The Duke of Gandia
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The Duke of Gandia


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The Duke of Gandia, by Algernon Charles Swinburne
The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Duke of Gandia, by Swinburne (#6 in our series by Algernon Charles Swinburne) Copyright laws are changing all over the world. Be sure to check the copyright laws for your country before downloading or redistributing this or any other Project Gutenberg eBook. This header should be the first thing seen when viewing this Project Gutenberg file. Please do not remove it. Do not change or edit the header without written permission. Please read the "legal small print," and other information about the eBook and Project Gutenberg at the bottom of this file. Included is important information about your specific rights and restrictions in how the file may be used. You can also find out about how to make a donation to Project Gutenberg, and how to get involved. **Welcome To The World of Free Plain Vanilla Electronic Texts** **eBooks Readable By Both Humans and By Computers, Since 1971** *****These eBooks Were Prepared By Thousands of Volunteers!***** Title: The Duke of Gandia Author: Algernon Charles Swinburne Release Date: July, 2004 [EBook #6024] [Yes, we are more than one year ahead of schedule] [This file was first posted on October 20, 2002] Edition: 10 Language: English Character set encoding: ASCII
Transcribed from the 1908 Chatto and Windus edition by David Price, email


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Publié le 08 décembre 2010
Nombre de lectures 41
Langue English


The Duke of Gandia, by Algernon Charles Swinburne The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Duke of Gandia, by Swinburne (#6 in our series by Algernon Charles Swinburne) Copyright laws are changing all over the world. Be sure to check the copyright laws for your country before downloading or redistributing this or any other Project Gutenberg eBook. This header should be the first thing seen when viewing this Project Gutenberg file. Please do not remove it. Do not change or edit the header without written permission. Please read the "legal small print," and other information about the eBook and Project Gutenberg at the bottom of this file. Included is important information about your specific rights and restrictions in how the file may be used. You can also find out about how to make a donation to Project Gutenberg, and how to get involved.
**Welcome To The World of Free Plain Vanilla Electronic Texts** **eBooks Readable By Both Humans and By Computers, Since 1971** *****These eBooks Were Prepared By Thousands of Volunteers!*****
Title: The Duke of Gandia Author: Algernon Charles Swinburne Release Date: July, 2004 [EBook #6024] [Yes, we are more than one year ahead of schedule] [This file was first posted on October 20, 2002] Edition: 10 Language: English Character set encoding: ASCII Transcribed from the 1908 Chatto and Windus edition by David Price, email
POPE ALEXANDER VI. FRANCESCO BORGIA, Duke of Gandia }his sons CÆSAR BORGIA, Cardinal of Valencia } DON MICHELE COREGLIA, called MICHELOTTO, agent for Cæsar Borgia. GIORGIO SCHIAVONE, a Tiber waterman. TWO ASSASSINS. AN OFFICER of the Papal Household. VANNOZZA CATANEI, surnamed LA ROSA, concubine to the Pope. LUCREZIA BORGIA, daughter to Alexander and Vannozza. SCENE : ROME. TIME : JUNE 14 - JULY 22, 1497.
The Vatican Enter CÆSAR and  CÆSAR
Now, mother, though thou love my brother more, Am I not more thy son than he?
 Not more.
Have I more Spaniard in me - less of thee? Did our Most Holiest father thrill thy womb With more Italian passion than brought forth Me?
 Child, thine elder never was as thou -Spake never thus.
 I doubt it not. But I, Mother, am not mine elder. He desires And he enjoys the life God gives him - God, The Pope our father, and thy sacred self, Mother beloved and hallowed. I desire More.
 Thou wast ever sleepless as the wind -A child anhungered for thy time to be Man. See thy purple about thee. Art thou not Cardinal?
 Ay; my father’s eminence Set so the stamp on mine. I will not die Cardinal.
 Cæsar, wilt thou cleave my heart? Have I not loved thee?
 Ay, fair mother - ay. Thou hast loved my father likewise. Dost thou love Giulia - the sweet Farnese - called the Fair In all the Roman streets that call thee Rose? And that bright babe Giovanni, whom our sire, Thy holy lord and hers, hath stamped at birth As duke of Nepi?
 When thy sire begat Thee, sinful though he ever was - fierce, fell, Spaniard - I fear me, Jesus for his sins Bade Satan pass into him.
