History of Dracut, Massachusetts, called by the Indians Augumtoocooke and before incorporation, the wildernesse north of the Merrimac. First permanment settlement in 1669 and incorporated as a town in 1701








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iM.Gc974.402 t-sD78c1277114CSENEALOGY COLLECTION.^1HISTORY OF DRACUT5^^.^^^^^.IdyUoAHISTORY ofDRACUTMASSACHUSETTSCALLED BY THE INDIANS AUGUMTOOCOOKE ANDBEFORE INCORPORATION, THE WILDERNESSENORTH OF THE MERRIMAC. FIRSTPERMANENT SETTLEMENT IN 1669AND INCORPORATED AS ATOWN IN 1701By Silas R. CoburnHistory haa a great office, to make the past intelligentto the present for the guidance of the future."Charles Kniahl1922Pbess of the Coukier-Citizen Co.lowell, mass.Copyrighted, 1922By Silas R. Coburn^\1277114r(^^DEDICATIONTO THE PEOPLE OF DRACUT, MASS.AND TO ALL DESCENDANTS OF THOSE STURDY PlONEERS WHOWERE THE Early Settlers in this VicinityWHEREVER THEIR LOT IS CASTUbis flDemorialIS Dedicated with Respect and Affection bySILAS ROGER COBURN.TABLE OF CONTENTSIntroduction ix1Chapter I—Settlement of DraeutGlacial Movement 20II—Period of theIII—Indian History 30of Re-IV—Early Grants and Allotmentsserved Land 65Province Line .... 97V—Establishment of theVI—Early Wars 108117VII—The Revolutionary WarRebellion andWar of 1812 162VIII—Shay 'sIX—War of the Rebellion, Indian andSpanish Wars 168X—War with Germany and Her Allies .... 176182XI—Church HistoryXII—Mills and Industries 210Including Woolen, Cotton, Carpet and Paperand Grist Mills, Fulling andMills, Sawnumerous mis-Carding Mills, Tanneries andcellaneous industries.225XIII—Schools, Libraries and LyceumsXIV—Roads, Ferries and Bridges 241Physicians Tragedies . ...
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i M. Gc 974.402 t-s D78c 1277114 CSENEALOGY COLLECTION .^ 1 HISTORY OF DRACUT 5^^.^^^^^.IdyUoA HISTORY ofDRACUT MASSACHUSETTS CALLED BY THE INDIANS AUGUMTOOCOOKE AND BEFORE INCORPORATION, THE WILDERNESSE NORTH OF THE MERRIMAC. FIRST PERMANENT SETTLEMENT IN 1669 AND INCORPORATED AS A TOWN IN 1701 By Silas R. Coburn History haa a great office, to make the past intelligent to the present for the guidance of the future." Charles Kniahl 1922 Pbess of the Coukier-Citizen Co. lowell, mass. Copyrighted, 1922 By Silas R. Coburn
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