Call of Duty Black Ops








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Manuel du jeu vidéo Call of Duty Black Ops
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EPILEPSY WARNING Please read before using this game or allowing your children to use it. Some people are susceptible to epileptic seizures or loss of consciousness when exposed to certain flashing lights or light patterns in everyday life. Such people may have a seizure while watching television images or playing certain video games. This may happen even if the person has no medical history of epilepsy or has never had any epileptic seizures. If you or anyone in your family has ever had symptoms related to epilepsy (seizures or loss of consciousness) when exposed to flashing lights, consult your doctor prior to playing. We advise that parents should monitor the use of video games by their children. If you or your child experience any of the following symptoms: dizziness, blurred vision, eye or muscle twitches, loss of consciousness, disorientation, any involuntary movement or convulsion, while playing a video game, discontinue use IMMEDIATELY and consult your doctor.
PRECAUTIONS TO TAKE DURING USE `playing if you are tired or have not had much sleep. Avoid
` Make sure that the room in which you are playing is well lit.
` Rest for at least 10 to 15 minutes per hour while playing a video game.
This product has been rated by the Entertainment Software Rating Board. For information about the ESRB rating please visit
Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Game Controls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Heads-Up Display (HUD) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Health System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Pause/Objective Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Multiplayer Objectives Screen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Playercard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Performance Tips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Credits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Customer Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Software License Agreement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
GETTING STARTED ® Insert theCall of Duty : Black Opsdisc into your DVD drive. After a few moments, the Autorun Menu will appear. Click Install to begin the installation process and follow the on screen instructions. If the Autorun Menu does not appear, you may have Autorun disabled. Double-click the My Computer icon on the Desktop. (For some versions of Windows, you may need to click the Start button and then click the My Computer icon). ® Double-click on the DVD drive where theCall of Duty : Black Opsdisc is located. Double-click on Setup.exe to launch the Installer.
NoteInternet connection required to install.
GAME CONTROLS DEFAULT KEY W S A D Q E SHIFT Left Mouse Button Right Mouse Button V 5 6 1, Mouse Wheel G, Middle Mouse Button 4 F R Space Bar CTRL CTRL while Sprinting C X Esc ~ T Y Z
COMMAND Forward Back Left Right Lean Left Lean Right Sprint/Hold Breath Fire Weapon Aim Down Sight (ADS) Melee Attack Attachments/Special Ammo Ground Support Switch Weapon Throw Lethal Grenade Throw Tactical Grenade Use Reload Stand/Jump Prone Dive to Prone Crouch Equipment Objectives/Pause Menu Console Text Chat Team Chat Voice Chat
F1 F2 F3 Tab F12
Vote Yes Vote No Spectator View Mode Show Score/Objectives Screenshot
MAIN MENU Choose between Campaign, Multiplayer, and Zombies.
CAMPAIGN ® Start a brand newCall of Duty : Black OpsSingle-Player Campaign or resume a previously saved game*. Use theMission Selectoption to replay completed missions on any Difficulty. Use theInteloption to view informative documents acquired via collectibles hidden throughout the Campaign.
® *NoteCall of Duty : Black Opsuses an automatic checkpoint-based save system. Select theSave and Quitoption from the in-game Pause Menu to save game progress and return to the Main Menu.
MULTIPLAYER ® Compete with and against other: Black OpsCall of Duty players on Ranked Dedicated Servers in a variety of maps. Multiplayer modes include:
Ranked MatchPlay online to earn currency to acquire new Weapons, Equipment, Perks, Killstreaks and more.
Private MatchCreate and host a Private Game with customizable game modes.
Wager MatchGamble earned currency against other players in a variety of Free-for-All game modes.
Combat TrainingPlay versus Practice Dummies alone or with friends. Practice up before going online.
TheaterView and edit recently played games to share with the community.
ZOMBIES (1 - 4 PLAYERS) Survive the Zombie hordes alone or cooperatively. Repel wave after wave of increasingly deadly Zombies in a number of frightening locales. But be warned: there are more than just Zombies lurking these dark hallways…
SETTINGS Adjust the game’s settings to suit individual preferences. Adjustable settings include: graphics, sound, controls, graphic content filter, and subtitles.
