Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography _ 10.01








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  • cours - matière potentielle : economic thought
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Papers in Evolutionary Economic Geography _ 10.01 The Aims and Scope of Evolutionary Economic Geography Ron Boschma and Ron Martin
  • economic evolution
  • spatial structures
  • path dependence
  • economic transformation
  • evolutionary economics
  • self-organisation
  • economic geography
  • processes
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Birth Defects Research (Part C) 81:320–328 (2007)
Francoise Marga, Adrian Neagu, Ioan Kosztin, and Gabor Forgacs*
Morphogenesis implies the controlled spatial organization of cells that gives rise to tissues and organs in early embryonic development. While morphogenesis is under strict genetic control, the formation of special-ized biological structures of specific shape hinges on physical processes. Tissue engineering (TE) aims at reproducing morphogenesis in the labo-ratory, i.e., in vitro, to fabricate replacement organs for regenerative medicine. The classical approach to generate tissues/organs is by seed-ing and expanding cells in appropriately shaped biocompatible scaffolds, in the hope that the maturation process will result in the desired struc-ture. To accomplish this goal more naturally and efficiently, we set up and implemented a novel TE method that is based on principles of de-velopmental biology and employs bioprinting, the automated delivery of cellular composites into a three-dimensional (3D) biocompatible envi-ronment. The novel technology relies on the concept of tissue liquidity according to which multicellular aggregates composed of adhesive and motile cells behave in analogy with liquids: in particular, they fuse. We emphasize the major role played by tissue fusion in the embryo and explain how the parameters (surface tension, viscosity) that govern tis-sue fusion can be used both experimentally and theoretically to control and simulate the self-assembly of cellular spheroids into 3D living struc-tures. The experimentally observed postprinting shape evolution of tube- and sheet-like constructs is presented. Computer simulations, based on a liquid model, support the idea that tissue liquidity may pro-vide a mechanism for in vitro organ building.Birth Defects Research (Part C) 81:320–328, 2007.2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. C V
INTRODUCTION Tissue engineering (TE) is a rela-tively young field that aims at repairing, regenerating, or replac-ing damaged tissues with cellular-ized constructs grown in the labo-ratory (Langer and Vacanti, 1993; Vacanti and Langer, 1999). The arsenal of TE comprises those of cell biology, needed for finding a suitable cell source and for assur-ing conditions for cell growth, those of biomaterial chemistry,
needed for preparing biocompati-ble support for anchorage depend-ent cells, and those of physiology, needed for maintaining a biomi-metic, organ-specific environment in vitro (Vunjak-Novakovic, 2003). The promise of solving the prob-lem of transplantable organ short-age is only one of the engines that drive TE research. Several labora-tories and biotechnology compa-nies have already developed organ modules that are used for tissue
repair and regeneration. More-over, functional subunits of human organs are viewed as a viable alternative for animal testing of new drugs (Griffith and Naughton, 2002). As cells divide, differentiate, and organize into tissues and organs during embryonic development, they produce a tissue-specific mix-ture of interconnected protein fila-ments, the extracellular matrix (ECM). Besides offering a three-dimensional (3D) support for cells, the ECM is also involved in cell sig-naling (Mooney et al., 1992). Cell-ECM interactions play a crucial role in the function and structural integrity of the tissue. Instead of attempting to reproduce the very complex composition of ECM in vitro, TE aims at fabricating sup-portive scaffolds and identifying culture conditions that promote ECM production by cells. The basic tool in this endeavor is a bioreactor that allows for the controlled condi-tioning of the engineered con-struct (Vunjak-Novakovic, 2003). As the field of TE evolved, compar-ative studies between bioreactors have pointed to temperature con-trol, gas exchange, mass transfer, shear stress, and other mechani-cal stimuli as essential factors of development and maturation. Because of differences between tissues, a ‘‘one-size-fits-all’’ bio-reactor does not presently exist,
