Henrik Ibsen - A Bibliography of Criticism and Biography with an Index to Characters
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Henrik Ibsen - A Bibliography of Criticism and Biography with an Index to Characters


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The Project Gutenberg eBook, Henrik Ibsen, by Ina Ten Eyck Firkins This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. You may copy it, give it away or re-use it under the terms of the Project Gutenberg License included with this eBook or online atgro.grwww.gutenbe Title: Henrik Ibsen A Bibliography of Criticism and Biography with an Index to Characters Author: Ina Ten Eyck Firkins Release Date: February 8, 2006 [eBook #17719] Language: English Character set encoding: ISO-8859-1 ***START OF THE PROJECT GUTENBERG EBOOK HENRIK IBSEN***
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Practical Bibliographies
HENRIK IBSEN A Bibliography of Criticism and Biography
 With An  In dex to C hara cters
COMPILED BY INATENEYCKFIRKINS Reference Librarian of the University of Minnesota
NEW YORK THE H. W. WILSON COMPANY London: Grafton & Company 1921
INTRODUCTION The following bibliography has been compiled to meet a general rather than a scholarly need. It is for this reason that the subject index has been expanded beyond the limits required by the Ibsen specialist. While it is hoped that the bibliography will not be despised by the expert, it has been the convenience of the library assistant, the college student and the ubiquitous club woman that the compiler has had in mind throughout its preparation. No attempt has been made to compile a complete list of Ibsen's writings. The work of Dr. J. B. Halvorsen has rendered that service unnecessary. Therefore a brief list of the best Norwegian and English editions is all that has been included. The attempt has been made to provide a list of the best available critical and biographical material relating to Henrik Ibsen, and to present it in such a form as will meet satisfactorily the constant demand for information about special phases of the great dramatist's work. The bibliography has been compiled through examination of the books in local collections, in the Library of Congress, in Columbia University Library, and in the New York Public Library. The American, English, French, Italian, German and Scandinavian national bibliographies, the general and special indexes to periodicals and all available reference lists have been consulted. The bibliography is arranged in three lists, an Author Index, a Subject Index, and an Index to Characters. In the author list full information about the book or article is given; in the subject list, the author and title only of books are given, with page references; full information is to be obtained by referring to the author index. Magazine references are given in full. The Index to Characters contains an alphabetical list of all the characters in the plays, and the title of the play in which each character may be found. INATENEYCKFIRKINS.
September 10, 1920.
Acad.Academy Amer.American (Phila.) Ath.Athenaeum (Lond.) Atlan.Atlantic Monthly Bib. d'Art de la critique Blackw.Blackwood's Magazine Bk. BuyerBook-Buyer Bookm.Bookman Calif. M.Californian Illustrated Magazine Canad. M.Canadian Magazine Cath. W.Catholic World Cent.Century Magazine Chaut.Chautauquan Class. J.Classical Journal Contemp.Contemporary Review Cosmop.Cosmopolitan Cur. Lit.Current Literature Deut. Med. PresseDeutsche Medizinische Presse Dram. Mir.Dramatic Mirror Dub. R.Dublin Review Eclectic M.Eclectic Magazine Econ. R.Economic Review Every Sat.Every Saturday Fortn.Fortnightly Review Freie BühneFreie Bühne für modernes Leben Gent. M.Gentleman's Magazine Green Bk. Album.Green Book Album Hampton.Hampton Magazine Harp. B.Harper's Bazar Harp. W.Harper's Weekly Harv. M.Harvard Monthly Hist. Polit. Blätter f. d. Kath. DeutschlandHistorisich-Politische Blätter für das Katholische Deutschland
