80 pages

The Suffrage Cook Book

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80 pages
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Publié le 08 décembre 2010
Nombre de lectures 54
Langue English
Poids de l'ouvrage 1 Mo


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Title: The Suffrage Cook Book Compiler: L. O. Kleber Release Date: August 15, 2008 [EBook #26323] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE SUFFRAGE COOK BOOK ***
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DEDICATED TO Mrs. Henry Villard AND Mrs. J. O. Miller
Introduction There are cook books and cook books, and their generation is not ended; a generation that began in the Garden of Eden, presumably, for if Mother Eve was not vastly different from her daughters she knew how to cook some things better than her neighbors, and they wanted to know how she made them and she wanted to tell them. Indeed, it has been stated that the very first book printed, a small affair, consisted mainly of recipes for "messes" of food, and for remedies for diseases common in growing families. Whether the very first book printed was a cook book or not, it is quite true that among the very oldest books extant are those telling how to prepare food, clothing and medicine. Some of these make mighty interesting reading, particularly the portions relating to cures for all sorts of ills, likewise of love when it seemed an ill, and of ill luck. And who wouldn't cheerfully pay money, even in this enlightened day, for a book containing recipes for just these same things? For in spite of our higher civilization, broader education, and vastly extended knowledge, we still believe in lucky days, lucky stones, and lucky omens. These formed no inconsiderable part of the old time cook book, and no doubt would constitute a very attractive feature of a modern culinary guide. However, hardly anyone would confess to having bought it on that account. In these later times professors of the culinary art tell us the cooking has been reduced to a science, and that there is no more guess work about it. They have given high sounding names to the food elements, figured out perfectly balanced rations, and adjusted foods to all conditions of health, or ill health. And yet the world is eating practically the same old things, and in the same old way, the difference being confined mainly to the sauces added to please the taste. Now that women are coming into their own, and being sincerely interested in the welfare of the race, it is entirely proper that they should prescribe the food, balance the ration, and tell how it should be prepared and served. Seeing that a large majority of the sickness that plagues the land is due to improper feeding, and can be prevented by teaching the simple art of cooking, of serving and of eating, the wonder is that more attention has not been given to instruction in the simpler phases of the culinary art. It is far from being certain that famous chefs have contributed greatly to the health and long life of those able to pay the fine salaries they demand. Nor are these sent to minister to the sick, nor to the working people, nor to the poor. It would seem that even since before the time of Lucullus their business has been mainly to invent and concoct dishes that would appeal to perverted tastes and abnormal appetites. The simple life promises most in this earthly stage of our existence, for as we eat so we live, and as we live so we die, and after death the judgment on our lives. Thus it is that our spiritual lives are more or less directly influenced by our feeding habits. Eating and drinking are so essential to our living and to our usefulness, and so directly involved with our future state, that these must be classed with our sacred duties. Hence the necessit for so educatin the
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children that they will know how to live, and how to develop into hale, hearty and wholesome men and women, thus insuring the best possible social and political conditions for the people of this country. "The surest way into the affections of a man is through his stomach, also to his pocket," is an ancient joke, and yet not all a joke, there being several grains of truth in it, enough at least to warrant some thoughtful attention. Women being the homekeepers, and the natural guardians of the children, it is important that they be made familiar with the culinary art so they may be entirely competent to lead coming generations in the paths of health and happiness. So say the members of Equal Franchise Associations throughout the length and breadth of our land, and beyond the border as far as true civilization extends. Hence this book which represents an honest effort to benefit the people, old and young, native and foreign. It is not a speculative venture but a dependable guide to a most desirable social, moral and physical state of being. Disguise it as we may the fact remains that the feeding of a people is of first importance, seeing the feeding is the great essential to success, either social or commercial. The farmer and stock raiser gives special attention to feeding, usually more to the feeding of his animals than of his children, or of himself. And yet he wonders why his domestic affairs do not thrive and prosper as does his farming and stock raising. Physical trainers are most particular about what the members of their classes eat and drink. One mess of strawberry short cake and cream will unfit a boy for a field contest for a whole week, while a full meal of dainties may completely upset a man or woman for a day or two. The cook book of the past was filled mainly with recipes for dainties rather than sane and wholesome dishes; the aim being to please the taste for the moment rather than to feed the body and the brain. Now that we are entering upon an age of sane living it is important that the home makers should be impressed with the fact that good health precedes all that is worth while in life, and that it starts in the kitchen; that the dining room is a greater social factor than the drawing room. In the broader view of the social world that is dawning upon us the cook book that tells us how to live right and well will largely supplant Shakespeare, Browning, and the lurid literature of the day. ERASMUS WILSON (The Quiet Observer)
The tocsin of the soul—the dinner bell. —Byron. As it is a serious matterwhatis put into the human stomach, I feel it incumbent to say that my readers may safely eat everything set down in this book. Most recipes have been practically tested by me, and those of which I have not eaten coming with such unquestionable authority, there need be no hesitancy in serving them alike to best friend as well as worst enemy—for I believe in the one case it will strengthen friendship, and in the other case it will weaken enmity. It being a human Cook Book there will likely be some errors, but as correcting errors is the chief duty and occupation of Suffrage Women, I shall accept gratefully whatever criticisms these good women may have to offer. I thank all for the courtesy shown me and hope our united efforts will prove helpful to the Great Cause. I ask pardon for any omission of contributors and their recipes. MRS. L. O. KLEBER.