TIED 0 0
Press F to pick up item
1. Compass– Shows the direction you are facing.
30 / 90
2. Inventory– Displays devices and/or weapon attachments that are currently available, such as the grenade launcher or motion sensor.
3. Grenade Indicator– Icon warning you that there is a grenade nearby, arrow indicates the location of the grenade.
4. Damage Indicator– Red marker shows that you are taking damage and the direction the damage is coming from.
5. Use Prompt– This only appears when you are near a weapon or interactive object, indicates what key to press to interact with the weapon or object.
6. Match Info (MP Only)– Displays current score, team icon and time remaining in match.
7. Ammo Count– Shows remaining bullets for currently equipped weapon, as well as remaining Lethal and Tactical grenade supply.
8. Mini-map– Shows the local area plus locations of friendlies and known hostiles.
9. Crosshair– Indicates where you are currently pointing your weapon. Turns red when positioned over an enemy, green when positioned over a friendly. Walking or running causes the crosshair to grow wider or sometimes disappear altogether, indicating a loss of accuracy. Stopping movement, crouching, and going prone increase accuracy.*
*Note about ADS (Aiming Down Sight)– When you press the ADS button you will aim down the sights or scope of your weapon. This will greatly increase your accuracy and decrease your movement speed. While in ADS the crosshair will disappear.
HEALTH SYSTEM When you take damage from an enemy, the screen will show blood splatter and the damage indicator will show you the direction the damage is coming from. As more damage is sustained the screen will grow redder, you will hear your heart rate increase, and your breathing will grow heavy. If you can find cover and avoid enemy fire you will slowly recover from the damage and be able to continue at full strength.
PAUSE/OBJECTIVE SCREEN PressESCany time in Campaign or Zombies to pause the game and access this menu. From here you may access game Options, restart the current level or save and quit to ® the Main Menu.Call of Duty : Black Opscannot be paused while playing in online cooperative sessions.
MULTIPLAYER OBJECTIVES SCREEN ® Call of Duty : Black Opscannot be paused while playing in MP mode. PressingESCin MP will bring up a menu that will allow you to choose a new class (taking effect on your next spawn), view the description of your current game mode, and access the Options menu. Keep in mind that the MP match is still live in the background when you are in this screen.
PLAYERCARD (MP ONLY) Access your Playercard to create your own custom Emblem that will represent your persona online. View Recent Games you or your friends have played and save them to your File Share for safe keeping. You can view and rate other Films, Clips, Screenshots, ® and Custom Games created by members of theCall of Duty : Black OpsCommunity. You can also view all your key game statistics in theCombat Record, check your progress against the in-gameChallenges, view the gameLeaderboards, and create a Clan Tagall from within the Playercard.
PROBLEMS RUNNING THE GAME `sure you meet the minimum system requirements for this game and that you Make have the latest drivers for your video card and sound card installed: ® For NVIDIA video cards, visit to locate and download them. For ATI™ video cards, visit to locate and download them.
® `from the are running the disc version of this game, try reinstalling DirectX  If This is typically found in the DirectX folder on the root of the disc. If you have Internet access, you can visit to download the latest version of DirectX.
GENERAL TROUBLESHOOTING TIPS ` If you have the disc version of this game and the AutoPlay screen does not automatically appear for installation/playing, right-click the disc drive icon found in My Computer and select AutoPlay.
` If the game is running slowly, try reducing the quality of some of the video and sound settings from the game’s options menu. Reducing the screen resolution can often improve performance.
`optimum performance when playing, you may like to disable other background For tasks (except the EADM application, if applicable) running in Windows.
