67 pages

Through Space to Mars - Or the Longest Journey on Record


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67 pages
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Publié le 08 décembre 2010
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Title: Through Space to Mars Author: Roy Rockwood Release Date: October, 2004 [EBook #6717] [This file was first posted on May 15, 2003] [Most recently updated: May 15, 2003] Edition: 11 Language: English Character set encoding: US-ASCII *** START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK, THROUGH SPACE TO MARS ***
Sean Pobuda (jpobuda@adelphia.net)
Scanned by Sean Pobuda (jpobuda@adelphia.net) THROUGH SPACE TO MARS Or the Longest Journey on Record By Roy Rockwood #4 in the "Great Marvel Series" CHAPTER I TWO CHUMS
"Mark, hand me that test tube, will you, please?" The lad who had made the request looked over at his companion, a boy of about his own age, who was on the other side of the laboratory table. "The big one, or the small one?" questioned Mark Sampson. "The large one," answered Jack Darrow. "I want to put plenty of the chemical in this time and give it a good try." "Now be careful, Jack. You know what happened the last time."
"You mean what nearly happened. The tube burst, but we didn't get hurt. I have to laugh when I think of the way you ducked under the table. Ha, ha! It was awfully funny!" "Humph! Maybe you think so, but I don't," responded Mark with rather a serious air. "I noticed that you got behind a chair." "Well, of course. I didn't want broken glass in my eyes. Come on, are you going to hand me that test tube, or will I have to come and get it? We haven't much more time to–day." "Oh, here's the tube," said Mark as he passed it over. "But please be careful, Jack." Jack measured out some black chemical that resembled gunpowder, and poured it into the test tube which Mark handed him. Then he inserted in the opening a cork, from which extended a glass tube, to the outer end of which was fastened a rubber pipe. He paused in his experiment to laugh again. "What are you making—laughing gas?" asked Mark. "No. But—excuse me—ha, ha! I can't help laughing when I think of the way you ducked under the table the other day." "Maybe you'll laugh on the other side of your countenance, as Washington White would say," commented Mark; "especially if that big tube bursts." "But it isn't going to burst." "How do you know?" "Well, I worked out this experiment carefully. I've calculated just how strong the new gas will be, and—" "Ah, that's just it. It's a new gas, and you've never yet succeeded in making it, have you?" "No; but—" "And it takes a different combination of chemicals to make it from any you ever experimented with before, doesn't it?" asked Mark. "It does. But—" "Yes, and I don't see how you can tell, with any amount of calculation, just how much force will develop from those chemicals, as no one ever put them together before." "Well, maybe I can't," admitted Jack. "But this tube is very strong, and even if it does break nothing very serious can happen." "Unless the gas you expect to generate is stronger than you have any idea of." "Well, I'm going to do it. I've got half an hour before Professor Lenton and his class comes in, and that's time enough. Here, just hold this rubber tube under this jar, will you? And be sure to keep the edge of the jar below the surface of the water. I don't want any of the gas to escape." He handed Mark the end of the rubber tube, and the somewhat nervous student, who was helping his chum Jack in the experiment, inserted it under the edge of a large bell–glass, the open mouth of which was placed just under the surface of water in a shallow pan. The two lads were students at the Universal Electrical and Chemical College. They stood high in their classes, and were often allowed to conduct experiments on their own responsibility, this being one of those occasions. Jack, who was somewhat older than his companion, was of a more adventurous turn of mind, and was constantly trying new things. Not always safe ones, either, for often he had produced small explosions in the laboratory of the college. Only minor damage had been done thus far, but, as Mark said, one could never tell what was going to happen when Jack mixed certain things in test tubes and placed them over a spirit lamp, or the flame of a Bunsen burner. "Have you got that tube under the jar?" asked Jack as he lighted a large Bunsen flame. "It's under," answered Mark. "But say, what are you going to do in case you prove that your theory is right, and that you can make a new kind of gas? What good will it be?" "Lots of good. If I'm right, this will be the lightest gas ever made. Much lighter than hydrogen—" "Lighter than the kind Professor Henderson made for use in theFlying Mermaid, in which we went to the center of the earth?" "No, I'm afraid I can't equal his gas; but then, no one can ever hope to. I'm going to make a new gas, though, and I'll show you that it will be much lighter and more powerful than hydrogen." "More powerful, eh? Then I wish you'd have some one else hold this. I'm afraid the test tube will burst." "What if it does? It can't hurt you—very much. But here, since you're so nervous, I'll put a pile of books all around the tube and the burner. Then, if it bursts, the books will prevent the pieces of glass from flying all about. Does that satisfy you?" and Jack began heaping some books about the burner, over which he was about to suspend the test tube containing the queer chemical. "Yes," returned Mark doubtfully. "I suppose it's all right—unless the books will be blown all over."