Francoise MargaandIoan Kosztinare from the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Missouri–Columbia, Columbia, Missouri. Adrian Neaguis from the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Missouri–Columbia, Columbia, Missouri and from the Victor BabesUniversity of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania. Gabor Forgacsis from the Department of Physics and Astronomy and Department of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri– Columbia, Columbia, Missouri. Grant sponsor: National Science Foundation; Grant number: FIBR-0526854; Grant sponsor: Romanian National Research Develop-ment and Innovation Program; Grant number: CEEX 11/2005 (to A.N.). *Correspondence to: Gabor Forgacs, Department of Physics and Astronomy and Department of Biological Sciences, University of Missouri–Columbia, Columbia, MO 65211. E-mail: Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/bdrc.20109
V2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc. C
and a plethora of concepts and bioreactor designs have been cre-ated (Martin and Vermette, 2005; Chen, 2006). Here, we review a recently developed TE method, that in many aspects differs from the more traditional techniques. It combines principles of develop-mental biology with novel engi-neering approaches to deliver biological materials into a 3D environment. Importantly, it is scaffold-free: biological structure formation primarily relies on the self-organizing properties of cells and tissues, not on external fac-tors. Specifically, the method operates with multicellular spheri-cal aggregates and utilizes them as bio-ink particles. These are delivered into the bio-paper, a cell specific environment by a special bioprinter that controls both the spatial and temporal aspects of the process. Biological structures form during the postprinting fusion of bio-ink particles as pre-dicted by the amply demonstrated notion of tissue liquidity.
TISSUE LIQUIDITY The differential adhesion hypothe-sis (DAH) (Steinberg, 1963) is a concept that explains morphogen-esis on the basis of differences in the cell adhesion apparatus of dif-ferent cell types. According to DAH, early morphogenesis is a self-assembly process (Whitesides and Boncheva, 2002): spontane-ous structure formation by mobile and interacting building blocks (i.e., cells) (Steinberg, 1970; Gon-zalez-Reyes and St Johnston, 1998; Foty and Steinberg, 2005; Perez-Pomares and Foty, 2006). DAH is consistent with the view that, on a time scale of hours, em-bryonic tissues behave like highly viscous, incompressible liquids (Steinberg and Poole, 1982). The range of liquid-like behaviors com-prise the rounding-up of initially irregular tissue fragments (in the absence of external forces), the fusion of two or more contiguous tissue fragments (Gordon et al., 1972), the engulfment of one tis-
sue type by another via spreading (Foty et al., 1994), and the sorting of cell types in heterotypic mix-tures (Technau and Holstein, 1992; Foty et al., 1994). Each of these phenomena has its classical liquid analogue. A liquid droplet assumes a spherical shape be-cause of the mutual attraction of the constituent molecules; these take advantage of their mobility to seek positions that maximize their total binding energy and, thereby, minimize the surface area. Ran-domly intermixed molecules of im-miscible liquids phase separate: the more cohesive liquid surrounds the less cohesive one. For exam-ple, mixing oil and water results in the latter being surrounded by the former. A similar arrangement results also by engulfment, when two droplets of different, immisci-ble liquids are put in contact. Liquids can be characterized by surface or interfacial tension (c) and viscosity (g). Analogous quan-tities have been determined for embryonic tissues using experi-mental techniques developed for liquids (Gordon et al., 1972; Foty et al., 1994, 1996; Forgacs et al., 1998). Apparent tissue surface tension was measured for several embryonic cell types, and the val-ues were used to predict their mu-tual sorting behavior (Foty et al., 1996). The DAH provides the mo-lecular basis for tissue surface ten-sion by relating it to the strength of cell adhesion. Recent experiments (Foty and Steinberg, 2005) con-firmed the theoretical prediction that tissue surface tension is pro-portional to the surface density of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) (Forgacs et al., 1998). The implica-tions of DAH have also been con-firmed in vivo (Godt and Tepass, 1998; Gonzalez-Reyes and St Johnston, 1998; Hayashi and Car-thew, 2004; Lecuit and Lenne, 2007) and by computer simula-tions (Glazier and Graner, 1993). A particular phenomenon that may be understood in light of the DAH, is the ubiquitous morphoge-netic process of tissue fusion that produced some of the evolutionary milestones in development (Perez-Pomares and Foty, 2006). An early
