Ashes Cricket 2009








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Manuel du jeu vidéo Ashes cricket 2009. WELCOME TO ASHES CRICKET 2009™, THE LATEST IN THE BEST-SELLING SERIES OF
Whether you’re new to the crease or already have your eye in, this manual will offer some
handy pointers that will see you reach your cricketing potential.
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© 2009 The Codemasters Software Company Limited (Codemasters). All rights reserved. Codemasters® and the Codemasters logo are registered trademarks owned by Codemasters. Ashes Cricket 2009 is a trademark of Codemasters. adidas, the 3-Bars logo and the 3-Stripes mark are registered trade marks of the adidas Group, used with permission. The Cricket Australia logo on this product is a trade mark of, and used under licence from, the owner Cricket Australia by whom all copyright and other rights of reproduction are reserved. The Dell logo is a trademark of Dell Inc. © 1997-2007 ECB. ECB, Ashes Series, the 3 lions logo, ECB logo, England Cricket logo and Ashes Series logo are trade marks (or where relevant registered trade marks) of the ECB. Cover photography copyright Getty Images. The image of the Ashes Urn is a registered trade mark in the European Union of Marylebone Cricket Club. THE ASHES is a trade mark in the European Union of Marylebone Cricket Club and The England and Wales Cricket Board. The MCC Monogram is a trade mark of Marylebone Cricket Club. The Times is the Official Partner of the ECB and the England cricket team and THE TIMES is a trade mark of Times Newspapers Limited. Vodafone and the Vodafone logo are trade marks of the Vodafone Group. Trademarks, design patents and copyrights are used with the permission of the owner Volkswagen AG. This game uses NaturalMotion animation technology. This product contains copyrighted material owned and/or distributed under authority by QUAZAL Technologies, Inc. Copyright 1998-2009, QUAZAL Technologies Inc. All Rights Reserved. FMOD Ex Sound System, Copyright (c) Firelight Technologies, 1994-2009. All other copyrights or trademarks are the property of their respective owners and are being used under license. Unauthorised copying, adaptation, rental, lending, re-sale, arcade use, charging for use, broadcast, cable transmission, public performance, distribution or extraction of this product or any trademark or copyright work that forms part of this product is prohibited. Developed by Transmission Games and published by Codemasters.
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Important Health Warning About Playing Video Games Photosensitive Seizures A very small percentae of people may experience a seizre when expose to certain visual images, including flashing lights or patterns that may appear in video games. Even people who have no history of seizres or epilepsy may have an nianose conition that can case these photosensitive epileptic seizres while watchin video games. These seizres may have a variety of symptoms, inclin lihtheaeness, altere vision, eye or face twitchin, jerkin or shakin of arms or les, isorientation, confusion, or momentary loss of awareness. Seizures may also cause loss of consciosness or convlsions that can lea to injry from fallin own or strikin nearby objects. Immeiately stop playin an conslt a octor if yo experience any of these symptoms. Parents should watch for or ask their children about the above symptomschilren an teenaers are more likely than alts to experience these seizures. The risk of photosensitive epileptic seizures may be reduced by taking the following precautions: Sit farther from the screen; use a smaller screen; play in a well-lit room; and do not play when you are drowsy or fatigued. If yo or any of yor relatives have a history of seizres or epilepsy, conslt a octor before playing.
INSTALLATION To install the game you will need administrative privileges, and it is advisable to have no unnecessary programs running during installation. Insert the Ashes Cricket 2009into your DVD drive. If AutoPlay is enabled, the Ashesdisc Cricket 2009launcher will appear. If it does not, browse to your DVD drive and run “Setup. exe”. Press the Install button on the launcher to begin installation and then simply follow the on-screen instructions. Ashes Cricket 2009requires the presence of DirectX 9.0c on your system and this will be automatically installed with the game, if it is not already present. ruNNINg THE g AME Windows® Vista: After installing the game, open the Games Explorer from within the Start menu, and simply double click the Ashes 2009to launch the game. Other actions can beicon carried out by right-clicking this icon. Windows® XP: After installing the game, double click the game’s icon on the Desktop. Alternatively, navigate to the “Programs\Codemasters\Ashes 2009” folder in the Start menu and click the shortcut within.
INTrODuCTION WELCOME TO ASHES CRICKET 2009™, THE LATEST IN THE BEST-SELLING SERIES OF CODEMASTERS CRICKET GAMES; FEATURING THE REVERED 2009 ASHES SERIES, AN ALL-NEW LEGENDS COACHING MODE AND ONLINE PLAY. Whether you’re new to the crease or already have your eye in, this manual will offer some handy pointers that will see you reach your cricketing potential.