"Well, I'll be jig–sawed!" exclaimed Jack with a laugh. "There's no satisfying you. You're too particular, Mark." "Maybe; but I don't want to get hurt." "You'll not be injured in the least. Look, you're quite a distance away, and even if it does explode and the books are scattered away, it can't hurt much to be hit by one of these volumes. There, I'm all ready now. Hold the tube firmly." He placed the test tube in a support, clamping it fast, so that it would be held steady over the flame. Then he turned on more of the illuminating gas, which, coming through the Bunsen burner, was made intensely hot. A little column of flame now enveloped the big test tube containing the powder. There was a little crackling sound as the heat expanded the powder, and the end of the test tube became quite red from the flame. "That tube'll melt!" exclaimed Mark, peering over the pile of books. "It's too near the flame." "Guess you're right," admitted Jack. "I'll raise it up a bit." He turned down the flame and elevated the tube slightly. Then he took a position where he could watch the process of making what he hoped would be a new kind of gas. He wanted to be where he could see the vapor beginning to collect in the top of the tube, pass off through the glass in the cork, and then through the little rubber hose to the bell glass held by Mark. If the gas was generated too quickly, Jack knew he would have to turn down the heat slightly. The crackling sound continued. Then, as Jack watched, he saw a thick, yellowish vapor collecting in the top of the test tube near the cork. "It's coming!" he cried. "There's my new gas!" "What's the name of it?" asked Mark. "I haven't named it yet. I want to collect it in the jar and show it to Professor Lenton. He said he didn't believe I could make it." The boys resumed their careful watching of the experiment. It was a nervous moment, for, from experience, Mark knew you never could tell what would happen when Jack began to try new combinations of chemicals. He was ready to drop down on an instant's warning, out of the way of flying missiles. "See any bubbles in that pan of water yet?" cried Jack. No, not yet." " "That's queer. The test tube is full of the yellow gas, and some ought to be over to where you are now. I'm going to turn on some more heat." He increased the Bunsen flame. The crackling noise was louder. The test tube became a fiery red. "It's bubbling now!" suddenly called Mark. "That's good! The experiment is a success! I knew I could make it. Is any of the gas coming up in the glass jar?" Mark bent over to make a closer examination. There were a few seconds of silence, broken only by the roaring of the burner and the crackling of the black powder. "Yes, there is vapor in the jar," he said. "Good! That's the stuff!" cried Jack. "Now I guess Professor Lenton will admit that I'm right." He turned the Bunsen flame up higher. A moment later he uttered a cry, for he saw the cork being forced from the test tube. The pressure of the new gas was too much for it. "Lookout!" cried Jack. "She's going up!" Then followed a sharp explosion, and the laboratory seemed filled with fragments of broken glass and torn books. CHAPTER II JACK MAKES OXYGEN "There it goes! There it goes!" cried Mark, making a dive for the laboratory door, but slipping and sprawling on the floor. "There it goes, Jack!" "No; it's gone already!" cried Jack, who, even in the midst of danger and excitement, seemed to remain calm and still to have his appreciation of it joke. "Come on!" cried Mark as he scrambled to his feet. "We must get out of here, Jack!"