Directed By Dave Anthony Executive Producer Jason Blundell Director, Online Dan Bunting Project Senior Producer Pat Dwyer Project Lead, PC Team Cesar Stastny Producers Charles Connoy John DeHart Daniel Donaho Reza Elghazi Sam Nouriani Associate Producers Miles Leslie Shane Sasaki Adam Saslow John Shubert Guy Silliman Tyler Sparks Brent Toda Production Coordinator Ronnie Fazio Andre Lawton Kornelia Takacs Build Managers Geoffrey Ng Mark Soriano Associate Build Managers Paul Mattson Additional Production Robert Sanchez Chief Technology Officer Mark Gordon Vice President, Technology John Bojorquez Project Technical Director David King Proejct Lead Engineer Trevor Walker Lead Engineers, Online Alex Conserva Martin Donlon Lead Engineer James Snider Lead Engineer, PC Team Krassimir Touevsky Senior Engineers John Allensworth Scott Bean Jose Doran Marcus Goodey Lei Hu Matthew Kimberling Johan Kohler Dan Laufer Dimitar Lazarov
Dan Leslie Pete Livingstone Thomas McDevitt Richard Mitton Dan Olson Eran Rich Dimiter “Malkia” Stanev Chris Strickland Mike Uhlik Jivko Velev Leo Zide Engineers Pravin Babar Amit Bhura Bryan Blumenkopf Yanbing Chen Penny Chock Stephen Crowe Adam Demers Ryan Feltrin Ryan Higa Sumeet Jakatdar Tommy Keegan Austin Krauss Jay Mattis Bryce Mercado Juan Morelli Bharathwaj Nandakumar Ewan Oughton Jamie Parent Bryan Pearson Alex Perelman Diarmaid Roche Caleb Schneider Lucas Seibert Varun Sharma Feng Zheng Associate Engineer Mark Soriano Additional Engineering Blair Bitonti Eli Bosworth Wade Brainerd Subodh Chawla Paul Edelstein Mark McGree Jon Menzies Evan Olson Joe Scheinberg Gaurav Shellikeri Michael Vance Art Director Colin Whitney Technical Art Director Brian Anderson Associate Art Directors James Dargie Manuel Salazar Lead Character / Weapons Artist Murad Ainuddin Lead Character Artists Loudvik Akopyan Brad Grace
Character Artists Yaw Chang Dennis Eusibio Michael McMahan Anh Nguyen Scott Wells Peter Zoppi Lead Effects Artist Barry Whitney Effects Artists Darwin Dumlao Jess Feidt Robert Moffat Dale Mulcahy Quinn Nguyen My Wu Associate Effects Artist Tyler Robinson Vehicle / Weapon Artists Chad Birosh Kent Draeger Will Huang Blaed Hutchinson Mark Manto John McGinley Max Porter Caleb Turner Associate Weapons Artist Geoff Ng Environment Artists Mike Curran Chris Erdman Omar Gonzalez Wilson Ip Masaaki Kawakubo Chris Ledesma Andrew Livingston Craig Marschke Garrett Nguyen Joe Simanello Tricia Vitug My Wu Additional Environment Artist Doug Hines Lead Technical Artist Stev Kalinowski Technical Artist Terry Hess Lead UI Artist Stewart Roud UI Artist Gil Doron Lead Lighting Artist Jeanne Anderson Lighting Artists A. Gabriel Betancourt Yonghee Choi John Enricco Neil Masiclat Additional Lighting Ili Chiang Ifedayo O. Ojomo
Concept Artists Kevin Baik Peter Lam Dan Padilla Additional Concept Art Daniel Cheng Manuel Plank Michael Zimmerman Additional Art Lia Tjiong Animation Director Dom Drozdz Lead Animator Jimmy Zielinski Animators Ben DeGuzman Kevin Kraeer Phil Lozano Steven Rivera Marvin Rojas Lead Cinematics Animator Adam Rosas Cinematics Animators Jeremy Agamata David Kim Yanick Lebel Cody Mitchell Tim Smilovitch Jon Stoll Kristen Sych Additional Animation Jamie Egerton Ian Farley Steven Lo Alex Moon Eji Yared Creative Director Corky Lehmkuh Design Director, Online David Vonderhaar Lead Designer Joe Chiang Lead Script Engineer Dan Laufer Senior Scripter Gavin Locke Scripters Mike Anthony Omar Aziz Adrian Balanon Brian Barnes Kevin Drew Anthony Flamer Steven Holmes Sumeet Jakatdar Brian Joyal Alex Liu Pete Livingstone Mark Maestas June Park Chad Proctor Walter Williams