THE 2009 ASHES SErIES The 2009 Ashes series is played in England and, for the first time, features a match in Wales. The sixty-fifth edition of cricket’s oldest and most revered competition takes place over two months, between July and August 2009. The five tests in the series are: •1STTEST-CARDIFF. 8 JULY – 12 JULY   •2NDTEST-LORD’S, LONDON. 16 JULY – 20 JULY •3RDTEST-EDGBASTON CRICKET GROUND, BIRMINGHAM. 30 JULY – 3 AUGUST •4THTEST-HEADINGLEY STADIUM, LEEDS. 7 AUGUST – 11 AUGUST •5THTEST-THE BRIT OVAL, LONDON. 20 AUGUST – 24 AUGUST
Now it’s your turn to put yourself in charge and carry England or Australia through to Ashes success!
THE ASHES TEST SErIES FOrMAT The Ashes is an official five Test series played between England and Australia. This series is held biennially and is played alternately in England and Australia. Each Test consists of two innings per match, adhering to the regular rules of international Test cricket. The team with the most match wins at the end of the series wins, and takes home ‘The Ashes’ – a symbolic terracotta urn. If a series is drawn the country who previously won the Ashes retains the urn.
TITLE SCrEEN After the game loads the Title Screen will be displayed. PressRto proceed to the Main Menu screen. If this is your first time playing Ashes Cricket 2009, you will be prompted to choose your theme. Note: If left inactive for a period of time, the game will start playing a cricket match between two AI teams. Press any button to exit this mode and return to the Title Screen.
MENu NAVIg ATION In all menus, use the following controls to navigate: Highlight menu item: N/S Change Menu Item Setting/Option: W/E Select Menu Item/Advance: R Exit menu/Cancel: CHOOSINg YOur THEME
 If this is your first time playing Ashes Cricket 2009, you will be prompted to select your theme. This theme will be applied to all menus in the game. Move left and right to cycle through the available themes. PressRto confirm. Note: You can return to this screen at any time by selecting The Pavilion > Edit Theme from the Main Menu screen.
Here you can choose from one of seven options: PLAY CrICKET Choose your match type, difficulty, team, stadium and settings. Play a single match, or for the ultimate test, lead a team through a tournament. LEgENDS COACHINg Learn the basic controls of the game from the legends of cricket - Sir Ian Botham and Shane Warne! Take on a variety of challenges, with scenarios drawn from cricket history. CuSTOMISATION Create and customise your own player, altering their appearance and skill levels. Customise the teams of the game as well, and add your player into your favourite team! ONLINE MuLTIPLAYEr Play online against friends and strangers around the world. LOAD gAME Load a previously saved match. OPTIONS Configure various game options. THE PAVILION View unlocked trophies, kit items and stadiums. View historical records from the cricket archives.
gAME CONTrOLS BATTINg -BASIC CONTrOLS Pause / menu ........................................................................................................p Move batsman left/right within crease ...........................................................q/e  Shot direction ..............................................................................w/s/a/d Play attacking shot ................................................................................................S Play defensive shot................................................................................................W Play lofted shot ......................................................................................................E Front foot Shot......................................................................................................C Back foot shot ......................................................................................................ß Advance shot............................................................................................C+ß ruNNINg CONTrOLS Run / Queue Run ...................................................................................................N Back / Un-Queue Run ............................................................................................E Dive / Slide ............................................................................................................S Help.......................................................................................................................h
gAME CONTrOLS - BOWLINg PrE-DELIVErY CONTrOLS Angle of approach .........................................................................................q/e Cycle delivery set (Swing / reverse / cut) ................................. RightC/ RightA Field settings screen...........................................................................................T Cycle field settings ........................................................................................a/d Delivery review ......................................................................................................Î Initiate delivery (secondary) ...................................................................................N Initiate delivery (primary) .......................................................................................S Initiate delivery (left moving) ..................................................................................W Initiate delivery (right moving) ................................................................................E DurINg DELIVErY CONTrOLS Alter delivery aim.........................................................................w/s/a/d Adjust swing / spin amount ...........................................................................q/e Confirm delivery (secondary) .................................................................................N Confirm delivery (primary) .....................................................................................S Confirm delivery (left moving) ................................................................................W Confirm delivery (right moving) ..............................................................................E gAME CONTrOLS - FIELDINg Choose throw-to end .....................................................................................N/S Catch....................................................................................................................R Select a fielder to move ........................................................................................R Confirm move .......................................................................................................R Confirm changes ...................................................................................................x
ON THE PITCH This section explains the elements on the main in-game screen. For information on playing the game, see the various Playing The Game sections, below. 03 02
04 05  1: CurrENT SCOrE Displays the current batting team’s runs/wickets total, overs bowled and relevant information during the innings. e.g. current batsmen’s scores, run rate required and delivery speeds. The current score display will also show match status events e.g. if a Powerplay is active (ODI only), or a free hit is enabled (20 Overs only). 2: BATTINg HuD The top right-hand side of the screen displays information relevant to the batsman the -currently applied footwork modifiers, and the shots available to play. 3: BATSMANS CONFIDENCE & STAMINA Displays the confidence and stamina for the on-strike batsman. 4: BOWLINg HuD The bottom-right hand side of the screen displays information relevant to the bowler – the currently selected delivery set, and the deliveries available to bowl. 5: BOWLErS CONFIDENCE & STAMINA Displays the confidence and stamina for the bowler. 6: rADAr The radar displays fielder and ball locations, as well as specific information for the batsman and bowler: Batsman:the batsman’s current shot aiming. Bowler:the current field setting.