"What's the use now? It's all over " . There was a tinkling sound, as fragments of the broken test tube, the bell–jar and other things began falling about the room. Mark was fumbling at the door of the laboratory, seeking to escape. "Come on back," said Jack. "It's all over. There's no more danger. We'll try it again." Just then one of the pile of books, that had been blown on an upper shelf, came down, landing on Mark's head. "No danger?" cried Mark, trembling from excitement. "No danger? What do you call that?" and he pointed to the books at his feet, while he rubbed his head ruefully. "Well, there aren't any more," observed Jack, with a look upward. Just then the door opened, and an elderly gentleman, wearing spectacles, entered the laboratory. He seemed much excited. "What happened? Is any one hurt? Was there an explosion here?" he asked. Then he saw the devastation on all sides—the broken glass, the scattered and torn books—and he noticed Mark rubbing his head. "There was—er—a slight explosion," replied Jack, a faint smile spreading over his face. "Are you hurt?" the professor asked quickly, stepping over to Mark. "Shall I get a doctor?" "A book hit him," explained Jack. "A book! Did a book explode?" "No, sir. You see, I was making a new kind of gas, and Mark was helping me. He was afraid the test tube would explode, so I piled books around it, and—" "And it did blow up!" cried Mark, still rubbing his head. "The test tube, and the other tube, and the rubber hose, and the bell–jar. I told you it would, Jack." "Then you weren't disappointed, retorted Jack, this time with a broad smile. "I don't like to disappoint people," he added. " "What kind of gas was it, Darrow?" asked Professor Lenton. "Well, I hadn't exactly named it yet," answered the young inventor. "I was going to show it to you, and see what you thought of it. It's the kind you said I couldn't make." "And did you make it?" asked the instructor grimly. "Yes, sir—some." "Where is it?" "It's—er—well, you can smell it," replied Jack. Sure enough, there was a strong, unpleasant odor in the laboratory, but that was usual in the college where all sorts of experiments were constantly going on. "Hum—yes," admitted the professor. "I do perceive a new odor. But I'm glad neither of you was hurt, and the damage doesn't seem to be great." "No, sir. It was my own apparatus I was using," explained Jack. "I'll be more careful next time. I'll not put in so much of the chemical." "I don't believe there had better be a 'next time' right away," declared Mr. Lenton. "The next attempt you make to invent a powerful gas, you had better generate it in something stronger than a glass test tube. Use an iron retort." "Yes, sir," replied Jack. "And now you had better report for your geometry lesson," went on the professor. "I need the laboratory now for a class in physics. Just tell the janitor to come here and sweep up the broken glass. I am very glad neither of you boys was seriously injured. You must be more careful next time." "Oh, Mark was careful enough," said Jack. "It was all my fault. I didn't think the gas was quite so powerful." "All right," answered the professor with a smile as Jack and Mark passed out on their way to another classroom. The two lads, whom some of my readers have met before in the previous books of this series, were friends who had become acquainted under peculiar circumstances. They were orphans, and, after having had many trying experiences, each of them had left his cruel employers, and, unknown to each other previously, had met in a certain village, where they were obliged to beg for food. They
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decided to cast their lots together, and, boarding a freight train, started West. The train, as told in the first volume to this series, calledThrough the Air to the North Pole,was wrecked near a place where a certain Professor Amos Henderson, and his colored helper, Washington White, lived. Mr. Henderson was a learned scientist who was constantly building new wonderful machines. He was working on an airship, in which to set out and locate the North Pole, when he discovered Jack and Mark, injured in the freight wreck. He and Washington White carried the lads to the inventor's workshop, and there the boys recovered. When they were well enough, the professor invited them to live with him, and, more than that, to take a trip with him North Pole. They went, in company with Washington and an old hunter, named Andy Sudds, and some other men, whom the professor took along to help him. Many adventures befell the party. They had battles with wild beasts in the far north, and were attacked by savage Esquimaux. Once they were caught in a terrible storm. They actually passed over the exact location of the North Pole, and Professor Henderson made some interesting scientific observations. In the second volume of this series, entitledUnder the Ocean to the South Pole,Professor Henderson, Jack, Mark, Washington and old Andy Sudds, made even a more remarkable trip. The professor had a theory that there was an open sea at the South Pole, and he wanted to prove it. He decided that the best way to get there was to go under the ocean in a submarine boat, and he and the boys built a very fine, craft, called thePorpoisecapable of being propelled under water at a great depth., which was The voyagers had rather a hard time of it. They were caught in a great sea of Sargasso grass, monstrous suckers held the boat in immense arms, and it required hard fighting to get free. The boys and the others had the novel experience of walking about on the bottom of the sea in new kinds of diving suits invented by the professor. On their journey to the South Pole, the adventurers came upon a strange island in the Atlantic, far from the coast of South America. On it was a great whirlpool, into which thePorpoisewas nearly sucked by a powerful current. They managed to escape, and had a glimpse of unfathomable depths. They passed on, but could not forget the strange hole in the island. Mark suggested that it might lead to the center of the earth, which is hollow, according to some scientists, and after some consideration, Professor Henderson, on his return from the South Pole, decided to go down the immense shaft. To do this required a different kind of vessel from any he had yet built. He would need one that could sail on the water, and yet