List of Contributors Mrs. John O. Miller Pittsburgh, Pa. Dr. Anna Howard Shaw New York, N. Y. Lady Constance Lytton London, England Jane Addams Chicago, Ill. Governor Hiram W. Johnson San Francisco, Cal. Mrs. Henry Villard New York, N. Y. Mrs. F. L. Todd Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Kate Waller Barrett Alexandria, Va. Mr. George W. Cable Northampton, Mass.
Mrs. Wallis Tener Sewickley, Pa. Miss Eliza Kennedy Pittsburgh, Pa. Governor George H. Hodges Topeka, Kansas Miss Julia Lathrop Washington, D. C. Miss Laura Kleber Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Harriett Taylor Upton Warren, Ohio Mrs. Desha Breckenridge Kentucky Miss Louise G. Taylor Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr. Irvin S. Cobb New York, N. Y. Miss Mary Bakewell Sewickley, Pa. Mrs. Olive Dibert Reese Johnstown, Pa. Miss Lillie Gittings Pittsburgh, Pa. Judge Ben Lindsay Denver, Colo. Mrs. Richard Morley Jennings Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Will Pyle Bellevue, Pa. Mrs. Hornberger Pittsburgh, Pa. Mr. Philip Dibert Oakland, Calif. Miss Elide Schleiter Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. David H. Stewart Fair Hope, Ala. Miss Annabelle McConnell Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. J. G. Pontefract Sewickley, Pa. Mrs. O. H. P. Belmont New York, N. Y. Governor Edward F. Dunne Springfield, Ill. Mrs. Enoch Rauh Pittsburgh, Pa. Miss Helen Ring Robinson Denver, Colo. Miss Sarah Bennett Pittsburgh, Pa. Miss Leah Alexander Boise City, Idaho. Mrs. A. Hilleman Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Medill McCormick Chicago, Ill. Mrs. Carmen London Glen Ellen, Calif. Jack London Glen Ellen, Calif. Mrs. Edward Hussey Binns Pittsburgh, Pa. Governor Joseph Carey Cheyenne, Wyoming. Mrs. Edmond Esquerre Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Emma Todd Moore West Alexander, Pa. Mrs. Samuel Semple Brookville, Pa. Mrs. John Dewar Bellevue, Pa. Governor Ernest Lister Olympia, Washington. Miss Anna McCord Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Raymond Robins Chicago, Ill. Mrs. C. C. Lee Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Charlotte Perkins Gilman New York, N. Y. Mrs. Robert Gordon Pittsburgh, Pa. Governor George P. Hunt Phoenix, Arizona. Miss Elizabeth Ogden Pittsburgh, Pa. Mrs. Mary Watson Pittsburgh, Pa. Joseph Gittings Pittsburgh, Pa. Eugene D. Monfalconi Pittsburgh, Pa.
