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10 juillet 2013



CROWDFUNDING CERTAVI EDIAE:ST  DHEAMYNS IC POFEJORB TCEKCAI SRCKSTN KIR   ARTEak tV nesuawuKpp      myL.y rrBa  suyaB                                                                         lFgaan-n  eK     SchnessBusiler lF-naneK     loo SssnesiBur leag fo troNaC hiloroochUnl erivtysi yfoN rohtC ralona     Universit 8064 ll3BC     34CBa inCoMc; 90ep lC ah ,CNiHll McC490;4521oll NC, 75 2l pellHi    ahC 72   995        u       @tNU.Cde99v neak B                              CT  STRA  ABdu  CNe.suU@B_yarayrdiundfowa s  angf ot yawt ecnanirepr Entrs aeneuruinert  orcgnt  ingolnvs velareevits ylllamnoc heir creative idae.s  rCwofdnuidxif a revo srots(gt milie im ted famsno tuoirtbiinvemer-onsuny cidnuc gnrc efdwo, estepomuomtinia f wew nerelaylIn onlineeks).  p orhtreb caejtcpporf suom ot freht ees o level dol iantan crsnonwf nuidgnd cesie making their o stiimitb gnroferskes  allwes  aing fundrs othe.e ,( .iitnoroamnf ialcisot ha tgnitseggus ,snoiuccess otimate s nht elu toreli poimanrtaypln  aw )s lliicednois uns andullyessfufdnll yssufcuecstlis ctjero pedetratskciK no deect.  Twf a projfop buil oeyra sbllapae y claiav no ccus lenatadd nyt ehb hemacir ofavioject prosrekcab dliuB  .f ofg inllwee th rsiu es dote pmirically study tr eh elos foaicoinl rmfoioatinn s rekcab lanoitidd aatthw ho swet  otader leevylgatis nert iuppooloht yg laicyspedshoc sst-eliabffcest ,atdnree ound bysheory ar drskeaccot noo top ynamb laitnet thojecas aat hubettnir arpt  oppsut.orDu  toe  stitsapcab  rekresponsibility, a d fiufisnoo  fisnsntteg.inCo  ed eildatiw ht hovide th will prra yufdn eenecssasy he tseauec bsrehto taht emusved eceidy rlreaoptrs pu tfo aolstcemid sinisa hhe tro pctjeun flaoss oh whttat he bystander eff gniniagilno dnatiuc anee  ws,onffceene edyl tiwerve obs bard inoti cnerset ne dct updatat projenif ht daen ew r dnewsradet liadjoce erp sht,ra eove Morte. g danisolc sti sehcaropp aleyc cngditogether with thatdnree ffcest ,. aled Reducys biehtuf rnidnog glp tr heach o renilaa f  aofp elatre cctkemas ort sa esaejorp ehr projec case foraylt ehaptrciluveiehe tlyulch accusfsset st tahkelye li mor arehtyea  saoslrig  wstlae thn  iteadpu na evah ot neeco  frpjoce te positive influneg larei ylercndaups,teea ltod  tnipprof nit ehg prasint suojec   .gnid si sihTgeta salun fofs  ,piartSenerhsruetrkg]ingyteMa,   eFrbau        2013 ry 20a, 
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1. INTRODUCTION  An important barrier to innovation is the availability of early-stage funding (Cosh, et al. 2009). Given the difficulties that new ventures face in attracting financing from angel investors, banks and venture capital funds, some entrepreneurs are tapping into large, online communities of consumer-investors (Economist 2010; Schwienbacher and Larralde 2012). Called “crowdfunding,” this relatively new form of informal venture financing allows entrepreneurs to directly ap peal to the general public (i.e., the “crowd”) for help in getting their innovative ideas off the ground. As defined by Belleflamme, et al. (2012), crowdfunding involves an open call (through the Internet) for the provision of financial resources either in the form of donation or in exchange for some form of reward in order to support initiatives for specific purposes 1 .  Collecting small amounts of money from a large number of people has a rich history in many domains (Ordanini, et al. 2011) . For example, Mozart and Beethoven financed concerts and new music compositions with money from interested patrons, the Statue of Liberty in New York was funded by small donations from the American and French people, a human rights organization is trying to raise money in order to buy a communications satellite to provide Internet access to people in third world countries (, accessed November 2, 2012 ) , and President Barak Obama’s 2008 election campaign raised most of its funds from small donations over the Web (Hemer 2011). Today, several hundred global intermediaries with online platforms exist to match up consumer investors with initiatives that they wish to help fund. Prominent examples in the popular press include the narrative movie project by Steve Taylor that got almost 4,500 people to contribute nearly $350,000 and Scott Wilson’s idea to create a wristband that will convert an iPod nano into a watch raised over $940,000 from over 13,500 individuals (Adler 2011). One of the largest crowdfunded projects to date is Eric Migicovsky ’s E -Paper Watch that integrates with an Android or iPhone that received donations totaling over $10.2M from well over 65,000 backers (Segall 2012). According to one industry report, crowdfunding platforms raised almost $1.5B and successfully funded more than one million projects in 2011 (Massolution 2012). Given the potential dollars involved, crowdfunding has recently garnered attention from policymakers and regulators as evidenced by the Jumpstart Our Business Startups Act (JOBS Act) recently signed into U.S. law (Chasan 2012).  