float in the air like a balloon or aeroplane. How he built this queer craft and took a most remarkable voyage, you will find set down in the third book of this series, entitledFive Thousand Miles Underground. In their new craft, called theFlying Mermaid, leading downward. Then the ship rose in the air and descended through clouds of vapor. After many perils they reached the center of the earth, where they found a strange race of beings. One day, to their horror, an earthquake closed the shaft by which they had come to the center of the earth. The boys were in despair of ever getting to the surface again, but the professor had been prepared for this emergency, and he had built a strong cylinder, into which all the travelers placed themselves. Then it was projected into a powerful upward shooting column of water, which Professor Henderson hoped would take them to the surface of the earth. Nor was he mistaken. They had a terrible journey, but came safely out of it. They opened the cylinder, to find themselves floating on the sea, and they were rescued by a passing vessel. Of course, they had abandoned theMermaid, leaving the craft in the center of the earth, but they had brought back with them some valuable diamonds, which formed their fortune. This ended, for a time, the experiments of the professor, who decided to settle down to a quiet life, and write out the observations he had made on the three voyages. The boys wanted to get an education, and, investing their share from the sale of the diamonds, they took up a course at the Universal Electrical and Chemical College. Each had an ambition to become as great an inventor as was Professor Henderson, with whom they continued to live in a small city on the Maine coast. Washington White and Andy Sudds also dwelt with the professor, Andy going off on occasional hunting trips, and Washington acting as a sort of body servant to Mr. Henderson. Jack and Mark had completed one term at the college, and were in the midst of the second when this story opens. They had not lost their love for making queer voyages, and one of their greatest desires was to help the professor turn out a craft even more wonderful than theElectric Monarch, thePorpoiseor theFlying Mermaid. It was in this connection that Jack was experimenting on the new gas, when the slight accident happened. "Are you going to try that again?" asked Mark, as he and his chum walked along to their geometry class. "Sure," replied Jack. "I want that to succeed. I know I am on the right track." "You came near getting blown off the track," remarked his companion, which was as near to a joke as he ever would come, for, though Jack was jolly and full of fun, Mark was more serious, inclined to take a sterner view of life. "Oh, I'll succeed yet!" exclaimed Jack. "And when I do—you'll see something—that's all." "And feel it, too," added Mark, putting his hand on his head, the book having raised quite a lump.
It was several days after this before the boys had the chance to work alone in the laboratory again, and Jack had to promise not to try his experiment with the new gas before this privilege was granted him. "Want any help?" asked Dick Jenfer, another student, as he saw Jack and Mark enter the laboratory. "Yes, if you want to hold a test tube for me," answered Jack. "I'm going to try a new way of making oxygen." "No, thanks! Not for mine!" exclaimed Dick as he turned away. "I don't want to be around when you try your new experiments. The old way of making oxygen is good enough for me." "Well, I have a new scheme," went on Jack. Soon he and Mark, whom he had again induced to help him, were busy with test tubes, rubber hose, Bunsen flames, jars of water, and all that is required to make oxygen. Somewhat to his own surprise, the experiment Jack tried was a success. He collected a jarful of oxygen, generated in a way he had thought out for himself. It was much simpler than the usual method. Just as he concluded the test, some one opened the laboratory door. It was Professor Lenton. "I have a telegram for you," he said. "A telegram?" "Yes. It just arrived. " Jack tore open the yellow envelope. "It's from Professor Henderson," he said. "Is anything the matter?" asked Mark. "I don't know," answered Jack. "It says: 'Come home at once. I wonder what's wrong? ' " "I hope nothing serious," said Professor Lenton. "You may both prepare to leave this afternoon. I am sorry. Let me hear from you when you reach Professor Henderson. I trust nothing has happened to him. He is too great a scientist for us to lose." CHAPTER III WASHINGTON MEETS THE BOYS All thoughts of experiments were driven from the minds of Jack and Mark by the telegram. They imagined that something had happened to their old friend, and it worried them. If he was dangerously hurt, as might be, for he was constantly experimenting in a small way, it would mean that a great change must take place in their lives. "What do you suppose can have happened?" asked Mark, as he and Jack went to their rooms to get ready to leave the college. "I haven't the least idea. Maybe he wants us to go on another trip." Mark finished packing, and Jack was not far behind him. Then the lads went to the railroad station, where they purchased tickets for home and were soon on a train. On the journey they could not help but refer occasionally to the telegram, though Jack kept insisting that nothing so serious had happened. Mark was not quite in such good spirits. "Well, here we are," announced Jack, about three hours later, as the train pulled into a small station. "And there's Washington on the platform waiting for us." Jack hurried out of the car, followed by Mark. "Hello, Wash!" cried the fat lad. "How are you? Catch this valise!" and he threw it to the colored man before the train had come to a stop. Washington deftly caught the grip, though he had to make a quick movement to accomplish it. "I 'clar t' gracious!" he exclaimed. "Dat suttinly am a most inconsequential mannah in which to project a transmigatory object in contiguousness to mah predistination." "Whoa, there!" cried Jack. "Better take two bites at that, Wash!" "Dat's all right, Massa Jack," answered the colored man. "I'se glad to see yo', an' I suttinly hopes dat de transubstantiationableness ob my " "Wow!" cried Jack. "Say that over again, and say it slow " . "Don't yo' foregather mah excitability?" asked the colored man rather anxiously.