Associate Scripters Travis Janssen Joanna Leung Damoun Shabestari Greg Zheng Lead Level Builder Kevin Worre Senior Level Builder Phil Tasker Level Builders Susan Arnold John Delgado Jared Dickinson Brian Douglas Brian Glines Doug Guanlao Dave Harper Adam Hoggatt Matthew Hutchinson Ross Kaylor Paul Mason-Firth Jason Schoonover Lia Tjiong David Vargo Associate Level Builders Ian Kowalski Mike Madden Thomas Schneider Allen Wu Systems Designer Aaron Eady Associate Designer Leif Johansen Additional Design Support Matt Scronce Story By Craig Houston Dave Anthony Corky Lehmkuhl Story Consultant David S. Goyer Written By Craig Houston Dave Anthony Additional Writing Chris Cowell Jason Harris Brian Tuey Dialog Consultant Eric L. Haney Cinematics Designer Michael Barnes Production Support Suzanne Todd Design Directors, Zombies Mike Anthony Jimmy Zielinski Senior Game Designer Donald Sielke Audio Director Brian Tuey Lead Audio Designer Chris Cowell
Audio Designers Colin Ayers Scott Eckert Shawn Jimmerson James McCawley Kevin Sherwood Gary Spinrad Senior Audio Engineer Stephen McCaul Audio Intern Elliott Ward-Bowen CONVERSIONS Senior Producer Anna Donlon Associate Producer Aaron Roseman Production Coordinator Jacob Porter Associate Build Manager Richard Garcia Art Director David Dalzell Artists Tony Kwok Erika Narimatsu Garrett Nguyen Carl Pinder Daksh Sahni Chris Shelton Art Interns Joaquin Espinoza Linnea Harrison Associate Scripters Pokee Chan Alex Romo  STUDIO MANAGEMENT Studio Head Mark Lamia Vice President Dave Anthony Chief Technology Officer Mark Gordon Studio Creative Director Corky Lehmkuhl Vice President, Technology John Bojorquez Director Of Technology Cesar Stastny Community Manager Josh Olin Senior Manager, Online Services Jay Puryear HR Manager Monica Temperly Senior Director, Operations Rose Villasenor Senior Manager, Operations Amy Hurdelbrink Operations Coordinator
Steven Eldredge Senior IT Manager Robert Sanchez IT Technician Nick Westfield IT Technician Kristofer Magpantay Senior Recruiter Robin Thompkins Reception Tristan Curran Production Test Manager Igor Krinitskiy Project Test Leads Jemuel Garnett Jason Guyan Kimberly Park Floor Test Leads Jonas Anderson Hubert Cheng Daniel Germann Harold Gim Geoffrey Moyer Craig Nelson Tristen Sakurada Michael Stewart Max Vo David Watters Development Support Testers Richard Garcia Rene Lara Paul Mattson PRODUCTION TESTERS Melvin Allen Mark Batalla Daniel Beach Randall Becerra Didier Benitez Jose Bernabel Jawann Bowie Lewis Brace Tarikh Brown Tuan Bui Reilly Campbell Todd Carrigan Eric Chan Robert Chaplan Tristan Curran Czyznyck Deco David Delanty Alex Dunlevie Jamison Dyke Steven Eldridge Anthony Franco Giovanni Funes Mario Garcia Jr. James Gobert James Heaney Kyle Hertz Brian Hughes Marvin Bryant Jackson Kong Jaw Warren Kaye Robert Keating Cody Kennedy
