does not take every step necessary to protect client and employee information is one that should not be in the payroll business. Rest assured we take security very seriously. Our systems are routinely audited and certified to make sure we are meeting or exceeding all security standards.
4. Tax Filing Support One of the biggest reasons companies outsource their payroll to providers like us is to make sure their tax filings are handled properly. The truth is that taxes are becoming increasingly more complicated with each passing year. Companies just do not have time to deal with tax filings and still concentrate on their core products and services. So payroll providers like BenefitMall take care of tax filings for them. If your payroll provider isn't handling taxes, it's time for a new provider.
5. Services Beyond Payroll Processing The fifth thing Forbes recommends is looking for a payroll provider that offers services above and beyond just regular processing. We are proud to say that we qualify as one of those providers. Not only do we have off-the-shelfpayroll solutionsto meet most needs, but we also provide custom solutions for companies in theconstructionandrestaurant industries. BenefitMall offers services in benefits administration,workers’ coŵpeŶsatioŶand401(k) plans,ACA compliance,time and attendance tracking, employee background screening, expense management, andmore.
So, how do we stack up?
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