Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, February 19, 1919
45 pages

Punch, or the London Charivari, Volume 156, February 19, 1919


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45 pages
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Publié le 08 décembre 2010
Nombre de lectures 29
Langue English
Poids de l'ouvrage 1 Mo


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The Project Gutenberg EBook of Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 156, Feb. 19, 1919, by Various This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online at www.gutenberg.net
Title: Punch, or the London Charivari, Vol. 156, Feb. 19, 1919 Author: Various Release Date: November 24, 2004 [EBook #14146] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 *** START OF THIS PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK PUNCH ***
Produced by Malcolm Farmer, William Flis, and the PG Online Distributed Proofreading Team.
Vol. 156.
February 19, 1919.
The report that demobilisation will be completed by March 31st is now officially denied. There would appear to be something in the rumour that the Demobilisation Staff have expressed the hope of dying in harness.
It is stated that Woolwich Arsenal is preparing to manufacture ice-cream freezers. People are wondering if it was the weather that gave them this happy thought.
The German ex-Crown Prince is so determined that the Allies shall not place him on trial that he now threatens to commit suicide or die in the attempt.
"There are things we want to get rid of," says "BACK BENCHER" inThe Daily Mail FREDERICK BANBURY, M.P., has already. The rumour that Sir demanded an apology is unconfirmed.
Soldier-golfers, says a sporting writer, are already urging the introduction of fresh features into the game. A new method of addressing the ball, introduced from Mesopotamia, is said to be most efficacious.
With reference to the North of England man who has decided not to strike, we now learn that he happens to be out of work just at present.
ISAAC DENBIGH, of Chicago, is, we are told, one-hundred-and-thirteen years of age. He must try again. We expect better things than this from America.
Statesmen, says Sir WILLIAM ORPEN, A.R.A., are poor sitters. The impulse to rush out and cackle has probably something to do with it.
It is said that a soldier in the Lancashire Fusiliers decided, on being demobilised, to accept a standard civilian suit instead of the usual gratuity. The Sergeant-Major in charge of the case lies in a critical condition.
Sand-gleaners at Ramsgate are making money from bags of sugar washed ashore. This answers the oft-propounded question, "How do grocers spend their week-ends?"
Another hold-up by American soldiers has occurred in Liverpool. In view of the magnitude of our debt to the United States it is felt that this method of collecting it in instalments is bound to prove unsatisfactory.
"Humour and love," says a contemporary, "are what will pay the average writer  best at the moment." It is not known whether Labour or the Peace Conference has done most to send up the price of these luxuries.
Officials of the Waiters' Union are perturbed over the rumour that restaurant habituésin favour of a fifty per cent. reduction in tips.are preparing to strike
Several of our leading magistrates declare that unless some High Court judge asks, "What is beer?" they will be compelled to do it themselves.
A St. Bernard dog belonging to a New York hotel-keeper perished after swallowing a bundle of dollar notes. It is said that the deceased died worth sixty-five pounds.
One explanation for the many daylight robberies committed recently in London is that several of our better-class burglars object to breaking into people's houses like thieves in the night.
Because a Highgate lodger refused to pay his rent, the landlady wrote asking his wife to come and fetch him away. If he is not claimed in three days he will be sold to defray expenses.
Only a person with a perfectly healthy skin, says a contemporary, can afford to face the keen winds without taking precaution. If you have any doubts about your skin the best thing is to leave it at home on the hat-rack.
At a football match at South Hindley last week the referee was struck in the mouth and severely injured by one of the backs, after ordering three other players off the field for fighting. This, we understand, was one of the first fixtures to be brought off under the auspices of the Brighter Football League.
The L.C.C. are said to be formulating a plan to meet the rush for trains on the Underground. Personally we always try to avoid it.
A medical journal refers to a new method of raising blisters by hypnotic suggestion. This is said to be an improvement on the old East End system of developing black eyes by back-answering.
A defendant told the Tower Bridge magistrate that he only took whisky when he had a cold. It must be hard work for him to resist sitting by an open window this weather.
