The Covent Garden Theatre, or Pasquin Turn d Drawcansir
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The Covent Garden Theatre, or Pasquin Turn'd Drawcansir


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The Project Gutenberg eBook, The Covent Garden Theatre, or Pasquin Turn'd Drawcansir, by Charles Macklin, et al This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online atug.www.grebnetorg Title: The Covent Garden Theatre, or Pasquin Turn'd Drawcansir Author: Charles Macklin Release Date: December 2, 2009 [eBook #30584] Language: English Character set encoding: UTF-8 ***START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK THE COVENT GARDEN THEATRE, OR PASQUIN TURN'D DRAWCANSIR***
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OR Paſquin Turn’d Drawcanſir (1752) INTRODUCTION BY JEAN B. KERN
GENERAL EDITORS Earl R. Miner,University of California, Los Angeles Maximillian E. Novak,University of California, Los Angeles Lawrence Clark Powell,Wm. Andrews Clark Memorial Library
ADVISORY EDITORS Richard C. Boys,University of Michigan John Butt,University of Edinburgh James L. Clifford,Columbia University Ralph Cohen,University of California, Los Angeles Vinton A. Dearing,University of California, Los Angeles Arthur Friedman,University of Chicago Louis A. Landa,Princeton University Samuel H. Monk,University of Minnesota Everett T. Moore,University of California, Los Angeles James Sutherland,University College, London H. T. Swedenberg, Jr.,University of California, Los Angeles
CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Edna C. Davis,Clark Memorial Library
EDITORS’ NOTE Although of considerable interest in itself, this hitherto unpublished manuscript play is reprinted in facsimile in response to requests by members of the Society for a manuscript facsimile of use in graduate seminars.
INTRODUCTION The Larpent collection of the Huntington Library contains the manuscript copy of Charles Macklin’s COVENT GARDEN THEATRE, OR PASQUIN TURN’D DRAWCANSIR in two acts (Larpent 96) which is here reproduced in facsimile.1It is an interesting example of that mid-eighteenth-century phenomenon, the afterpiece, from a period when not only Shakespearean stock productions but new plays as well were accompanied by such farcical appendages.2This particular afterpiece is worth reproducing not only for its catalogue of the social foibles of the age, but as an illustration of satirical writing for the stage at a time when dramatic taste often wavered
toward the sentimental. It appears that it has not been previously printed. As an actor Charles Macklin is remembered for his Scottish dress in the role of Macbeth, for his realistic portrayal of Shylock, for his quarrel with Garrick in 1743, and for his private lectures on acting at the Piazza in Covent Garden. He is less well known than he deserves as a dramatist although there has been a recent revival of interest in his plays stimulated by a biography by William W. Appleton,Charles Macklin: An Actor’s Life(Harvard University Press, 1960) and evidenced in “A Critical Study of the Extant Plays of Charles Macklin” by Robert R. Findlay (PhD. Thesis at the State University of Iowa, 1963). Appleton mentions that Macklin lost books and manuscripts in a shipwreck in 1771 (p. 150) and that play manuscripts may also have disappeared in the sale of his books and papers at the end of his long life at the turn of the eighteenth century. It is possible that more of Macklin’s work may come to light, like The Fortune Hunterswhich appeared in the National Library in Dublin. Until a complete critical edition of Macklin’s plays appears, making possible better assessment of his merit, such farces as THE COVENT GARDEN THEATRE will have to stand as an example of one genre of eighteenth-century theatrical productions. There are many reasons why Macklin’s plays are less well known than is warranted by his personality and acting ability during his long association with the British stage. His first play,King Henry VII, a tragedy hastily put together to capitalize on the anti-Jacobite sentiment following the invasion attempt of 1745, was an ambitious failure. After this discouragement, he also had trouble with the Licenser so that his comedyMan of the Worldwas not presented until 1781, twenty years after a portion of it first appeared at Covent Garden.3Nor were censorship