Jour. of Eng. and Germ. Phil. Journal of English and Germanic Philology Lippinc.Lippincott's Magazine Lit. DigestLiterary Digest Lit. W.(Bost.) Literary World (Boston) Liv. AgeLiving Age Lond. Q.London Quarterly Metrop.Metropolitan Mod. Lang. R.Modern Language Review Monthly R.Monthly Review Munsey.Munsey's Magazine Nat'l. M. (Bost.)National Magazine National R.National Review Nebraska Univ. StudiesNebraska University Studies New Century R.New Century Review New Eng. and Yale R.New England and Yale Review New Eng. M.New England Magazine New R.New Review N. Y. Dram.New York Dramatist 19 Cent.Nineteenth Century No. Amer. R.North American Review Outl.Outlook Pop. Sci.M. Popular Science Monthly Pub. Soc. Adv. of Scand. Study Publications of the Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study Putnam's.Putnam's Magazine Quar. R.Quarterly Review R. of Rs.Review of Reviews
      Il. Lond. NewsIllustrated LondonRev. Germ.Revue Germanique NewsSt. James.St. James's Magazine Indep.IndependentSat. R.Saturday Review Internat. M.International MonthlyScrib. M.Scribner's Magazine Internat. Q.International QuarterlySpec.Spectator (London) Temp. BarTemple Bar Univ. M.(Montreal). University Magazine. (Montreal) Werner's M.Werner's Magazine Westm.Westminster Review Zeitschrift für philos. u. philos. kritikZeitschrift für philosophie und philosophische kritik
BrandBrandLit. EyolfLittle Eyolf CatilinaCatilinaLove's Com.Love's Comedy Doll's HouseDoll's HouseMast. Build.Master Builder Emp. and Gal. 1 & 2.Emperor andOlaf. Lil.Olaf Liljenkrans GalileanPeer GyntPeer Gynt 1. Caesar's ApostasyPil. of Soc.Pillars of Society 2. The Emperor JulianPretend.Pretenders En. of Peop.Enemy of the PeopleRosm.Rosmersholm Feast at Sol.Feast at SolhaugRypen.Rypen i Justedal Fjeld.Fjeldfuglen.Sankt.Sankthansnatten. GhostsGhostsSvan.Svanhild. Hed. Gab.Hedda GablerVik. of Helg.Vikings of Helgeland J. G. Borkm.John Gabriel BorkmanWhen we DeadWhen we Dead Kæmp.Kæmpehøjen Awaken Lady fr. SeaLady from the SeaW.Workshop Lady IngerLady Inger paa ÖstratW. DuckWild Duck L. of YouthLeague of Youth
Breve fra Henrik Ibsen;udgivne med indledning og oplysninger af Halvdan Koht og Julius Elias, 1849-1900. Kjøbenhavn. 1904. 2v. Efterladte skrifter;udgivne of Halvdan Koht og Julius Elias—Kristiania og Kjøbenhavn. Gyldendalske boghandel. Nordisk forlag. 1909. 3v. Henrik Ibsens Sämtliche Werke in deutscher Sprache.Durchgesehen und eingeleitet von Georg Brandes. Julius Elias, Paul Schlenther. Von Dichter authorisiert. Berlin. S. Fischer. 1898-1903. 9v. Henrik Ibsens Sämtliche Werke in deutscher Sprache.Zweite Reihe: Nachgelassene Schriften. Hrsg. von Julius Elias and Halvdan Koht. Berlin. S. Fischer. 1909. 4v, facs. Ibsen: lyrics and poems.Trans. by F. E. Garrett. N.Y. Dutton. 1913. Ibsen's lyrical poems.Selected and translated by R. A. Streatfield. London. 1902. [Vigo Cabinet Series No. 8]
10 11
Ibsen's prose dramas.(Authorized English edition. Edited by William Archer. New York. Scribner & Welford. 1890.) London. Heinemann. 6v. front. (port.) [Each volume has special title-page.] Letters of Henrik Ibsen.Trans. by J. N. Laurvik, and M. Morison. N.Y. Duffield. 1905. Introduction. 45p. On the heights(Paa vidderne); a tragedy in lyrical ballads by Henrik Ibsen; English version in the form of the original by William Norman Guthrie. Sewanee, Tenn. Printed for the University extension department of the University of the South. (1910) 7p. The Richard Mansfield acting-version of Peer Gyntby Henrik Ibsen. Chicago. The Reilly & Britton Company. 1906. 173p. front. Samlede digtervaerker.Standardutgave ved Didrik Arup Seip. Kristiania. 1919. 7vs. Samlede værker... København. Gyldendal, 1898-1902. 10v. front. (port.), facsm. Each volume preceded by "Bibliografiske oplysninger" (v. 1-7 by J. B. Halvorsen; v. 8-9 "paa grundlag af J. B. Halvorsen's samlinger"; v. 10 by Halvdan Koht). Speeches and new letters (of) Henrik Ibsen.Tr. by Arne Kildal, with an introduction by Dr. Lee M. Hollander ... and a bibliographical appendix. Boston. R. G. Badger. 1910. 222p. front. (port.) Same.London. F. Palmer. 1911. 222p. The works of Henrik Ibsen.Viking edition. New York. C. Scribner's Sons.The 1911. 13v. plates, ports. [Each volume has special title page.]
