The CSCE, Security and Successor States of the Former Soviet Union








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CONFIDE CE BUILDING MATTERS The CSCE, Security and Successor States of the Former Soviet Union Dennis Sammut November 1994
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11 Revelation Mechanisms The Groves-Clarke Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Groves-Ledyard Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Preference Revelation MechanismsforPublic Goods
In the late 1960’s, the idea stork delivered similar good ideas to two different economics graduate students, Ed Clarke at the University of Chicago and Ted Groves at UC Berkeley. Each of them independently proposed a taxa-tion scheme that would induce rational selfish consumers to reveal their true preferences for public goods, while the government would supply a Pareto 1 optimal quantity of public goods based on this information. The clearest presentation of the Groves-Clarke idea that I have come across is in a paper by Groves and Loeb [3]. The Groves-Loeb paper is motivated as a problem in which several firms share a public good as a factor of production. Each firm knows its own production function but not that of others. A central authority will decide the amount of the public factor of production to pur-chase and the way to allocate its cost based on information supplied by the firms. This problem is formally the same as a public goods problem with quasi-linear utility. The Groves-Clarke mechanism for providing public goods is well-defined only for the case of quasi-linear utility. We will consider the following model. There is one private good and one public good. Consumerihas the utility
1 Clarke’s solution to this problem was published in [2]. Groves’ solution appeared in his unpublished 1969 ph.d. thesis.
Lecture 11. Revelation Mechanisms
function Ui(Xi, Y) =Xi+Fi(Y) (11.1) whereXiis his private good consumption andYis the amount of public good. Eachihas an initial endowment ofWiPublicunits of private good. good must be produced using private goods as an input. The total amount of private goods needed to produceYunits of public good is a functionC(Y). Assume thatFiis a strictly concave function andCIfa convex function. we consider only allocations in which everyone receives at least some private good, then for this economy there is a unique Pareto optimal quantity of public good. This quantity maximizes X Fi(Y)C(Y) (11.2) i
Consumers are asked to reveal their functionsFiLetto the government. Mi(possibly different fromFi) be the function that consumericlaims. Let M= (M1,∙ ∙ ∙, MnIf) be the vector of functions claimed by the population. the reported vector isM, the government chooses a quantity of public goods Y(M) that would be Pareto optimal if everyone were telling the truth about their utilities. That is, the government choosesY(M) such that: X X Mi(Y(M))C(Y(M))Mi(Y)C(Y) (11.3) i i
for allY0. TaxesTi(M) are then assigned to each consumeriaccording to the formula X Ti(M) =C(Y(M))Mj(Y(M))Ri(M),(11.4) j6=i whereRi(M) is some function that may depend on the functions,Mj, re-ported by consumers other thanibut is constant with respect toMi. If the vector of functions reported to the government isM, then Con-sumeri’s private consumption is
Xi(M) =WiTi(M)
and if we substitute from 11.4 and 11.5 into 11.2, his utility is X Xi(M)+Fi(Y(M)) =Wi+Mj(Y(M))+Fi(Y(M))C(Y(M))+Ri(M) j6=i (11.6)
SinceWi+Ri(M) is independent ofMi, we notice that the only way in whichi’s stated functionMiaffects his utility is through the dependence of Y(M) onMisee, therefore from 11.6 that given any choice of strategies. We by the other players, the best choice ofMiforiis the one that leads the government to chooseY(M) so as to maximize X Mj(Y) +Fi(Y)C(Y).(11.7) j6=i But recall from expression 11.3 that the government attempts to maximize n X Mj(Y)C(Y).