 And fill thee full, Sweet sinless mother. Fear it not. Thou hast
Children more loved of him and thee than me -Our bright Francesco, born to smile and sway, And her whose face makes pale the sun in heaven, Whose eyes outlaugh the splendour of the sea, Whose hair has all noon’s wonders in its weft, Whose mouth is God’s and Italy’s one rose, Lucrezia. VANNOZZA  Dost thou love them then? My child, How should not I then love thee? CÆSAR  God alone Knows. Was not God - the God of love, who bade His son be man because he hated man, And saw him scourged and hanging, and at last Forgave the sin wherewith he had stamped us, seeing So fair a full atonement - was not God Bridesman when Christ’s crowned vicar took to bride My mother? VANNOZZA  Speak not thou to me of God. I have sinned, I have sinned - I would I had died a nun, Cloistered! CÆSAR  There too my sire had found thee. Priests Make way where warriors dare not - save when war Sets wide the floodgates of the weirs of hell. And what hast thou to do with sin? Hath he Whose sin was thine not given thee there and then God’s actual absolution? Mary lived God’s virgin, and God’s mother: mine art thou, Who am Christlike even as thou art virginal. And if thou love me or love me not God knows, And God, who made me and my sire and thee, May take the charge upon him. I am I. Somewhat I think to do before my day Pass from me. Did I love thee not at all, I would not bid thee know it. VANNOZZA  Alas, my son! CÆSAR Alas, my mother, sounds no sense for men -Rings but reverberate folly, whence resounds Returning laughter. Weep or smile on me, Thy sunshine or thy rainbow softens not The mortal earth wherein thou hast clad me. Nay, But rather would I see thee smile than weep, Mother. Thou art lovelier, smiling. VANNOZZA  What is this Thou hast at heart to do? God’s judgment hangs Above us. I that girdled thee in me As Mary girdled Jesus yet unborn - Thou dost believe it? A creedless heretic Thou art not? CÆSAR  I? God’s vicar’s child?
 Be God Praised! I, then, I, thy mother, bid thee, pray, Pray thee but say what hungers in thy heart, And whither thou wouldst hurl the strenuous life That works within thee.
 Whither? Am not I Hinge of the gate that opens heaven - that bids God open when my sire thrusts in the key -Cardinal? Canst thou dream I had rather be Duke?
 Wilt thou take mine office, Cæsar mine? I heard thy laugh deride it. Mother, whence Comes that sweet gift of grace from dawn to dawn That daily shows thee sweeter?
 Knowest thou none Lovelier?
 My Cæsar finds me not so fair. Thou art over fond, Francesco.
 Nay, no whit. Our heavenly father on earth adores no less Our mother than our sister: and I hold His heart and eye, his spirit and his sense, Infallible.
Enter the
 Jest not with God. I heard A holy word, a hallowing epithet, Cardinal Cæsar, trip across thy tongue Lightly.
 Most holiest father, I desire Paternal absolution - when thy laugh Has waned from lip and eyelid.
 Take it now, And Christ preserve thee, Cæsar, as thou art, To serve him as I serve him. Rose of mine, My rose of roses, whence has fallen this dew That dims the sweetest eyes love ever lit With light that mocks the morning?
 Nay, my lord, I know not - nay, I knew not if I wept.
Our sons and Christ’s and Peter’s whom we praise,
Are they - are these - fallen out? FRANCESCO  Not I with him, Nor he, I think, with me. CÆSAR  Forbid it, God! The God that set thee where thou art, and there Sustains thee, bids the love he kindles bind Brother to brother. ALEXANDER  God or no God, man Must live and let man live - while one man’s life  Galls not another’s. Fools and fiends are men Who play the fiend that is not. Why shouldst thou, Girt with the girdle of the church, and given Power to preside on spirit and flesh - or thou, Clothed with the glad world’s glory - priest or prince, Turn on thy brother an evil eye, or deem Your father God hath dealt his doom amiss Toward either or toward any? Hath not Rome, Hath not the Lord Christ’s kingdom, where his will Is done on earth, enough of all that man Thirsts, hungers, lusts for - pleasure, pride, and power -To sate you and to share between you? Whence Should she, the godless heathen’s goddess once, Discord, heave up her hissing head again Between love’s Christian children - love’s? Hath God Cut short the thrill that glorifies the flesh, Chilled the sharp rapturous pang that burns the blood, Because an hundred even as twain at once Partake it? Boys, my boys, be wise, and rest, Whatever fire take hold upon your flesh, Whatever dream set all your life on fire, Friends. CÆSAR  Friends? Our father on earth, thy will be done. FRANCESCO Christ’s body, Cæsar! dost thou mock? CÆSAR  Not I. Hast thou fallen out with me, then, that thy tongue Disclaims its lingering utterance? ALEXANDER  Now, by nought, As nought abides to swear by, folly seen So plain and heard so loud might well nigh make Wise men believe in even the devil and God. What ails you? Whence comes lightning in your eyes, With hissing hints of thunder on your lips? Fools! and the fools I thought to make for men Gods. Is it love or hate divides you - turns Tooth, fang, or claw, when time provides them prey, To nip, rip, rend each other? CÆSAR  Hate or love, Francesco? FRANCESCO
 Why, I hate thee not - thou knowest I hate thee not, my Cæsar.