Aall, Anathon von.Ibsen og Nietzsche. Samtiden 17:146-63, 278-300. 1906. —— Henrik Ibsen als Dichter und Denker. Halle. 1906. 272p. Same.Review. Nation 85:84-5. July 25, 1907. Aberg, Lawrence H.Betraktelser öfver Ibsens Gengangere. Stockholm. 1882. 24p. I äktenskapsfrågen; betraktelser med anledn. af Ibsens familjedramer. —— Stockholm. 1883. 91p. —— Några ord om Henrik Ibsens Et dukkehjem. Stockholm. 1880. 20p. Achorn, Edgar O.Ibsen at home. New Engl. M. n.s. 13: 737-48. Feb. 1896. Adams, W. D.Sarcey on Ibsen. Theatre (Lond.) 37:19. 1896. Adlersparre, S. L.Ibsens Gengangere ur etisk synpunkt. Stockholm. 1882. 38p. Albrecht, Hanns.Frauen Charaktere in Ibsens Dramen. Leipzig. 1902. 34p. Allen, B. S.elements in Ibsen's art. Jour. of Eng. and Germ. Phil.Recurrent 17:217-26. 1918. Anderson, A. R.and the classic world. Class. Jour. 11:216-25. 1916.Ibsen Anderson, R. B.Henrik Ibsen. American (Phila.) 4:8. 1882.
Andreas-Salomé,FrauL.Henrik Ibsens Frauengestalten nach seinen sechs Familiendramen. Berlin. 1892. 238p.; 1896. 181p. —— Henrik Ibsens kvindeskikkelser. Autoriseret oversættelse ved Hulda Garborg. Med et forord af Arne Garborg. Kristiania. 1893. 185p. Andrews, A. LeR.Ibsen's Peer Gynt and Goethe's Faust. Jour. of Eng. and Germ. Phil. 13:238-46. 1914. Anstey, F.pseud.SeeGuthrie, T. A. Archer, Mathias.Ibsens drittes Reich. Wien. G. 1900. 20p. Archer, William.Breaking a butterfly. Theatre (Lond.) n.s. 3: 209-14. 1894. —— Craftsmanship of Ibsen. Fortn. 86:111-13. 1906. Same.Liv. Age. 250:558-68. 1906. —— Doll's House.InArcher, W. Theatrical World [London. 1894-'98. 5vs.] 1893:83-88, 155-62; 1897:134-6. —— Enemy of the people.InArcher, W. Theatrical World 1893:162-68. —— From Ibsen's workshop: the genesis of the dramas. Fortn. 92:976-92.  1909. Same.Forum 42:506-22. 1909. —— Henrik Ibsen. St. James. 48:27, 104. 1881. —— Henrik Ibsen: an appreciation. Critic. 49:31-32. 1906. —— Henrik Ibsen: philosopher or poet? Cosmop. 38:409-16. 1905. —— Humor of the Wild Duck.InArcher, W. Theatrical World 1897:146-51. —— Ibsen and English criticism. Fortn. 52:30-37. 1887. —— Ibsen as he is translated. Time (Lond.) 22:37. 1890. —— Ibsen as I knew him. Monthly R. 23, No. 3:1. 1905. Same.Reader 8:185-97. 1906. —— Ibsen as seen in his letters. Fortn. 83:428-41. 1905. Same.Liv. Age 245:209-19. 1905. —— Ibsen's apprenticeship. Fortn. 81:25-35. 1904. —— Ibsen's imperialism. 19 Cent. 61:244-55. 1907. —— Master builderInArcher, W. Theatrical World 1893. p 54-70. —— Mausoleum of Ibsen. Fortn. 60:77-91. 1893. Same.Das Ibsenmausoleum. Die Zukunft 5:174-87. 1893. —— Nora. Theatre (Lond.) n.s. 3:209-14. 1884. —— Quintessence of Ibsenism. New R. 5:463. 1891. —— Real Ibsen. Internat. M. 3:182-201. 