03 01
1: BOWLINg HuD During the delivery, the bowling HUD shows the bowler which delivery he is currently about to bowl. 2: AIMINg rETICuLE The circular reticule shows the area in which the ball will land. 3: BOWLINg METEr Used by the bowler to set the quality of the delivery. See Playing The Game below for more information. MATCH SCrEEN  POST DELIVErY
1: ruNNINg HuD Displays the timing of the batsman’s shot, as well as the running between wickets actions available to the batsman. 2: PITCH VIEW For the fielding team, the SELECT END INDICATOR shows which stumps the fielder will throw the ball to. It also shows how close the batsmen are to the stumps - invaluable information for running between wickets.
PLAYINg THE g AME  BOWLINg BASIC BOWLINg The aims of bowling are firstly to dismiss the opposing batsman and secondly to restrict the number of runs being scored. Taking wickets quickly is the best way to stop the opposition scoring. However, this is not always possible and a bowler will need to trade off between bowling aggressively to take more wickets or defensively to restrict runs at certain times. Aggressive bowling can sometimes result in more scoring opportunities, while defensive bowling can mean that you may never get the opposing team out. SELECTINg A BOWLEr At the start of each over you will be prompted to choose a bowler. There are two distinctly different styles of bowling commonly used in cricket - Spin Bowling and Pace Bowling. Spin Bowlin Bowlin Styles: Off Spin, Le Spin Whether an Off Spin or Leg Spin bowler, the spin bowler has a slower delivery than the pace bowler, but applies spin to the ball as he releases it. The ball will bounce (or “pitch”) and move off the wicket in the spinner’s preferred direction. The amount of movement will depend on the skill of the bowler. The spinner will use subtle variations to deceive the batsman and force him to make a mistake in his judgement. Pace Bowlin Bowlin Styles: Fast, Fast Medim, Medim Fast, Medim, Slow Uses speed, seam and swing movement - sometimes at speeds of up to 100mph. These subtle changes in direction at high speed give the batsman less time to react and may cause him to mis-time his shot, or even miss the ball completely. All bowlers who aren’t spinners are considered to be pace bowlers. Pace Bowlin  A note on swin deliveies There are several factors that can cause the ball to deviate in the air after being released by the bowler. Wind can provide some assistance, though the best conditions are overcast and humid. The condition of the ball also has a natural effect (this is why the fielding team frequently polish one side of the ball). In addition to these ‘natural’ swing conditions, some pace bowlers are able to achieve additional movement of the ball as they release it by holding the seam of the ball at a slight angle. ALTErINg YOur ruN uP Having selected a bowler, pressWorEtoggle between the bowler’s starting This affects the angle at which you deliver the ball.
DeliveiesMIDDLE STUMP There are a total of sixteen deliveries available in the game, split evenly amongst spin and pace bowlers. Not all deliveries are available for all bowlers.OFF STUMP LEG STUMP The availability of deliveries is dependent on: yourbowlersspecicbowlingstyle  yourbowlersoverallskillrating thewearandtearontheball ON SIDEOFF SIDE  (see Delivery Availability) SPIN BOWLINg DELIVErIES STOCK DELIVERIES – ALWAYS AVAILABLE Leg Spinner  A delivery that spins from leg to off after pitching, aiming to catch the edge of the bat. Off Spinner delivery that spins from off to leg after pitching, aiming to catch the A edge of the bat. SKILLED DELIVERIES – AVAILABLE BASED ON BOWLER’S SKILL RATING Top Spinneron towards the batsman and hurries on. delivery that spins straight  A Arm Ballthat spins very little, tending to go straight on but can swing delivery  A a small distance through the air. Slider Slider floats to a fuller length and bounces less than the batsman The might expect. This can swing a little in the air and is similar to the off spinner’s Arm Ball.