and a bad start his only problems as a playwright. He also, and apparently with good reason,4was fearful of piracy and was thus reluctant to have his plays printed. His eighteenth-century biographer Kirkman mentions Macklin’s threats to “put the law against every offender of it, respecting my property, in full force.”5His biographers also mention his practice of giving each actor only his own role at rehearsals while keeping the manuscript copy of the whole play under lock, but this did not prevent whole acts from being printed in such magazines asThe Court Miscellany, where Act I of-al-edoMve-aLowas printed as it was taken down in shorthand by the famous shorthand expert Joseph Gurney. If Macklin had not been required to submit copies of his plays to the Licenser, it is doubtful that as much would have survived. The contentious Macklin had reason for zealously guarding his manuscripts, with such provincial theatre managers as Tate Wilkinson at York always anxious for new plays. Finally, Macklin’s best work as a playwright was satiric enough and topical enough to be short-lived in popularity even in his own day. Sir Pertinax McSychophant in theMan of the Worldis a good character, especially in his famous speech on the necessity of bowing to get ahead in the world, as is Sir Archy MacSarcasm inodela-M-e-aLvo, but the latter producedA Scotsman’s Remarks on the Farce Love-a-la Modein theGentleman’s Magazinefor June, 1760, and Macklin’s additional troubles with the Licenser would indicate that his satiric barbs were not always well received. Larpent manuscript 96, here reproduced, bears the application of John Rich to the Duke of Grafton, dated 1752, for the Licenser’s permission and an inscription to William Chetwynd, Esq. (spelled “Chetwyne” on the MS.). It was extensively advertised before its one and only performance in the Covent Garden Theatre on April 8, 1752. The advertisement printed inThe London Stage, Pt. 4, I, 305, is taken from theGeneral Advertiserand warns the public not to confuse this farce with Charles Woodward’sA Lick at the Townof 1751. The fact that the sub-title PASQUIN TURN’D DRAWCANSIR carried an obvious allusion to Fielding’s pseudonym Alexander Drawcansir in hisCovent Garden Journal, and the fact that theCovent Garden Journalcarried the advertisement for Macklin’s play on March 14, 17, 21 and 28, 1752, before the single performance on April 8, 1752, might suggest that Fielding may possibly have seen the script before the play was produced. Esther M. Raushenbush in an article on “Charles Macklin’s Lost Play about Henry Fielding,”MLN, LI (1936), 505-14, points out that Macklin was not attacking Fielding in this play as W. L. Cross and G. E. Jensen had earlier suggested, but instead was trading on the popularity of Fielding’sCauses of the Late Increase ofEnquiry into the Robbers, which had appeared in January, 1751. Macklin’s farce makes clear reference to Section III of Fielding’s pamphlet near the end of THE COVENT GARDEN THEATRE where Pasquin delivers a lecture against Sharpers. The advertisement for Macklin’s play in Fielding’sCovent Garden Journalis the same as that printed inThe London Stagefrom theGeneral Advertiser: a New Dramatic Satire ... written on the model of the Comedies of Aristophanes or like Pasquinades of the Italian Theatre in Paris: with the Characters of the People after the manner of Greek drama—The parts of the Pit, the Boxes, the Galleries, the Stage, and the Town to be performed By Themselves for their Diversion. The Parts of several dull, disorderly characters in and about St. James, to be performed by Certain Persons, for Example: and the part of Pasquin Drawcansir, to be performed by his Censorial Highness, for his Interest6The Satire to be introduced by an Oration and to conclude . by a Peroration. Both to be spoken from the Rostrum in the manner of certain Orators by Signior Pasquin. No cast remains, but presumably from references in the play itself, Macklin took the role of Pasquin who with the aid of Marforio calls in review characters representing all the foibles of the age. There is no plot. Act I simply ends while Pasquin and the Spectators retire to the Green Room to await the appearance of those characters whom Marforio has called in review. In this ambitious attempt to list all the follies of his age, Macklin employs the popular technique of eighteenth-century plays such as Fielding’sThe Author’s Farce—the play appears to be writing itself on the stage. He displays all the tricks of satire—exaggeratedly ironic praise, allegorical names (Miss Giggle, Miss Brilliant, Miss Bashfull), stock characters of satire (Pasquin, Marforio, Hydra, Drawcansir), lists of offenses, parodies of polite conversation reminiscent of Swift, and constant topical references: to the Robin Hood Society to which little Bob Smart belongs; to Mother Midnight; to playwrights (Fielding, Foote, Woodward, Cibber, and himself); to contemporary theatrical taste (Pantomime, Delaval’s
