Wario Ware DIY








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Manuel du jeux vidéo DS Wario Ware DIY
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Read this before you play! À LIRE AVANT DE JOUER! need help with installation, maintenance or service? nintendo cu stomer service support.nintendo.com or call 1-800-255-3700 MON.-SUN., 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., Pacific Time (Times subject to change) Besoin d’aide pour l’installation, l’entretien ou la rÉparation? service À la clientÈle de nintendo support.nintendo.com ou composez le 1 800 255-3700 LUN.-DIM., entre 6 h 00 et 19 h 00, heure du Pacifique (Heures sujettes à changement) 70700A Nintendo of America Inc. P.O. Box 957, Redmond, WA 98073-0957 U.S.A. PRINTED IN USA www.nintendo.com IMPRIMÉ AUX É.-U. 100094_Wario_DIY_Cdn_Manual.indd 1-2 2/22/10 3:51:10 PM INSTRUCTION BOOKLET MANUEL D’INSTRUCTIONS PLEASE CAREFULLY READ THE SEPARATE HEALTH AND SAFETY WARNING - Repetitive Motion Injuries and EyestrainPRECAUTIONS BOOKLET INCLUDED WITH THIS PRODUCT BEFORE ®USING YOUR NINTENDO HARDWARE SYSTEM, GAME CARD OR Playing video games can make your muscles, joints, skin or eyes hurt. Follow these instructions to avoid ACCESSORY. THIS BOOKLET CONTAINS IMPORTANT HEALTH AND pr oblems such as tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndr ome, skin irritation or eyestrain: • A void excessive play . Par ents should monitor their childr en for appr opriate play .SAFETY INFORMATION. • T ake a 10 to 15 minute br eak every hour , even if you don’ t think you need it. • When using the stylus, you do not need to grip it tightly or pr ess it har d against the scr een. Doing so may IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION: READ THE FOLLOWING cause fatigue or discomfort. WARNINGS BEFORE YOU OR YOUR CHILD PLAY VIDEO GAMES. • If your hands, wrists, arms or eyes become tir ed or sor e while playing, or if you feel symptoms such as tingling, numbness, bur ning or stif fness, stop and r est for several hours befor e playing again. • If you continue to have any of the above symptoms or other discomfort during or after play , stop playing WARNING - Seizures and see a doctor . • Some people (about 1 in 4000) may have seizur es or blackouts trigger ed by light flashes or patter ns, and this may occur while they ar e watching TV or playing video games , even if they have never had a seizur e befor e. • Anyone who has had a seizur e , loss of awar eness , or other symptom linked to an epileptic condition WARNING - Battery Leakage should consult a doctor befor e playing a video game. The Nintendo DS contains a rechar geable lithium ion battery pack. Leakage of ingredients contained within the • Par ents should watch their childr en play games. Stop playing and consult a doctor if you or battery pack, or the combustion products of the ingredients, can cause personal injury as well as damage to your your child has any of the following symptoms: Nintendo DS. Convulsions Eye or muscle twitching Loss of awareness If battery leakage occurs, avoid contact with skin. If contact occurs, immediately wash thoroughly with soap and Altered vision Involuntary movements Disorientation water . If liquid leaking from a battery pack comes into with your eyes, immediately flush thoroughly with • T o r educe the likelihood of a seizur e when playing video games: and see a doctor . 1. Sit or stand as far fr om the scr een as possible. T o avoid battery leakage: 2. Play video games on the smallest available television scr een. • Do not expose battery to excessive physical shock , vibration, or liquids. 3. Do not play if you ar e tir ed or need sleep. • Do not disassemble, attempt to r epair or deform the battery . 4. Play in a well-lit r oom. • Do not dispose of battery pack in a fir e. 5. T ake a 10 to 15 minute br eak every hour . • Do not touch the terminals of the battery , or cause a short between the terminals with a metal object. • Do not peel or damage the battery label. WARNING - Radio Frequency Interference The Nintendo DS can emit radio waves that can af fect the operation of nearby electr onics , including car diac pacemakers. REV–EImportant Legal Information• Do not operate the Nintendo DS within 9 inches of a pacemaker while using the wir eless featur e. • If you have a pacemaker or other implanted medical device , do not use the wir eless featur e of the This Nintendo game is not designed for use with any unauthorized device. Use of any such device Nintendo DS without first consulting your doctor or the manufactur er of your medical device. will invalidate your Nintendo pr oduct warranty . Copying of any Nintendo game is illegal and is strictly • Observe and follow all r egulations and rules r egar ding use of wir eless devices in locations such as pr ohibited by domestic and inter national intellectual pr operty laws. “Back-up” or “ar chival” copies ar e hospitals , airports , and on boar d air craft. Operation in those locations may interfer e with or cause not authorized and ar e not necessary to pr otect your softwar e. V iolators will be pr osecuted. malfunctions of equipment , with r esulting injuries to persons or damage to pr operty . 