PORTRAITS  Page Fanny Garrison Villard34 Jane Addams38 Helen Ring Robinson40 Mrs. J. O. Miller42 Julia Lathrop44 Jack London46 Mrs. Desha Breckinridge52 Dr. Anna Howard Shaw60 Mrs. Samuel Semple62 William Lloyd Garrison66 Harriet Taylor Upton74 Mary Roberts Reinhart80 Mrs. Enoch Rauh86 Irvin S. Cobb94 Mrs. Medill McCormick100 Mrs. K. W. Barrett102
Dr. Harvey W. Wiley104 Governor W. P. Hunt110 Miss Eliza Kennedy122 Governor Hiram Johnston126 Mme. Nazimova132 Hon. Ben Lindsay138 Governor Joseph M. Carey142 Lady Constance Lytton152 Governor M. Alexander156 Mrs. Raymond Robins160 Governor Edward F. Dunne164 Mrs. F. M. Roessing170 Mrs. Oliver H. P. Belmont176 Governor George H. Hodges182 Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt184 George W. Cable190 Mrs. Charlotte Perkin Gilman200 Lucretia L. Blankenburg204 Governor Ernest Lister206 Governor Oswald West220
SOUPS  Page Asparagus22 Spinach23 Crab Jumbo23 Tomato24 Vegetable25 Chestnut26 Peanut Butter Broth27 Invalids27 Peanut28 French Oyster29 Mock Oyster29 Split Pea30 Black Bean31 Carrot31 Veal32 FISH, OYSTERS, ETC. Boiled White Fish35 Virginia Fried Oyster36 Creamed Lobster37 Salmon Croquettes37 Royal Salt Mackerel39 Shrimp Wriggle40 MEATS, POULTRY, ETC. Baked Ham42 Chop Suey41 Veal Kidney Stew41 Daube43and62 Roast Duck46 Veal Loaf47 Ducks48 Blanquette of Veal49 Spitine50 Risotti a la Milanaise50 Liver Dumplings51 A Baked Ham52 Belgian Hare53 Pepper Pot53 Delicious Mexican Dish54 Hungarian Goulash54 Stewed Chicken55
Chicken Pot Pie Anti's Favorite Hash Giblets and Rice Savory Lamb Stew Squab Casserole Cheap Cuts of Beefsteak Chicken Croquettes Liver a la Creole Nuts as a Substitute for Meat Pecan Nut Loaf Nut Hash Nut Turkey Nut Scrapple Nut Roast Oatmeal Nut Loaf VEGETABLES Cream Potatoes French Fried Potatoes Potatoes Au Gratin Croquettes Pittsburgh Potatoes Sweet Potato Souffle Potatoes a la Lyonnaise Stuffed Potatoes Potato Dumpling Potato Puffers Stuffed Tomatoes Baked Tomatoes Green String Beans Fresh Beans Barbouillade Boiled Rice Spinach Spaghetti Baked Beans Creamed Mushrooms Macaroni a la Italienne Macaroni Dressing Rice with Cheese Rice with Nuts Carrot Croquettes Potato Balls Vegetable Medley, Baked SAVORIES Tomato Toast Ham Toast Cheese Savories Sardine Savories Oyster Savories Rice and Tomato Savory Stuffed Celery BREAD, ROLLS, ETC. Fine Bread Excellent Nut Bread Virginia Butter Bread Bran Bread Dr. Wylies' Recipes Dr. Wylies' Recipes Polenta—Corn Meal Corn Bread Nut Bread Hymen Bread Corn Bread Brown Bread Egg Bread Quick Waffles Dumplings That Never Fall French Rolls
55 56 57 58 59 61 63 63 64 65 67 68 69 70 71 74 75 75 75 76 76 77 77 78 78 79 80 81 81 82 83 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 89 90 90 91 95 96 96 97 97 98 98 99 100 101 102 102 103 104 105 106 106 107 107 108 108 109 109 111
Drop Muffins111 Soft Gingerbread112 Gingerbread112 Cream Gingerbread113 Cream Gingerbread Cakes113 Parliament Gingerbread114 Soft Gingerbread114 Sally Lunn115 Griddle Cakes115 Sour Milk Recipes116-117 CAKES, COOKIES, TARTS, ETC. Mocha Tart118 Mocha Tart Filling118 Icing118 Filling119 Icing119 Filling for Cake119 Nut Cake120 Icing120 Christmas Cakes121 Cocoanut Tarts121 Suffrage Angel Cake122 Cinnamon Cake123 Spice Cake124 Black Walnut Cake124 Scripture Cake125 Ratan Kuchen127 Golden Cake128 Pineapple Cake128 Ginger Cookies129 Pound Cake130 Doughnuts131 Cream Cake131 One Egg Cake133 Devil's Food133 Bride's Cake134 Date Cake134 Pfeffernusse (Pepper Nuts)135 Cocoanut Cake135 Jam Cake136 Lace Cakes137 Hickory Nut Cake138 Lace Cakes139 Marshmallow Teas139 Apple Sauce Cake140 Quick Coffee Cake140 Sand Tarts141 Sand Tarts141 Cheap Cake141 Hermits143 Hermits143 Cocoanut Cookies144 PASTRIES, PIES, ETC. Grape Fruit Pie145 Spice Pie145 Cream Pie146 Pie Crust146 Suffrage Pie147 Orange Pie148 Lancaster County Pie148 Brown Sugar Pie149 Banbury Tart149 Filling149 PUDDINGS Hasty Pudding153 Bakewell Pudding154 Graham Pudding155 Norwegian Prune Pudding155