OthelloMacklin himself had coached, Harlequins, Masquerades, and various theatricalwhich tricks); to Critics (Bonnell Thornton, who later reviewed this afterpiece, is called Termagent since Thornton’s pseudonym was “Roxana Termagent”; John Hill is referred to as the “Inspector” of theDaily Advertiserand Fielding is called Sir Alexander Drawcansir). The; farce abounds in these topical references, from Pasquin’s opening invocation to Lucian, “O thou, who first explored and dared to laugh at Public Folly,” to its closing lecture against Sharpers like Count Hunt Bubble where the obvious allusions to Section III on Gaming of Fielding’sEnquiry... are applauded by Solomon Common Sense, the voice of Reason. This vast parade of fashions and foibles with frequent thinly veiled references to individuals may explain the numerous Licenser’s marks on the manuscript. If all the marked lines were omitted, it is small wonder that this afterpiece was performed only once. Dramatic satire, without plot, is difficult to sustain even in farce, and if the marked lines were cut, there was little left to recommend the play. It is not surprizing that the Licenser objected to such passages as the description of Miss Giggle’s “nudities,” but his frequent objections to topical and personal references took all the bite out of Macklin’s satire. Like Macklin’s other early farces, THE COVENT GARDEN THEATRE contains proto-characters for his later plays. Sir Roger Ringwood, a “five-bottle man,” who rode twenty miles from a “red-hot Fox Chace” to appear before Pasquin, is an early study for Macklin’s later hard-drinking, fox-hunting Squire Groom inLove-a-la Modeor Lord Lumbercourt inThe Man of the World. But Macklin’s usual good ear for dialogue is missing from this play, nor is any character except his own as Pasquin followed long enough to make his characteristic speech identifiable. Since plot is absent too, all that remains is the wealth of topical and personal satire which in itself is interesting to the historian of the mid-eighteenth-century theatre. If THE COVENT GARDEN THEATRE is studied along with his other two unpublished afterpieces in the Larpent collection (A WILL AND NO WILL, OR A BONE FOR THE LAWYERS and THE NEW PLAY CRITICIZ’D, OR THE PLAGUE OF ENVY), Macklin’s skill at satiric comedy after his initial abortive attempt at tragedy can be seen as developing steadily toward such later full-length comedies as the better knownLove-a-la Mode(1759) andThe Man of the World(1764). His recognition that tragedy was not his forte and his self-criticism in THE COVENT GARDEN THEATRE, where he exhorts the audience to “explode” him when he is dull, reveal the comic spirit operative in his sometimes cantankerous personality. It is that strain, here seen in genesis, which develops full-fledged in his later comedies. A word should be added about the Dramatis Personae for the play. It does not contain the Stage-Keeper, who speaks only once, the Servant whose single word is accompanied by the stage direction “This Servant is to be on from the beginning,” nor the Romp (probably the Prompter, who speaks twice off-stage during the play). Hic and Haec Scriblerus, however, although he is listed in the cast of characters, speaks only once, and his entrance on stage is never indicated. The “naked lady,” Lady Lucy Loveit, whose entrance causes so much excitement, is described as appearing in a Pett-en-l’air, which eighteenth-century costume books portray as a short, loose shift! Coe College
