The Mind Master
64 pages

The Mind Master


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64 pages
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Publié le 08 décembre 2010
Nombre de lectures 50
Langue English


The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Mind Master, by Arthur J. Burks This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at
Title: The Mind Master Author: Arthur J. Burks Release Date: July 15, 2009 [EBook #29416] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE MIND MASTER ***
Produced by Greg Weeks, Dan Horwood and the Online Distributed Proofreading Team at
Transcriber’s Note: This etext was produced from “Astounding Stories” January and February, 1932. Extensive research did not uncover any evidence that the U.S. copyright on this publication was renewed. The original “What has gone before” recap section from the second part (February edition) has been removed from this combined version. The original page numbers have been kept. Author’s archaic and variable spelling is preserved. Author’s punctuation style is preserved. Typographical problems have been changed and these are highlighted. A list of changes is included at the end of the text.
The Mind Master
Beginning a Two-Part Novel
By Arthur J. Burks
 hSETe the opdearr, bilohrrred ispe whest,nlEel
CHAPTER I The Tuft of Hair e nightmare is ove
“LEstabrook to Lee Bentley as their liner came crawling up through the Narrows and the Statue of Liberty greeted the two with uplifted torch beyond Staten Island. New York’s skyline was beautiful through the mist and smoke which always seemed to mask it. It was good to be home again. Once more Lee Bentley is caught up in the marvelous machinations of the mad genius Barter. Certainly it was a far cry from the African jungles where, for the space of a ghastly nightmare, Ellen had been a captive of the apes and Bentley himself had had a horrible adventure. Caleb Barter, a mad scientist, had drugged him and exchanged his brain with that of an ape, and for hours Bentley had roamed the jungles hidden in the great hairy body, the only part of him remaining “Bentley” being the Bentley brain which Barter had placed in the ape’s skull-pan. Bentley would never forget the horror of that grim awakening, in which he had found himself walking on bent knuckles, his voice the fighting bellow of a giant anthropoid. Yes, it was a far cry from the African jungles to populous Manhattan. As soon as Ellen and Lee considered themselves recovered from the shock of the experience they would be married. They had already spent two months of absolute rest in England after their escape from Africa, but they found it had not been enough. Their story had been told in the press of the world and they had been constantly besieged by the curious, which of course had not helped them to forget.
A bullet ploughed through the top of the ape’s head.
A sequel to “Manape the Mighty”
“Lshould have gone out that morning when he forgot to take his whip and we thought the vengeful apes had slain him. We should have proved it to our own satisfaction. It would be an ironic jest, characteristic of Barter, to allow us to think him dead.” “He’s dead all right, dear,” replied Bentley, his nostrils quivering with pleasure as he looked ahead at New York, while the breeze along the Hudson pushed his hair back from his forehead. “He had abused the great anthropoids for too many years. They seized their opportunity, don’t mistake that. “Still, he was a genius in his way, a mad, frightful genius. It hardly seems possible to me that he would allow himself to be so easily trapped. It’s a reflection on his great mentality, twisted though it was.” “Forget it, dear,” replied Bentley, putting his arm around her shoulders. “We’ll both try to forget. After our nerves have returned to normal we’ll be married. Then nothing can trouble us.” The vessel docked and later Lee and Ellen entered a taxicab near the pier. “I’ll take you to your home, Ellen,” said Bentley. “Then I’ll look after my own affairs for the next couple of days, which includes making peace with my father, then we’ll go on from here.” They looked through the windows of the cab as they rolled into lower Fifth Avenue and headed uptown. Newsies were screaming an extra from the sidewalks. “Excitement!” said Bentley enthusiastically. “It’s certainly good to be home and hear a newsboy’s unintelligible screaming of an extra, isn’t it?” On an impulse he ordered the cabbie to draw up to the curb and purchased a newspaper. “Do you mind if I glance through the headlines?” Bentley asked Ellen. “I haven’t looked at an American paper for ever so long.” THE cab started again and Bentley folded the paper, falling easily into the habit of New Yorkers who are accustomed to reading on subways where there isn’t room for elbows, to say nothing of broad newspapers. His eyes caught a headline. He started, frowning, but was instantly mindful of Ellen. He mustn’t show any signs that would excite her, especially when he didn’t yet understand what had caused his own instant perturbation. Had Ellen looked at him she might have seen merely the calm face of a man mildly interested in the news of the day, but she was looking out at the Fifth Avenue shops. Bentley was staring again at the newspaper story: “An evil genius signing his ‘manifestoes’ with the strange cognomen of ‘Mind Master’ gives the authorities of New York City twelve hours in which to take precautions. To prove that he is able to make good his mad threats he states that at noon exactly, to-day, he will cause the death of the chief executive of a great insurance company whose offices are in the Flatiron Building. After that, at regular stated periods, warnings to be issued in each case ten hours in advance, he will steal the brains of the twenty men whose names are hereto appended:” (There followed then a list of names, all of which were known to Bentley.)
