221 pages

ADA and Reasonable Accommodation Handbook (pdf) - CSU, Chico


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221 pages
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  • expression écrite - matière potentielle : that the job modification
  • exposé
  • exposé - matière potentielle : as possible requests for reasonable accommodation
  • expression écrite
1 | P a g e ADA Coordinator Accessibility Resource Center SSC 170 Voice or Relay (530) 898-5959 Fax (530) 898-3292 The ADA and Reasonable Accommodation Contents Purpose of This Handbook.......................................................................................................................... 2 Introduction to the ADA ............................................................................................................................. 2 Chico State Policy ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Definition of Key Terms ............................................................................................................................. 4 Making a Request for Accommodation ...................................................................................................... 6 Responding to Requests for Accommodation............................................................................................. 7 Gathering Information ................................................................................................................................ 7 Exploring and Choosing Accommodations ................................................................................................ 8 Time Frames for Processing Requests for Accommodations ..................................................................... 9 Funding a Reasonable Accommodation Request ..................................................................................... 10 Dispute Resolution .................................................................................................................................... 11 Confidentiality and Disclosure ................................................................................................................. 11 Inquiries and Distribution ......................................................................................................................... 12 Selected Reasonable Accommodation Resources
  • chico
  • privileges of employment
  • essential functions of the job
  • disability
  • rehabilitation act
  • accommodations
  • accommodation
  • job
  • csu
  • campus



Publié par
Nombre de lectures 30
Langue English
Poids de l'ouvrage 1 Mo



Hidden cruelty in child-rearing and the roots of violence


Preface to the American Edition

THIS BOOK is appearing in America some two and a half ably just as well that it
wasn't available before now in this country. Had it appeared here earlier, American
readers might well have asked: "Why should we still bother with Hitler today? That's
all ancient history," and “Who is this Christiane F.?" But now, after so many young
Americans have seen their own tragedies mirrored in the film and book about
Christiane F., the teenage German drug addict, and after all the talk in the media the
past few years about the danger of nuclear war, it should come as no surprise that I
have chosen Adolf Hitler and Christiane F. as representatives respectively, of extreme
destructiveness on a world-historical scale and of extreme self- destructiveness on a
personal one.

Since the end of World War II, I have been haunted by the question of what could
make a person conceive the plan of gassing millions of human beings to death and of
how it could then be possible for millions of others to acclaim him and assist in
carrying out this plan. The solution to this enigma, which I found only a short while
ago, is what I have tried to present in this book. Readers' reactions to my work
convinced Inc how crucial others find this problem too and how the terrifying
stockpiling of nuclear weapons worldwide raises the same question in an even more
acute form: namely, what could motivate a person to misuse power in such a way as to
cause. completely without scruples and with the use of beguiling ideologies, the
destruction of humanity, an act that is altogether conceivable today? It can hardly be
considered an idle academic exercise when somebody at-tempts to expose the roots of
an unbounded and insatiable hatred like Hitler's; an investigation of this sort is a
matter of life and death for ah of us, since it is easier today than ever before for us to
fall victim to such hatred.
A great deal has already been written about Hitler by historians, sociologists;,
psychologists: and psychoanalysts. As I attempt to show in the pages that follow all
his biographers have tried to exonerate his parents (particularly his father), thus
refusing to explore what really happened to this man during his childhood, what
experiences he stored up within, and what ways of treating other people were
available as models for him.

Once I was able to move beyond the distorting perspectives associated with the idea
of a "good upbringing" (what is described in this book as "poisonous pedagogy") and
show how Hitler's childhood anticipated the later concentration camps, countless
readers were amazed by the convincing evidence I presented for my view. At the same
time, however, their letters expressed confusion: "Basically, my childhood differed
little from Hitler's; I, too. had a very strict upbringing, was beaten and mistreated.
Who then didn't I become a mass murderer instead of, say, a scientist. a lawyer, a
politician, or a writer ? "

Actually, my book provides clear answers here, although they often seem to be
overlooked: e.g.: Hitler never had a single other human being in whom he could
confide his true feelings; he was not only mistreated but also prevented from
experiencing and expressing his pain: he didn't have any children who could have
served as objects for abreacting his hatred; and, finally, his lack of education did not
allow him to ward off his hatred by intellectualizing it. Had a single one of these
factors been different, perhaps he would never have become the arch-criminal he did.