NOTES TO THE INTRODUCTION 1.the Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino,The author of this introduction is indebted to California, both for a research Fellowship in the summer of 1963 and for permission to reproduce this Macklin play as well as two others by the same author, A WILL AND NO WILL, OR A BONE FOR THE LAWYERS (Larpent 58) and THE NEW PLAY CRITICIS’D, OR THE PLAGUE OF ENVY (Larpent 64). 2.George W. Stone,ThLoe nodnatS eg, Part 4, I, cxlv. 3.Dougald MacMillan, “Censorship in the Case of Macklin’sdrlWoe thf o naM ehT,”HuaryrL bitgnotnni Quarterly, No. 10 (1936), pp. 79-101. 4.W. Matthews, “The Piracies of Macklin’s-l-aveLodeMoa ,” weiveRilgnE fotudish Ses, X (1934), 311-18. 5.James T. Kirkman,Memoirs of the Life of Charles Macklin, Esq.(1799), II, 33. Kirkman quotes Macklin’s letters both to his solicitor and to James Whitley of Leicester to stop all such pirated performances (II, 37-41). 6.John Rich’s application to the Licenser indicates that “Mr. Macklin designs to have [the play] performed at his Benefit Night....”
Pasquin. Marforio. Sir Eternal Grinn. Sir Conjecture Possitive. Sir Roger Ringwood. Bob: Smart. Solomon Common Sense Count Hunt bubble. Sr. Iohn Ketch. Hic & hæc Scriblerus. Hydra.
Lady Lucy Lovit Miss Diana Singlelife Miss Brilliant. Miss Giggle. Miss Bashful.
Dramatis Personæ Men.
Full Text Close-Up
Scene. Covent Garden Theatre. Time an hour.
Scene. The Stage, with a Rostrum on it. Enter Pasquin. Goes in the Rostrum. Pas: Nobles,— Commons— Beaux, Bells— Wits, Critics,— Bards & Bardlins,— and ye my very good Friends of Common Sense,— tho’ last, not least in Merit,— Greeting, and Patience to you all. I Seignior Pasquin, of the Quorum of Parnassus. Drawcansir and Censor of Great Britain, by my Bills and Advertisements, have Summoned You together this Night to hear a Public Examination of several Public Nusances, My Scene I have laid in the Common Theatre, which is my usual place of exposing those Knaves and Fools, who despise the Moral— and those who are too great or too Subtle for the common Law, and as my whole design is new, I hope You, my Gracious Patrons, will not be Offended if I Assigne you a part in this Pasquinade, which is this,— You are to Act as a Chorus to the whole. When you behold a Fool pleasantly exposed You are to laugh, if you please, not else;— When a Knave is Satyrized with Spirit & Wit, You are to Applaud;— and when Pasquin is dull you are to explode, which I Suppose will be the Chief of Your Part. But, before I Enter upon my Office of Public Censor, give me leave Gracious Patrons, as is my Custom, whenever I come, to give a short Sketch of my Character and Practice. I am known throughout the Globe, have been Caress’d in most of the Courts, lock’d up in most Prisons in Europe. The dexterity of my Flattery has introduced me to the Tables of the First Dons in Madrid one Day, and, the boldness of my Satyr, into the Inquisition next. I have Revel’d with the Princes of the Blood, and have made all Paris laugh at my Wit over Night, and, have had the Honour of being in the Bastile the next Morning. indeed I fared but indifferently in Holland; for, all that my Flattery, or Satyr, my Ridicule or my Wit, cou’d procure me there, was an Appartment in the Rasp House. At length, most Gracious and Indulgent Britons, I am arrived in this Great Metropolis! this Magazine of all the World! this Nurse of Trade! this Region of Liberty! this School of Arts and Sciences! This Universal Rendevouz of all the Monsters produced by wagish Nature & fantastick Art, here Panopticons, Microcosms, Bears, Badgers, Lyons, Leapords, Tygers, Panthers, Ostriches and Unicorns,— Giants, dwarfs, Hermorphradites and Conjurers, Statemen, Nostrums, Patriots and Corncutters! Quacks, Turks, Enthusiasts, and Fire Eaters. Mother Midnights, Termagants, Clare Market, and Robin Hood Orators, Drury Lane Journals, Inspectors, Fools, and Drawcansirs, dayly Tax the Public by Virtue of the Strangeness the Monstrosity or delicacy of their Nature or Genius, And hither I am come, knowing you were fond of Monsters, To exhibit Mine, the newest & I hope the greatest Monster of them all, for the Public is a common Bank, upon which every Genius and every Beauty has a right to draw in proportion to their merit, from a Minister of State and a Maid of Honour, down to a Chien Savant or a Covent Garden Mistress, To Conclude, my Business in this Land may be Sum’d up in a few Words; it is to get your money and cure you of Your Foibles. for wherever Pasquin comes the Public is his Patient; its Folly his Support. (bows) So much by way of Oratia now for Action— then for Peroration.