(11.8) j=1 Therefore if consumerireports his true function, so that,Mi=Fi, then when the government is maximizing 11.8 it maximize 11.7. It follows that the consumer can not do better and could do worse than to report the truth. Honest revelation is therefore a dominant strategy. If everyone chooses his dominant strategy, true preferences are revealed and the government’s chooses the value ofYthat maximizes n X Fj(Y)C(Y) (11.9) j=1 This leads to the correct amount of public goods. Of course for the device to be feasible, it must be that total taxes collected are at least as large as the total cost of the public goods. If the outcome is to be Pareto optimal, the amount of taxes collected must be no greater than the total cost of public goods. Otherwise private goods are wasted. We are left, therefore, with the task of trying to rig the functionsRi(M) in such a way to establish this balance. In general, it turns out to be impossible to find functionsRi(M) that are independent ofMifor eachiand such that X Ti(M) =C(Y(M)) (11.10) i However, Clarke and Groves and Loeb found functionsRi(M) that guar-antee that tax revenues at least cover total costs. Their idea can be explained as follows. Suppose that for eachi, the government sets a “target share” P θThe government the θi0 wherei in tries to fix= 1. Ri(M) so that P T(M)θ C(Y(M)) for eachiof cour. Then, T i ise,i i(M)C(Y(M)). From equation (3), it follows that X Ti(M)θiC(Y(M)) = [(1θi)C(Y(M))Mj(Y(M))]Ri(M).(11.11) j6=i
Lecture 11. Revelation Mechanisms
Therefore the government could setTi(M) =θiC(Y(M)) if and only if it could set X Ri(M) = (1θi)C(Y(M))Mj(Y(M)).(11.12) j6=i
But in general such a choice ofRi(M) would be inadmissible for our purpose becauseRi(M) depends onMi, sinceY(M) depends onMi. Suppose that the government sets X Ri(M) = min[(1θi)C(Y)Mj(Y)].(11.13) Y j6=i
ThenRi(M) depends on theMj’s forj6=ibut is independent ofMi. From (10) it follows that with this choice ofRi(M) we have:
Ti(M)θiC(Y(M))0 foralli
Therefore X Ti(M)C(Y(M)). i This establishes the claim we made for the Clarke tax.
Groves and Ledyard propose a demand revealing mechanism which they call “An Optimal Government”. The mechanism formulates rules of a game in which the amount of public goods and the distribution of taxes is determined by the government as a result of messages which the citizens choose to communicate. Although the government has no independent knowledge of preferences, and citizens are aware that sending deceptive signals might possibly be beneficial, it turns out that Nash equilibrium for this game is Pareto optimal. The Groves–Ledyard mechanism is defined for general equilibrium and applies to arbitrary smooth convex preferences. In contrast, the Clarke tax (discovered independently by Clarke [1971] and Groves and Loeb [1975]) is well defined only for economies in which relative prices are exogenously determined and where utility of all consumers is quasi-linear. The Clarke tax has the advantage that for each consumer, equilibrium is a dominant strategy equilibrium rather than just a Nash equilibrium. Thus there are no complications related to stability or multiple equilibria. On the
other hand, the Clarke tax has the disadvantages that although it leads to a Pareto efficient amount of public goods it generally will lead to some waste of private goods. Suppose that there arenconsumers, and one public good and one private good. Each consumer has an initial endowment ofWiunits of private good. To simplify notation slightly, we will consider the special case where public good is produced at a constant marginal cost ofc. The government asks each consumerito submit a number, (positive or negative)migovernment will supply an amount of public goods. The P Y=midescribe the Groves-Ledyard mechanism efficiently it is. To i useful to define the following bits of notation: Define
X 1 m¯i=mj(11.16) n1 j6=i to be the average of the numbers submitted by persons other thani.We will also define a function X 1 2 Ri(m) = (mjm¯i) (11.17) n2 j6=i
For the time being the main thing that we should notice about the odd-looking expression 11.17 is thatRi(m) depends on themj’s forj6=i, but does not depend onmiwe will see, we will use these expressions to. As make budgets balance. When the vector of messages sent by individuals ism= (m1, . . . , mn), the Groves-Ledyard mechanism will impose a tax on individualiequal to
n X c γ n1 i2 T(m) =mk+ ( (mi¯mi)Ri(m)) n2n k=1
2 whereγThen if the vector of mes-is an arbitrarily chosen positive number. sages ism, consumer i’s consumption of private goods willXi(m) =WiP i T(m) and the amount of public goods will beY(m) =mkNash equi-. In k librium,iwill choosemito maximize his utility functionUi(Xi(m), Y(m). Then a necessary condition fori’s utility will be maximized is
∂Ui∂Xi(m)∂Ui∂Y(m) + = 0 (11.19) ∂Xi∂mi∂Y ∂mi 2 Though Expression 11.18 looks nasty, remember that it is only a quadratic, and we are soon going to defang this beast by differentiating it.