Thaewhoon Kim Tan La Rene Lara Andrew Linstrom Shane Mandich Frank Martinez Graham McGuire Alex Mejia Jake Muir Matt Mullen Michael Penrod Michael Perelman Eric Peterson Juan Ramirez Lindsay Ruppert Stephanie Russell-Potter Hector Sanchez Cary James Seto Lee G. Staples Lance Swegart Kami Talebi Christopher Tepper-Weise Kevin Tucker Leonel Valtierra Robert Wai David Weaver Matthew Wellman Taylor West Ian Whaley Brandon Williams Brandon Willis Moises Zet Stuart Zinke ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS Marwan Abderazzaq Don Barnes Boris Batkin Alice Bernier Dan Bickell Melissa Buffaloe Narry Cinelli Cassia Dominguez Adam Gascoine Steve Goldberg Gavin James Mark Jihanian Kaori Kato Jason Keeney Mike Lomibao Jeremy Luyties Jeremy McAdams Jason McKesson Daniel Moditch Kayron Moore Ayal Moreno Gavin Niebel Joseph Nugent David Oliver Norman Ovando Pavan Palaksha Valera Pelova Cameron Petty Eduardo Poyart Matthew Seligman John Yuill
FEATURING THE VOICES OF (ALPHABETICAL ORDER) Frank Woods James Burns Numbers Emmanuelle Chriqu Joseph Bowman Ice Cube Jason Hudson Ed Harris Viktor Reznov Gary Oldman Dr. Clarke Gary Oldman Alex Mason Sam Worthington ADDITIONAL CAST (ALPHABETICAL ORDER) John F. Kennedy Chriss Anglin Terrance Brooks Troy Baker Tank Dempsey (Zombies) Steve Blum Friedrich Steiner Mark Bramhall Fidel Castro Marlon Correa Lev Kravchenko Andrew Divoff Grigori Weaver Gene Farber Nevski Daniel Gamburg Nikita Dragovich Eamon Hunt Takeo (Zombies) Tom Kane Dimitri Petrenko Boris Kievsky Richard Nixon Dave Mallow John F. Kennedy Jim Meskimen Richtofan (Zombies) Nolan North Robert McNamara Robert Picardo Fidel Castro Gustavo Rex Carlos Gustavo Rex Nikolai (Zombies) Fred Tatasciore
Sergei Travis Willingham Body & Face Full Performance Actor Andrew Hawkes ADDITIONAL VOICES Valerie Arem Troy Baker Brian Bloom Steve Blum Emerson Brooks James Burns Joseph Cappelletti Marlon Correa Ice Cube Mike Curran Demitri Diatchenko Gil Doron Jeremy Dunn Gideon Emery Richard Epcar Yergeny Farber Ron Fazio Alex Fernandez Carlos Ferro Emerson Franklin Daniel Gamburg Josh Gilman Carlos Gonzalez Ferro Zach Hanks Andrew Hawkes Sven Holmberg James Hong Endre Hules Kevin Hunt Blaed Hutchinson Alex Hyunh Boris Kievsky Lou Klein Kristof Konrad Hayden Lee Jim Leung Matt Lindquist Alex Lorre Yuri Lowenthal Ramond Ma Graham McTavish John Nguyen Long Nguyen Oanh Nguyen Liam O’Brien David Paladino Juergen Peretzki Roger Pham Dominic Power Jamieson Price Jerry Pulles Samuel Riegel Thomas Roberts Phillip Anothony Rodriguez Marilyn Sanabria Caleb Schneider John Schwartz Damoun Shabestari Elena Siegman David Snell Luis Solis Nickolai Stoilov Patrick Stuart
Keith Szarabajka Arlene Tai Nikolai Stoilov Kirk Thornton Fred Toma Quoc Trang Armando Valdes-Kennedy Roman Varshavsky Alex Veadov Travis Willingham Krzysztof Wojslaw Kai Wulff Johnny Wynn  VOICE OVER RECORDING PCB Talent Direction Keith Arem Dialog Editorial Matt Lemberger Aaron Gallant Engineering / ADR Keith Arem Talent Coordinator Valerie Arem Recording Facilities “PCB Productions -Los Angeles, CA” Casting Isenberg Casting Ivy Isenberg Additional Casting Keith Arem Valerie Arem MUSIC SCORE