100094_Wario_DIY_Cdn_Manual.indd 3-4 2/22/10 3:51:13 PM THIS GAME CARD WILL WORK TMONLY WITH THE NINTENDO DS VIDEO GAME SYSTEM. CONTENTS GetTing StarTed 06 DiStribution CEnter Wireless DS Multi-Card 2 Play PlayIng Microgames 08 Getting Started 20 THIS GAME ALLOWS WIRELESS MULTIPLAYER GAMES WITH EACH DS SYSTEM CONTAINING D.i.Y. Shop CoMmUNICATING with WII 21 A SEPARATE GAME CARD. Games 10 COmMunicating WiTH DS 24 MuSic 12 Notices Regarding WirEleSs ComMunications 28 CoMics 15 Nintendo WFC 29 Sales ChArtS 16 Options GArage 33WarioWARe, Inc. 17 MANUEL EN FRANÇAiS 41D.I.Y. Studio 18 NEED HELP PLAYING A GAME? Check the date and time!Recorded tips for many titles are available on Nintendo’s Power Line at (425) 885-7529. This may be a long-distance call, so please ask permission WarioWare: D.I.Y. uses the DS system calendar to update data. Be sure to set your DS from whoever pays the phone bill. system calendar to the correct date and time before using this software. If the system If the information you need is not on the Power Line, you may want to try is set to a date earlier than the one shown in the calendar in your D.I.Y. Studio, be using your favorite Internet search engine to find tips for the game you warned that data may not update correctly. If you encounter a situation like this, either are playing. Some helpful words to include in the search, along with the wait without changing the DS system setting until the system date and D.I.Y. Studio game’s title, are: “walk through,” “FAQ,” “codes,” and “tips.” calendar reach the same date, or change the DS system date to match that of the D.I.Y. Studio calendar, allowing data to be updated once again (though changing your DS system date may cause side effects in other software). For details on how to change system settings, refer to the manual included with your Nintendo DS system. © 2009-2010 NINTENDO CO-DEVELOPED BY INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS. TM, ® AND THE NINTENDO DS LOGO ARE TRADEMARKS OF NINTENDO. © 2010 NINTENDO. THIS PRODUCT USES THE LC Font BY SHARP CORPORATION. LCFont, LC Font AND THE LC LOGO MARK ARE TRADEMARKS OF SHARP CORPORATION. 05 100094_Wario_DIY_Cdn_Manual.indd 5-6 2/22/10 3:51:18 PM Getting Started Starting a New Game Make sure your Nintendo DS system is turned off, then insert the P. 10When starting a new game, first enter the D.I.Y. Shop . You will quickly meet your guide, WarioWare: D.I.Y. Game Card into the Game Card slot. enter your name, and advance through the game, learning how to play as you go. 1 Take Lessons at WarioWare, Inc.1 When you turn the power on, you will see the screen displayed to the right. After reading the contents, tap P. 17After you leave the D.I.Y. Shop, head to WarioWare, Inc. . Complete all steps of the the Touch Screen to continue. first lesson in D.I.Y. 101 to have your Super MakerMatic 21 delivered to the D.I.Y. Studio and start t BScreenshots in this manual will be labeled with a or a , making games. indicating top screen or bottom screen (Touch Screen), respectively. B 2 Create a Brand Name 2 Tap WarioWare: D.I.Y. on the system menu screen. After completing the first lesson in D.I.Y. 101, you will be asked to create a brand name for all the The screen shown to the right is from the Nintendo DS Lite/DS. products you make. Enter your brand name the same way you entered your name. You can also change your name and brand name at any time in the Options Garage .P. 33When using a Nintendo DS Lite/DS and the Start Mode is set to Auto, this step is not necessary. Refer to your DS system instruction booklet for details. B You wanna save your data?! 3 When the game cartridge is displayed on the bottom screen, tap the cartridge to display the Diamond City WarioWare: D.I.Y. data is saved automatically throughout play, such as when you’ve menu screen. Tap the building you want to go into, then completed a lesson or after playing microgames. Data for products that you’re creating tap Enter. is saved by selecting Save on the Home Screen. You can delete all data in the Options Garage, but be warned that you cannot recover data once it has been deleted.Whenever you tap and select a product or building, you must also tap Play or Enter, respectively, to confirm your selection. B 06 07 100094_Wario_DIY_Cdn_Manual.indd 7-8 2/22/10 3:51:24 PM Playing Microgames Game Rules and How to Advance All the microgames featured in WarioWare: D.I.Y. can be played Each microgame is played by tapping the bottom screen simpl
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