2006/08/10 SIGNED WORDS AND PERMUTATIONS, IV; FIXED AND PIXED POINTS Dominique Foata and Guo-Niu Han Von Jacobs hat er die Statur, Des Rechnens ernstes Fuhren, Von Lottarchen die Frohnatur und Lust zu diskretieren. To Volker Strehl, a dedication a la Goethe, on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. Abstract The flag-major index “fmaj” and the classical length function “” are used to construct two q-analogs of the generating polynomial for the hyperoctahedral group Bn by number of positive and negative fixed points (resp. pixed points). Specializations of those q-analogs are also derived dealing with signed derange- ments and desarrangements, as well as several classical results that were previ- ously proved for the symmetric group. 1. Introduction The statistical study of the hyperoctahedral group Bn, initiated by Reiner ([Re93a], [Re93b], [Re93c], [Re95a], [Re95b]), has been rejuvenated by Adin and Roichman [AR01] with their introduction of the flag-major index, which was shown [ABR01] to be equidistributed with the length function. See also their recent papers on the subject [ABR05], [ReRo05]. It then appeared natural to extend the numerous results obtained for the symmetric group Sn to the groug Bn. Furthermore, flag-major index and length function become the true q-analog makers needed for calculating various multivariable distributions on Bn.
- signed permutation
- dbn
- let bn
- classical results
- see also
- permutations become plain
- function become
- bn onto