1901. —— Two dramas of Ibsen (En Folkefiende and Nora) Acad. (Lond.) 23:5-6. Jan. 6, 1883. —— Wild duck: a study in illusions.InArcher, W. Theatrical World 1894. 136-43. —— Editor. Introduction Doll's house. Scott 1901. —— —— Ghosts. Scott 1901.    John Gabriel Borkman. Duffield 1909. —— —— —— —— League of Youth. Scott 1901. — Master Builder. Heineman 1902. — —— —— —— Pillars of Society. Scott 1901. —— —— Wild Duck. Scott 1905.  Armstrong, R. A.Ibsen's Brand. Westm. 135:409-27. 1891. Arnold, Robert F.Das moderne Drama. Strassburg. 1908. 388p. Aronsohn, Oskar.Erläuterungen zu Ibsens pathologischen Gestalten. Halle. 1. Oswald Alving. Eine pathologische Studie. 1909. 39p. 2. Das Problem im Baumeister Solness. 1910. 64p.
Arnstein, Ph.Ibsens Frauengestalten. Die Frau 5:347-53. 1898. Aveling, E.Nora. To-day 1:473-1884. Bab, J.Ibsens Unsterblichkeit. Schaubühne 2:703-8. 1906. Bahr, Herman.Henrik Ibsen. Wien. 1887. 18p. Bang, Herman.an Henrik Ibsen. Die Neue Rundschau. Jahrg.Erinnerungen 17:1491-1500. 1906. —— Et Dukkehjem.InBang, H. Kritiske studier og udkast. Kjøbn. 1880. p. 204-28. —— Etwas von jungen Ibsen ... Beilage zur Allgemeine Zeitung. 1896. Nr. 316. Basch, V.Ibsen et G. Sand. Cosmopolis 9:466-92. 1898. Baussan, C.Moral ideas of Ibsen. Cath. W. 87:785-98. 1908. Bayet, Jean.Henrik Ibsen. La Nouvelle Revue n.s. 41:30-40. 1906. Beerbohm, Max.Dr. Brandes on Ibsen. Sat. R. 85:821. 1898. —— Ibsen. Sat. R. 101:650-1. 1906. —— Ibsen after all. Sat. R. 88:101-2. 1899. —— Pillars of Society. Sat. R. 91:631-2. 1901. —— Vikings at Helgeland. Sat. R. 95:517-18. 1903. Bekker, P.Die Musik in Ibsens Dichtung. Neue Musik-Zeitung 27:457-61. 1906. Bellaigue, C.Hedda Gabler. Revue des deux mondes 109:218-24. Jan. 1892. Bennett, L.Ibsen as a pioneer of the woman movement. Westm. 173:278-85. 1910. Benoist-Hannapier, L.La théorie du mensonge dans Ibsen. Revue Franco-Allemande 5:268-74. 1901. Berg, Leo.Heine-Nietzsche-Ibsen. Berlin. 1908. p. 65-102. —— Henrik Ibsen; Studien. Köln. 1901. 127p. —— Henrick Ibsen.InBerg, L. Zwischen zwei jahrhunderten. p. 420-33. —— Henrik Ibsen und das Germanenthum in der modernen Litteratur. Berlin. [1887]. 48p. (Litterärische Volkshefte. nr. 2). —— Hebbel und Ibsen. Eine parallele.InBerg, L. Zwischen zwei Jahrhundert, Frankfurt. 1896. p. 258-73. Bergengren, R.Doll's House as played by Mrs. Fiske. Nat'l. M. (Bost.) 16:568. 1902. Berger, Alfred.Henrik Ibsen; Ibsens Rosmersholm.InBerger, A. Studien und kritiker. Wien. 1896. p. 203-40. Bergsøe, Vilhelm.paa Ischia og "Fra Piazza del Popolo";Henrik Ibsen Erindringer fra Aarene 1863-69. Kjøbenhavn. 1907. 312p. Bergwitz, J. K.Henrik Ibsen. I sin avstamning Norsk eller fremmed? Kristiania. 1916. 62p. —— Henrik Ibsens ophold i Grimstad 1844-1850.InBergwitz, J. K. Grimstad 1800-1850 som type paa Norsk smaaby. Kristiania. 1916. Bernardini, L.[Henrik Ibsen] In La littérature Scandinave. Paris. 1894. p. 249-80. Berndtson, Fredrika.Samfundets Støtter.InBerndtson, F. Dramatiska studier och kritiker. Helsingfors. 1879. p. 202-12. Bienenstock, M.Henrik Ibsens Kunstanschauungen. Leipzig. 1913. 244p. [Teil I. Bienenstock, M. Zur théorie des modernen dramas.]