Hollo! Marforio! (goes to the door). Enter Marforio. Mar: Here my Fellow Labourer! Pas: Have you prepared for general Search? Mar: I have— but let me once more entreat you to alter your design. do not behave with your usual Sacasm and boldness upon your first appearance. Strive to gain the favour of the Public by Morality and Panegyrick— not by undaunted Satyr— Pas: Marforio, We are come to England to make Our Fortune by Our parts, And you Advise to begin with Morality and Flattery. You might as well Advise a Soldier to make his Fortune by Cowardice. No Sir, he, who wou’d gain the Esteem of a Brave, a wise, and a free people, must lash their Vices, and laugh at their Folies. Mar: Well, if you must be Satyrical, confine Your Satyr to the City. Pas: No, I’ll begin at the Source. the Bourgoie is but the Ape of the Courtier; Correct the one, the other Mends of Course. I will Scour the whole Circle of this metropolisA; not a tilted Sharpor, or a fair Libertine, but I will Gibbet in Effigie. Birth Privilege or Quality shall not be a Sanction to the ignominious Practices of the one, nor shall Fashion or Beauty be a Skreen for the Folly or Indecency of the other. Tho’ they elude the Laws of Westminster, they shall not escape the Lash of Parnassus. Here we have no Inquisition, no Bastile, no Rasp House, to dread. So without a Single hesitation more of Doubt or fear, let us at once plunge into Action.— Go you & take a Set of proper Officers with you and, by a Warrant from Appollo, Search every disorderly House in Town. Routs, drums, and Assemblies, particularly the den. Mar: It shall be done.(Exit Marforio) Pas: O thou, who first explored and dar’d to laugh at Public Folly; Sweet facetious Lucian, Father of Gibes and laughing Ridicule Inspire thy Votary, teach me this Night to draw a Striking Likeness in which the free born Britons may behold their Beauties and Deformities as perfectly as the Inquisitive Eye does its own Image in the faithful Mirror! Enter Marforio. Pas: What brings you back? Mar: I met the Town at the Stage door & return’d to give you Notice, that they may not Surprize you. Pas: I am glad they are come, what sort of Humour are they in. Mar: Seemingly in a good one. But in roaring Spirits and in high Expectation of Riot and Fun as they term it. Hydra. behind the Scenes Hyd: Where, where, which way! here, this Way, this way Ladies. this way. Pas: Here they come, begone— leave them to Me— Proceed you in your Search. Mar: I shall. (Exit) Hyd: This way, this way Ladies. Pas: I’ll retire, till I see what humour they are in (retires). Enter Hydra, Miss Brilliant & Stage-Keeper. Stage. Mr. Hydra Servant. Servt: Here (this Servt: be on from the begining)