"Yes, I guess so. What's the answer? How's the professor? How's Andy? What's the matter? Why did he send for us?" "Wait! Wait! Please wait!" begged Washington. "One ob dem interrogatorial projections at a time, Massa Jack. Where am Massa Mark?" "Here I am," replied Jack's chum, as he followed him out on the platform of the train, which had come to a stop. "Dats right!" exclaimed Washington. "Let me hab yo' extended article ob transportation an' I'll jest expidite it in—" "I guess you mean it, all right," interrupted Jack. "But what's up? Why did the professor send for us?" I doan't know, Massa Jack. " " "You don't know?" "Nopy. He jest done gone tell me to send dat transmigatory telegraph, an' dat's all." "But why does he want us? He's not sick, is he?" asked Mark. "Never felt bettah!" exclaimed Washington as he walked along the street leading from the depot, a valise in either hand. "His state ob health am equal to de sophistication ob de soporiferousness." "You mean he sleeps well?" questioned Jack. "Dat's what I done meant to convey to yo', Massa Jack." "Well, why don't you say it?" asked Mark. "Dat's jest what I done. I said—" "Never mind," interrupted Jack. "Then you can't tell us why the professor sent for us?" "He's got company," went on Washington, as if he had just thought of that. "Company?" exclaimed both boys. "Yyais " . "Who is it?" "Why, his name am Santell Roumann. " "What an odd name!" commented Mark. "Is he a doctor?" asked Jack. "He speaks wid a Germannes aceetnuation," said Washington. "He suttinly uses de most ogilistic conglomerations—" "If he can beat you, he's a wonder," said Jack. "But where did he come from?" "I 'clar t' goodness I doan't know. All I knows is dat he jest comed. One day he wasn't dere, and come next day he was." "Does the professor know him?" "Suah! He's a friend ob de perfesser," added Washington. "De perfesser was pow'ful glade t' see him." "'Then he must be some scientist," said Mark. "Dat's it! He's chock full obscientistical bombasticness an' labiodentalisms," said the colored man. "I guess the professor wanted us to meet him and learn something that we couldn't in college," spoke Mark. "Well, we'll soon be there." "Yes," assented Jack. "I want to find out what it's all about. Santell Roumann—that's an odd name." "An' he's a mighty odd man," supplemented Washington. They reached the house a few minutes later, and went in the front door. The sounds of two voices came from the library. One of them was that of Professor Henderson. He was saying: "I tell you it can't be done! It is utterly impossible! It is madness to think of such a terrible trip!" "And I tell you it can be done—it shall be done and you are the very man to accomplish it," insisted the other. "You and your young assistants will succeed. I know you will. You will go with me, and we will make the longest journey on record."
