X2 The threat








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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

Manuel du jeu vidéo X2 The threat Welcome space pilot to TerraCorp, you are now a member of the largest space fleet in the
whole of the Argon controlled territories. TerraCorp is a family. Every ship you meet will
greet you with the warmth and companionship that only our beloved Corporation can give
you. Be sure to act in accordance with company policy and be courteous to your fellow
travellers as I am sure they will be to you.
Your ship (unless you have documents stating otherwise) belongs to the Corporation. Any
damage is to be paid for from your credits. Please keep your vessel, both inside and out,
in the condition you received it.
You will find in these pages the basic flight controls of your craft that are based upon the
“unified flight control” systems of your very own TerraCorp. This enables pilots to easily
move from one ship class to another retaining some familiarity with the control
There are various technical sections detailing weapon systems, flight control, race history
and more to help you in your employment.
Read and learn these well for knowledge of the Universe is of great importance, especially
if your travels take you outside of Argon controlled space.
Good profit to you and in the words of our founder ”Never travel empty. A journey without
profit is a journey with no purpose.”
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Setup & Installation System Requirements Installation Technical Support Starting X2 - The Threat Video Hardware Glossary Starting the Game TerraCorp Space-Fleet Pilots Manual Introduction Ship Controls Main Menu Cockpit Tutorial Navigation Command Console Trading Combat Build Appendices i. Ranks ii. Vessels iii. Inhabitants iv. Equipment & Ordnance v. The Options Menu vi. Gates vii. Zuran time: The time system of the community of planets Tales from the Cosmos A Trader's log A Pirate's log Farnham's Legend - Prologue Credits
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SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS Minimum Microsoft® Windows® 98SE/ME/2000/XP Pentium® III 800MHz or equivalent 128MB RAM 32MB 3D graphics card Soundcard 800MB free disk space 4x CD-ROM Mouse + Keyboard or Joystick (Optional support for force-feedback) Recommended Microsoft® Windows® 2000/XP Pentium® III 1.3GHz or equivalent 256MB RAM 64MB DirectX 8 compatible 3D graphics card Soundcard (Surround sound support recommended) 1GB free disk space 32x CD-ROM Mouse + Keyboard or Joystick (Optional support for force-feedback) Optimum Microsoft® Windows® XP Pentium® IV 1.8GHz or equivalent 512MB RAM 128MB DirectX 9 compatible 3D graphics card Soundcard (Surround sound support recommended) 1GB free disk space 48x CD-ROM Mouse + Keyboard or Joystick (Optional support for force-feedback)  
EPILEPSY WARNING Some people are prone to epileptic fits or the loss of consciousness as a result of being exposed to strobing light sources. These people may have attacks while watching television or playing computer games. Fits can happen to people who have no previous history of epilepsy. If you or your family has any history of epilepsy it is advised that you contact your doctor before playing. If you suffer from any of the following symptoms: disturbed vision, eye or muscle spasm, fainting, disorientation, convulsions or other uncoordinated movements, you should immediately stop playing the game and contact your doctor. Safety Procedures • Sit an appropriate distance from the monitor, ideally as far away as the wires will allow. • Use a small monitor. • Avoid playing the game if you are tired. Make sure the room is adequately lit. • Take a 10-15 minute break every hour of playing.
If you have any problems installing this software please log on to our online technical support website at:
Here you will be able to either browse through our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section where the most common problems are usually identified. Or alternatively contact us directly from this site. Before you do so please make sure your operating system (Windows) and device drivers (video card, sound card & motherboard) are fully up to date, as this is usually the main problem when experiencing software difficulties. Please also make sure you have read the installation instructions fully. When submitting a fault via our helpdesk please include the following information...... Exact error message if any. Steps taken to reproduce the error/fault. of programs running at time of fault, including Anti-Virus and firewallDetails applications. Direct X Diagnostic report. Do this by following theMost importantly, email to us a below instructions: Click the START button on your Windows task bar, and then click run and type dxdiag in the box that opens. The DirectX diagnostic toolbox should automatically run. This tool details your whole system and the details can be dumped to a log file by clicking on the "Save All Information" button at the bottom. This will save a text file called "DxDiag", which you can just attach to any correspondence. This information will best assist us in resolving your query as quickly as possible. Additional support can also be obtained from the officialX2website: www.x2thethreat.com You can also visit the official forums here and read through questions set by otherX2 The Threat players. Here you will also find a multitude of hints and tips to enhance your gaming experience, plus a host of other wide-ranging topics. Please view the “Readme” file on the game CD for the latest information.
1. From the START Menu, point to Programs, point to EGOSOFT, and then point to X2- The Threat.
2. At the initial start up screen, you may change some basic settings, such as Screen Resolution and other graphics settings. It is recommended that settings such as Anti-Aliasing be selected here rather than on your graphics card settings. You will also get the chance to alter some of these from within the game. There is a quick glossary of video hardware terms on page 6.