SPECIAL DELIVERIES – REQUIRE EXTREMELY HIGH SKILL TO BE AVAILABLE Wrong ‘Unthe Leg Spinner, this delivery spins the Bowled with a similar action to opposite way than the batsman expects, from off to leg, in an attempt to deceive him. Flipper a Slider, this floats to a  Likefuller length and keeps lower than the batsman expects. In addition, this hurries on and can catch the batsman on the back foot. Doosra Bowled with a similar action to the Off Spinner, this delivery spins the opposite way than the batsman expects, from leg to off, in an attempt to deceive him.
STOCK DELIVERIES – ALWAYS AVAILABLE Straight straight delivery with the seam of the ball kept upright so as to extract A any movement off the pitch upon contact. SKILLED DELIVERIES – AVAILABLE BASED ON BOWLER’S SKILL RATING In Swinger Ain to the batsman through the air in an effort to bowl delivery that swings him or dismiss him leg before wicket (LBW). Out Swinger delivery that swings away from the batsman in the air, aiming to catch A the edge of the bat. Off Cutter A delivery that breaks from off to leg, into the batsman off the pitch. Leg Cutter A delivery that breaks from leg to off, away from the batsman off the pitch. Slower Ball delivery that is released slower but  Awith the same action as the normal pace delivery, used to throw out the batsman’s timing.
SPECIAL DELIVERIES – REQUIRE EXTREMELY HIGH SKILL TO BE AVAILABLE Reverse In Swinger With an old ball, the ball can swing in the opposite direction than expected. Swings much later and is more dangerous to the batsman than conventional swing. Reverse Out Swinger With an old ball, the ball can swing in the opposite direction than expected. Swings much later and is more dangerous to the batsman than conventional swing.
DELIVErY SETS DELIVErY AVAILABILITY Delivery sets are groups of deliveries mapped toR,\,]andB deliveries in your . Thebowler’s delivery sets are not always available. Their availability is Use rightAand rightCto switch between delivery sets. on two factors: dependent As a general rule:,ngtiradanlarevosllikslyourbowler B - ‘Secondary’ Deliveriesthhebontall.raaeewaerdnt ]\  omevt  oht eeltf- Deliveries t tahevom ot  ehtghritset ah teDilevir- itari gnks l lliovs alerow brle fih svevarego entage as a perclP motsuC ees( lsilskg inwlboe  sfagni aritih s). Tills- Skyer Your a fected by his confidence and stamina levels. A player who has R‘Primary’ (stock) deliverieshigh confidence and stamina will be able to bowl certain deliveries, however if their confidence  -and stamina drop, their ability to bowl some deliveries will be diminished until they can build up again. For information on how to increase your bowler’s skill rating, see Earning Skill Points. For information on how to increase/decrease your confidence and stamina, see Confidence Depending on the bowler’s bowling style, different delivery sets are available: and Stamina. PACE BOWLINg DELIVErY SETS (iht handed)Wear and tear on the ball comes into play for some special deliveries. In these instances you must wait for the ball to have been in play for a certain amount of time before the delivery   COM MAND(Available tSoaWll IPNacGe  toBowlers) (AvailableCalUlPTa ce Bowlers) (AvailableRtoE FVasEt,RFaSstEMedium,becomes available.    B  Slowe  Slower Ball r BallMedium FaSslt oanwdSelro wB PaaclelBowlers)You can review all your deliveries by pressingSto enter the Delivery Review screen:  ] Reverse Out Swinger* Off Cutter* Out Swinger*  \  In Swinger* ReverseIn Swinger* Cutter* Leg  R Straight Straight Straight *Note: The buttons for these deliveries will swap based on the Batsman’s handedness LEg SPIN BOWLINg DELIVErY SETS (iht handed)  COMMAND SPIN SLIDE  (Available toall toLeg Spin bowlers) (AvailableallLeg Spin bowlers)    B Flipper Flipper  ] Leg Spinner** Leg Spinner** The following information is shown for each delivery:  \ `Un** Wrong `Un** Wrong  R  SliderTop Spinner•Topspeed Amountofspin/cut OFF SPIN BOWLINg DELIVErY SETS (iht handed)Reqngitarlliksderiu  COMMAND SPINRequiredballwear  (Available toallOff Spin bowlers)   Use rightAand rightCto switch delivery sets, andR,\,]andBto select  B deliveries Ball Arm to review. When you’ve finished, pressNto return to the ‘waiting to bowl’ screen.  ] Doosra**  \ Spinner** Off  R Top Spinner **Note: The buttons for these deliveries will swap based on the Batsman’s handedness 11 12