Lecture 11. Revelation Mechanisms
P Rearranging terms and noticing thatY(m) =mkandXi(m) =Wik Ti(m), we find that Equation 11.19 is equivalent to
∂Ti(m) M RSi(Xi, Y) =,(11.20) ∂mi whereM RSi(Xi, Y) isi’s marginal rate of substitution between public and private goods. From Equation 11.20 we deduce the condition: c n1 M RSi(Xi(m), Y(m+)) = γ[mim¯i] (11.21) n n Summing the equations in 11.21, we see that X M RSk(X(m), Y(m)) =c.(11.22) k
This is the Samuelson condition for efficient provision of public goods. If preferences are convex, these conditions are both sufficient as well as neces-sary for Pareto optimality. It remains to be shown that total revenue collected by the Groves-Ledyard tax equals the total costs of the public good. To find this out, we sum the taxes collected from eachito find that n n n n X X X X c γ n1 2 Ti(m) =mk+ ( (mi¯mi)Ri(m)) (11.23) n2n i=1i=1k=1i=1
Some fiddling with sums of quadratics will give us the result that
n n X X n1 2 (mim¯i) =Ri(m) n i=1i=1
Therefore Equation 11.23 simplifies to:
n n n X X X c Ti(m) =mk n i=1i=1k=1 P n Sincek=1mk=Y,, this expression simplifies to n X Ti(m) =cY i=1
which means that revenue exactly covers the cost of the public good. We have shown that with convexity, if a Groves-Ledyard equilibrium exists, it is Pareto optimal. Groves and Ledyard are able to show that equilibrium exists under rather weak assumptions. However, they do not deal with the question of when equilibrium is unique or stable under rea-sonable dynamic assumptions. As we will see below, equilibrium is unique 3 if preferences are quasi-linear.
The Groves-Ledyard Mechanism with Quasi-linear Utility
It is of interest to examine the nature of the Groves–Ledyard mechanism as applied to the case of quasi-linear utility, where each consumerihas a utility functionUi(Xi, Y) =Xi+Fi(Ythe quasilinear case). Studying will help us to develop some “feel” for the device by seeing how it performs in a manageable environment. It also is useful to compare the merits of this system with the Groves-Clarke mechanism when both are operating on Groves-Clarke’s home turf. (Remember that the Groves-Clarke mechanism is defined only for quasilinear utility.) We are able to show quite generally that when there is quasi–linear utility, the Groves–Ledyard mechanism has exactly one Nash equilibrium. Furthermore, this equilibrium is quite easily computed and described. This is of some interest because, in general, little is known about the unique-ness of Groves–Ledyard’s equilibrium and the question of the existence of equilibrium is also less than satisfactorily resolved. If the vector of messages ism= (m1,∙ ∙ ∙, mn), consumeri’s utility will be n X i WiT(m) +Fi(mk).(11.27) k=1 P 00 ¯ SinceF <0, Equation 11.22 has a unique solution formk. LetY k k denote this solution. Now define 0 ¯ =F .(11.28) βi i(Y) Then 11.21 can be rewritten as 1 ¯ βi=γ[miY] +αiq.(11.29) n 3 Bergstrom, Simon, and Titus [1] show that for a large class of simple utility functions, there are multiple equilibria. However, Page and Tassier [4] show that the “extra” equi-libria found by Bergstrom, Simon, and Titus are unstable, and for sufficiently high levels of the parameterγ, do not exist.
Lecture 11. Revelation Mechanisms
Nowαi, qandγare parameters andβiis uniquely solved for by 11.22 and 11.28. Thus we solve uniquely formias follows: ¯ 1Y mi= (βiαiq) +.(11.30) γ n
This establishes our claim that in the case of quasi–linear utility, Nash equilibrium exists, is unique and is easily computed.
[1] Theodore Bergstrom, Carl Simon, and Charles Titus. Counting Groves-Ledyard equilibria via degree theory.Journal of Mathematical Eco-nomics, 12(2):167–184, October 1983.
[2] E.H. Clarke. Multipart pricing of public goods.Public Choice, 11:17–33, 1971.
[3] Theodore Groves and Martin Loeb. Incentives and public inputs.Journal of Public Economics, 4:211–226, 1975.
[4] Scott Page and Troy Tassier. Equilibrium selection and stability for the groves ledyard mechanism.Journal of Public Economic Theory, 6(2):195–202, May 2004.
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