leb Barter is deee lusert ah taC .daeWE,Ef reven llI ,nleEld repeiswh 
He understood why the story had startled him, too. “Mind Master!” Anything that had to do with the human brain interested him mightily now, for he knew to what grim uses it could be put at the hands of a master scientist. Around his own head, safely covered by his hair unless someone looked closely, and even then they must needs know what they sought, was a thin white line. It marked the line of Caleb Barter’s operation on him that terrible night in the African jungles, when his brain had been transferred to the skull-pan of an ape, and the ape’s brain to his own cranium. Any mention of the brain, therefore, recalled to him a very harrowing experience. It was little wonder that he shuddered. Ellen noticed his agitation. “What is it, dearest?” she asked softly, placing her hand in the crook of his arm. Hofneddppa acilnoitcaxi wb,h itsua ,rw eh nhtie ratuld not alarm hewot haytsao  tngihtemos fo kniht to yingy tratelpsre ,edh rewsre tutano as wbo aE  the brakes, came to a sharp stop. Bentley noticed that they were at the intersection of Twenty-second Street and Fifth Avenue. The lights were still green, but nevertheless all traffic was halted. And for a strange reason. From the west door of the Flatiron Building emerged a grim apparition of a man. His body was scored by countless bleeding wounds which looked as though they had been made by the fingernails of a giant. The man wore no article of clothing except his shoes. Apparently, his clothing had been ripped from his body by the same instrument which had turned his body into a raw, dripping horror. The man staggered, half-running, at times all but falling, toward the traffic officer at the intersection. As he ran he screamed, horrible, babbling screams. His lips worked crazily, his eyes rolled. He was frightened beyond the comprehension of ordinary mortals. His screams began and ended on the high shrill notes of utter dementia, and as he ran he pawed the air with his bleeding hands as though he fought out on all sides against invisible demons seeking to drag him down. “Oh, my God!” said Ellen. “Even here!” What had caused her to speak the last two words? Did she also have a premonition of grim disaster? Did she also feel, deep down inside her, as Bentley did, that the nightmare through which they had passed was not yet ended? Bentley now sat unmoving, his eyes unblinking, as he saw the naked man stagger over to the traffic officer. The color drained from his face. He looked at his watch. It was exactly noon. Even without further consideration Bentley knew that this gruesome apparition had some direct connection with the newspaper story he had just read. UNOBTRUSIVELY, trying to make it seem a preoccupied action, he folded the newspaper again and thrust it down at the end of the seat cushion. But Ellen was watching him, a haunting fear gradually coming into her eyes. She quickly reached past him and snatched the paper before he realized her intent. The item he had read came instantly under her eyes because of the
way he had automatically folded the paper. She read it with staring eyes. “So, Lee,” she said, “you think there’s a connection with––with––well, withus? “Absurd!” he said heartily, too heartily. “Caleb Barter is dead.” “But I have never been sure,” insisted Ellen. “Oh, Lee, let’s get away from here! Let’s take the first boat for Bermuda––anywhere to escape this terrible fear.” “No!” he retorted harshly. “If our suspicions are correct, and I think we’re unwarrantedly keyed up because of our recent experiences, the officials of New York may need my help ” . “Your help? Why?” “I know more about Caleb Barter than any other living man, perhaps.” “Then youdohave doubts that he is dead!” Bentley shrugged his shoulders. “Ellen,” he said, “drive on home without me. I’m going to drop off and find out all I can. If we’re in for it in any way it’s just as well to know it at once.” “You’ll come right along?” “Just as soon as I can make it. And I hope I’ll be able to report our fears groundless.” Bentley stepped from the cab. He ordered the chauffeur to turn right into Twenty-second Street and to proceed until Ellen gave him further directions. Then Bentley hurried through the congestion of automobiles toward the traffic officer who was fighting with the naked man, trying to subdue him. Other men were running to the officer’s assistance, for it could be seen that he alone was no match for the lunatic. Bentley, however, was first to arrive. “Give me a hand!” gasped the officer. “I can’t handle ’im without usin’ my club and I don’t wanna do that. The poor fella don’t know what he’s a-doin’ ” . Bs ye nooht nhtmee thrastdured ceamn ssa eaprtlo. Betweesistanceciuq YELTNEtho  tngraspy kla eld dn gnidnubsqa rmuierngo  tim toragged h the sidewalk; another officer was phoning for an ambulance. The stricken man was now mumbling, babbling insanely. Blood trickled from the corners of his lips. The sight of one eye had been destroyed. Bentley watched him, sprawled now on the sidewalk, surrounded by a group of men. The man was dying, no question about that. The talons, which had scored him, had bitten deeply and he was destined to bleed to death soon even if the wounds were not otherwise mortal. Bentley noticed something clutched tightly in the man’s right hand– –something that sent a chill through his body despite the heat of a mid-July noon. The officer, apparently, had not noticed it. Soon a clanging bell announced the arrival of an ambulance, and as the crowd stepped aside to clear the way, Bentley bent over the dying man. The man’s lips were parted and he was trying with a mighty effort of will to speak. Bentley put his ear close to the bleeding lips through which words strove to bubble. He heard parts of two words: “...ind ...aster....”