On the other hand. Hitler was certainly not an isolated phenomenon. He would not
have had millions of followers if they had not experienced the same sort of
upbringing. I anticipated a great deal of resistance on the part of the public when I
advanced this thesis-which I am convinced is a correct one --so I was surprised to
discover how many readers, both young and old, agreed with me. They were familiar
from their own backgrounds with what I depicted. I didn't have to adduce elaborate
arguments; all I needed to do was describe and suddenly Germans caught their own
reflections in it.

It was the personal nature of their responses to the three examples I present in my
book that enabled many people to understand in a more than purely intellectual sense
that every act of cruelty, no matter how brutal and shocking, has traceable antecedents
in its perpetrator's past. The diverse reactions to my book range from unmistakable
"aha" experiences to angry rejection. In the latter cases, as I have already indicated.
the following comment keeps recurring like a refrain: "I am living proof that beating [or spanking] children is not necessarily harmful, for in spite of it I became a decent

Although people tend to make a distinction between "spanking" and "beating" a
child, considering the former a less severe measure that the latter, the line between the
two is a tenuous one. I just heard a report on an American radio station about a man--a
member of a Christian fundamentalist sect in West Virginia--who "spanked" his son
for two hours. The little boy died as a result. But even when a spanking is a gentler
form of physical violence, the psychic pain and humiliation and the need to repress
these feelings are the same as in the case of more severe punishment. It is important to
point this out so that readers who receive or give what they call "spankings" will not
think they or their children are exempt from the consequences of child beating
discussed in this book.

Probably the majority- of us belong to the category of 'decent people who were
once beaten," since such treatment of children was a matter of course in past
generations. Be that as it may, to some degree we can all be numbered among the
survivors of "poisonous pedagogy." yet it would be just as false to deduce from this
fact of survival that our upbringing caused us no harm as it would be to maintain that
a limited nuclear war would be harmless because a part of humanity would still be
alive when it was over. Quite apart from the culpably frivolous. attitude toward the
victims this view betrays, it also fails to take into account the question of what after
effects the survivors of a nuclear conflict would have to face. The situation is
analogous to "poisonous pedagogy," for even if we, as survivors of severe childhood
humiliations we all too readily make light of, don't kill ourselves or others, are not
drug addicts or criminals, and are fortunate enough not to pass on the absurdities of
our own childhood to our children so that they become psychotic, we can still function
as dangerous carriers of infections. We will continue to infect the next generation with
the virus of "poisonous pedagogy" as long as we claim that this kind of upbringing is
harmless. It is here that we experience the harmful aftereffects of our survival,
because we can protect ourselves from a poison only if it is clearly labeled as such,
not if it is mixed, as it were, with ice cream advertised as being "For Your Own
Good." Our children will find themselves helpless when confronted with such
labeling. When people who have been beaten or spanked as children attempt to play
down the consequences by setting themselves up as examples, even claiming it was
good for them, they are inevitably contributing to the continuation of cruelty in the
world by this refusal to take their childhood tragedies seriously. Taking over this
attitude, their children, pupils, and students will in turn beat their own children, citing
their parents, teachers, and professors as authorities. Don't the consequences of having
been a battered child find their most tragic expression in this type of thinking?
Although the general public is beginning to understand that this suffering is
transmitted to one's children in the form of an upbringing supposedly "for their own
good," many people with whom I have spoken in the United States still believe that
permissive methods of child-rearing allow children "too much·' freedom and that it is
this permissiveness, not "poisonous pedagogy," that is responsible for the marked
increase in crime and drug addiction. Even cartoons and jokes make fun of parents
who have a tolerant and supportive attitude toward their children, emphasizing the
dangers if parents allow themselves to be tyrannized by their children. King
Solomon's mistaken belief (if you spare the rod you will spoil the child) is still
accepted today in all seriousness as great wisdom and is still being passed on to the
next generation. These attitudes, although they now take a more subtle and less
apparent form, are not far removed from those quoted in the following pages to
illustrate the detrimental effects of child-rearing methods. Such views have not been
borne out by my many years of experience. Theoretic

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