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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres








Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

AUDIT PROGRAM FOR ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Risks The accounts receivable listing or individual balances may be inaccurate Accounts receivable balances may not exist Accounts receivable may not be collectible Bad debts write-offs may not be valid Sales transactions may be processed in the wrong period Steps 1. Agree a detailed listing of accounts receivable to the summary Obtain a detailed listing of accounts receivable balances (aged by customer, if possible) and: a) trace totals to the comparative summary of accounts receivable balances; b) select reconciling items in order to obtain a moderate to low level of assurance that accuracy is achieved and i) trace these items to supporting documentation; and ii) determine whether the results of the client's investigations have been reviewed and approved by a responsible official; c) test, to an extent to obtain a moderate to low level of assurance, the mathematical accuracy of the detailed listing; and d) if appropriate, examine support for any significant adjustments made throughout the year in reconciling detailed accounts receivable records with the account(s) in the general ledger. 2. Positively confirm selected accounts receivable balances Select customers' account from the detail accounts receivable listing for positive confirmation in order to obtain a moderate to low level of assurance that the aforementioned audit objectives are achieved. Perform the following: a) ...
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AUDIT PROGRAM FOR ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Risks ¾The accounts receivable listing or individual balances may be inaccurate ¾Accounts receivable balances may not exist ¾Accounts receivable may not be collectible ¾Bad debts write-offs may not be valid ¾Sales transactions may be processed in the wrong period Steps 1. Agreea detailed listing of accounts receivable to the summary Obtain a detailed listing of accounts receivable balances (aged by customer, if possible) and: a) tracetotals to the comparative summary of accounts receivable balances; b) selectreconciling items in order to obtain a moderate to low level of assurance that accuracy is achieved and i) tracethese items to supporting documentation; and ii) determinewhether the results of the client's investigations have been reviewed and approved by a responsible official; c) test,to an extent to obtain a moderate to low level of assurance, the mathematical accuracy of the detailed listing; and d) ifappropriate, examine support for any significant adjustments made throughout the year in reconciling detailed accounts receivable records with the account(s) in the general ledger. 2. Positivelyconfirm selected accounts receivable balances Select customers' account from the detail accounts receivable listing for positive confirmation in order to obtain a moderate to low level of assurance that the aforementioned audit objectives are achieved.Perform the following:  a)send positive confirmation requests under our control.Where appropriate, send itemized statements to customers to facilitate responses.Second requests and, where warranted, third requests should be mailed when responses to positive confirmation requests have not been received within a reasonable time.When management requests us not to confirm certain accounts receivable balances, consider whether there are valid grounds for such a request.Before accepting a refusal as justified, examine any available evidence to support management's explanations. b) summarizeconfirmation coverage. 3. Reviewconfirmation replies For confirmations returned:
a) agreeaccount information and account balance to detail listing; b) reconcilethe account detail between the returned confirmation and the detail listing, where applicable; and c) investigateall reconciling items and determine whether any adjustments are necessary. 4. Testaccounts where there is no confirmation When confirmation is not carried out, or where it is not possible to confirm a selected amount (including where confirmation requests are unanswered), select customer accounts from the detail accounts receivable listing for verification and perform the steps outlined below in order to obtain a moderate to low level of assurance that the aforementioned audit objectives are achieved. a) comparesubsequent remittances credited to accounts with remittance advices or other receipts (e.g. deposit slips and bank statement) and ascertain that payments relate to the account balances; b) examinedocumentation such as shipping documents, copies of sales invoices, customer sales orders, and other relevant correspondence supporting the unpaid portion of the account balances. Coordinate this test with the review of the collectibility of overdue accounts; and c) considerwhether it is necessary to verify further the existence of the customer. 5. Assessadequacy of allowance for doubtful accounts To an extent based upon materiality and inherent risk, assess the adequacy of allowance for doubtful accounts by performing the following procedures: a) obtaina list of accounts for which an allowance has been established.Review and test the process used by management to develop their estimate of collectibility; b) whereprovisions are made by the use of formulae based on the aged listing, determine by reference to the details in our notes of the client's procedures whether the basis is: i) consistentwith prior years; ii) appropriateto the circumstances of the business; and iii) inaccordance with the accounting policy; d) determinethe effect, if any, of the client's policies and experiences regarding the timing of the passage of title, sales returns and allowances where right of return exists, and bill and hold situations; and e) discusscollectibility with management and review other documentation supporting collectibility as necessary.
6. Reviewbad debt writeoffs Review, in order to obtain a moderate to low level of assurance that valuation is achieved, bad debt writeoffs by performing the following: a) considerthe reasonableness of bad debt expense in light of the levels of bad debt write-offs compared with prior years; and b) examinedocumentation relating to write-offs during the period and determine whether the write-offs were properly authorized. 7. Testsales/accounts receivable cutoff Accounts receivable cutoff testing is typically performed in conjunction with testing inventory cutoff and may be tested in the Inventory audit area.If cutoff is tested in the Accounts receivable audit area, perform the following: Select sales and credit memoranda to obtain a moderate to low level of assurance that cutoff is achieved by reviewing the cutoff at the time of inventory taking and at year-end (if different) and performing the following: a) forselected sales for periods before and after the cutoff date, examine the related records of goods shipped and services performed to determine that the sales invoices are recorded as sales in the proper period; b) forselected credit (debit) memoranda for periods before and after the cutoff date, examine the related records of returns and claims from customers to determine that the credit (debit) memoranda are recorded in the proper period; c) determinewhether there are unusually high volumes of returned goods after year-end; and d) considerunusual fluctuations in sales or return patterns before and after year-end and, if present, review for possible cutoff errors.
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