Bentley suddenly knew what the man was trying to say. The half-uttered words could mean only––“Mind Master.” Bentley suppressed a shudder and extended his hands to the closed right hand of the dying man. Carefully he removed from between the fingers three tufts of thick brown hair, coarse and crude of texture. There was a rattle in the naked man’s throat. Five minutes later the ambulance intern hastily scribbled in his record the entry, “Dead on Arrival.” Bentley, more frightened than he had ever been before, entered a taxicab as soon as the body had been removed and the streets cleared. He stared closely at the tufts of hair in his hand. Maybe he had been wrong in taking them before detectives arrived on the scene, but he had to know, and he felt that these hairs proved his mad suspicions. Caleb Barter was alive! The hairs came from the shaggy coat of a giant anthropoid ape or a gorilla.
CHAPTER II Ultimatum Henei  nht tah debed it seemed! Itw sau bnleeiavlbOteW birrf ylf-rahcted inpose bod thea  n yfoT ahpa.eghouene entBha tdah yelter ecno African wilds. But the idiocy of the thing now rested in Bentley’s belief that here, immediately upon landing, he was again facing something just as horrible. But the coincidences were too clear. The palaver about “brains,” and “Mind Master”––and those ape hairs in Bentley’s hands. He wished he knew all that had led up to that story he had read in the paper just prior to the appearance of the naked man from the west door of the Flatiron Building. However, the killing would get front page position now, due to the importance of the dead man– –Bentley never doubted it was the man whom, in the paper, the “Mind Master” had promised to slay. Great apes in the heart of New York City! It sounded silly, preposterous. Yet, before he had gone through that dread experience with the mad Barter, Bentley would have sworn that brain transplantation was impossible. Even now he was not sure that it hadn’t all been a terrible dream. Should Bentley go at once to the police to give them the benefit of whatever knowledge he might have of Caleb Barter? He wasn’t sure. Then he decided that sooner or later he must come out into the open. So he caught a cab and went to police headquarters. “I wish,” he said, “to talk to someone about the Mind Master!” If he had said, “I have just come from Mars,” he could scarcely have caused a greater sensation. Bs,lend a riah esohw ,os ore iv-ftyirthofetpmht ea  trgyaely aturpremwas ot gim hn  astinac ss mletattnemh a slender man na tuaidneecw tiT hiU whose eyes were shrewd and far-seeing.