INITIATINg YOur DELIVErY Use rightAand rightCto switch delivery sets. When you have settled on the delivery set you wish to use, press the corresponding face button to initiate your run-up. You will be locked into that delivery set, and your selected delivery will be highlighted. To choose a different delivery set see ‘Switching Deliveries’ on page 16. rn up - Aimin  You will now be given an AIMING RETICULE showing where the ball will land. By default you will be given an appropriate aiming position based on the delivery you selected. You can usew,s,a, ordto alter the position of the AIMING RETICULE. You can move the aiming reticule right up until you bowl the ball. More accurate bowlers will have a smaller AIMING RETICULE, ensuring the ball has a smaller possible variation of where it will land. Spin Deliveies - Adjstin Spin Amont / Diection When bowling a spin delivery, useq andeto rotate the spin direction arrow on the AIMING RETICULE. Swin Deliveies - Adjstin Seam Position When bowling swing deliveries, useq andeto rotate the seam position indicator on the AIMING RETICULE. Out Swinger / Reverse In Swinger:  Rotate anti-clockwise to swing the delivery more, clockwise to swing it less. In Swinger / Reverse Out Swinger: Rotate clockwise to swing the delivery more, anti-clockwise to swing it less.
BOWLINg METEr Your last step is to specify the execution of your delivery. This is done through the BOWLING METER. You interact with the bowling meter by pressing the delivery button you used to start your run-up. The default BOWLING METER allows you to specify the EXECUTION quality of the delivery: Press the delivery button to confirm the needle’s position. The further into the GREEN section, the better the delivery. Confirming in the RED section will bowl a NO BALL (foot over line).
Switchin Deliveies Changing your delivery at the last minute is a good way of confusing your opponent, giving them less time to prepare. When confirming your BOWLING METER, you can press a different DELIVERY BUTTON to the one you initially selected. The final DELIVERY BUTTON you press will be the one you bowl to the batsman! e.g. PresstheSTRAIGHTbuttontoselecttheStraightdeliveryandbeginyourrun-up. PresstheINSWINGERbuttonwhenconrmingtheBOWLINGMETERtoswitchtobowling an In Swinger delivery at the last minute. PENALTIES Each no ball adds one extra run to the batting team’s score. Similarly, if you aim the AIMING RETICULE a long way to the side of the batsman so that he cannot reach the ball, you will concede a wide, and you will have to bowl an extra delivery in the over. A wide also adds an extra run to the batting team score. OVEr COMPLETE An over consists of six legal deliveries from the same bowler at the same end of the pitch. Once completed, the bowling team will be required to choose a different bowler to bowl an over from the opposite end of the pitch. To do so, simply scroll through the list of all the available bowlers at the beginning of each new over. Note that the wicket keeper cannot bowl (and you cannot choose a different wicket keeper once the match has begun). In One Day Internationals, no bowler is permitted to bowl more than one fifth of the designated innings, so be sure not to use your best bowlers too soon.
PLAYINg THE g AME  BATTINg BASIC BATTINg In Test Match Cricket, a batsman is more often than not entitled to bat more defensively and protect their wicket to see through the tough times. In One Day cricket, a batsman needs to score runs, score runs quickly, score lots of runs and avoid getting out. In One Day International matches, accumulating runs at a fast rate can be prioritized at the risk of losing a wicket. This is particularly the case at the end of an innings. Twenty Over matches are even more lively than One Day matches, with the compressed format placing emphasis on extremely quick scoring, massive risk taking and big hitting. HOW TO BAT As the bowler approaches, useWorEto move sideways across the batting crease. This can help to put you in a good position to play a shot. Try to avoid blocking the wicket with the batsman’s legs as this risks an LBW appeal if the ball hits him. Also avoid standing too far away from the stumps as this leaves them unguarded. Aimin Holdw,s,a, ordto aim your shot. You will see the AIMING WEDGE on the RADAR respond and point in the desired direction. Your shot, if timed well, will be hit somewhere inside the aiming wedge in the direction specified. More skillful batsmen have a thinner aiming wedge, allowing them to direct their shots more accurately. Wind The white line on the border of the RADAR is the WIND INDICATOR. Its position on the circumference of the circle indicates the direction the wind is blowing, and its size indicates the intensity. Try hitting with the wind for more powerful shots. Stikin The Ball When the bowler releases the ball, the batsman stands still and can begin to play his shot by pressing one of the following buttons to perform a certain stroke: R- Attacking shot \- Lofted shot ]- Defensive shot
Note: Most defensive shots are played between mid off and mid on - forward of the batsman. Directing your shots outside of this range may result in a miss, so be careful.