Berteval, W.Le théâtre d'Ibsen. Paris. 1913. Bijvanck, W. G. C.Ibsen.InBijvanck, W. G. C. Poezie en leven in de 19de eeuw. Haarlem 1889. p. 315-83. Bing, Just J.Ibsen. Kjøbenhavn. 1909. 95p. (Mennesker; litteraturens,Henrik kunstens, politikens og videnskabens tjeneste. Bd. 2.) —— Henrik Ibsen.InBing, J. J. Norske digte og digtere. Kristiana. 1898. p. 23-96. —— Henrik Ibsens ungdomsdigtning. Tilskueren. 24:934-43. 1907. —— Norsk litteratur-historie. Kristiania. 1904. p. 157 ff. Birkenbihl, Michael.Ibsen. Nord und Süd. (Breslau) 43:73-81. 1919. Bistram, Ottilie von.Ibsens Nora und die wahre Emanzipation der Frau. Wiesbaden. 1900. 10p. Björkman, Edwin.Ibsen as he should be read. N.Y. 1907. —— Ibsen myth. Forum 45:565-85. 1911. —— Optimism of Ibsen. Contemp. 103:544-54. 1913. Same.Liv. Age 277:716-23. 1913. Blanc, Tharald.Henrik Ibsen og Christiania theater, 1850-1899. Et bidrag til den Ibsenske digtnings scenehistorie. Kristiania. 1906. 75p. Blangstrup, C.Henrik Ibsen.InSalmonsens store illustrerede konversationslexikon 9:307-13. 1899. Boccardi, A.La donna nell' opera di Henrik Ibsen. Trieste. 1893. 51p. Boettcher, Friederike.La femme dans le théâtre d'Ibsen. Paris. 1912. 208p. Bøgh, E.Dit og dat fra 1877. Kristiania. 1877. p. 240-48. Bom, E. de.Ibsen en zijn werk. Gent. 1893. 107p. Bonus, A.Ibsen und die Islandergeschichte. Preussische Jahrbücher 126:324-48. 1907. Bordeaux, Henri.Réalisme et symbolisme. Mercure de France 12:57-66. 1894. Boyesen, H. H.Commentary on the works of Henrik Ibsen. London. 1894. 317p. Reviews. Spec. 72:652-3. 1894. Sat. R. 78:359-60. 1894. —— Doll's House. Cosmop. 16:84-89. 1893. —— Henrik Ibsen. Cent. 39:794-6. 1890. —— Henrik Ibsen's greatest work. Chaut. 12:207-13. 1890. —— Ibsen's Poems. Cosmop. 15:91-99. 1893. —— Ibsen's treatment of self-illusion. (Wild duck). Dial 15:137-40. 1893. —— Peer Gynt. Chaut. 17:293-99. 1893. Brachvogel, Wolfgang.Gabler in München. Freie Bühne 2:117-18.Hedda 1891. Brahm, Alcanter de.Critiques d'lbsen. Bib. d'Art de la Critique Paris. 1898. Brahm, O.Ibsenforschung. Neue Rundschau 17:1412-35. 1906. —— Der Volksfeind auf der Volksbühne. Freie Bühne 1:1204. 1890. —— Henrik Ibsen. Deutsche Rundschau 49:193-220. 1886. —— Henrik Ibsen; ein Essay. Berlin. 1887. 71p. —— Hedda Gabler. Freie Bühne 2:170-1. 1891. Brandes, Edward.Le drama d'Ibsen. Revue d'art dramatique n.s. 9:220-227, 322-330. 1900.
