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19th Century American Authors, Literature, Informational Texts, and Visual Representation (Correlating to Cottonwood Middle School's 8th Grade Language Arts textbook: The Elements of Literature) Lisa Ashley Cottonwood Middle School Cottonwood, AZ NEH Summer Institute 2009
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December 4, 2009
Abstract. We prove that all extensions of Heyting Arithmetic with a logic
that has the nite frame property possess the de Jongh property.
Dedicated to Petr H ajek, on the occasion of his 70th Birthday
1. Preface
The three authors of this paper have enjoyed Petr H ajek’s acquaintance since
the late eighties, when a lively community interested in the metamathematics of
arithmetic shared ideas and traveled among the beautiful cities of Prague, Moscow,
Amsterdam, Utrecht, Siena, Oxford and Manchester. At that time, Petr H ajek and
Pavel Pudl ak were writing their landmark book Metamathematics of First-Order
Arithmetic [HP91], which Petr H ajek tried out on a small group of eager graduate
students in Siena in the months of February and March 1989.
Since then, Petr H ajek has been a role model to us in many ways. First of all, we
have always been impressed by Petr’s meticulous and clear use of correct notation,
witness all his di erent types of dots and corners, for example in the Tarskian
‘snowing’-snowing lemmas [HP91]. But also as a human being, Petr has been a
role model by his example of living in truth, even in averse circumstances [Hav89].
The tragic story of the Logic Colloquium 1980, which was planned to be held in
Prague and of which Petr H ajek was the driving force, springs to mind [DvDLS82].
Finally, we were moved by Petr’s open-mindedness when coming to terms with a
1situation that turned out to look disconcertingly unlike the ‘standard model’ .
Therefore, in this paper, we would like to pay homage to Petr H ajek. Unfor-
tunately, we cannot hope to emulate his correct use of dots and corners. Instead,
we do our best to provide some pleasing non-standard models and non-classical
2. Introduction
Consider a theoryT in constructive predicate logic. A propositional formula’ is
T -valid i , for all substitutions of formulas of the language ofT for propositional
variables, we have T‘(’). The set of T -valid formulas is the propositional logic
of T . We will call this logic . The de Jongh property for T is the statementT
that the propositional logic of T is precisely Intuitionistic Propositional Logic,T
in other words, = IPC.T
2000 Mathematics Subject Classi cation. 03F25, 03F30, 03-02, 03B20, 03F50, 03F40.
Key words and phrases. Intuitionistic Logic, Heyting’s Arithmetic.
1Rineke would also like to take the opportunity to thank the whole H ajek family { Petr,
Maria, Maria, Jon as and Jon as { for their great hospitality extended to her during her long-time
research stays in Prague in 1991, 1992 and 1993. The typical Sunday lunches at the H ajeks’ at
are especially fondly remembered; these occasions could move from svckov a na smetane with
knedl ky , wonderfully cooked by Maria, through lively conversations over co ee, to an impressive
private cello concert by the then eight-year old stredn Jon as.
The original theorem of de Jongh was that Heyting’s Arithmetic HA has the de
Jongh property. In the past many generalizations have been proved; we will give
an enumeration below. In these the objective was mostly to prove
(or in rare cases disprove) the de Jongh property for extensions of HA with some
properties like e.g. Church’s Thesis. In this paper we will go in a di erent direction.
The idea is to strengthen the logic from the intuitionistic logic to an intermediate
one. Intermediate logics are all those logics of strength between intuitionistic and
classical logics. De ne the de Jongh property for T with respect to an intermediate
logic as the statement that = . Our conjecture is the following.T
Conjecture 2.1. Let HA( ) be the result of extending HA with for all formu-
las.Then = .HA( )
In this paper we will prove this conjecture for logics with the Finite Frame
Property, namely,
there exists a class of nite frames F such that is precisely the
logic valid on all models on in F. For this class F we then
=f’jFj=’g =f’j for allM onF;Mj=’g
For intermediate logics, as for normal modal logics, the nite frame property
is in fact equivalent to the ostensibly weaker nite model property (FMP), which
expresses that there is a class of nite models M such that is precisely the logic
valid on all models inM. (See section 4 for more background.)
For logics with the nite frame property, indeed HA( ) has the de Jongh prop-
erty with respect to . As we will discuss in the conclusion (section 7), there seems
to be little chance of generalizing the methods of this paper to a more extensive
class of intermediate logics.