Original Music and Composition by Sean Murray Orchestration by Emilie Bernstein Score Conducted byTim Simonec Score Recording and Mixing by Dennis Sands Score Concert Master & Featured Violinist Terry Glenny Solo Cellist Michelle Beauchesne Vocalist Jane Runnalls Score Preparation by Tom Marks Music Editorial by Jeannie Lee Marks Digital Recordist Adam Olmsted Orchestra Contractor David Low
Music Preparation Booker White Orchestra Recorded at the Eastwood Scoring Stage, Warner Bros. Score Recordist Tom Hardisty Score Technical Engineer Ryan Robinson Stage Crew Richard Wheeler Jr. Stage Manager Jamie Olvera Orchestral Score Supervisor Adam Levenson MUSICIANS Armen Anassian Charlie Bisharat Jackie Brand Robert Brophy Andrew Duckles Terry Glenny Jerome Gordon Clayton Haslop Paul Henning Amy Hershberger Maia Jasper Songa Lee Jinny Leem Phillip Levy Lorand Lokuszta Shawn Mann Luke Maurer Darrin McCann Vicky Miskolczy Helen Nightengale Neli Nikolaeva Grace Oh Laura Pearson Radu Pieptea Wes Precourt Lynne Richburg Rafael Rishik Susan Rishik Mark Robertson Anatoly Rosinksy Tereza Stanislav Sarah Thornblade David Walther Rebecca Ward Miwako Watanabe Alex Wurmbrand Yelena Yegoryan Ken Yerke Additional Original Music Composition Kevin Sherwood Additional Music by Scott Rockenfield Courtesy of Roadrunner Records Kevin Sherwood’s Guitars Supplied byNevborn Guitars
Original Music Compositions for D.O.A. James McCawley Kevin Sherwood Brian Tuey Special Thanks Radical Entertainment Clarence Chu Joe Anderson Shane Brewer Pablo Espinosa Jody Hart Cameron Kinsey Stephen Ramos Thom Tran Mark Anthony Vasquez Weapon Recordist John Fasal Armorer Dre Sepulveda Larry Zannoff Additional Writing Howard Chaykin Military & Historical Consultants Josh Henniger Hank Keirsey John L. Plaster Saulius ‘Sonny’ Puzikas Gabriel Suarez Sacred Inc. – Dagger Media Group Jared Chandler Hugh Daly Owen Thornton NUMBERS LIVE ACTION SEQUENCE Filmed at Smashbox Studios CREW Dean Andre Sean Bartemes Sarah Choi Peter Chrimes Vince Contarino Brian Crane Kate Fitzpatrick Julianna Hays Hiro Kakuhari Nate Kalushner Ryo Kinno Laura Maffeo Igor Meglic Timothy Owen Lori Rozzi Suzana Rupe Jason Tomlins Chris Yazgoulian Chase Yeremian ACTIVISION CAPTURE STUDIO Motion Capture Director Matt Karnes Producer Nick Falzon
Motion Capture Supervisor Michael Jantz Motion Capture Lead Ben Watson Technical Character Lead Stephen Olsen Associate Producer Evan Button Scan Technicians Christopher H. Ellis Nick Otto David Bullat Motion Capture Talent Lou Klein Michelle Lee Sarah Brown Ray Park Johnny Yang Randy Archer Chris Lacentra Jeremy Dunn Chris Torres Sonny Puzikas Adam Jenkins Dave Mattey Alex Moon Solomon Brende Anthony Manakornpanom Dave Buglione David Paladino Assistant Directors Noel Vega Liz Tom Shaun Piccinino Performance Motion Capture Services by House of Moves Marker Cleanup Animation Vertigo Motion Graphics Sequences SPOV Miles Christensen Paul Hunt Julio Dean Gemma Thompson Yugen Blake Andrea Braga Allen Leitch SPOV Special Thanks Hazel Baird Chris Boyle Ryan Jefferson Hays Adrian Lawrence Rhi Leadbeater Margherita Premuroso Rebecca Hall Gillian O’Connor Vincent Kane Additional Cinematic Studio G Productions Segment Director Rick Glenn Tracking Doug Moore
Additional Tracking Andres Martinez Lighting & Compositing Matt Wallin ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT FXVILLE