Brandes, Georg.Appreciation. Indep. 60:1249-52. 1906; Dial 40:351-2. 1906. —— Et Dukkehjem i Berlin.InBrandes, G. Samlede Skrifter. Kristiania. 1905. v. 14:265-70. —— Henrik Ibsen. Kjøbn. 1898. 183p. Illustreret undgave. 1916. —— Henrik Ibsen.InBrandes, G. Aesthetische studier. Kjøbenhavn. 1888. p. 278-336. —— Henrik Ibsen.InEminent authors of the 19th Century. N.Y.Brandes, G. 1886. p. 405-60. —— Henrik Ibsen.InBrandes, G. De moderne gjennembruds mænd. Kjøbenhavn. 1891. p. 70-143. —— Henrik Ibsen.InG. Fugleperspektiv. Kjøbn. 1913. p. 234-38.Brandes, —— Henrik Ibsen.InBrandes, G. Moderne Geister. Frankfort. 1887. —— Henrik Ibsen.InBrandes, G. Samlede Skrifter, Kristiana. 1900. v. 3: 237-54; v. 17: 228-68. —— Henrik Ibsen; Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson; critical studies. N.Y. 1899. 171p. Reviews. Acad. 57:79-80. July 1899; Ath. 2:202-3. 1899; Dial 27:314-18, 1899; Nation 69:340-1, Nov. 2, 1899; Sat. R. 85:821. 1898; Sat. R. 88:101-2. 1899; Spec. 83:25. 1899. —— Henrik Ibsen: De unges forbund.InBrandes, G. Samlede Skrifter. Kristiana. 1903. v. 13; 376-81. Same.Brandes, G. Kritiker og portræter. Kjøbenhavn. 1885. p. 339-48. —— Henrik Ibsen; mit zwölf Briefen Henrik Ibsens, siebzehn Vollbildern und vier Faksimiles. Berlin. [1908]. 125p. Henrik Ibsen intime. Mercure de France (Paris) 105:5-35. 1913. —— —— Henrik Ibsen og Grimstad.InBrandes, G. Fugleperspektiv. Kjøbn. 1913. p. 239-40. —— Henrik Ibsen und sein schule in Deutschland.InBrandes, G. Deutsche persönlichkeiten. München. 1902. p. 37-69. —— Ibsen en France. Cosmopolis 5:112-24. 1897. —— Ibsen und Nietzsche. Die Zukunft (Berlin) 55:490-91. 1906. —— Personal reminiscences and remarks on Ibsen's plays. Cent. 93:539-46. 1917. Brausewetter, E.Ibsen zu Hause. Freie Bühne 9:532-4. 1897. Breinholm, A.[Mark, pseud.] Något on Ibsen och Brand. Götenberg. 1885. Brinton, C.Ecce Ibsen! Critic 40:236-49. 1902. Broch, Olaf.om Ibsen i og fra Rusland. Samtiden 11:459-66. 1900.Lidt Bröchner, Jessie.Henrik Ibsen: a biographical sketch. Book-Lover (N.Y.) 4:385-91. 1903. —— Henrik Ibsen. Bookm. 18:180-189. 1903. Brünnings, Emil.Ibsen Drama; die Frau darin. Leipzig. 1910. Bulthaupt, H. A.Ibsen, Wildenbruch, Sudermann, Hauptmann. (Bulthaupt, H. A. Dramaturgie des Schauspiels. v. 4.) Oldenburg. 1907, 1909. 645p. Burchardt, Carl.Ibsen og det moderne engelske drama. Litteraturen. Kjøbn. 1918. 1:662-70. Butler, A. M.View of Ibsen. Contemp. (Amer. ed.) 81:709-19. 1902. Same. 233:769-78.Liv. A e