A gold vase, said to have been stolen from Assyria 2478 years ago, has just been found in a sarcophagus at Cairo. We understand that the local police have been instructed to take action.
The typist who, as reported in these columns last week, fell out of a moving train on the Isle of Wight Railway and had quite a lot to say to the guard when she overtook the train, is now understood to have been told she could keep on walking if she liked. However, as her people were not expecting her until the train arrived, she again entered the carriage from which she had fallen.
Russian soldiers are now permitted to smoke in the streets and to travel in railway carriages. Later on it is hoped that the privilege of dying a natural death may be extended to them.
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House-agent's Clerk(to gentleman hunting for a flat). "NOW THEN, BE OFF WITH YOU. WE NEVER BUY ANYTHING FROM ITINERANTS."
Once more on Barnwell's fetid ooze, Neglected these long years of slaughter, In stolid tubs the Lenten crews Go forth to flog the same old water. Fresh from the Somme's resilient phase, From Flanders slime and bomb-proof burrows, Much as we did in ancient days They smite the Cam's repellent furrows. Their coaches sit the old, old gees, But with a manner something larger, As warriors who between their knees Have learned to steer the bounding charger. Unchanged their language, rude and firm, Save where a khaki note is sounded, And here and there a towpath term With military tags confounded. "Get forward! Are you ready? Quick— March!" "Get a move on! Keep it breezy!" "Two, mind the step!" "Swing out and kick!" "Halt! Sit at—ease! Ground—oars! Sit easy!" "The dressing's bad all down the line." "Eyes on your front rank's shoulders, Seven! Don't watch the Cam—it's not the Rhine— Or gaze for Gothas up in heaven!"
"I want to hear your rowlocks ring Like a good volley, all together." "Hands up (or 'Kamerad') as you swing Straight from the hips. Don't sky your feather, As if I'd given the word, 'High Port'!" "Five, I admit your martial charms, Sir, But now you're on a rowing-thwart, So use your legs and not your arms, Sir!" "Six, you've a rotten seat, my son; Don't trust your stirrups; grip the saddle!" "Squad—properly at ease! Squad—'shun! Get forward! By the centre—paddle! "
The auctioneer glanced at his book. "Number 29," he said, "black mare, aged, blind in near eye, otherwise sound." The cold rain and the biting north-east wind did not add to the appearance of Number 29, as she stood, dejected, listless, with head drooping, in the centre of the farmers and horse-dealers who were attending the sale of cast Army horses. She looked as though she realised that her day had waned, and that the bright steel work, the soft well-greased leather, the snowy head-rope and the shining curb were to be put aside for less noble trappings. She had a curiously shaped white blaze, and I think it was that, added to the description of her blindness, which stirred my memory within me. I closed my eyes for a second and it all came back to me, the gun stuck in the mud, the men straining at the wheels, the shells bursting, the reek of high explosive, the two leaders lying dead on the road, and, above all, two gallant horses doing the work of four and pulling till you'd think their hearts would burst. I stepped forward and, looking closer at the mare's neck, found what I had expected, a great scar. That settled it. I approached the auctioneer and asked permission to speak to the crowd for a few moments. "Well," said he, "I'm supposed to do the talking here, you know." "It won't do you any harm," I pleaded, "and it will give me a chance to pay off a big debt." "Right," he said, smiling; "carry on." "Gentlemen," I said, "about this time a year ago I was commanding a battery in France. It was during the bad days, and we were falling back with the Hun pressing hard upon us. My guns had been firing all the morning from a sunken road, when we got orders to limber up and get back to a rear position. We