Crowdfunding differs from the traditional financing of new ventures in two important ways. First, funding is provided by the relatively small contributions of many individuals over a fixed time limit (generally a few weeks). Second, potential donors can see the level of support from other project backers as well as its timing before making their own funding decisions, suggesting that social information (i.e., oth ers’ funding decisions) will play an important role in the ultimate success of a crowdfunded project. Understanding these effects is important because studies find that social information can lead to “ non-rational” behaviors. For example, people often choose music for downloading based on popularity not quality (Salganik, et al. 2006)                                                           1 This is conceptually similar to crowdsourcing in which community members (non-experts) propose new product and service ideas, as well as comment on and vote for the ideas of others (Bayus 2013).
and bidders tend to herd into online auctions with more bids even though this activity is not a signal of higher quality (Simonsohn and Ariely 2008). Many legal scholars and policy makers believe that this kind of irrational herding behavior increases the chances for fraud in crowdfunded projects since consumer investments are not protected by government regulations or oversight (Bradford 2012; Hazen 2012). To date however, there is very little empirical research to definitively support any position. In general, crowdfunding communities differ in terms of whether the funder’s primary motivation for participating is the expectation of a financial return. For example, crowdfunding communities like SellaBand and Wefunder offer consumer investors an interest in the venture in the form of equity or some sort of profit sharing agreement (Ward and Ramachandran 2010; Agarwal, et al. 2011). Other crowdfunding communities such as Prosper and Zopa involve peer-to-peer lending in which it is expected that the original principal is repaid, along with some fixed interest (Herzenstein, et al. 2011; Zhang and Liu 2012). Research on these types of equity- and lending-based crowdfunding communities finds evidence for herding behavior, i.e., individuals want to contribute to projects that already have a lot of support from other community members. Because consumer investors in these communities expect a financial return, herding behavior is a “rational” way for individuals to reduce their own risk in the face of uncertainty about the proposed new ventures on these websites. Following the literature on information cascades (Bikhchandani, et al. 1992), these studies argue that an initiative with a lot of community support signals that the project is of high quality. Unlike the platforms in which participants expect some sort of financial return, other crowdfunding communities involve no monetary compensation for participation. For example, JustGiving and rely on altruistic motivations in which funders voluntarily donate their money with no expectations of any tangible reward (Burtch, et al. 2012; Smith, et al. 2012). Research on these types of donation-based crowdfunding communities draw on the extensive literature involving philanthropy and public goods (Andreoni 2006; Vesterlund 2006). Because the consumption of public goods cannot be withheld from non-contributors, free-riding is a potential issue in which contributions can be crowded-out by the prior funding decisions of others (Bergstrom, et al. 1986). At the same time, there are several models based on social norms that predict a positive effect of others’ funding decisions (Sugden 1984; Bernheim 1994). Depending on the pe rspective taken, some donation-based crowdfunding studies find positive effects for other community members’  funding decisions on contributions (Smith, et al. 2012), while others find the opposite (Burtch, et al. 2012). Unlike existing research that considers crowdfunding communities with tangible financial returns or no tangible rewards at all, our interest is in crowdfunding communities like Kickstarter and Indiegogo in which project backers do receive tangible, but non-financial, benefits for their financial contributions. These rewards often take the form of tokens of appreciation (thank-you message, artist’s autograph, mentioning the crowdfunder’s name in the credits, tee -shirt) or the pre-purchasing of products or services (Hemer 2011). Not surprisingly, qualitative studies find that rewards are one of the most important motivations for participating in crowdfunding communities (de Witt 2012; Gerber, et al. 2012; Steinberg 2012). Reward-
