Full Pipe








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Le téléchargement nécessite un accès à la bibliothèque YouScribe Tout savoir sur nos offres

Manuel du jeu vidéo Full Pipe. Full Pipe exists. In reality. Until recently it was difficult to get there, but today it’s available for everyone. Full Pipe visitors give it various descriptions. Some say our worlds are alike, though others claim the opposite...
The history of Full Pipe started in year 1997. Andrew Golovljov (C.E.O.) and Ivan Maximov
(a prizewinner of numerous animation and movie festivals) have imagined a surreal and
psychedelic world. But this world remains mystical only in the beginning. Once you will get
acquainted with it, you’ll get it. They say that game characters talk despite the game has no dialogues. Just get a closer look. Full Pipe is a large microworld, divided into several levels of various composition. Game cells with diverse non-playing characters are
connected with simple pipes you can crawl through. Each cell is one of a kind. We have struggled to achieve coziness and individuality among these pipe joints: a wallcrack here, a little bit of notch there, a
spiderwebbed brick setting, a half-abraded pattern or scripture… By the way, to the point of scriptures. They say, that they contain helpful information and clues. And be careful. Visiting Full Pipe can make you really happy. It’s impossible to create such games without a smile. Because they bring fun !
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 TABLE OF CONTENTS    INTRODUCTION.................................................... 2 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS................................ 3 INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS.................................. 4 HOW TO PLAY....................................................... 5 Mouse controls Keyboard commands Inventory Using the map Arcade mini-games Main Menu and Options TROUBLESHOOTING.......................................... 7 TECHNICAL SUPPORT........................................ 8 CREDITS................................................................. 9 NOTES.................................................................... 12    THEY SAY: Youl  have to satisfy hunger of insatiable Ba l gulpers with a help of indispensable helper - Ba l spiter. Also you wi l  ba t le against steadily growing forces of powerful Danglings. 
   THEY SAY: You tried a l  thinkable ways of striking up acquaintances with girls and you have no result? Try this one. 100% result is guaranteed!    
THEY SAY: During the Russian Game Developer's Conference, KRI-2004. John Romero and Tom Ha l  took a great interest in Fu l  Pipe .  Has anyone seen them since?  
 INTRODUCTION  Full Pipe exists. In reality. Until recently it was difficult to get there, but today its available for everyone. Full Pipe visitors give it various descriptions. Some say our worlds are alike, though others claim the opposite...  The history of Full Pipe started in year 1997. Andrew Golovljov (C.E.O.) and Ivan Maximov (a prizewinner of numerous animation and movie festivals) have imagined a surreal and psychedelic world. But this world remains mystical only in the beginning. Once you will get acquainted with it, youll get it. They say that game characters talk despite the game has no dialogues. Just get a closer look.   
Full Pipe is a large microworld, divided into several levels of various composition. Game cells with diverse non-playing characters are connected with simple pipes you can crawl through. Each cell is one of a kind. We have struggled to achieve coziness and individuality among these pipe joints: a wallcrack here, a little bit of notch there, a spiderwebbed brick setting, a half-abraded pattern or scripture By the way, to the point of scriptures. They say, that they contain helpful information and clues.
 And be careful. Visiting Full Pipe can make you really happy. Its impossible to create such games without a smile. Because they bring fun!    
 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS  Pentium II 300  MHz or compatible  No less than 64 MB RAM memory  610 MB free hard drive space for installation  Windows'95/98/ME/2000/XP with DirectX 8.0 or later  DirectX Certified Video Card capable of supporting 800x600x16 resolution mode  DirectX-compatible Sound Card  keyboard, mouse   
To install FULL PIPE (Total Flush), first insert the CD-ROM labeled FULL PIPE (Total Flush) into your CD-ROM drive and follow the on-screen instructions.  If you have Autorun enabled, then you will shortly see an Autorun menu. Click on the Install button.  If your Autorun is not enabled, click on the icon representing your CD-ROM drive under My Computer. This will bring up a listing of the files on FULL PIPE (Total Flush) Disk. Find AUTORUN.EXE and double-click to launch in install application.
 The README.TXT file n the CD contains up to date information that was not available when the manual went to press. We suggest you view the README to get the latest information and changes. You can do this from the Autorun menu by clicking on the View Readme button.