CHAPTER IV WONDERFUL PLAN "I wonder what they can be talking about?" asked Mark of Jack, as they paused outside the library door.  "I don t know, but it concerns us." "What makes you think so?" "Because, didn't you hear the stranger speak of us as the 'young assistants'? That's us. " "Very likely. But who is the man in with Professor Henderson, and what is the wonderful journey he is talking about?" "Dat gen'man in wid de perfesser am also a perfessor." Explained Washington in a whisper. "He's Perfesser Santell Roumann. Now I 'spects I'd better saggasiate mahself inter proximity t' de culinary reservation." "You mean you've got to go to the kitchen?" asked Jack with a smile. "Dat's what I approximated to yo'," replied the colored man. "I wonder if we'd better go in now, or wait until Professor Henderson is through talking to Mr. Roumann?" asked Mark. "Yo' am to go right in," remarked Washington. "Dem's de orders I got when I went t' de statione t' meet yo'." "All right," assented Jack. "Come on, Mark. We'll find out what's wanted of us." The two boys entered the library, whence the voices of Professor Henderson and Mr. Roumann could still be heard in earnest discussion. Mr. Henderson looked up as his protégés advanced to the middle of the apartment. "Jack! Mark!" he exclaimed. "I am very glad you came so promptly. I have something very important to communicate to you —something that I hope will make up for the loss you suffer in being taken away from college in the middle of the term. Or, to be more correct, Mr. Roumann will impart most of the information, for it is at his suggestion that I sent for you." "Are these the young assistants of whom you spoke?" asked the other man, and the boys noticed that he was a big, burly German, with a bushy, gray beard, and penetrating, blue eyes. "This is Jack Darrow," said the professor, indicating the stout youth, "and the other is Mark Sampson. They have lived with me several years now, and we have had many adventures together." "Ha! Hum! Yes!" murmured Mr. Roumann, then he said something in German. "I beg your pardon," he went on quickly. "I have a habit of talking to myself in my own language once in a while. What I said was that I did not know the lads were so young. I am somewhat apprehensive—" "Do not be alarmed on the score of their youth," cried Professor Henderson. "I assure you that they have had a peculiar training, and, in some scientific attainments, they know as much as I do. You will not find them too young for our purpose, in case we decide that the thing can be done." "I tell you it can be done, and it shall be done," insisted Mr. Roumann. "I have my doubts," went on Mr. Henderson. Jack and Mark must have shown the wonder they felt at this talk between the professor and his friend, for their guardian turned to them and said: "Boys, you must excuse me for not telling you at once the reason why I sent for you. The truth is that Mr. Roumann has laid a very strange proposition before me. It is so stupendous that I hardly know whether to consider it or not. I want to talk with you about it, and see what you think." "They will go with us, will they not?" asked Mr. Roumann. "That is for them to say," replied Mr. Henderson. "Go where?" asked Jack, wondering if there was in prospect another voyage to one of the Poles, or a trip to the interior of the earth. Professor Henderson looked at the other man. They were silent a moment. "Shall I tell them?" asked Mr. Henderson. "Surely," assented Mr. Roumann. "It all depends on you and them whether we go or remain on earth." Jack started. Then there was a question of getting off the earth. He began to think there might be exciting times for Mark and himself. "Mr. Roumann has proposed a wonderful plan to me," went on Professor Henderson. "It is nothing more nor less than a trip to—"
"Mars!" burst out the blue–eyed man. "We are going to make the most wonderful journey on record. A trip through space to the planet Mars! Such an opportunity for reaching it, and proving whether or not there is life on it, will not occur again for many years. It is now but thirty–five millions of miles away from us. Soon it will begin to recede, at the rate of twenty–eight millions of miles a year, until it is two hundred and thirty four millions of miles away from us. Then we may never be able to reach it. Now, when it is but thirty–five millions of miles away, we have a chance to get there." "I still believe it is impossible," said Professor Henderson in a low voice. "Nothing is impossible!" exclaimed Mr. Roumann. "We shall go to Mars! I say it! I who know! I who hold the secret of the wonderful power that will take us there, and, what is more, bring us back! I say it! We shall go!" "Impossible!" said the professor again, shaking his head. "Don't say that word!" implored Mr. Roumann. "I will prove to you that we shall go." "Go to Mars!" exclaimed Mark. "Thirty–five million miles!" exclaimed Jack with awe in his tones. "How can we ever cover that distance? No airship ever made would do it." "Not an airship, perhaps," said Mr. Roumann, "but something else. I will tell you how—" "Perhaps I had better explain from the beginning," interrupted Mr. Henderson. "Maybe it will be better," assented the other. "Boys, be seated," spoke their guardian, and Jack and Mark took chairs. "Mr. Santell Roumann is an inventor, like myself," went on Mr. Henderson. "I have known him for several years, but I had not seen him in a long time, until he called on me the other day with his strange