0In our proof we will only employ substitutions of -sentences. From this it fol-2
lows by quite general reasoning, that, assuming that our class of frames is recursive,
we have a uniform version of the de Jongh property. This means that, for with
? ?the nite frame property, there is a single substitution such that HA( ) ‘ (’)
i ‘’. Or, in a di erent formulation, there is an embedding of the Lindenbaum
Heyting algebra of into the Lindenbaum Heyting algebra of HA( ).
3. A Brief History of de Jongh’s Theorem
The following brief overview of the history of de Jongh’s Theorem for proposi-
tional logic is adapted from [Vis99].
1969: Dick de Jongh proves in an unpublished paper his original theorem that
= IPC. He uses substitutions of formulas of a complicated form, namelyHA
8x((x)_:(x)) with almost negative. As a reminder, a formula is almost
negative if it does not contain_, and9 only in front of an equation between
terms (see [Tro73]). In fact he proves a much stronger result, namely that
the logic of relative interpretations in HA is Intuitionistic Predicate Logic.
See the extended abstract [Jon70]. de Jongh’s argument uses an ingenious
combination of Kripke models and realizability.
1973: Harvey Friedman in his paper [Fri73] gives another proof of de Jongh’s
theorem for HA. He provides a single substitution mapping the propo-
0sitional variables to -sentences such that HA‘ (’), IPC‘ ’. Thus,2INTERMEDIATE LOGICS AND THE DE JONGH PROPERTY 3
0Friedman shows that IPC is uniformly complete for -substitutions in HA.2
F employs slash-theoretic methods as introduced by Kleene [Kle62].
1973: Craig Smorynski strengthens and extends de Jongh’s work in a number
of respects in his very readable paper [Smo73]. To state his results we need a
0few de nitions. We write D( ) for the set of disjunctions of -sentences,1 1
0Prop( ) for propositional combinations of -sentences. Let us remind the1 1
reader of some relevant principles (see [Tro73] for extensive discussions).
MP is Markov’s Principle MP:
RFN is the formalized uniform re ection principle for HA, where8yAy isHA
Proof (x;pAyq)!AyHA
TI() is the trans nite induction scheme for a primitive recursive well-
We have de Jongh’s Theorem for the following theories T :
HA, HA+RFN(HA), HA+TI(), and HA+MP.
For the rst three theories we can take the range of our substitutions either
0 or D( ). For HA+MP we can take the range of our substitutions11
Prop( ). Smorynski uses Kripke models in combination with the G odel-1
Rosser-Mostowski-Kripke-Myhill theorem to prove his results.
1975: Daniel Leivant in his PhD Thesis [Lei79] shows that the predicate logic
of interpretations of predicate logic inHA is precisely intuitionistic predicate
logic. Leivant’s method is proof-theoretical. In fact Leivant shows that one
0can use as interpretation a xed sequence of -predicates. Leivant’s results2
yield another proof of Friedman’s results described above.
1976: de Jongh and Smorynski in their paper [JS76] show de Jongh’s Theorem
for HAS. They also show uniform completeness for HAS with respect to a
0substitution with range among the -sentences.2
1981: Yu.V. Gavrilenko in [Gav81] proves de Jongh’s Theorem for HA+ECT ,0
i.e., the theory of provable realizability over HA. The principle ECT is0
Extended Church’s Thesis (see [Tro73]):
whereA is almost negative andu does not occur free inA andB andv not
inB. In the formula ECT above,T stands for Kleene’sT -predicate andU0
for the corresponding result-extracting function [Kle43]. Gavrilenko proves
this result as a corollary of the similar result of Smorynski for HA.
1981: As a reminder, the principle DNS stands for ‘double negation shift’
(see [Tro73]):
Albert Visser in his Ph.D. thesis [Vis81] provides an alternative proof of
0de Jongh’s theorem for HA, HA+DNS, and HA+ECT for -substitutions0 1
adapting the method of Solovay’s proof of the arithmetical completeness of
L ob’s logic for substitutions in PA [Sol76]. In fact, his proof extends to the
same theories extended with appropriate re ection principles or trans nite
induction over primitive recursive well-orderings.4 DICK DE JONGH, RINEKE VERBRUGGE, AND ALBERT VISSER
1985: In his [Vis85], Albert Visser provides an alternative proof of de Jongh’s
0uniform completeness theorem employing a single -substitution. The1
proof is veri able in HA+con(HA). Here, con(HA) formalizes the consistency
of Heyting Arithmetic. Note that de Jongh’s theorem implies con(HA), so
the result is, in a sense, optimal. Visser’s proof u

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