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CSE 120: Principles of Operating Systems
Lecture 1
Introduction to Operating Systems
September 25, 2003
Prof. Joe Pasquale
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of California, San Diego
© 2003 by Joseph Pasquale
1Welcome to Operating Systems!
Operating system: the single-most complex and
essential software you run on your machine
In this class, we will explore how an OS works
• Basic concepts
• Structure, design, implementation
• Principles that apply to all OS’s
This is my favorite class! I hope it will be yours too!
• Prof. Joe Pasquale
• APM 5121
• Jesse Steinberg
• John Ehrhard
• Sriram Ramabhadran
• Sunny Chow
Web page
• http://www-cse.ucsd.edu/classes/fa03/cse120/
Lecture notes
• Will be posted day before lecture
• Operating System Concepts, 6th Edition
Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne
Wiley, 2003
4Lectures vs. Book
Lectures are very important: Don’t miss them!
Designed to highlight what is most important to know
Exam questions will come directly from lectures
• Lecture notes + what is said in class
Use the book to fill in details and gaps
30% Midterm
40% Final
30% Programming Assignments (3)
• Can collaborate, but must submit your own work
• Exams will include questions on programming
Collaborate: discuss problems, approaches, not solutions
6How to Ace this Class
Getting the most out of lectures
• Come to class with lecture notes, annotate
• Afterwards, read book using notes as a guide
• Prepare by reading book before class
Preparing for exams
• Study the notes carefully
• Using notes as your guide, study book
Programming assignments: get an early start!
7What is an Operating System?
Basically, software the enhances the hardware
But what does it do? How does it help?
• Helps you (as a user or programmer) by making the
system easier to use
• Helps your programs run by providing resources
and protecting them
• Helps the system by keeping things running
8We Focus on the Kernel
The kernel:
• All programs depend on
User Programsit to run
• Operates closely with
the hardware Kernel
• Allocates basic resources
like the CPU and memory
• Controls I/O devices
When we say “OS” we mean the kernel
9Two Goals of Operating Systems
1. Manage/coordinate
hardware resources so
that the system User Programs
operates smoothly:
present simple system model
efficiently, reliably,
manage hardware resources
2. Present abstract system
model to programmer Hardware
that promotes simple and
convenient access to and
10control of resources