hadn't had a bad time till then, a few odd shells, but nothing that was meant especially for our benefit. And then, just as we were getting away, they spotted us, and a battery opened on us good and strong. By a mixture of good luck and great effort we'd got all the guns away but one, when a shell landed just in front of the leaders and knocked them both out with their driver; at the same time the gun was jerked off the road into a muddy ditch. Almost simultaneously another shell killed one of the wheelers, and there we were with one horse left to get the gun out of the ditch and along a road that was almost as bad as the ditch itself. "It looked hopeless, and it was on the tip of my tongue to give orders to abandon the gun, when suddenly out of the blue there appeared on the bank above us a horse, looking unconcernedly down at us. "In those days loose horses were straying all over the country, and I took this to be one from another battery which had come to us for company. "I turned to one of the men. 'Catch that mare quick.' "In a few minutes we had the harness off the dead wheeler and on the new-comer. Pull? Gentlemen, if you could have seen those two horses pull! "We'd just got a move on the gun when another shell came and seemed to burst right on top of the strange mare. I heard a terrified squeal, and through the smoke I saw her stagger and with a mighty effort recover herself. I ran round and saw she'd been badly hit over the eye and had a great tearing gash in the neck. We never thought she could go on, but she pulled away just the same, with the blood pouring off her, till finally we got the gun out and down the road to safety. "I got knocked out a few minutes later, and from that day to this I've often wondered what had happened to the mare that had served us so gallantly. I know now. There she stands before you. I'd know her out of a thousand by the white blaze; and if there was a doubt there's her blind eye and the scar on her neck. "That's all, gentlemen; but I'm going to ask the man who buys her to remember her story and to see that her last days are not too hard." She fell at a good price to a splendid type of West Country farmer, and the auctioneer whispered to me, "I'm glad old Carey's got her. There's not a man in the county keeps his horses better." "Old Carey" came up to me as we were moving off. "I had a son in France," he said, "in the gunners, too, but he hadn't the luck of the old mare"—he hesitated a moment and his old eyes looked steadily into mine—"for he'll never come back. The mare'll be all right, Sir," he went on as he walked off, "easy work and full rations. I reckon she's earned them."
"The bride was given away by her grandfather who was dressed in Liberty satin in empire style, with hanging sleeves of chiffon." Provincial Paper.
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He must have looked a sweet old dear.
The Colonel of our Reserve Battalion has an almost unique reputation as an angler. Scattered elements of the regiment carry his piscatorial heroics to obscure corners of the earth. Majors on the Pushti Kuli range recount the episode of the ingenuous troutling which, having apparently conceived a violent passion for the Colonel, literally forced itself upon the hook seven times within a short afternoon. Captains on the Sultanitza Planina rehearse the epic incidents of how the Colonel snatched victory from defeat after pursuing for three miles an infuriated pike which had wrenched the very rod from his grasp. Subalterns in the chill wilds of Cologne, adding picturesque details to an already artistic story, relate how he hooked a mighty veteran carp near Windsor, and played it for nine full hours (with a rest of ten minutes after the first, and five after each successive hour); how, under a full moon, he eventually grounded it on the Blackfriars' mud and beached it with a last effort; how they lay panting side by side for a space, and how, finally, with the courtesy due to an honourable foe from a gallant victor, he forced neat brandy down its throat and returned it to its domain in a slightly inebriated but wholly grateful condition.
Consequently the Colonel's announcement that in view of the armistice he intended to spend three days in fishing the waters of a friend's estate was received by the Mess with lively satisfaction. An overwhelming fish diet was deprecated, but it was generally held that the honour of the regiment was in some way involved, and the Major felt it his duty to escort his senior officer on an expedition of such gravity.
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It transpired that the first day was unfortunate. The Colonel was silently impolite throughout Mess and retired immediately afterwards. The Major explained that the conditions had been adverse. The punt leaked at the end depressed by the Colonel and the ground-bait had been left behind. The wind was fierce and cutting, and the brandlings had been upset into the luncheon-basket. In addition the Colonel's reel had escaped into the river and had declined to give itself up until the whole length of line had been hauled in; and, in leaning over the side to reclaim it, his gold fountain-pen had vanished. Five hooks had failed to return from the deep and two were left suspended from inaccessible branches; Also in the Major's opinion there was not a single fish in the river.