Plain Suet Pudding157 Suet Pudding157 Cottage Fruit Pudding158 Prune Souffle158 Plum Pudding159 Lemon Cream160 Lemon Hard Sauce161 Corn Pudding161 Raw Carrot Pudding161 SANDWICH RECIPES Hawaiian165 Chocolate165 Caramel165 Fruit165 Cucumber166 Anchor Canapes166 Sardine166 Filling167 Apple Sandwich167 SALADS, SALAD DRESSINGS Pear Salad168 Potato Salad168 Codfish Salad169 Swedish Wreathes169 Bean Salad170 Hot Slaw171 Creole Salad171 Colored Salads172 Colored Salads173 Orange Salad173 Tomato Aspic174 Suffrage Salad Dressing174 Cucumber Aspic175 Mayonnaise Dressing Boiled175 Mayonnaise Dressing Without Oil176 French Dressing177 Alabama Dressing177 Cooked Salad Dressing178 Caviare Salad Dressing179 MEAT AND FISH SAUCES Bechamel Sauce180 Hot Meat Sauce180[19] Gravy for Warmed Meats181 Horseradish Sauce181 EGGS Pain d'Oeufs184 Bread Crumbs and Omelette185 Egg Patties185 Florentine Egg in Casseroles186 Cheese Souffle186 Oyster Omelette187 Potato Omelette187 CREAMS, CUSTARDS, ETC. Strawberry Shortcake a la Mode191 Frozen Custard191 Stewed Apples192 Cinnamon Apples193 Fire Apples194 Candied Cranberries195 Apple Rice195 Jelly Whip196 Pineapple Parfait197 Rice197 Pittsburgh Sherbet198 Lemon Sherbet198 Fruit Cocktails199
Synthetic Quince200 Grape Juice Cup201 Peppermint Cup202 Amber Marmalade203 Grape Juice203 PRESERVES, PICKLES, ETC. Sour Pickles204 Sweet Pickles204 Lemon Butter205 Kumquat Preserves205 Prunes and Chestnuts207 Heavenly Hash207 Apple Butter208 Orange Marmalade208 Rhubarb and Fig Jam209 Brandied Peaches210 Cauliflower Pickles211 Mustard Sauce211 Relish212[20] Chili Sauce212 Pickles213 Tomato Pickle213 Corn Salad214 Tomato Catsup214 CANDIES, ETC. Rose Leaves Candied215 Childhood Fondant215 Fudge215 Taffy216 Creole Balls216 Chocolate Caramel217 Sea Foam217 MISCELLANEOUS Good Coffee218-219 Cottage Cheese221 Albuminous Beverages222-233 Starchy Beverages234-239 The Cook Says Beverages240-243 Economical Soap244 Editress Suffrage Cook Book:[21] Our hired girl, she's 'Lizabuth Ann; An' she can cook best things to eat! She ist puts dough in our pie-pan, An' pours in somepin' 'at's good an' sweet; An' nen she salts it all on top With cinnamon; an nen she'll stop ' An' stoop an' slide it, ist as slow, In th' old cook-stove, so's 'twon't slop An' git all spilled; nen bakes it, so It's custard-pie, first thing you know! An' nen she'll say "Clear out o' my way! They's time fer work, an' time fer play! Take yer dough, an' run, child, run! Er I cain't git no cookin' done!" My best regards JAMESWHITCOMBRILEY. [22] Indigestion is the end of love. SOUPS
Asparagus Soup 4 bunches asparagus 1 small onion 1 pint milk ½ pint cream 1½ tablespoon sugar 1 large tablespoon butter 1½ tablespoon flour pepper to season Wash and clean asparagus, put in saucepan with just enough water to cover, boil until little points are soft. Cut these off and lay aside. Fry onion in the butter and put in saucepan with the asparagus. Cook until very soft mashing occasionally so as to extract all juice from the asparagus. When thoroughly cooked put through sieve. Now add salt, sugar and flour blended. Stir constantly and add milk and cream, and serve at once. (Do not place again on stove as it might curdle. Croutons may be served with this). Spinach Soup ½ peck spinach 2 tablespoons butter 1½ tablespoon sugar 1½ teaspoons salt 1 small onion 1 pint rich milk 2 tablespoons flour ½ cup water Put spinach in double boiler with the butter and water. Let simmer slowly until all the juice has been extracted from the spinach. Fry the onion and add. Now thicken with the flour blended with the water and strain. Add the milk very hot. Do not place on the fire after the milk has been added. Half cream instead of milk greatly improves flavor. Crab Gumbo 3 doz. medium Okra 1 doz. Crabs cleaned 2 onions fried Add the Crabs, then small can tomatoes. Thyme, parsley, bay leaf. Tomato Soup 1 large can tomatoes or equivalent of fresh tomatoes. 