based crowdfunding has the largest number of online platforms and is the fastest growing form of crowdfunding (Massolution 2012). With the exception of Mollick’s (2012) cross-sectional study, very little research to date has considered reward-based crowdfunding and none has examined the role of social information. [insert Figure 1 about here] The empirical setting for our study is one of the oldest and largest reward-based crowdfunding communities on the Web. Since its launch in April 2009, Kickstarter has over one million community members who have combined to pledge hundreds of millions of dollars to fund creative ideas in categories like art, film and video, dance, design, and technology (Ricker 2011). Anecdotal cases studies suggest that Kickstarter projects tend to get a lot of backer support in the first and last weeks of their funding cycle friends and family tend to be early project supporters, while strangers, who make up the majority of contributors, often provide funding as a project nears its conclusion (de Witt 2012; Steinberg 2012). As an example, consider the backer support over time for Cody Webb’s New CD (a music project supported by 89 backers that successfully achieved funding of $12,701) shown in Figure 1. This bathtub shaped pattern of backer support is sharply different than the generally increasing pattern associated with herding observed with equity or lending-based crowdfunding (e.g., Zhang and Liu 2012) or the decreasing pattern found with donation-based crowdfunding (Burtch, et al. 2012). Although this pattern of backer support is well known by reward-based crowdfunding pundits (de Witt 2012; Mod 2010; Steinberg 2012), insights into its drivers are lacking. Two years of publicly available information on successfully and unsuccessfully funded Kickstarter projects is used to empirically study the role of social information in the dynamic behavior of project backers. To explain the observed bathtub shaped pattern of backer support over time, we introduce a new theoretical lens. Building off the well-established social psychology theory around bystander effects (Fisher, et al. 2011), we show that backer support for a reward-based crowdfunding project is negatively related to its past backer support. Due to a diffusion of responsibility, many potential backers do not contribute to a project that has already received a lot of support because they assume that others will provide the necessary funding. As a result, initial project excitement is quickly followed by a strong downward trend in backer support. Consistent with the deadline effect widely observed in bargaining and online auctions (Roth, et al. 1988; Ariely and Simonson 2003), we also show that the bystander effects diminish as the project funding cycle approaches its closing date. Moreover, as the project deadline draws near we find that project updates tend to increase as the project creators make a final plea for help to reach their funding goal. Reduced bystander effects, together with the positive influence of project updates, inertia from recent backers and exposure on the Kickstarter web site, lead to generally increasing project support in the final stages of funding. This is particularly the case for projects that successfully achieve their goals as they are more likely to have an update
in the last weeks of funding and generate more excitement from recent backers than projects that ultimately fall short. 2. THE THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK In this section, the theoretical framework that guides our empirical study is discussed. Our interest is in reward-based crowdfunding communities like Kickstarter that offer tangible, but non-financial, benefits for the financial contributions of project backers. Given this context, rational herding behavior due to uncertain project quality is unlikely for Kickstarter projects because there is no expectation of a financial return. While Burtch, et al. (2012) and Smith, et al. (2012) argue that donation-based crowdfunding involves the provision and consumption of a public good, this is not the case with reward-based crowdfunding. Importantly, the creative ideas posted on Kickstarter do not have the properties of being non-excludable and non-rivalrous. Reciprocity (Sugden 1984) and conformity (Bernheim 1994) are also not expected to operate in this environment