Hyd: This way Madam. Brill: Well do you know Mr. Hydra that I am upon the Tip-toe of Expectation to know what this Medley can be? Hyd: Upon Honour so am I— quite upon the Rack, but where is the rest of Our Party? Miss Bashfull here’s mighty good Room. Bob Smart won’t you hand miss Bashfull to her Place. Enter Bob Smart. Bob. Upon Honour I cannot prevail upon her to come on. She’s Affraid the Audience will take her for one of the Actresses and hiss her. Omn: Ha, ha, ha, ridiculous. Brill. Dear Creature come on. Lord I have Sat upon the Stage a hundred times (pulls her on) and if they should take us for some of the Characters in the Farce. I vow I should be glad of it. Bob: Upon Honour so Should I. Bash. O Lud, I should instantly faint away if they took me for an Actress. Brill. Ha— ha— ha— O Lud I protest there’s Sr. Conjecture Possitive. in the Musick Place. Bash. Upon Honour so he is. Brill. Sr: Conjecture your Servant, won’t you come up to Us? we’ll make Room for You. Sr. Conjecture in the Musick Room. Sr. Con: Miss your humble I am afraid so many of us upon the Stage will offend the Audience. Brill. O not at all, It is in the Bills that the Town are to Sit upon the Stage, & sure Sir Conjecture the World must Allow you to be a Principall Character amongst Us. Sr. Con: The World is very kind Madam. I’ll do my Self the Honour to attend you. Bash. Pray Miss Brilliant do you know who this Pasquin is? Brill. Yes Child; he is one of the Heathen Gods; Iupiter’s Grandfather. You may read a particular Account of him my dear, in Homer, or Milton, or any of the Greek Poets (pulls out a Bill of the Farce) well I vow its a Whimsicall Bill this; a charming Puff. Lud where’s Sir Conjecture? I suppose he can give us a particular Account of it. for he knows every thing. Hyd: You mean Miss he pretends to know every thing.. Brill. Why that is as Pleasant to him Mr. Hydra, as if he really had knowledge, he is a strange conceited Coxcomb to be sure, but entertaining. I wonder his Character was never introduced upon the Stage, he is a most ridiculous Fellow. Enter Sr. Conjecture Srthat dear Miss is a ridiculousCon: Ha— ha— ha— who is . Fellow. Omn: Ha— ha— ha— Brill: O Lud, I hope he did not here me (apart) Omn: Ha— ha— ha, Brill: Why this— a— a— Macklin, Macklin,— or Pasquin— or Drawcansir— or who ever it was that writ this Play Bill. Sra Puff— a Puff, a very good Puff upon. Con: It is a Puff, Honour, like Woodward’s lick at the Town last year. I am afraid tho’ All the Wit of the Author is in the Bill, ha, ha, ha. Omn: Ha, ha, ha. Brill: Now u on Honour I like it for it’s Novelt .