Joe Olson Jonathan Peters John Scrapper Garrett Smith Reed Shingledecker Chris Eng Lindsay Ruiz Aubrey Pullman David Faulconer Gualtiero Forte Will Richer John Shirkey Laura Kope Lawrence Brown Gabrielle Adams Ali Pollard Yael Maritz NERVE SOFTWARE Ian Childs Aaron Cole Jim Dosé James Gresko Ronn Harbin Aaron Hausmann Richard Heath Brandon James Drew Jensen Kristian Kane Jomaro Kindred Roger Kort Lisa Loewecke Mason Lucas Ethan McCaughey Darin McNeil Steve Maines Joel Martin Russell Meakim Nick Pappas Todd Rose Michael Stone NERVE SPECIAL THANKS Jay Brushwood Bryan Cavett Sean Mitchell PI STUDIOS Joey Alfeche Rhett Baldwin Brandon Biggs John Broadway Calvin Bryson Joel Burke Todd Daniel
Chris Deeb Robert Erwin Christian Easterly Gavin Goslin David King Jason Lederer David Mertz Gavin Goslin Dan Kramer Mike Pankratz Brad Robnett Jeremy Statz Chris Steiger Joey Vento RAVEN SOFTWARE
Colin Alteveer Andy Bayless Eric Biessman Sean Binder Darren Blondin Jeremy Blumel Chad Bordwell James Bradford Mike Breault Ryan Burnett Jeff Butler Mike Button Ryan Butts Cory Carani Mark Champigny Chi Chao Rae Chen Tai Chen Nick Choles Jim Christopher Michael Clausen Ste Cork Dave Curd Shane Daley Ryan Danz Anupam Das Jeff Degenhardt Justin Dinges Jeff Dischler Andrew Dohr Les Dorscheid Andre Dusette Dan Edwards Mike Egnew Mike Ekberg Daniel Fetter Chris Foster Tom Fuchs Keith Fuller Robert Gee Michael Gilardi Mario Giombi David Gulisano Mike Gummelt Brian Hackbarth Derrick Hammond Chris Hartmann David Hauptman Geoff Hill Amos Hodge Jason Holt Ryan Hummer Nathaniel Jorgenson Mark Kilborn
Joe Koberstein Scott Kohl Mark Kornkven Bernd Kreimeier Michelle Laumann Bumjin Lee Jon Lindquist Gina Lohman Kevin Long Bob Love Dwight Luetscher Mike Majernik Kathleen Marty Brenton Mathews Graden McCool Eric McDaniel Joel McDonald Dallas Middleton Jason Mojica Alvan Monje James Monroe Charles Morrow Keith Morton Jeff Moy Corey Navage Justin Negrete Jeff Newquist Spencer Nigl Tom Odell Chris Olsen Andrew Olson Dan Orzulak Isaac Owens Simon Parkinson Markus Peekna Brian Pelletier Nick Penwarden Jeff Peterson Matt Pinkston Mike Pleva Jeff Poffenbarger Brian Raffel Steve Raffel Gustavo Rasche Nathan Rausch Chris Reed Kevin Reed Mike Renner Eric Riel William Ryan Allison Salmon Aaron San Filippo Kevin Schilder Eric Schlautman Eric Schmidt Mike Schulenberg Dean Serio Phillip Sheets Danny Shin Greg Shives Jarrod Showers Reymundo Sierra John Sinclair James Singer Jeff Skubal Doug Smith Hanjin Song Eric Spray Shen Spurgeon Kyle Stephens Nicholas Stevenson
Arnie Swekel Jeremiah Sypult Jeff Touchstone Tim Uttech Dan Vondrak James Wagner James Wahlquist Ryan Watson Brian White Eric Widner Shawn Wiederhoeft Stu Wiegert Kurt Williams Patrick Williams Caleb Zart Jon Zuk CERTAIN AFFINITY Max Hoberman Phil Wattenbarger Stefan Sinclair Tia Hood Tim Fields Adam Crist David Ancira Seok Ki Kwon Josh Powers Dean McCall Jason Borne Will Harris Wimolrat ‘Nikki’ Tangtiphongkul Craig Bernardo Mike Clopper Lucas Davis Steve Massey Colm Nelson Abe Robertson John Zagorski Jason Eubank Thomas Mauer Bill Mauer Howard Smith Jennifer Bullard David Jones Erin Reed Wayne Richardson