manifestation of tissue fusion is the regeneration of individuals of the most basal metazoan lineages (e.g., porifera, cnidaria) by blend-ing of small cut fragments (Wilson, 1907; Papenfuss, 1934). The con-tinuity between the mouth, the digestive tract (with the pseudo-coelom), and anus (that developed with the appearance of the nemat-odes) was established through the fusion of the pharynx and the oral cavity (Heid et al., 2001). The epiboly of theCaenorhabditis ele-ganshypodermis led to a fusion process known as the ventral en-closure (Williams-Masson et al., 1997). The appearance of the coe-lom, a true body cavity in the mol-lusks, was a major advance in ani-mal body architecture. In addition to providing a hydrostatic skeleton, it made the development of a closed circulatory system possible (Munoz-Chapuli et al., 2005) and supplied a fluid-filled cavity in which organs could be suspended (Perez-Pomares and Munoz-Cha-puli, 2002). Coelom formation has been scarcely studied, but obser-vations on vertebrates reveal that tissue fusion is involved (Callebaut et al., 2004): small vesicles initially appear in the mesoderm along the anterior-posterior axis of the chicken embryo, then enlarge and fuse to form the coelomic cavity (Callebaut et al., 2004). The for-mation of a central nervous system in vertebrates and the four-cham-bered heart were yet other evolu-tionary steps that required tissue fusion. During neurulation, the neural plate creases inward, and the neural groove gradually deep-ens as the neural folds become ele-vated. Ultimately the edges come in contact and the folds fuse to convert the groove into the closed neural tube (Colas and Schoen-wolf, 2001). In early heart devel-opment, it is the fusion of the atrio-ventricular cushions that leads to septation, the process during which the primitive heart tube transforms into a four-chambered organ with atria and ventricles (Wessels and Sedmera, 2003). The above examples illustrate the important role of tissue fusion in early development. Our interest in
Birth Defects Research (Part C) 81:320–328, (2007)
Figure 1.Snapshots of the fusion of spherical cell aggregates (500lm in diameter) obtained from experiment, Monte Carlo (MC) simulations (withc1250.5ET; see sec-tion ‘‘Computer Simulations of Postprinting Tissue Remodeling’’ for details), and theo-retical modeling. The snapshots of the experimental (second column) and theoretical (fourth column) evolution were taken at times indicated in the first column (expressed in terms of the rounding, or total fusion timetR). In the 3D column the snapshots were taken after 0, 3, 12, 50, 150, 300, 500, 800, and 1200 MCS.
developing a novel TE approach, based on directed self-assembly of cellular spheroids into 3D con-
structs of controlled shape and composition, motivated a thorough study of tissue fusion both exp-
Birth Defects Research (Part C) 81:320–328, (2007)
erimentally, computationally, and theoretically (Flenner et al., 2007). Experimentally, we prepared spherical aggregates (see below) and observed that upon contact they fused into a single sphere. Snapshots of successive stages of fusion are shown in Figure 1. To quantify the process, we followed the time evolution of the interfacial area of contact between the fusing tissue droplets and compared it with the similar process in true liquids. We found that not only the final equilibrium state but also the approach to it during the fusion of two spherical cell aggregates is liq-uid-like. For this we employed the theory of liquids to derive the shape of the interfacial contact area (Fig. 1). In particular, we estab-lished that the time scale,s0, that characterizes the fusion of the two highly viscous spherical droplets is given bys05gR0/c, wheregandc are the viscosity and surface ten-sion of the liquid andR0is the radius of the original droplets (as predicted by Frenkel, 1945). We were also able to express the total fusion (or rounding) time,tR3.5s0, wheretRis defined as the time whenr(t), the instantaneous radius of the circular interfacial region of the fusing aggregates, is 1/3 r(tR)0.9Rf50.9(2R0). HereRf is the radius of the final (fused) sin-gle sphere, which is related toR0by the conservation of volume (Flenner et al., 2007). Our experimental results on the progression of cellular spheroids are in agreement with those obtained by the theoretical analysis of the fusion of true liquid drops (Flenner et al., 2007), and the measured value ofs0is compati-ble with the apparent tissue surface tension and viscosity measured by independent methods earlier (For-gacs et al., 1998).
DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY–BASED TE During early development, organs acquire their shape by complex, genetically orchestrated pattern-ing, which is brought about by physical mechanisms. Novel TE approaches attempt to mimic nat-ural morphogenesis by relying on
the capacity of cells to organize into tissues and eventually organs. A recent approach pursued in our laboratory employs aggregates of different cell types and relies on their self-assembly to produce functional organoids. As shown by proof-of-concept experiments (Jakab et al., 2004), this program can be realized by delivering spherical multicellular aggregates (bio-ink droplets) of definite com-position into a supportive hydrogel (bio-paper) by bioprinting, an automated delivery process with a computer-controlled device.
Preprocessing: The Bio-Ink and the Bio-Paper The bio-ink Multicellular spheroids can be prepared from a single cell type or from a mixture of several cell types. The formation of spherical aggregates depends on cell-cell interactions, which may be direct, mediated by CAMs such as cadher-ins, or indirect, mediated by integ-rins—transmembrane proteins re-sponsible for cell–ECM interac-tions. Several methods have been developed to produce the bio-ink from single-cell suspensions of trypsinized monolayer cultures. We briefly describe three of them. In the hanging drop method, a drop of cell suspension is depos-ited on the cover of a Petri dish. Upon inversion of the cover, the droplet is held in place by the sur-face tension of the cell culture me-dium. Due to gravity, cells descend and accumulate at the bottom of the drop and associate to form a spheroid. The strength of cell–cell interactions determines the speed of aggregation, as well as the cohesiveness of the bio-ink droplet, while the density of the cell suspension controls the size of the aggregate. In another method, the cell suspension is centrifuged and the resulting sheet-like pellet that forms along the wall of the centrifuge tube is cut into small cubes of desired size, which upon incubation rapidly round into spheres. In the third method, the pellet obtained by centrifugation is transferred into capillary micropip-
Figure 2.Comparison of the tissue surface tension of aggregates incubated on rotary shaker, agarose-coated well, and HARV. Error bars indicate SDs calculated on the ba-sis of at least 12 compressions by condition.
ettes. After a short incubation, a firm cellular ‘‘sausage’’ forms. Upon extrusion from the micropip-ette, the sausage-cylinder is cut into pieces of equal length and di-ameter, which subsequently round into spheres. (For further details see Hegedus et al. (2006)). The biophysical properties of the aggregate depend not only on the cell type of which it is composed (Forgacs et al., 1998), but also on the method of incubation used during the rounding-up phase. Results in Figure 2, in particular, show how tissue surface tension (measured with a special-purpose tensiometer [Foty et al., 1994; Forgacs et al., 1998]) is affected when rounding takes place in a gyratory shaker, on an agarose-coated plate or in a high aspect ra-tio vessel (HARV) bioreactor (Pre-wett et al., 1993). This finding has important implications for our bio-printing efforts that rely on tissue liquidity, since the value of surface tension controls the rate of fusion of bio-ink particles. Thus, bio-ink preparation offers a possibility to control postprinting self-assembly of cells into tissue constructs. For bioprinting, the spherical bio-ink droplets (multicellular ag-gregates) are packaged in car-tridges (glass micropipettes of appropriate diameter), which are preserved in cell culture medium in the incubator until use (Jakab et al., 2006). The use of cellular spheroids as building blocks of tissues proved successful in re-cent cardiac TE experiments,
which employed cardiomyocyte spheroids derived from embryonic stem cells (Wang et al., 2006).