Bob: And upon Honour I shall damn it for it’s Novelty, ev’ry Man in his Humour as the Play says. Hyd: Ha, ha, well said Bob. Brill: But the Pit, Boxes and Gallery’s doing their parts for their Diversion, that’s what puzzles me. Hyd: Lord, that’s all a Puff. he’ll have some body upon the Stage to represent them. Sr. Con: No, no, no, you are out, you are out, he is to have one of the Actors in the Pitt; who is to Speak from thence— See there— there he is the very Actor— You may See him from hence— he sits next to that very handsome Gentleman that looks like a Iew’s Bastard. Omn: Ha, ha, ha— I see him, I see him. Sr. Con: And there’s one of the Actresses some where or other in the Front Boxes;— She’s a New Woman— very handsome they say, one Miss Tweezeldon. I wish we cou’d find her out. Hyd: I can’t see her;— unless that be She with the White teeth that laughs so heartily, and is playing with her Fan. Sr. Conj. I believe that is She; yes, yes, that is she I am Possitive, for she blushes at Our Speaking of her, but we shall put her out of Countenance.— Ladies we should not let the Audience so far into the Secret; it will not be fair;— come let us Step into the Green Room for a Moment— I want to have a little Chat with this Pasquin. Brill: Miss Bashfull come Child we’ll go into the Green Room. were you ever there. Bash: Never Madam. Brill: Come then I’ll shew it you. Bash: O with all my heart— I long to See the Green Room; I have often heard of it— they say the Actresses paint Prodigiously— I shou’d like of all things to see them near. Sr. Con: Come Ladies if you please I’ll Introduce you. Exeunt. Enter Pasquin. Pas: So there they go,— the choice Spirits, the Infalibles, who preside at all Public Diversions; and on whom the Fate of Pasquin this Night depends. Hyd: Where is he, where is this Drawcansir within Romp. This way Sir, on the Stage. Hyd: (Running up to him with great Ceremony) Seignior Pasquin— Drawcansir— Censor of great Britain, your Satyrical Mightiness is welcome to London. and now Sir, as you and I are to be very intimate to night, pray, Sir, give me leave to have the Honour of introducing my self to you. Pas: Sir you do me great Honour. Hyd: I am Sir, for my Taste in Public Diversions, honoured with the facetious Appellation of the Town.— but my real Name is Iack Hydra. for these many Years, Sir, I have been the North Star of the Pit; by which All Criticks have Steered their Iudgement: And am Sir at the Head of the Genii who direct the Public,— We decide between contending Toasts, pass Iudgement upon Actors, damn, or encourage Authors; and are the Bucks, my dear, that I fancy will do for you to Night. Pas: Sir of the Infallibility and Power of the Town I am very well apprized; therefore I have invited you this Night, that my Proceedin s ma have the Sanction of our
Approbation. for whatever the Town disapproves I shall my self Condemn. Hyd: But harkee Pasquin, prithy what is this Humbug. Bill of Yours about it; Why how the Devil will you gett off your Promise of the Pit, Boxes, and Galleries, performing their parts for their Diversion Pas: As the Politicious say Sir, you are a little premature in your Question. Puffing Sr: & the Drama have their Arcana’s as well as Love or Politics. I’ll engage the Pit, Boxes, and Galleries perform their parts to a Numerous and Polite Audience, and with Universal Applause. As soon as they shall hear the Cue depend upon it you’ll hear them Speak. Hyd: Well Sir, Preliminaries being Settled I will now individually introduce, to your censorial Highness, the Genii who are to Sit upon you. Pas: Sir, I shall think my self highly honour’d in their Acquaintance. Omn: (within) Where is he, where is he? what, upon the Stage, ha, ha, ha. (as they all press to come on Hydra stops them) Hyd: Nay, nay, softly, softly Gentlemen, & I’ll Introduce You all if you will have Patience! One at a time, You must come on but one at a time. Omn: Ay, ay, one at a time, keep back, keep back; pray keep back; We shall have the Audience hiss us. Enter Bob Smart. Hyd: The first Character I have the Honour to introduce to your Highness is the facetious Bob Smart, a professed Wit and Critic; no Man knows the Intrigues of the Court, the Theatres, or the City better, No Man has a finer Taste in the Belle’ Letters, for he is deemed one of the best Gentlemen Harlequins