- The Threat. You may skip the opening sequence by pressing [ESC] if you wish.
Anti-Aliasing:AA is basically a technology employed to smoothen the edges of 3D objects displayed in a higher resolution than the one the picture was rendered in.X2uses two times (2x) AA that means the resolution is doubled. Many graphic cards allow you to enforce higher levels of AA for all games by changing the settings of the Graphics Driver itself. Beware however that this can significantly slow down the game while not improving the visual quality a great deal in resolutions above 800x600. Real-time shadows: X2can render shadows for objects dynamically. This means a spaceship for example casts a shadow away from the starlight and even rotating objects project shadows across other objects. This feature is a serious performance drainer and should only be applied on systems with a powerful video card installed (optimum system requirements). Bump mapping: X2layers of high quality bump maps to significantly improveuses multiple the visual appearance of all objects. Without bump maps the game will look far less detailed. For this reason bump maps are turned ON by default on all graphic cards. Turn this feature off only on low-end graphic cards as a last resort to improve performance! Automatic Quality Control:AQC is a system that attempts to keep the frame rate of the game above a certain minimum by reducing visual quality gradually. Leave AQC turned on unless you have a very high-end system and thinkX2is running smooth no matter what is being displayed on the screen.
If you are still suffering low frame rates on your machine then for maximum performance while playing the game you should stop any background tasks i.e. virus protection, instant messengers and any other programs that are unnecessary during game play. This may also include active connections to networks and or the Internet.
STARTING THE GAME It is recommended that you at least play through the first tutorial whether you are new to theX-Universeor not before progressing into the game proper. There is a step-by-step guide to the first tutorial in the flight manual section. Otherwise pressing START will start a new game from the beginning. If you have a save game, then you should select LOAD instead. From here, you will be taken through the first parts of the story line inX2- The Threat. You will meet one of the main characters and they will help you to get started. Once you’ve finished your introduction to the plot, you’ll be flying your new ship in no time at all. After launch, you’ll also be given further help and information from TerraCorp along with instructions on what to do next, and where to go. From this point on, it’s all up to you. You can follow your instructions or go off and do your own thing...
Welcome space pilot to TerraCorp, you are now a member of the largest space fleet in the whole of the Argon controlled territories. TerraCorp is a family. Every ship you meet will greet you with the warmth and companionship that only our beloved Corporation can give you. Be sure to act in accordance with company policy and be courteous to your fellow travellers as I am sure they will be to you. Your ship (unless you have documents stating otherwise) belongs to the Corporation. Any damage is to be paid for from your credits. Please keep your vessel, both inside and out, in the condition you received it. You will find in these pages the basic flight controls of your craft that are based upon the “unified flight control” systems of your very own TerraCorp. This enables pilots to easily move from one ship class to another retaining some familiarity with the control mechanisms. There are various technical sections detailing weapon systems, flight control, race history and more to help you in your employment. Read and learn these well for knowledge of the Universe is of great importance, especially if your travels take you outside of Argon controlled space. Good profit to you and in the words of our founder ”Never travel empty. A journey without profit is a journey with no purpose.”
SHIP CONTROLS Most Important Keys Esc command console. ShiftPrevious menu Open C DELExit all menus and return to cockpit instantly
Ship Controls Q W Ship rotation A Z Ship speed control Brake to zero speed TAB Boost speed to max O SHIFT F Open bay door J Activate SETA (time compression) U Switch current ship to computer control Alt Gr Strafe movement SHIFT P Pause SHIFT D Command ship to “Dock at my target”
Weapon Controls CNTLLMBFire lasers of active cockpit or turret L Launch missile M Select/cycle missile type K Change laser targeting mode.