proposition. We used to attend the same college, but since his graduation he has been experimenting in Germany." "Where I discovered the secret of the wonderful power that will take us to Mars," added Mr. Roumann. "That is one point on which we differ," continued Mr. Henderson. "Mr. Roumann believes we can get to the red planet, which, as he correctly says, is nearer to us now than it will be again in many years. I do not see how we can get there through the intervening space. " "And I will prove to you that we can," insisted the other. "The power which I shall use is strongest known. But it depends on you and your young assistants." "On us?" asked Jack. "Yes," replied Mr. Santell Roumann. "If you and Professor Henderson can build the proper projectile, we shall go." "A projectile!" exclaimed Jack. "A projectile," said Mr. Roumann again. "I have studied it all out, and I think the projectile, shaped somewhat like a great shell, such as they use in warfare, or, more properly speaking, built like a cigar or a torpedo, is the only feasible means of reaching Mars. We shall go in a projectile, two hundred feet long, and ten feet in diameter at the largest point. That will offer the least resistance to the atmosphere of the earth, though when we get within the atmosphere of Mars, and are subjected to its attraction of gravitation, we shall meet with even less resistance." "Why?" asked Jack, who wanted to know the reason for everything. "Because," answered Mr. Roumann, "from my observations I have proved that the atmosphere of Mars is much less dense than is that surrounding the earth, and the attraction of gravitation there is about two–thirds less. That is, an object that weighs one hundred pounds on the earth will weigh only thirty–three pounds on Mars. " "That's the stuff!" cried Jack. "Why?" asked Mr. Roumann in some surprise. "Then I'll have a chance to lose weight," replied Jack. "I'm getting too fat here. I weigh a hundred and eighty pounds, and that's too much for a lad of my age. When I get to Mars I'll only weigh—let's see, two–thirds of one hundred and eighty—" and Jack got out pencil and paper and began figuring. "It's sixty pounds!" exclaimed Mark, who was quick at figures. "How are we to get to Mars, Mr. Roumann?" demanded Jack. "I will tell you," answered the blue–eyed man. "When you and the professor have constructed the projectile, after plans which I shall draw, I will apply my new, wonderful, secret power, and—" "If yo' gen'men will kindly project yo'se'ves hitherward, an' proceed to discuss de similitodinariness ob de interplanetary conjunction what am waitin' fo' yo' heah, de obverseness of de inner constitutions will be expeditiously relieved," spoke the colored man, suddenly looking in the room.
"Does that mean supper is ready, Washington?" asked Professor Henderson. "Yes, sah. It suah do." "Then why didn't you say so?" "I did, perfesser "  . "Well, perhaps you thought so. Washington has a very peculiar habit of using big words, just because they sound so imposing," went on the professor. "He spends all his spare time consulting the dictionary." "I have noticed it," remarked Mr. Roumann, smiling. "Well, suppose we go out to supper?" went on Mr. Henderson "You boys must be hungry." . "I can eat, admitted Jack. " "You'll get stouter if you do," warned Mark with a smile. "Can't help it. Wait until we get to Mars." "Oh, yes, you didn't finish telling us how we were to get there, Mr. Roumann," said Jack. "I'll tell you while we're at supper," said the scientist. "I confess that Washington's announcement came just at the right time. I am very hungry."
CHAPTER V THE SECRET POWER For a few minutes after they were seated at the table nothing was heard but the rattle of the dishes and the clatter of knives and forks. Washington was a fine cook, and there was a plentiful supply of just what the boys liked best. When the meal was well under way, the dining room door opened, and a strange figure entered. It was that of rather an aged man, who walked with soft, cat–like tread, and who leaned forward, as if on the trail of some enemy or wild beast. His eyes were bright, however, in spite of his age. "Andy Sudds!" exclaimed Jack. "I was wondering where you were." "Well, snap my gunlock, if it isn't Jack Darrow!" exclaimed Andy. "Any luck?" asked Mark, for he knew the old man must have been hunting. "And Mark, too!" went on the old hunter. "Well, this is a surprise. No, I didn't have any luck—that is, what you could call luck. There's been a weasel carrying off our chickens and killing them, and I went out to shoot it." "Did you cotch it, Mistah Sudds?" asked Washington anxiously. "I didn't 'cotch' it," answered Andy with a grin. "I killed it. I guess the chickens will be safe now, Wash. But I'm hungry. I've been hiding out there by the chicken coop all the afternoon. But what brings you boys back from college?" "We came home because we are going to take a trip to Mars," explained Jack. "Mars! Mars! Good land! Where'll you folks go next?" exclaimed Andy. "Wash, pass me some of that cold ham." "You said you would tell us now how we were to get there, Mr. Roumann," said Jack, who was anxious, as was Mark, to hear the particulars. "And so I will," replied the scientist. "You must know that I have long been interested in the planet Mars, for several reasons. Some reasons I will tell you now, and the others I will disclose at a future time." "Mars, you know, is the fourth major planet, computing their positions in distance from the sun. First there is