   Same.Eclectic M. (Bost.) n.s. 8:161-70. C. R. N.Samfundets stötter. Nordisk Tidsskrift. 1878:182-83. Caffin, Charles H.Hedda Gabler.InCaffin, C. H. Appreciation of the drama. N.Y. 1908. Ch. 7-9, p. 162-237. Canudo, Ricciotto.La représentation féministe et sociale d'lbsen, Grande Revue. 38 (n.s. 1.) 561-72. Paris 1906. Carpenter, G. R.Henrik Ibsen. Scrib. M. 5:404-12. 1889. Carpenter, W. H.Bibliography of Ibsen. Bookm 1:274-77. 1893. —— Ibsen as a dramatist.InWarner classics. Doubleday, v. 5, p. 156-78. Same.Warner: Library of world's best literature v. 20. p. 7839-47. Carruth, W. H.Henrik Ibsen (Review of Jaeger's Ibsen). Dial 32:16-17. 1902. Cary, E. L.Two impersonations of Peer Gynt. Putnam's 2:193-96. 1907. Chandler, F. W.Drama of ideas. Ibsen.InChandler, F. W. Aspects of modern drama. N.Y. 1914. p. 1-29. Channing, G. E.Henrik Ibsen. Overland n.s. 15:314-17, 1890. Cheney, E. J.Dramatic poem by Ibsen. Open Court 4:2557 ff. 1890. Clark, Barrett H.Ibsen.InClark, B. H. Continental drama of to-day. N.Y. 1914. p. 16-38. Clarke, H. A. Joint author. SeePorter, Charlotte. Clutton-Brock, A.Genius of Ibsen. Liv. Age 249:816-18. 1906. Colbron, G. I.Ibsen and the stage system. Critic 49:41-5. 1906. Colby, F. M.Hedda Gabler; analogies of a disagreeable heroine. Bookm. 25:467-71. 1907. Colleville, Vicomte de and Zepelin, F. de.Le maître du drame moderne, Ibsen; l'homme et l'œuvre. Paris. 1904. 392p. Collin, Chr.Henrik Ibsen fremtidsdrøm. Samtiden 17:385-96, 481-96. 1906. —— Henrik Ibsen; sein Werk, seine weltanschauung, sein leben. Heidelberg. 1910. 610p. —— Henrik Ibsens selv portræt i Peer Gynt. Memnon-støttens sang og oprindelsen til Peer Gynt.InCollin, C. Det geniale menneske. Kristiania. 1914. 234p. —— Kampen om Kjærlighed og Kunst i naturalismus tidsalder. Kristiania. 1913. p. 36-45. Collin, Joseph.Ibsen, Gedächtnisrede, geh. bei der Trauerfeier desHenrik Gieszener Theatervereins am 14 Nov. 1906. Gieszen. 1906. 24p. —— Henrik Ibsen; sein Werk, seine weltanschauung, sein Leben. Heidelburg. 1910. 610p. Colline, Gustave.Ist Henrik Ibsen ein Dichter? Nord und Süd, Breslau. 149:50-55. 1914. Coleman, A. I. du P.Seventy years of Ibsen. Critic 34:34-7. 1899. Courtney, W. L.Social dramas of Ibsen.InCourtney, W. L. Studies at leisure. London. 1892. Ch. 2. —— Note on Little Eyolf. Fortn. 63:277-84. 1895. Same.Liv. Age 205:239-45. 1895. Crawford, Oswald.Ibsen question. Fortn. 55:723-40. 1891. Cross, W. L.Ibsen's Brand. Arena 3:81-90. 1890.
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