“My name’s Thomas Tyler,” said the detective. He certainly didn’t look the conventional detective, but Bentley knew instantly that hewasn’t the conventional detective. “I work on the unusual cases. If you hadn’t sent in your name I wouldn’t have seen you, which means that as soon as you leave here you are to forget my name and how I look.” He motioned Bentley to a seat. Bentley sat back. Suddenly Thomas Tyler was around his desk and had pushed back the hair from Bentley’s temples. He drew in his breath with a sharp hiss when he saw the white line which circled Bentley’s skull. “It’s not exactly proof,” he said, as though he and Bentley had been in the midst of a discussion of that awful operation Barter had performed on Bentley, “but I’d take your word for it.” “The story, in the main, was true,” said Bentley. “I thought so. What made you come here?” “I saw that naked man run across Fifth Avenue from the door of the Flatiron Building. I saw the officer subdue him, helped him do it in fact, and saw the man die. Since there was no detective there, I took the liberty of removing these from the fingers of the dead man.” Bentley gave Tyler the coarse hair, stained with blood. Tyler looked at it grimly for a moment or two. “Not human hair,” he said, as though talking to himself. “Not like any I know of. But ... ah, you know what sort of hair, eh? That’s what sent you here!” “It’s the hair of an ape or a gorilla.” “How do you know, for sure?” “Once,” said Bentley grimly, “for several horrible hours ... I was a giant anthropoid ape.” TYLER’S chair legs crashed solidly to the floor. “I see,” he said. “You think this thing has some connection with your own experiences. How long ago was that?” “Slightly over two months.” “You think the same man...?” “I don’t know. But who could want, as a newspaper story I just read says, to steal the brains of men? What for? It sounds like Barter. I’ve never heard of anybody else with such an obsession. I’m putting two and two together––and fervently hoping they’ll add up to seven instead of four. For if ever in my life I wanted to be wrong it’s now.” Tyler pursed his lips. Bentley saw that his eyes were glinting with excitement. “But there’s a possibility you’re right. Do you know what the Mind Master’s first manifesto said? It was published by a tabloid newspaper as a sort of gag––a strange crank letter. Here it is.” Tyler tossed Bentley a newspaper clipping a week old. Bentley read quickly: “The white race is deteriorating physically at a dangerous rate. In fifty years, if nothing is done to prevent it, the world will be filled with men whose bodies are so soft as to be almost worthless. But I shall take steps to revent that as soon as I am read . I need a week. Then I shall be in
my crusade to make the white race a race of supermen, whom I alone shall rule. They shall keep the brains they have, which shall be transferred to bodies which I shall furnish. (Signed) The Mind Master.” TYLER squinted at Bentley again. “You see? Brains are all right, he says, but the white race needs new bodies. If he isn’t suggesting brain substitution, what is he suggesting? Though I confess I never thought of your story until your name was sent in to me a while ago. For the world thinks of Barter as having been killed by the great apes.” “Yes, I told newspaper reporters that. I thought it was true. But this Mind Master must be Barter. There couldn’t be two persons in the world with mental quirks so much alike.” “Tell me what Barter looks like. Oh, there are plenty of pictures extant of the famous Professor Caleb Barter who disappeared from the world some years ago, but he’ll know that, of course, and he won’t look like the pictures. “Alteration of his own features should be easy for a man who juggles brains.” “He may have changed his features since I saw him, too,” said Bentley. “But I’m sure I’d know him.” Tyler’s telephone rang stridently. He took down the receiver. His mouth fell slackly open as his eyes lifted to Bentley’s face. But he recovered himself and slapped his hand over the transmitter. “Anybody know you came here?” asked Tyler. Bentley shook his head. “Well,” went on Tyler, “I don’t know how it happens, but this telephone message is for you!” Bentley’s heart seemed to jump into his throat. One of those hunches which sometimes were so valuable to him had struck him, as though it were a blow between the eyes. His lips tightened. His face was pale, but there was a grim light in his eyes. He hesitated for a second, the receiver in his hand, his mouth against the transmitter. “Well, Professor Barter?” he said conversationally. T .relyT samohT mro fspgaa e am cEHERtley Benoth ma edi.esis n ma uinfoni crmot dmos enoe A . door andmotioneeHj muep dott eh distinctly heard Tyler tell the man to have this telephone call traced. From the receiver came a well-remembered chuckle. “So you were expecting me, eh, Bentley? You never really believed that one of my genius would fall such easy prey to the great apes did you?” “Of course not, Professor,” said Bentley soothingly. “It would be an insult to your vivid mentality.” Vividmentality!Vividmentality! Why, Bentley, there isn’t another brain in the world to compare with mine. And you of all people should know it. The whole