 I believe Thou dost not hate or love or envy me; Even as I know, and knowing believe, we all -Our father, thou and I - triune in heart -Hold loveliest of all living things to love This.
Mother! What do tears and thou for once Together? Rain in sunshine?
 Ask thy sire, Am I not now the moon? Saint Anna bore Saint Mary Virgin - did not God prefer The child, and thrust behind with scarce a smile The mother?
 Thrust not out thy thorns at heaven, Rose.
 But what ailed her? And she will not say.
Sister, I sinned - sin must be mine. A word Fell out askance between us, and she wept Because our father chid us.
 How should strife Find here a tongue to hiss with? Are not we, Brothers and sire and sister, sealed of God Lovers - made one in love?
 Deride not God, Lucrezia.
 Father, dost thou fear him, then?
I say not and I know not if I fear.
Thou canst not. Father, were he terrible, How long wouldst thou live - thou, his mask on earth?
Boy, art thou all a child? What knew they more, The men that loved and feared and died for God, Than I and thou who know him not? We know This life is ours, and sweet, if shame and fear Make us not less than man: and less were they Who crawled and writhed and cowered and called on God
To save them from him. Here I stand as he, God, or God’s very figure wrought in flesh, More godlike than was Jesus. Dare I fear Whipping and hanging? Thou, my cardinal, Canst think not to be scourged and crucified -Ha? CÆSAR  Nay: there lurks no God in me. And thou, Father, dost thou fear? ALEXANDER  I? Nought less than God. But if we take him lightly on our lips Too light his name will sound in all men’s ears Till earth and air, when man says God, respond Laughter. Forbear him. CÆSAR  Wisdom lives in thee, And cries not out along the streets as when None of God’s folk that heard regarded her, As all that hear thy word regard or die, -Being not outside God’s eyeshot. Dost thou sleep Here in his special keeping - here - to-night, Brother? FRANCESCO  What bids thee care to know? CÆSAR  They say These holy streets of heaven’s most holiest choice Lie dangerous now in darkness if a man Walk not on holiest errands. Thou, they say, Wert scarce a Christlike sacrifice if slain. Too many dead flow down the Tiber’s flow Nightly. They say it. FRANCESCO  I never called thee yet Fool. CÆSAR  Ah, my lord and brother, didst thou now, Were this not thankless? God - our father’s God -Guide thee! [ Exit FRANCESCO.  He goes, and thanks me not. Our sire, What says the God that lives upon thy lips And withers in thy silence? LUCREZIA  Vex him not, Cæsar. Thou seest he is weary. ALEXANDER  Yea. Come ye With me. Bethink thee, Cæsar. Vex me not.
Exeunt ALEXANDER, VANNOZZA, and LUC CÆSAR Thou wilt not bid me this, I think, again, Father.
Enter  Thou art swift of speed at need. I bade thee Abide my bidding. MICHELOTTO  Till my lord were left Alone. CÆSAR  Thou knewest it? MICHELOTTO  Where my lord may be And what beseems his thrall to know of him I were not worthy, knew I not, to know. CÆSAR I do not ask thee where my brother sleeps. And where to-morrow sees him yet asleep -MICHELOTTO Ask of the fishers’ nets on Tiber. CÆSAR  Nay -Not I but Rome shall ask it. Pass in peace. The benediction of my sire be thine. [ Exeunt .