The bio-paper The strategy in TE is to use po-rous scaffolds (Hollister, 2005) or highly hydrated natural (Prestwich, 2007) or synthetic (Silva et al., 2004) polymers to sustain the attachment and the growth of the cells. Of these three materials, due to their high water content (up to 99%), hydrogels are the most bio-friendly. They have been exten-sively used in bioengineering as drug delivery systems (Hubbell, 1996), wound dressing materials (Lay Flurrie, 2004), and support scaffolds for TE purposes (Lee and Mooney, 2001). Isolated ECM com-ponents, such as collagen, have also been used as bio-paper (Jakab et al., 2004). Recent advances in polymer chemistry however bear the promise of more versatile hydrogels. The Center for Thera-peutic Biomaterials (CTB) at the University of Utah has developed synthetic ECM-like hydrogels based on co-cross-linked gelatin and hyaluronic acid derivatives in various ratios (Shu et al., 2003, 2006). We have made extensive use of these hydrogels because their biochemical and biophysical characteristics can be optimized for a given cell type, or mixtures of several cell types, by adding addi-tional proteins or cross-linkable heparin to mimic the role of hepa-ran sulfate proteoglycans (Riley
Birth Defects Research (Part C) 81:320–328, (2007)
Figure 3.The stepwise process of printing.A:First, a layer of biocompatible hydrogel (bio-paper) is printed.B:Then bio-ink drop-lets are deposited according to a predefined pattern (e.g., along circle if the desired construct is a tube).C:These steps are repeated along the vertical direction until the planned size is achieved.D:Within a few days the bio-ink particles fuse and the bio-paper is removed.
Figure 4. A:A twin-head bioprinter. One print head extrudes the bio-paper, the other delivers the bio-ink droplets one-by-one.B: A detailed view of the bioprinter’s cartridge loaded with 500lm diameter bio-ink droplets.
et al., 2006). As will be discussed later, the properties of the bio-pa-per intervene in several aspects in bioprinting. The porous scaffolds used in classical TE and the bio-paper employed in the novel technology both represent biodegradable sup-portive structures for the engi-neered tissue. However they also differ in several respects. The bio-paper is printed concomitantly with the aggregates (see below), whereas scaffolds are preformed and subsequently seeded with cells. The bio-paper embeds the contiguous multicellular bio-ink particles, whereas scaffolds pro-vide anchoring sites for individual cells. Once postprinting fusion of the bio-ink particles is complete and the stand-alone cellular struc-ture has formed, the bio-paper is eliminated (it is not needed any-more). Scaffolds on the other hand are not separable from the cells that reside in them. They degrade
upon implantation (together with the cells) into the host organism.
Printing Figure 3 shows the principle of 3D tissue bioprinting. The process involves the computer-controlled, layer-by-layer deposition of hydro-gels and spheroids of living cells. After depositing a layer of hydro-gel in sol state, the aggregates are embedded into it one by one (Fig. 3A) while the sol-gel transi-tion progresses due to change in pH or temperature. The process is repeated until the desired shape is obtained (Fig. 3B and C). The con-tiguous bio-ink droplets fuse and the bio-paper is eliminated by chemical (enzymes added), physi-cal (temperature change), or bio-logical means (enzymes secreted by cells) (Fig. 3D). The success of bioprinting hinges on the capabil-ity of the bio-paper to gel rapidly enough to maintain the aggre-
Birth Defects Research (Part C) 81:320–328, (2007)
gates in the specified configuration but slowly enough to allow conti-nuity between successive layers. The desktop bioprinter shown in Figure 4A is equipped with two print heads: one for hydrogel extrusion, the other for bio-ink particle delivery. Figure 4B shows a bio-ink cartridge: a glass micro-pipette loaded with cellular aggre-gates bathed in cell culture me-dium. Figure 5 shows some of the specific patterns printed with the printer (Jakab et al., 2004; Neagu et al, 2005). Computer scripts control the spatial deposition of the gel and aggregates. The resolution of the printing de-vice (Fig. 4A) itself is on the order of microns. The typical resolution of the bio-printed structures shown in Figure 5, on the other hand, depends on the diameter of the bio-ink particle (we typically use droplets of 300–500lm). Smaller feature sizes may be attained by spontaneous postprinting rear-
rangements of the various cell types within the construct. The size of nonvascularized bio-printed structures in general is strongly limited by the ability of the nutrients to diffuse into the struc-ture (200lm). (Note that this limitation, in principle, does not affect the size of the structures shown in Fig. 5; i.e., diameter of the rings and the lateral dimen-sions of the sheet). Limitations on the size of bio-printable structures will ultimately be disposed of when the vascularization of engineered tissues becomes possible.