 HOW TO PLAY  Since Dude falls through the Pipe for the first time his adventure begins in a very strange world. It would be better to look around a bit for a moment or two.  Your primary game input device is a computer mouse. You can control Dude, the main character, by clicking certain locations of the game screen, while cursor will change appearance according to whatever action possible:  "Foot" cursor: Allows moving to a location on the game screen.   "Hand" cursor: Allows to trigger various objects with bare hands.   "Holding Hand" cursor: Allows to trigger various objects with an item from the inventory.  "Dropping Hand" cursor: Allows to use an item, but possibly for no purpose.   "Foot and Arrows" cursor: Allows to crawl through pipes or scroll the game screen where possible.    "Arrow Down" cursor: Dude will gladly jump here.   "Arrow Left" or "Arrow Right" cursors: Will make Dude to bend, throw, blow, etc.  You can access the contents of Dude's knapsack (Inventory) by moving cursor to the top of the screen. Clicking knapsack objects will move them to Dudes hands, changing the cursor image.  There is an item Dude always keeps to himself  a map. Clicking the Map icon will display the pipe structure of places already visited. Rightclicking mouse or pressing Tab and Esc keyboard buttons will hide the map.  Please note: during game cuts Dude will ignore your commands.
 Sometimes Dude will need to move through so-called Arcades where mouse controls require a little knack:  - to press an item at a given time; - to press and hold left mouse button (the cursor will change to "Arrow Left" or "Arrow Right"), sidestepping, aiming or evading blows before releasing left mouse button; - to move along the game screen dynamically; - to leftclick or rightclick timely.  During Arcades an onscreen help will be displayed.  You can also use several keyboard commands:  F1: to display help, containing description of cursors and action buttons. Space: to toggle upper panel (knapsack) display. Tab: to toggle the Map display.  Pressing Esc will skip Intro, hide the Map or enter Game Menu to:  - "Save": saves current progress. Pick "Empty" slot or overwrite an existing one. - "Load": loads previously saved game.  - "Authors": displays credits. "Resume game": resumes current game, leaving the Game Menu.   -- "New game": starts a new game. Warning: your game progress will be lost! - "Egression": quits the game.  "Treble clef" and "Loudspeaker" sliders adjusts music and sound effects volume.   
TROUBLESHOOTING  You can use command line options for troubleshooting the game:   -s: to disable sound  Example: fullpipe.exe -s   -i: to skip intro  Example: fullpipe.exe i -  -ac: to record all your actions in fullpipe.apl. Be sure to have enough free disk space on your hard drive before using this command. You will need approximately 5 MB for 30 minutes of recording  Example: fullpipe.exe -ac   -ar: to playback the recorded actions from the fullpipe.apl file (press Alt+F4 to exit the playback mode)  Example: fullpipe.exe -ar  
 TECHNICAL SUPPORT  Technical support E-mail: support@pipestudio.ru Please try to adhere the report form rules. Thank you!  Fill the subject field with "Full Pipe". Letter body should contain text information about your:  - Windows and DirectX version;  - Core processor;  - RAM memory amount;  - Hard drive free space amount;  - Video card and its driver version;  - Sound card and its driver version;  - Detailed problem description.  You are also welcome to the Full Pipe game website at http://pipestudio.ru/fullpipe/  (C) 2006 PIPE studio www.pipestudio.ru    COPYING PROHIBITED This software product and the manual are copyrighted and all rights are reserved by PIPE studio, and are protected by the copyright laws that pertain to computer software. You may not copy the software. You may not modify, adapt, translate, create derivate works, decompile, disassemble, or otherwise reverse engineer or derive source code from all or any portion of the software or anything incorporated therein or permit or encourage any third party to do so.
PIPE studio  Script: Ivan Maximov Andrey Golovljov  Game designer & Project manager: Andrey Golovljov Background artists: Nikolay Markellov Ivan Maximov The Programmer!: Ilya Loschinin Multiplicators: Tatyana Yatsyna Vasiliy Koretskiy Dmitriy Arhipov Aleksandr Panov Aleksandr Mazaev Oleg Uzhinov Irina Zhernovenkova Nikolay Artamoshin Tatyana Horoshih  Sound producer: Arsen Stepanjan  Actors of postscoring: Polina Stepanjan Aleksey Bataev  Music: Anatoliy Gerasimov Testers: Vladimir Prygin Oleg Zaikin Anna Golovina Yuriy Molokin Dmitriy Arhipov Tatyana Kogan Marija Yaroshinskaja Mihail Kudrin
Oleg Uzhinov Oleg Yatsyna Nikita Gerasimov Oleg Ovechkin Ilya Babitskiy Denis Bichin  
"1C" company  Producer: Yuriy Miroshnikov  Executive producers: Olga Tsykalova Sergey Gerasev Aleksandr Gurin Marketing and PR: Nikolay Baryshnikov Svetlana Gorobets Anatoliy Subbotin Design and positioning: Sergey Konovalov    Special thanks to Vladimir Prygin and Oleg Uzhinov for their help in script-writing and to Marianna Bashkirova for assistance in software development.  Special thanks to "NIKITA" company for granting the game engine.
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