in Europe, and is an Emminent Orator at the Robin Hood Society. Bob: Yes, Seignior, I am little Bob Smart at your Service; did you ever hear of me Abroad? Pas: Often, often Sir. Bob: I thought so; have you got ever a Harlequin in this Farce of yours, Mr. Drawcansir? Pas: No Sir. Bob: Then you’ll be damn’d Sir. by your Bills I thought there was a Pantomime in it. I wish you had consulted me, I have wrote two— And a Parcell of us intend next Winter to have one of the Theatres, and to treat the Public with the finest Pantomime that ever was seen, in Immitation of the Gentlemen Who Play’d Othello. Omn: Ha, ha, ha, Bravo, Bravo (at the side of the Scenes) Bob: Don’t you think it will exceed Othello? Pas: Certainly Sir; and be a much more rational Entertainment, and what will Shew your Genius to vast Advantage. Bob: I am to do the Harlequin in it, tidi, doldi, doldi, doldi dee, tidi, doldi, doldi, doldi dee (Sings & dances the Harlequin.) Omn: Ha, ha, ha, ha, Bravo, Bravo. Bob: Do you think that will do Seignior? Pas: To Admiration. Bob: I practice it three Hours evry Morning, but what is the Nature of this Farce of yours? have you any Smart, ridiculous, droll Fellows in it ha! Pas: No Sir. they are all polite, Sensible, decent, Characters such as yours! Bob. Nay Igad if they are like me I’ll engage they’ll make the
public laugh.— for by all that’s drole I always Set the Coffee House in a Roar when I am there, he! don’t I Hydra. Hyd: Why you are the very Yorick of the Age. Bob: Igad I have more humour than Foot a thousand times; and I’ll lay a Chaldron of Guineas to a Nutshell that my Pantomime, is a better thing than his Taste. I think I have some Fun in me demme. Hyd: This Mr. Pasquin is the Noted Sr. Conjecture Possitive; a Gentleman who was never in an Error in his Life,— consequently cou’d never be convinced. Sr. he understands Politics and Butterflies, Whale fishing and Cricket, Fortification and Shittle Cock; Poetry and Wolf Dogs; in short ev’ry thing, in ev’ry Art and Science, from a Pins Head, to the Longitude & Philosopher’s Stone, better than any Man in Europe. Sr. Con: O Fye, Mr. Hydra, you are too lavish, Mr. Pasquin will think you are imposing upon him. Hyd: Sir, he has such Segacity and Penetration that he can decypher a Lady’s Affections, or a Statesman’s Heart by a glance of the Eye; and has such profound critical Knowledge that he can pronounce upon a New Play the Moment he has heard the first Speech of it. Sr. Con: Mr. Hydra is apt to think too well of his Friends Abilities Mr. Pasquin;— it is his Foible; But however, I have some knowledge— I am not in the common herd of Critics. I can give a tollerable Guess at most of the Productions in Art and Nature. Pas: I believe it Sir; for your Mein, & Countenance, Dress and mannor of speaking, are an Index of Sagacity and Penetration. Sr. Con: I shall give you my Opinion very freely; I know you intend to bring on some particular Characters from Our End of the Town— Capt. Crimp— Match Count Hunt-Bubble & that Knot— To be sure they are all Sharpers, and deserve to be exposed— but, they are what are called Men of Fashion— You had better let them alone— they are a Nest of Hornets— You may be Stung to death by them— they’ll damn your Piece if they can do nothing else Enter Miss Bashfull. Pas: Sir, I thank you for your Caution— I shall Act with Prudence. Hyd: This, Sir, is Miss Bashfull, who is under the Tuition of Miss Brilliant, A Novice at present, but will in Time make a Shining Figure— For She’s a Genius— but not ripe yet. Bas. I, I, I, I,— Assure You Mr. Pasquin— I— I— I am mightily pleased with your Bill about A, a, aristo— pha— nes and— Paskee— in— des. and the Per— oration, I reckon they are very Comical— Your hble. Sr. Pas: Your Servant Madam. Bash: (To Miss Brilliant) Well I never Spoke to a Poet before! Lord how frightened I was. Enter Miss Brilliant. Lord Mr. Hydra, I should laugh if the Audience shou’d take me for one of the Actresses— but if they do I don’t care; for I am resolved I’ll See this Farce if I never See another. Hyd: This Mr. Pasquin is the Sprightly Miss Brilliant, a Lady who pants to be acquainted with you; She is intimate with Mr. Garrick— is known to the Fool, corresponds with Sir Alexander Drawcansir, and has writ several Admired Inspectors.
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