Postprocessing Postprocessing refers to the postprinting incubation of the printed construct in a bioreactor, in the course of which adjacent bio-ink droplets fuse, giving rise to a connected structure able to resist mechanical stresses arising from manipulation and perfusion. Tube-like (Jakab et al., 2004) and sheet-like constructs (Neagu et al., 2005) have been printed in differ-ent gels as proof-of-concept stud-ies. Figure 5 shows the initial and fused states after a week of incu-bation. It demonstrates that the composition of the bio-paper affects strongly the fusion process. It modulates the rate at which the bio-ink particles coalesce. It must provide the right spatial and tem-poral control over the release of growth factors. As it eventually needs to be eliminated, its removal rate, controlled by physical, chemi-cal, or biological mechanisms, needs to be compatible with the maturation of the tissue construct. Tissue engineered construct maturation, besides physiological temperatures, and gas and nutri-ent exchange, also requires tis-sue-specific mechanical condition-ing. Cartilage, bone, ligament, cardiac tissues, blood vessels, and heart valves require specific me-chanical stresses and strains to improve their mechanical proper-ties. Therefore, a variety of bio-reactors have been developed that aim at providing specific biomi-metic conditions for the engi-neered construct (Vunjak-Nova-
Figure 5.Initial (upper row) and final (lower row) configurations of toroidal structure (AF) and cell sheet formation (G,H). The aggregates (500lm in diameter) were em-bedded in agarose gels (A,B) and collagen gels at 1.0 mg/ml (C,D,G,H) and 1.7 mg/ml (E,F).
kovic, 2003; Martin et al., 2004; Martin and Vermette, 2005; Bilo-deau and Mantovani, 2006). With the development of scaf-fold-free techniques, like the one presented here, new challenges arise also for bioreactor design. For example, a bioprinted vascular tube will initially require a very gentle laminar flow of medium, similar to the one produced in the HARV. This will allow the fusion to occur and the 3D structure to shape. Later on, a biomimetic pul-satile perfusion flow will be neces-sary to assure proper cell growth, mechanical properties, and cellular composition (by the appropriate conditioning of endothelial cells). Postprinting structure matura-tion is a complex process that depends on many factors, whose relative importance is hard to assess. Thus most TE efforts at present are of ‘‘trial and error’’ type. To make progress, in our tis-sue-liquidity–based approach we resort to computer simulations.
COMPUTER SIMULATIONS OF POSTPRINTING TISSUE REMODELING According to DAH, tissue pattern-ing results from such rearrange-ments of cells that progressively lower the total energy of adhesion between cells, or between cells and the ECM (Steinberg, 1963, 1996).
Early computer simulations based on the DAH were confined to two dimensions and relied on deter-ministic cell motility rules (Leith and Goel, 1971). More recently, a stochastic motility rule imple-mented by the Metropolis algo-rithm (Metropolis et al., 1953), applied to the ‘‘cellular’’ version of the Potts model (familiar from sta-tistical physics), proved effective in simulating tissue liquidity by the Monte Carlo method. In particular, the Potts model was employed to simulate cell sorting and the mu-tual engulfment of adjacent tissue fragments (Graner and Glazier, 1992; Glazier and Graner, 1993). Inspired by the approach of Gla-zier and Graner (1993), we have constructed a 3D lattice model aimed at meeting practical TE needs, suitable for simulations of cellular self-assembly in systems 6 of about 10 interacting cells (Jakab et al., 2004; Neagu et al., 2005). The sites of the cubic lattice are occupied by either (model) cells or similar-sized volume ele-ments of the embedding medium (cell culture medium or a hydro-gel). Site occupancy is specified by an integer, the cell type indexr. The interaction of adjacent par-0 ticles of typesrandris expressed 0 via the mechanical works,err, needed to separate them. The me-chanical works are positive quanti-ties known in the theory of liquids 0 as work of cohesion forr5ror
Birth Defects Research (Part C) 81:320–328, (2007)
Figure 6.Simulated evolution of the tissue–medium interfacial area during multicellu-lar aggregate fusion in a toroidal configuration, as measured by the number of cell–gel bonds,Ncg. Snapshots of model tissue conformations are depicted along the plot. The initial state consists of 10 aggregates, of 4169 cells each, placed along a circle at an average distance of two lattice spacings (i.e., distance between lattice sites) between 6 their adjacent surfaces. The left panel (A) describes a simulation of 0.5310 MCS with a relatively low interfacial tension (ccg50.3ET). A similar simulation, but with a larger interfacial tension parameter,ccg50.7ET, leads to a long-lived, ring-like struc-ture (B).