SPECIFYINg FOOTWOrK Some specific strokes require you to get on to the front or back foot to play them correctly. For example, to glance the ball down to fine leg, you would get on to the back foot to be in the correct position to strike the ball. Normally your footwork is chosen for you AUTOMATICALLY at the time you play your shot. Thus, the specific stroke you play for a certain shot type and direction is chosen for you. You can override this automatic behaviour and specify your footwork in advance. This gives the more skilled batsmen an edge: morecontroloverwhichshotyouplay agreaterchanceofhittingtheballaccurately(yourAIMINGWEDGEwillbecomethinner) The rightCand rightßare used to shift on to the front and back foot, respectively. Hold the correct button down along with your desired direction before executing your shot. Note: Be careful. Although specifying your footwork in advance increases your chances of hitting accurately, you run the risk of choosing the wrong footwork for the delivery. ADVANCINg DOWN THE WICKET Advancing Down the Wicket is used best against spinners to get to the pitch of the ball and negate the spin by turning it onto a full toss or half volley. If the shot is missed however, the batsman should quickly step back into his crease by pressing\, or else be stumped out by the awaiting wicket keeper. Hold rightCand rightßalong with your desired direction to execute these shots. This type of shot is risky. If the batsman has high confidence, his chances of successfully placing the ball or lofting the ball over the infield are significantly increased. See Confidence And Stamina for information on how to increase your confidence. SHOT TIMINg Once the shot has been played, the TIMING METER will appear on the right hand side ofGOOD the screen. This shows how well you timed the ball: • IftheneedleliesintheGREENsection,the shot was GOOD to PERFECT-ly timed. • Iftheneedleistotheleft/rightintheORANGE,theshotwasplayedtooEARLY/LATE,and caught an EDGE. Iftheneedleliesintheleft/rightREDsection,theshotwasMISSEDcompletely,eithertoo EARLY or LATE. Monitor the TIMING METER to perfect your strokes.
ruNNINg BETWEEN THE WICKETS To score runs, the batsman must either hit the ball to (or over) the boundary, or run between the wickets after playing a shot. Contact does not have to be made with the ball to score runs. See Extras for details of scoring runs without hitting the ball. Running is activated by pressingBafter the ball has either been hit, or has passed by the stumps. Both batsmen must reach the opposite wicket for a run to be scored. If the fielding team manages to dislodge the bails from the stumps with the ball before a batsman has reached the crease then he has been run out. CANCELLINg ruNNINg If the two batsmen begin a run but have not yet crossed, it is possible to abort the run in progress by pressing\. Qein rns The batsmen can attempt to run between the wickets several times in succession in order to score multiple runs in a single delivery but this increases the risk of a run out. If you are already running, you can pressBqueue an extra run, forcing theagain to batsmen to run again automatically when they reach the other end. To un-queue a queued run, press\. Divin/Slidin Fo The Cease If a batsman is about to get run out, the player can make him slide or dive for the crease by pressingR. Sometimes, if a run out is too close to call by the on-field umpire, he will call for the ‘third umpire’. In this case, an umpire in the pavilion with access to instant replay footage will review the run-out and communicate the decision to the on-field umpire. SCOrINg BOuNDArIES As well as scoring runs by running between the wickets, good batsmen will look to hit the ball beyond the boundary rope at the edge of the field. If they manage to hit the ball over the rope on the full, they score six runs; if it bounces beforehand they score four runs. Note that if the ball crosses the boundary rope, any runs between the wickets from the same delivery are discounted, so it’s not possible to run a single and also hit a four to score a total of five runs. If you have run five runs before the ball reaches the fence, you will receive five runs. If the fielding team throw the ball to the fence after you have completed a run, you will receive a boundary in addition to any runs made by the batsmen.
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