A narrowstreet opening on the Tiber Enter MICHELOTTO and ASSASSINS MICHELOTTO Ye know the lordlier harlot’s house - there? FIRST ASSASSIN  Ay, Surely. MICHELOTTO  The first whose foot comes forth is he. SECOND ASSASSIN How know we this? MICHELOTTO  I know it. Ye need but slay.  [ Exit. Enter FRANCESCO FRANCESCO ( singing ) Love and night are life and light;  Sleep and wine and song Speed and slay the halting day
 Ere it live too long. FIRST ASSASSIN That shalt not thou. Sing, whosoe’er thou be, Thy next of songs to Satan. [ They stab him. FRANCESCO  Dogs! Ye dare? God! Pity me! God! [ Dies. SECOND ASSASSIN  God receive his soul! This was a Christian: many a man I have slain Died with all hell between his lips. FIRST ASSASSIN  Be thine Dumb. Lift his feet as I the head. SECOND ASSASSIN  A boy! And fair of face as angels FIRST ASSASSIN  If the nets Snare not this fish betimes ere others feed, None that shall heave it airward for the sun To mock and mar shall say so. Bring him down. Tiber hath fed on choicer fare than we May think to feed his throat with ere we die. [ Exeunt with the body.
The Vatican ALEXANDER and  ALEXANDER The day burns high. Thou hast not seen them - thou? LUCREZIA My brethren, sire? Nay, not since yesternight. ALEXANDER The night is newly dead. Since yestereven? LUCREZIA Nor then. I saw them when we parted here Last. ALEXANDER  I believe thou liest not. Girl, the day Looks pale before thy glory. Brow, cheek, eye, Lips, throat, and bosom, thou dost overshine All womanhood man ever worshipped. Once I held thy mother fairest born of all
That ever turned old Rome to heaven. Thou hast read Her golden Horace?
 Else were I cast out From all their choir who serve the Muses.
 Ay. ‘Fair mother’s fairer daughter,’ dost thou deem That praise was ever merited as by thee? I cannot.
 I concern myself no whit If so it were or were not.
 Thou dost well. Thou hast not seen, thou sayest, Francesco?
 Nay -Give me some reliquary to swear it on -Some rosary - crucifix or amulet, Sorcerous or sacred.
 Never twins were born More like than thou and he - nor lovelier: yet No twins were ye.
 What ails thy Holiness?
I am ill at ease: my heart is sick. Last night No revel here was held, and yet the day Strikes heavier on me wearier, body and soul, Than though we had rioted out with raging mirth The lifelong length of darkness.
 Evil hours Fret somewhiles all folk living; none sees why: No child sleeps always all night long.
 Wast thou Wakeful? No trouble clung about thee? Nought Made the air of night heavier with presage felt As joy feels fear and withers? I am not Afraid: methinks I am very fear itself.
Enter an Officer of the household
His holiness be gracious towards me.
 Speak. Thy face is death’s: let death upon thy lips Live.
OFFICER  Sire, the humblest hireling knave in Rome - A waterman that plies his craft all night -Craves audience even of thee. ALEXANDER  A Roman? OFFICER  Nay. Some outlander - some Greek - they call the knave George the Slavonian. ALEXANDER  They? OFFICER  The fisherfolk On Tiber. ALEXANDER  Bid him in: bid God himself Come in with doom upon me. [ Exit Officer  Hear’st thou, child -Daughter? LUCREZIA  What horror hangs on thee? ALEXANDER  Abide, And thou shalt know as I know. Enter GIORGIO SCHIAVONE  Speak. I say, Speak. What thou art I know: and what I am Thou knowest - and yet thou knowest not. GIORGIO  Holiest sire, Last night I kept my boat on Tiber - Sire,  The thing I saw was nothing of my deed -It shook me out of sleep to see it - Lord, Have mercy: look not so upon me. ALEXANDER  Dog, Speak, while thy tongue is thine. GIORGIO  Two men came down And peered along the water-side: and two Came after - men whose eyes raked all the night, Searching the shore - I lay beneath my boat -Beside it on the darkling side - and saw. Then came a horseman - Sire, his horse was white -The moonshine made his mane like dull white fire -And on his crupper heavily hung a corpse, Arms held from swaying on this side, legs on that, I know not which on either - but the men Held fast that held: and hard on Tiber side They swung the crupper towards the water - sharp And swift as man ma steer a horse - and cau ht
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