Senior Producer Noah Heller Producer Derek Racca Associate Producers Joel Taubel Vince Fennel Rhett Chassereau Matthew Beal Production Coordinators Brian Abrams Adrienne Arrasmith John Banayan Jason Harris
Additional Production Support Localisation Assistant QA Shannon WahlManager Dennis Bernardo Yvonne Costello Vice President, Production Localisation QA Lead Thaine Lyman Mannix Kelly Head of Production Localisation QA Floor Leads Steve Ackrich Franck Morisseau Daniele Celeghin SVP, Production & Development Loic Moisan WW Studios Dave StohLocalisation QA Testers  Alberto Valgimigli GLOBAL BRANDAntoine de Fourcroy MANAGEMENTArturo Garcia Benjamin Koppenwallner Sr. Global Brand Manager Benjamin Le Fur Geoff Carroll Claudio Perazzo Conor Murphy Associate Brand Managers Dario DiSpirito Gerry Chu Daniele Nania Kahn Jekarl David Arias Dan Shaffer Diana Xifre de la Prada David Wang Dirim Oji Sr. Director of Marketing Esther Reimann Jeff Kaltreider Facundo Rodriguez Head of MarketingFlorent Parage Rob Kostich Gabriel Morisseau Gianfranco Mellone EVP, CMO Gregory Messmer Brad Jakeman Ildefonso Ranchal EVP & General Manager, COD BUJeremie Morla Philip Earl Jeremy Jannel  Juan Diego Cano Sanchez PUBLIC RELATIONSJulian Brophy Martin Jungkunz PR DirectorNaiara Mitxelena Mike Mantarro Paula Del Valle Paola Palermo PR Manager Patrick Friedrich John Rafacz Sarah Bezos PublicistsSebastien Le Port Monica Pontrelli Sergio Fernandez Redondo Joshua Selinger Sergio Hernan Petenar  Stefano Meneto Associate PublicistTill Dzierzon Bianca Harzbecker Tom O’Carroll Torsten Weigelt PR Special Thanks Step 3IT Network Technician Nick Grange, EU PR Director Fergus Lindsay Localisation Tools & PRODUCTION SERVICES Support Provided by EUROPE Stephanie Deming & XLOC, inc Senior Director of Localized Dialogue Production Services - Europe Processing by Barry Kehoe Technicolor Interactive Services Localisation Manager ACTIVISION STUDIO Fiona Ebbs CENTRAL Senior Localisation Project Manager CTO Annette Lee Steve Pearce Localisation Project Manager Executive Producer Jack O’Hara Mike Ward Localisation Support Analyst Associate Producer Chris Osberg Sasha Rebecca Gross Localisation QA Manager Director, Online David Hickey Joel Fashingbauer
Studio Central Admin Jennifer Velazquez
STUDIO CENTRAL ENGINEERING VP, Technology Pat Griffith Principal Technical Director Wade Brainerd Engineering Interns Eli Bosworth Subodh Chawla Associate Software Engineer Ryan Ford Kimberly Carrasco Sr. Software Engineers Johan Kohler Gaurav Shellikeri Technical Directors Michael Vance Scott Bean Krassimir Touevsky Jonathan Menzies Eran Rich Dan Leslie Marcus Goodey Naty Hoffman Network Engineer Mark McGree Thomas Keegan Bharathwaj Nandakumar CENTRAL TECHNOLOGY DemonWare Nadia Alramli Ruy Asan Edward Baker Miroslaw Baran David “Respawn” Brennan Morgan Brickley Luke Burden David Cahill Jordan Chin Giuseppe Ciotta Martin Clarke Michael Collins Alex Couture-Bell Tim Czerniak Brendan Dillon Malcolm Dowse Matthew Edwards David Falloon Brendan Fields Paul Froese Eoghan Gaffney Arthur Green Padraic Hallinan Steffen Higel Graeme Humphries Tony Kelly John Kirk Lance Laursen Roman Lisagor Damien Marshall Catherine McCarthy Craig McInnes Christopher Mueller Ruaidhrí Power Tilman Schaefer Gordon Schneider Amy Smith
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