0 work of adhesion forr=r(Israel-achvili, 1992). The total interaction energy of the model tissue is written as
X E¼Jðrr;rrÞ; 0 0 hr;ri
0 whererandrlabel lattice sites 0 andhr,ristands for summation over close (nearest, next-nearest, and second-nearest) neighbors. The contact interaction energies 0 J(rr,rr) in Eq. [1] are expressed in terms of the works of cohesion/ adhesion,err. For example, in the 0 case of a single cell type sur-rounded by medium,J(rr,rr) may 0 take one of the valuesJ(1,1)5 2e11,J(2,2)5 2e22, andJ(1,2)5 J(2,1)5 2e12, wherer51 stands for medium andr52 refers to cells. (The inclusion of the nega-tive sign in theJs is due to histori-cal reasons.) Morphogenesis is achieved by reshaping interfacial boundaries between distinct cell populations (i.e., compartments). Similarly, in our model system evolution is driven by interfacial rearrangements. Identifying inter-facial contributions to the sum from the right hand side of Eq. [1], the interaction energy of a system composed ofTtypes of particles may be recast in the form (Neagu et al., 2006):
T X E¼cþconst: 0 rrNrr 0 0 r;r¼1 0 r<r
HereNrris the number of bonds 0 between particles of typerand 0 typer=r. The second term on the right hand side of Eq. [2] denotes the constant contribution of the bulk. (As the cellular system evolves, the only quantity that 0 varies isNrr). Since the energeti-cally driven rearrangements of the system involve only energy differ-ences, dropping the constant in Eq. [2] has no consequences. Thus, evolution is governed by the interfacial tension parameters, which are specific combinations of the interaction energies (Jakab et al., 2004):
1 c 0 0 0 rr¼ ðerrþer rÞ err: 0 2
The computational algorithm used to simulate the self-assembly of cells into tissues is a special case of the Metropolis algorithm (Metropolis et al., 1953). The lat-tice representation of the initial state is constructed in accordance with the experimental protocol used to prepare the tissue con-struct (i.e., to accurately deliver the multicellular bio-ink particles into the bio-paper). First, cells
Birth Defects Research (Part C) 81:320–328, (2007)
located on interfaces (i.e., either between two aggregates or between an aggregate and the bio-paper) are identified. Next, within one Monte Carlo step (MCS), each interfacial cell (in random order) performs one trial move that consists in swapping positions with a randomly selected particle of different type. The move is accepted with a probabil-ityP5min(1,exp(2DE/ET)), whereDEis the corresponding change in energy. This amounts to accepting each energy-lowering move with probability51, and moves that raise the energy with smaller probability. We adopted fixed boundary conditions to rep-resent the experimental condition that cell movement is confined to the region occupied by medium. The acceptance probability includes the biological fluctuation energy,ET, a measure of cell mo-tility. Note that the intimate mech-anisms of movements in liquids are fundamentally different from those observed in cellular sys-tems: liquid molecules move pri-marily due to their thermal energy, with scale set bykBT(kB, Boltzmann’s constant;T, absolute temperature), whereas cell mo-tility is powered by metabolic energy, with scale,ET, set by ATP hydrolysis and manifested in cytoskeletally-driven membrane rufflings (Mombach and Glazier, 1996);EThas been assessed for certain embryonic cell types (Bey-sens et al., 2000). The tissue-liq-uid analogy suggests a correspon-dence between the two energy scales. In our model, works of ad-hesion/cohesion and interfacial tension parameters are all ex-pressed in units ofET. The simulation of aggregate fusion by the above-described Monte Carlo method is shown in Figure 1. A simulation of postprint-ing self-assembly of model cells into a tube-like or toroidal struc-ture is described in Figure 6. The solid curves represent the interfa-cial area (i.e., the number of cell-gel bonds) versus the number of elapsed MCS with snapshots of typ-ical intermediate conformations, shown along the curve. Figure 6A