By breakfast the Colonel had regained his spirits. He commented on the lack of support given him by the Major, and in his place invited the Adjutant on the ground that he was probably less clumsy. He remarked that the offensive had n o t yet opened and that the previous day had been mainly devoted to a thorough reconnaissance of the whole sector. He had reason to believe that the enemy was present in considerable force.
The second day proved equally unfortunate. The Colonel took his dinner in private, and the Mess orderly, who had dismally cut the two of clubs in the kitchen, returned from his ministrations a complete nervous wreck. The Adjutant explained that misfortune had followed misfortune. They had barely settled down midstream, and he was in the act of extracting a hook from the Colonel's finger with his jack-knife, when the punt broke from its moorings and carried them half-a-mile downstream. It was uncanny how the craft had contrived to navigate four bends without giving an opportunity of landing. In the afternoon they had fished from the bank, and the Colonel had fallen asleep while the Adjutant mounted guard. The Adjutant protested that it was not his fault that the float suddenly disappeared, or that the Colonel, on being vigorously awakened by him, struck so violently at what proved to be a dead branch that he lost his footing and tobogganned heavily into the river, and was compelled to waste three hours in the neighbouring hostelry taking precautions against a chill.
At breakfast next morning the Colonel intimated that on this his last day he would go unaccompanied. With one eye on the Major and the other on the Adjutant, he passed a few remarks on thefinesse fishing. The element of of surprise should be the basis of attack. Precision and absolute secrecy in the carrying out of preliminary operations was vital. Every trick and every device of camouflage should be brought into play. There should be no violent preliminary bombardment of ground-bait to alarm the hostile forces, but the sector should be unostentatiously registered on the preceding night. The enemy's first realisation of attack should be at that moment when resistance was futile —though for his part he preferred a foe that would fight to the fish-basket, as it were. He thought the weather was vastly improved and admitted that his hopes were high.
In the evening the Colonel positively swaggered into Mess. He radiated good fellowship and even bandied witticisms with the junior subaltern in an admirable spirit of give-and-take. He had enjoyed excellent sport. Later, in the ante-room, he delivered a useful little homily on the surmounting of obstacles, on atience, on resence of mind and on nerve, co iousl illustrated from a
day's triumph that will resound on the Murman coast as the unconditional surrender of the intimidated roach. He described how he had cunningly outmanoeuvred the patrols, defeated the vigilance of the pickets, pierced the line of resistance, launched a surprise attack on the main body, and spread panic in the hearts of the hostile legions. Unhappily for us, common decency, he said, had forced him to present his catch to his friend.
"Wanted, to kill time whilst waiting demobilisation, an old gun, rifle, or pistol."—Morning Paper. Now we know why Time flies.
It was calledGreatheart; or, SideSamuel's Sentimental; and I think you will
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agree that it was a lot of title for twopence. Day after day, as I fumbled among the old books in the Twopenny Bin of the little secondhand bookseller's shop, that volume would wriggle itself forward and worm its way into my hands; and I would clench my teeth and thrust it to the remotest depths of the box. Then it haunted me. All day in my room I could hearGreatheart; or,Samuel's Sentimental Sidecalling out to me, "How would you like to be in the Twopenny Bin?" I began to grow sentimental myself, and to handle those unconsidered trifles with tenderness. For you never know; I might be in the Twopenny Bin myself someday; might be picked up, just glanced at and shifted back into the corner out of sight. YesterdayGreatheartagain found himself in my hands, and I looked to see the date of his entry upon the world. I reflected on his sixty years of life, on the many happy fireside hours that had been spent in his company, on the gentle solace he had furnished to lesser hearts. I had decided what to do. There were few people about; the bookseller was not looking, and, if offence it was, well, I could fall back on the mercy of those who would judge. I leaned forward and tenderly deposited him in the Fourpenny Bin.
["Georgina," the largest of the giant tortoises at the Zoo, has died. She was believed to be about two hundred and fifty years old.]
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