Target Management T Target to object under cursor E Toggle enemy mode. Target keys now only cycle enemies. SHIFT L Target to enemy under cursor PG PG UP DNCycle target to next / previous ship (hold down forTandEfunctionality) HME ENDCycle target to next / previous station INS DELCycle target to next / previous enemy
View Controls
F1Switch active monitor to next cockpit F2Switch active monitor to external view F3Switch active monitor to target view F4Activate next monitorF5Toggle all monitors on/off Num around cockpit or external view,1 9 Look control cursor in sector map Num camera distance in external view ChangeA Z Num through camera modes. Modes are: Manual control of view angle,0 Cycle Cam relative to object, Cinematic flyby, Cinematic static Num5 Switch to rear view in external camera mode
G Toggle grid projection if installed ALT Zoom in (Video Enhancement goggles upgrade required) SHIFT M Change Radar mode
Menu Hotkeys (Optional).Also available through main menu . Sector map , Universe map S Ship info menu I Target info menu F Freight menu C Comm. menu P Pilot information SHIFT I Task list / Log R Player property menu 1 2 3 4 Change laser in bay 1-4 of active turret or cockpit SHIFT 1 2 Command wingmen group SHIFT 3 4 Command drone group SHIFT Q Quit program SHIFT O Options menu SHIFT S Save game. This only functions in space when you have salvage insurance, which is available only from the Goner temple. SHIFT L Load game SHIFT E Ejects player from ship/enter ship. You must have your intended ship targeted and within range (30 meters) to enter. SHIFT R Recording on / off (3D Video stream) H Help window M Cycle Radar modes Print ScreenF9Save screenshot You are free to use any combination of the flight control methods that suit your style best. The following diagrams show the default settings and these may be further configured or adjusted depending on your model(s). Please consult your manufacturers documentation for configuring your input devices. Note that the POV “hat” can be used to navigate the menus if you have one available. JOYSTICK & MOUSE The Mouse operates in two modes, Normal mode and Menu mode. You can enter the Menu mode by clicking the RMB (right mouse button). Use the Wheel to navigate the menus and the LMB to select. Press the RMB again to exit the current menu and return to the previous menu or, if you wish to exit the menu system altogether, press and HOLD the RMB. Important. While navigating your on-board systems via the menu interfaces, please be aware that your ship is still under your control, either manually or via the AI interface (command console). TerraCorp HQ frowns upon the loss of equipment due to careless piloting.
1. Start Starts a new game ofX2- The Threatfrom the beginning. 2. Load Loads one of your previously saved games. Note: You do have a limited number of save game slots. 3. Simulator The tutorials enable you to ‘jump ahead’ and experience some of the different features of X2- The Threatas well as try out some different ships and get used to flying, trading, building and all of the unique features available within the game. The first tutorial is described in detail further on. 4. Intro Replays the introduction that you view the first time you play the game. 5. Options IMPORTANT NOTE:The screen resolution cannot be changed from within the game. If you wish to change the resolution, it should be done at theX2- The Threatstart up menu as described in the Starting The Game For The First Time section. Here you can adjust several settings within the game. Video will allow you to change some of the in-game features such as Bump mapping and Shadows. Sound enables different surround sound and stereo options. Controls enable different control set up options. 6. Movies Here, you can playback movie sequences that you recorded during the game. This is the place to re-live your best capture, or prove to your friends that you really did destroy 20 Khaak ships in 5 minutes! 7. Credits 8. Exit QuitsX2- The Threatand takes you back to your desktop.
Although the controls of each ship may be positioned in different places to suit the layout of that particular vessel, you will find that the readouts and displays of all Argon vessels to be of a similar design. This may or may not apply to any other ships you may encounter on your travels. The cockpit and associated briefings below are taken from the Argon Discoverer M5 class Scout ship. You are advised to familiarise yourself with the layout of other ships you may acquire before piloting them into hostile situations. Main cockpit view
The image above is the whole of the cockpit in view. Below you will see different parts of this explained in more detail. There are a number of information screens showing various readouts. These have been summarised into the Overlay for ease of reading. You can look around your cockpit using your chosen view method (i.e. num-pad keys or joystick hat switch). Overlay
The overlay will also appear on the screen when in any external view as well as in-cockpit. It can be disabled in the options menu. The overlay can be split down into three distinct areas of data. 1.Communication feed. Situated on the left this is where you will see a textual readout of incoming dialogue. Your on-board systems automatically translate all known species languages. 2.Ship Status. To the right of the communication feed. Shows your ship ID, hull integrity (green), shield strength (blue), speed (yellow) and laser bank energy (red). A red indicator on the (yellow) speed bar shows the speed your ship is trying to attain. You may see a gap between this red indicator and the yellow speed bar while your ship accelerates/decelerates to the selected speed. Laser energy will deplete when the energy-based weapons systems are activated. It will slowly replenish from the main energy core. You will receive an audible warning when your laser energy is low. 3.On the right is the Gravidar/Video feed Orb. This shows the real-time 3-dimensional radar. The Gravidar can be set to varying scan distances as depicted by the five blocked indicators to the top left of the Orb and also to automatic which will change the scan range to suit localised targets. Any incoming video feed will temporarily replace the Gravidar display. The Gravidar will return automatically once the video feed is completed. Target Illumination blank
At the very top of your screen is the target information readout. This shows the current status of your selected target and is similar to your ship status display. Quick reading of this display can be critical in combat. The above image shows a blank target and the one below shows a target selected. Notice the distance from you and ship ID of the selected target along with the speed, energy weapons, shield strength bars and hull are all shown. Target Illumination active
HUD The ‘head up display’ is situated in the middle of your view and has various functions to aid your navigation and combat. The two numbers on the top left are your current speed and selected target speed. Below is an image of an active HUD.
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