since donors are anonymous and specific donation amounts are not visible. Moreover, if individuals care mostly about the end result (i.e., provision of the public good), then any crowding-out effects of social information should not vary over time. And, to the extent that individuals in the public goods situation care only about the size of their donation and how it makes them feel, there is no role for social information, i.e., the contributions of donors are unrelated in that one person’s donation does not affect the utility someone else receives from giving (Duncan 2004). Instead, we build off the well-established social psychology theory involving the bystander effect (Fischer, et al. 2011). Studies on the bystander effect demonstrate that an individual’s likelihood of helping decreases in the actual or perceived presence of others (Darley and Latane 1968; Latane and Darley 1970; Garcia, et al. 2002). Importantly, the bystander effect is a robust phenomenon that occurs in many experimental and field situations. The original research program on the bystander effect was in response to the very sad real-life case of Catherine Genovese who was raped and murdered in New York while several of her neighbors looked on and did not report the attack to the police (Latane and Nida 1981). Literature reviews by Latane and Nida (1981) and Fisher, et al. (2011) show that the bystander effect operates in many diverse situations, including non-emergencies (e.g., answering the door, helping with a flat tire, leaving a tip). Moreover, the bystander effect occurs for nearly all age groups (except for very young children) as well as for both genders (Latane and Nida 1981). The bystander effect has also been observed with donation behavior (Wiesenthal, et al. 1983). Latane and Darley (1970) propose a decision model that a bystander must go through before intervening in a critical situation. First, bystanders need to notice the situation. Bystanders must then interpret the situation as one in which action is necessary, and then develop a feeling of personal responsibility (empathy). Next, bystanders need to believe they have the skills and resources to help. Finally, they must decide to actually take action to help. Although presented as a linear sequence, this decision model is meant to be iterative at any point in this decision model, the bystander can cycle back to a previous
decision step. Bystanders can exhibit signs of discomfort over inaction if they find it difficult to reach a decision in any stage of this decision model. In addition, delayed responses will often lead to inaction altogether the longer bystanders wait to respond, the less likely they are to ever help. Based on anecdotal reports, this general model seems to capture the key decisions made by backers in crowdfunding communities like Kickstarter (de Witt 2012; Gerber, et al. 2012; Steinberg 2012). Latane and Darley (1970) identify three different social psychological processes that can interfere with the completion of this decision sequence. The first process is diffusion of responsibility in which people fail to help because they assume someone else will do so. In this case, the knowledge that others could instead respond reduces their feelings of personal responsibility and thus, inhibits helping. Individuals tend to subjectively divide their own personal responsibility to help by the number of bystanders. This idea is closely related to social loafing (“a reduction in motivation and effort when individuals work collectively compared with when they work individually,” Karau and Williams 1993: 681 ). The diffusion of responsibility predicts that the likelihood of helping is directly related to the size of the bystander group (Forsyth, et al. 2000). The second process is pluralistic ignorance (or social influence) in which people tend to rely on the overt reactions of others when interpreting an ambiguous situation. In this case, individuals look for cues in the environment that can help them determine whether action is necessary. As noted by Cialdini (2001: 100), we “view other behavior as correct  in a given situation to the degree that we see others performing it.” A strong bystander effect occurs when no one helps because everyone believes that no one else perceives an emergency. The third process is audience inhibition (or evaluation apprehension) in which people feel the risk of embarrassment if the situation is misinterpreted. In other words, individuals are reluctant to help because they are afraid of making mistakes or acting in a way that might be negatively evaluated by onlookers. Given the inherent characteristics of online crowdfunding communities like Kickstarter (creators, backers and community members are for the most part anonymous, and the projects are not ambiguous in that they all explicitly ask for financial help), the audience inhibition and pluralistic ignorance processes are not as relevant as the diffusion of responsibility. Extending the literature which focuses on the bystander effect in face-to-face situations, more recent studies find evidence for the virtual diffusion of responsibility in computer-mediated communication and online communities. For example, Barron and Yechiam (2002) show that the presence of others copied in a private email communication reduces one’s willingness to reply to a request for help. Markey (2000) shows that the time it takes to receive help in online chat groups increases with group size. Yechiam and Barron (2003) find that significantly more people that were emailed individually completed an online survey as compared to a general request sent to members of a Listserv. Voelpel, et al. (2008) examine virtual bystander effects in a number of large online communities consisting of Yahoo!Groups members. They show that the likelihood of responding to a help request and the quality of response is significantly related to group size:
small groups are more likely to respond and more likely to have a high quality response than larger groups. In all these studies, perceived group size is negatively related to helping behavior. To date, the published literature has only considered cross-sectional variation in group size to demonstrate the bystander effect. In the crowdfunding context we study however, time-series variation in group size within a project is of prime interest. Help in the form of financial support can come at any point during a project’s funding cycle before it has reached its funding goal. Moreover, perceptions about the number of others that might provide funding will also vary over time. For each time period during the funding cycle, we argue that potential Kickstarter backers use the list of publicly displayed backers already supporting a project as an indicator of the size of the group that could provide the remaining funding. This approach of using past project support to gauge future support is consistent with related research (Voelpel, et al. 2008) as well as recommendations on how to plan and manage a Kickstarter campaign (Mod 2010; de Witt 2012; Steinberg 2012). Due to a diffusion of responsibility, many prospective backers do not contribute to a project that has already received a lot of support because they assume that someone else will provide the remaining financing. Thus, the bystander effect predicts that project support at any time over its funding cycle is negatively related to the level of support it received prior to that time. The following hypothesis summarizes these arguments. H 1 : The likelihood a reward-based crowdfunding project receives additional backer support is negatively related to its  past backer support.   According to Kickstarter  statistics, a lot of backer support comes in the later stages of a project’s funding cycle. Matt Haughey, a backer of more than 150 Kickstarter projects, sums it up this way (Steinberg 2012: 149):
…once you pass 50 percent of your funding, at any point, you have a 95 percent chance of reaching your goal. There’s a human psychology element where people go, yeah I’ ll kick in more, this guy is so close. Only a handful of projects have finished unsuccessfully having reached 85 percent or more of their funding. The people who are at like 60, 70 percent with a week to go, it’s gonna be OK!   This kind of deadline effect in which a lot of action occurs as the end of an experience is approached has been widely observed in many contexts. For example, last minute agreements are common in negotiations (Roth, et al. 1988; Ma and Manove 1993; Zhou 2011) and a large number of bids are made near the end of online auctions (Ariely and Simonson 2003; Ockenfels, et al. 2006). Webb and Weick (1979) cite several unpublished papers that report deadline effects in college applications (more applications are received right before deadline dates), trading on the New York Stock Exchange (trading volume systematically increases two hours before the closing bell), and play calling in the National Football League (total plays executed are highest in the second quarter right before the half time break and fourth quarter right before the end of the game). Similar behaviors have also been observed in rats and pigeons that increase their efforts as the expected end of a fixed reinforcement schedule approaches, even though this behavior does not increase
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