corresponds to the case of a low cell-medium (i.e., cell–gel) interfa-cial tension parameter (c125 0.3ET). The initial increase of the cell–gel interfacial area is due to fluctuation-driven deviations of the aggregates from the spherical shape and to cell migration into the embedding hydrogel; once the torus emerges, it starts to shrink, thereby reducing the tissue-gel interfacial area, and finally round-ing into a single spheroid. This sce-nario is similar to that observed in 1.7 mg/ml collagen gels (Fig. 5E and F). On the other hand, if the interfacial tension parameterc12is sufficiently large (0.7ETin the sim-ulation in Fig. 6B), the toroidal con-formation is similar to a metastable state: its evolution is slow enough to allow for the manipulation of the tissue construct and for its transfer into specialized bioreactors for maturation. Such a behavior was observed experimentally in 1 mg/ ml collagen gels (Fig. 5C and D). As illustrated in Figure 6A, sud-den changes in the slope of the graph of the interfacial area versus MCS are signatures of topological changes of the model tissue con-struct. For example, the jump in 3 the slope in Figure 6A at 270310 MCS corresponds to the moment when the doubly connected torus turns into a simply connected, pan-cake-shaped structure. In principle, the conclusions drawn from simulations of a toroidal geometry are expected to remain valid also for tubular structures built from several superimposed rings of aggregates since fusion will take place also between rings.
We described a novel TE approach to build 3D living structures that differs from classical approaches both in its scientific foundation and technology. The approach relies on tested principles of developmental biology, specifically tissue liquidity. It employs tissue liquidity by oper-ating with multicellular spherical aggregates that upon contact fuse. Fusion is implemented through bio-printing (the technological novelty
of the method), the automated, spatially accurate delivery of the bio-ink aggregates into the 3D environment, the bio-paper. Compared to scaffold-based TE and the emerging other rapid pro-totyping techniques (RP) (Boland et al., 2006; Smith et al., 2007), our method offers several advan-tages. Printing aggregates as opposed to individual cells assures significant gain in speed. It also allows achieving higher cell den-sities than in methods that use cel-lular solutions (Boland et al., 2006) or the seeding of cells into porous scaffolds (Vunjak-Novakovic et al., 1998). Although bioprinting utilizes ECM-like materials (i.e., hydro-gels), their role here strongly dif-fers from that in scaffolds. The bio-paper is employed to allow the bio-ink particles to flow and thus bring about the postprinting structure. As long as it allows cells to move, even if it is not fully biocompatible, it does not necessarily prevent structure formation, as its contact with the cells is constrained both in space (only through cells located on the surface of each bio-ink droplet) and time (only from the initiation of printing until fusion has sufficiently progressed). Therefore, one may also use hydrogels in which the phase tran-sition from a liquid to a swollen network is induced by conditions such as changes of pH or tempera-ture that may otherwise be harsh for cells. This is not the case in the RP, in which a cell suspension is mixed with the hydrogel solution before deposition (Boland et al., 2006; Smith et al., 2007). Among the present limitations of the bioprinting method outlined here we mention the need of a large number of cells for bio-ink prepara-tion, the difficulties related to large-scale production, manipulation and maintenance of bio-ink droplets, the need for the precise timing of the sol-gel transition in the bio-pa-per, and the mechanical sensitivity of the printed construct until fusion is completed. Hopefully these limi-tations will be overcome in the near future, offering a new way to respond to the rapidly growing demand for replacement organs.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Computational resources pro-vided by the University of Missouri Bioinformatics Consortium (UMBC) are acknowledged.
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