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Membership Commission PTA Leaders share their answers to “Why Join PTA?” From a sharing session at the National PTA Convention – June 2008 I am not asking you to join your mother’s PTA. I am asking you to join with your fellow parents and create your school’s PTA. Parents, teachers, students and administrators meet, discuss and act together – speaking for every child and all children – diverse, united, speaking with one voice. We all have a stake in educating our children, since our children are our future. Why join PTA? Join to become an active participant in developing that future; to ensure that every child’s voice is heard. PTA serves all our children, not just my child and the children at my school. Share your talents and your time for our children; be a voice for our future. PTA provides the opportunities and structure for all individuals to become an advocate for children and families in their own communities. Combining the voices of millions of members allows PTA to be a powerful force in ensuring the health, wellbeing and education of every child. There is a need for a powerful voice for all our children. Our children need our support for their schools and their education. PTA provides an organized family and community component at the school. As a parent like me, do you want to be a powerful voice for your children and other children? Do you also need relevant resources and tools to do so? You are not alone! We are not alone! Join PTA – be part of the strongest advocate for the education and wellbeing of every child! PTA provides loving relationships, meaningful work, and faith in something larger than myself. Be an “agent of change” – voice your concerns and ideas with a group of like individuals who have a similar vision and hope for children, for education and for our community. You should be a member of the PTA. We are all volunteers committed to working on issues that affect children and families. Your voice is so important to us, and we need your help. We all have a responsibility to make our world better for children. That is PTA’s mission, and that is why I joined PTA. California State PTAwww.capta.orgThe Communicator2009 July
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