world will know it before I’m finished, for I have made tremendous strides since you helped me to perform that crowning achievement in Africa. By the way, tell your friend Tyler, who just called the officer to the door, that it’s useless to try to trace this call!” Bentley jumped as though he had been stung. How had Barter known what Tyler was doing? How had he guessed what Tyler had told the man in uniform? How had Barter known Bentley was visiting Tyler? How had he discovered even that Bentley was back in the United States? Why, besides, was he so friendly with Bentley now? “You speak, Professor,” said Bentley softly, “as though you could see right into police headquarters.” “I can, Bentley! I can!” said Barter impatiently, as though he were rebuking a schoolboy for saying the obvious. “You’re close by, then?” “No. I’m a long way––several miles––from you. But I can see everything you do. And you needn’t look at Tyler in such surprise!” BENTLEY started. He had looked at Tyler in a surprised way and, clever though he was, he didn’t think that Barter could haveguessed so accurately to the second the gesture he had made. Barter chuckled. “It’s a good jest, isn’t it? But listen to me, Bentley, I’ve a great scheme in hand for the amelioration of mankind. I need your help, mostly because you were such an excellent subject in my greatest successful experiment. “Will it be the same sort of experiment as the other?” Bentley’s heart was in his mouth as he asked the question. “Yes, the same ... but there are improvements I have succeeded in perfecting since the creation of Manape. My one mistake when Manape was created was in that I allowed myself to lose control of him––of you! That will not happen again. Oh, if you’ll help me, Bentley, that operation will not be performed on you until you yourself request it because I shall have proved to you that it is better for you. You shall be my assistant and obey my orders, nothing more.” Lee Bentley drew a deep breath. “If I prefer not to work with you again, Professor?” A chuckle was Barter’s answer. The chuckle broke off shortly. “You should not refuse, Bentley,” said the scientist at last. “For then I should find it necessary to remove you. You might stand in my way, and though you would be but a puny obstacle, you still would be an obstacle. For example, consider Ellen Estabrook, your fiancée. I can find no use for her ... and she knows as much about me as you do. Therefore, at my convenience, I shall remove her.” “CBAB LEA B,ERRTyesneltecw v iooarsas hth ae wi dhepproerngs  aihtom gnihdeos sddress tode of a eam nehwora dhtnesains waw ne kfi , anything happens to Miss Estabrook through you I shall find you no matter how well you are guarded ... and I shall destroy you bit by bit, as a small boy destroys a fly. For every least evil thing that happens to Miss Estabrook, a hundred times that will happen to you at my hands.” “Good!” snapped Barter, no longer chuckling. “I am happy to know how much
she means to you. It shows me how easily I may control you through her. It means war then, between us? I’m sorry, Bentley, for I like you. In a way, you know, you are my creation. But in a war between us, Bentley, you haven’t a chance to win. Bentley clicked up the receiver. “Could you trace the call, Tyler?” he snapped. Tyler shook his head ruefully. “We couldn’t locate the right telephone, but we could tell which exchange it came through, and the lines of that exchange cover a huge section of the city.” “Can you find out exactly the section and the address of each phone on every line?” “Yes. The exchange is Stuyvesant.” “That gives me some help. I used to live in Greenwich Village and I had a Stuyvesant number. I’m going after Barter. Say, Tyler, how do you suppose Barter knew exactly what was going on in this room?” Tyler’s face slowly whitened as his eyes looked fearfully into the eyes of Lee Bentley. He shook his head slowly. Bentley squared his shoulders and spoke quietly and determinedly. “Mr. Tyler,” he said, “I am in a great hurry. May I be conducted in a police car? Might as well. I’ll be working with you hand and glove until Barter is captured.” Bentley rode behind a shrieking siren to the home of the Estabrooks ... while from a distance of two miles Caleb Barter watched every move and chuckled grimly to himself.
CHAPTER III Hell’s Laboratory TehT .teelme schro of ewerro s eod ,htfle rsoolsalth, T .fw ehi nilestsavewithnywhere  srfmoa lls uodnf yletula fo eerm oo rgesoabs wa EuhH cages were iron-ribbed and ponderous. The long table which ran down the strange room’s center was covered with retorts, test tubes, Bunsen burners––all of the stock-in-trade of the scientist who spends most of his time at research work. The man who bent over the table was well past middle age. His hair was snow-white, but his cheeks were like rosy red apples. He literally seemed to glow with health. He was like a strange flame. His hands were slender, the fingers long and extraordinarily supple. His lips were redder even than his cheeks, and made one, strangely enough, think of vampires. His eyes were coal-black, fathomless, piercing. On the bronze wall directly across the table from the swiftly laboring man was a porcelain tablet set into the bronze, and in the midst of the table were a score of little push-buttons. Above each was a red light; and below, a green one. Several inches below each green light was a little slot which resembled a tiny keyhole, something like the keyhole in the average handbag. There was a key in each hole, and from each key hung a length of gleaming chain which shone
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