1 small onion 1 tablespoon salt dash paprika 2½ tablespoons sugar 1 tablespoon butter 2½ tablespoons flour 2 cups hot milk 1 pint water Put tomatoes with 1 pt. water to boil, boil for at least half hour. Fry onion in butter and add to soup with sugar and salt. When thoroughly cooked thicken with the flour blended with a little water. Now strain. Have the milk very hot, not boiling. Stir constantly while adding milk to soup and serve at once. Do not place on the stove after the milk is in the soup. 1 cup of cream instead of 2 cups of milk greatly improves the soup. Vegetable Soup 2½ lbs. of beef (with soup bone) 3 quarts of water 1 tablespoon sugar salt to suit taste a few pepper corns
1 cup of each, of the following vegetables diced small carrots Potatoes Celery 2 tablespoons onion cut very fine ½ head cabbage cut very fine ½ can corn (or its equivalent in fresh) ½ can peas (or its equivalent fresh) 2 tablespoons minced parsley ¼ cup turnip and parsnip if at hand (not necessary) ½ can tomatoes (or equivalent fresh) Put meat in large kettle and boil for an hour; now add all the other ingredients and cook until soft. Ready then to serve. This soup can be made as a cream soup without meat and is delicious. In this case you take a good sized piece of butter and fry all the vegetables slightly, excepting the potatoes. Now cover all, adding potatoes with boiling water and cook until tender. When done season and add hot milk and 1 cup cream. This is very fine. In making this soup without meat omit the tomatoes and use string beans instead. Tell me what you eat, and I'll tell you what you are. Brillat Savarin. Chestnut Soup 1 qt. chestnuts (Spanish preferred) 1 pint chicken stock 2 tablespoons flour 1 teaspoon sugar salt and paprika to taste Cover chestnuts with boiling water slightly salted. Cook until quite soft and rub through coarse sieve, add stock, and seasoning; then thicken with flour blended with water. Let simmer five minutes and serve at once. In case stock is not available milk can be used with a little butter added. Peanut Butter Broth 1 pt. fresh sweet milk 1 pt. water 1½ tablespoons peanut butter 1 tablespoon catsup Salt, pepper or other season to taste. Pour liquid with peanut butter into double boiler; dissolve butter so there are no hard lumps. Do not let milk boil but place on moderately hot fire. Just before serving add the catsup and seasoning. Soup for Invalids Cut into small pieces one pound of beef or mutton or a part of both. Boil it gently in two quarts of water. Take off the scum and when reduced to a pint, strain it and season with a little salt. Give one teacupful at a time. Peanut Soup Peanut soup for supper on a cold night serves the double duty of stimulating the gastric juices to quicken action by its warmth and furnishing protein to the body to repair its waste. Pound to a paste a cupful of nuts from which the skin has been removed, add it to a pint of milk and scald; melt a tablespoon of butter and mix it with a like quantity of flour and add slowly to the milk and peanuts; cook until it thickens and season to taste. Chestnuts, too, make a splendid soup. Boil one quart of peeled and blanched chestnuts in three pints of salt water until quite soft; pass through sieve and add two tablespoons of sweet cream, and season to taste. If too thick, add water. Mock Oyster Soup
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