Illustrated souvenir, Dominion Orthopaedic Hospital, Christie Street, Toronto : containing photo groups and snap-shots of officers, nursing sisters, patients, hospital celebrities, distinguished visitors and others : alphabetical list of over 3000 names of all patients, past and present, together with present addresses : also names and addresses of officers, nursing sisters and others
^^^^)llii ^' -iitS^ "^'1^--^Pii iiiia iSiiiii iiriiiI :iii|iii,iiia"i?"'jN|iiafiilii«ii:.Bi#l|'^' r'^^"^ DOMINIONORTHOPAEDICHOSPITALTORONTOSTREETCHRISTIEST^l^E.-*:*'./:^^FORGETWE32Price One Dollar^^^l^G-^.VV.'^xhxnf\^ff lie:54t)7s912^314151617STANDING ORDERSDOMINION ORTHOPAEDIC HOSPITAL— — hos-1. and Kit. Piiticnts on adiuission will be issued withAdmission, personalClothingwill for this and will retain a of theThey receipt given.pital clntliing. sign copywill be while in in, or toThey foiany deficiency damage hospitalresponsible hospitaltake awill hand in their kit to the stores andck>thing. pack receipt.They siii'phisto haveIf a is luiable to this he will to the wai'dapply ...
thing. pack receipt.They siii'phisto haveIf a is luiable to this he will to the wai'dapply ..." />
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Price One Dollar^^^l^G-^.VV.
ff lie
— — hos-1. and Kit. Piiticnts on adiuission will be issued withAdmission, personalClothing
will for this and will retain a of theThey receipt given.pital clntliing. sign copy
will be while in in, or toThey foiany deficiency damage hospitalresponsible hospital
take awill hand in their kit to the stores andck>thing. pack receipt.They siii'phis
to haveIf a is luiable to this he will to the wai'dapply orderlypatient peiiorui duty
it done for him.
— — —be as follows:2. Routine. i-outine willHospital Hospital
Reveille 7.00 a.m. Tea 5.00 p.m.—Breakfast 7.31) a.m. 8.30 9.30Supper p.m.
Dinner Out 10.(K)Lights12.1.'5p.m. p.m.
will have their beds made 7.20 a.m. N. C. O. willUp patients up liy patients
assist the and Ward Ordei'lies in orderSisters, maintaining goodNursing Sergeants
forand and in the absence of the will be responsible anydiscipline, Orderly
All nuist in outbe. Sleeping pa.ssesirregularity. patients hospital by.^S&"p.m.
/^-^will be issued in circmnstances.only exceptional
0.00 all other3.— M.O's wards will hold a "Stand to" at a,.m.,i/c dailyAppointments—
card. This card will bewill be shown on theai)pointments appointmentpatient's
carried on the at all times.issued to each on admission. It will be peisonpatient
an order.Failure to an will be treated as toneglect obey Appoint-keep appointment
Jledical Officers'ments will be held to include attendance at Hospital Representative,
andClinic, Dental Artificial LimbClinic, Factory. Orthopaedic Surgical Appliances
Thera-Branch Bledical Board TreatuientS.C.R., Room, Department, Gynuiasiuni,
Vocational Officer and Leave.peutic Workshops,
and4.— be on and between 1.30Visitors—Visitors will admitted p.m.Saturdays Sundays
are4.30 is reserved for the of visitois. PatientsThe hallp.m. reception reception
to use it for this Itmust not be used as a I'ecreation,lounge.expected freely purpose.
for enter-or room. It be used as amay thoi-oughfareleading, smoking temporarily
theor the until the and entranceing designed by govei-n-leaving hospital d()i>rway
nient is completed.
5. -Dress—The of other than uniform is forbidden. Exceptpi-actice wearing regulation
who arein wards and billiai'd will be worn buttoned Patientsroom, jackets up.
unable to wear the luittoned will theregvdation through Quartei--jacket up apply
niaster for an issue of
6. Patients will enter dressed and at theDining-hall appointeddining-hall properly
hours.hours. The doors of the be closed 15 minutes after the mealwilldining-hall
7.— conduct in of the will not Vie tolerated.Complaints l)isorder-ly any part hospital
will l)e ma
;, but theblinded,
man who with all his hislimbs, health and lii:
comes.strength, back with a ofpiece shrapne
in his moral liack-bone. is obtain-Happiness
able work isoidy tliroufili for apossible only
man wlio Hnds hissucc'ssfidly way Imck to
productive activity. Self-masterv. self-reliance
and iiMr|K)scfnl self-direction are essentials on
I be the returnedpartof man hini.self for suc-
cessful rei)atriation."—Lt.-Col. AIullov, the
•Hlind 'ri-oopei'." Toronto, Feb. l!)]Si.20,