Mercury, then—" "I know," interrupted Jack; "Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. I learned them at school." "That's right," said Mr. Roumann. "But, while Mercury is only about thirty–six millions of miles from the sun at its nearest point, the closest it ever comes to the earth is fifty–seven millions of miles, while, as I told you, Mars is now but thirty–five millions of miles away, a difference in favor of Mars of twenty–two millions of miles, quite a distance when one has to travel it. Neptune, the farthest of the major planets, is two billion eight hundred millions of miles from the sun, and it is separated from this earth by—" "By two billion seven hundred and eight million miles," said Mark quickly. "How do you make that out?" asked Jack in some surprise. "B subtractin ninet –two millions of miles, which is the distance from the earth to the sun, from the number of miles Ne tune is awa
from the sun," said Mark. "That's right," admitted Mr. Henderson. "You're very quick at figures, Mark." "Well, let's get to Mars," said Jack. "Maybe Andy can find some new kind of game there." "Me? I'm not going to any place so many millions of miles away from here," answered the old hunter, looking up from his plate. "It's good enough hunting here." "Wait until you see," said Mr. Roumann with a smile. "I expect to find many marvels on Mars." "If we get there," added Mr. Henderson. "We'll get there," declared Mr. Roumann confidently. "As I said, I have long been interested in Mars, and one reason is that I want to prove that there is life on it—that it is inhabited by a superior race of beings. Another reason is that I expect to find on it a supply—or at least specimens—of a most valuable substance—" Mr. Roumann stopped suddenly. "Well?" asked Mr. Henderson questioningly, for there was an odd manner about the blue–eyed scientist. "That is something I do not wish to speak about at present," said Mr. Roumann quickly. "I will tell you my other reason for going to Mars —when we get there." "Now, as to the method. As I told you, Professor Henderson, and as I intimated to you boys, we will go in a long, torpedo–shaped projectile, which, though it will not be very large in diameter, will be long enough to contain all our machinery and ourselves, with a sufficient store of provisions for a year or more. But I know what you are going to ask, and that is: How can I send the projectile through space? "Well, I'll tell you—that is, partly tell you, for some parts of my secret can never be revealed. I have discovered a wonderful power, more wonderful than man ever dreamed of before. I have called it Etherium, for the reason that I expect it to carry us through the ether, or space that exists outside of the atmosphere of this earth and that of Mars. "Now, professor, do you think you and your assistants can build a proper projectile?" "We built an airship that went to the North Pole, we constructed a submarine that took us to the South Pole, and we had theFlying Mermaidcenter of the earth," said Mr. Henderson. "I think we can build you the torpedo–shaped projectile., in which we went to the But what will make it move through thirty–five millions of miles of space?" "I will!" exclaimed the other. "I and my wonderful, secret power—Etherium! If you will build the projectile I will do the rest. I will give you the plans for the machinery at once, and you can begin as soon as you are ready. You have a large workshop here, I understand." "Yes, we have all the means at our command," admitted Mr. Henderson. "But it must be built in secret," stipulated Mr. Roumann. "No one must know about it until we are ready to leave. Several unscrupulous men have tried to steal my secret." "We can construct the projectile and machinery so that no one but ourselves, and one or two trusty mechanics, will ever know about it," promised Mr. Henderson. "Good! Now, when can you begin? As I told you, Mars is already beginning to move away from us at the rate of twenty–eight millions of miles a year. That is over two millions of miles a month, and every day counts." "We will start at once," promised Mr. Henderson. "That is, if Jack and Mark decide they want to go. I will let them choose. Boys, do you want to try to go to Mars, or go back to college?" "Mars! Every time!" cried Jack. "I want to begin to weigh less." "I'll go wherever Jack goes," said Mark. "Very well, then," assented the professor. "But you must remember, Mr. Roumann, that I am still unconvinced that you possess the secret of a power that will project a heavy object through space to Mars—thirty–five millions of miles away. I do not say it can't be done, only I want to be shown. I will aid you all I can, and I will accompany you. But I fear we shall never get to Mars." "And I tell you we will!" insisted the other. "Come, I will prove it to you by mathematics, and by illustrating some of the force of my new secret power. Let us go to the laboratory." The professor took from a valise, which sat in a corner of the room, a bundle of papers. Then, followed by the professor and the boys, he started for the private laboratory of Mr. Henderson. As they left the dining–room they heard an unexpected noise at one of the windows. They looked quickly up, and Jack saw the face of a man staring in. Before he could cry out, there came the sound of Washington's voice: "He dar! Git awa from dere! Skedaddle now or I'll ro nosti ate o' inter modicums ob transmi ator infatisamatisms!"
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