Identifying technology spillovers and product market rivalry








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Niveau: Supérieur, Doctorat, Bac+8
Identifying technology spillovers and product market rivalry? Nicholas Bloom†, Mark Schankerman‡and John Van Reenen August 4, 2010 Abstract The impact of R&D on growth through spillovers has been a major topic of economic research over the last thirty years. A central problem in the literature is that firm perfor- mance is a?ected by two countervailing “spillovers”: a positive e?ect from technological knowledge spillovers and negative business stealing e?ects from product market rivals. We develop a general framework incorporating these two types of spillovers and imple- ment this model using measures of a firm's position in ?????????? space and ??????? ?????? space. Using panel data on U.S. firms we show that technology spillovers quan- titatively dominate, so that the gross social returns to R&D are about twice as high as the private returns. We identify the causal e?ect of R&D by using Federal and state tax incentives for R&D. We also find that smaller firms generate lower social returns to R&D because they operate more in technological niches. JEL No. O31, O32, O33, F23 Keywords: Spillovers, R&D, market value, patents, productivity 1. Introduction Research and development (R&D) spillovers have been a major topic in the growth, productiv- ity and industrial organization literatures for many decades. Theoretical studies have explored the impact of R&D on the strategic interaction among firms and long run growth1.

  • e?ects dominate

  • firms

  • product market

  • semi-conductor market

  • both influences4

  • technology space

  • technology spillovers

  • include using international

  • smaller firms

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Identifying technology spillovers and product market rivalryNicholas Bloom Schankerman, Markand John Van Reenen§ August 4, 2010
Abstract The impact of R&D on growth through spillovers has been a major topic of economic research over the last thirty years. A central problem in the literature is thatrm perfor-mance is a a positive eected by two countervailing spillovers:ect from technological knowledge spillovers and negative business stealing eects from product market rivals. We develop a general framework incorporating these two types of spillovers and imple-ment this model using measures of arms position inspace and space. Using panel data on U.S.rms we show that technology spillovers quan-titatively dominate, so that the gross social returns to R&D are about twice as high as the private returns. We identify the causal eect of R&D by using Federal and state tax incentives for R&D. We alsond that smallerrms generate lower social returns to R&D because they operate more in technological niches. JEL No. O31, O32, O33, F23 Keywords: Spillovers, R&D, market value, patents, productivity
1. Introduction
Research and development (R&D) spillovers have been a major topic in the growth, productiv-
ity and industrial organization literatures for many decades. Theoretical studies have explored the impact of R&D on the strategic interaction amongrms and long run growth1. While
many empirical studies appear to support the presence of technology spillovers, there remains
a major problem at the heart of the literature. This arises from the fact that R&D generates at Acknowledgements:ivesaserihisThaScernknamaVandrevdnoislBfo,mooRneeen(n0270.)eW would like to thank Philippe Aghion, Lanier Benkard, Bronwyn Hall, Elhanan Helpman, Adam Jae, Dani Rodrik, Scott Stern, Peter Thompson, Joel Waldfogel and seminar participants in the AEA, CEPR, Columbia, Harvard, Hebrew University, INSEE, LSE, Michigan, NBER, Northwestern, NYU, San Franscico Fed, San Diego, Stanford, Tel Aviv, Toronto and Yale for helpful comments. Finance was provided by the ESRC. Centre for Economic Performance, and NBERStanford, London School of Economics and CEPR §Centre for Economic Performance, LSE, NBER and CEPR 1See, for example, Spence (1984), Grossman and Helpman (1991) or Aghion and Howitt (1992). Barro and Sala-i-Martin (2003), Keller (2004), Klenow and Rodriguez-Clare (2004) and Jones (2005) all have recent surveys of the literature.
least two distinct types of spillover eects. Therst istechnology(or knowledge)spillovers which may increase the productivity of otherrms that operate in similar technology areas. The second type of spillover is theproduct market rivalry eectof R&D. Whereas technology spillovers are benecial to otherrms, R&D by product market rivals has a negative eect on arms value due to business stealing. Despite much theoretical research on product market rivalry eects of R&D (including patent race models), there has been little econometric work on such eects, in large part because it is dicult to distinguish the two types of spillovers using existing empirical strategies. It is important to identify the empirical impact of these two types of spillovers. Econometric estimates of technology spillovers may be severely contaminated by product market rivalry eects, and it is dicult to ascertain the direction and magnitude of potential biases without building a model that incorporates both types of spillovers. Furthermore, even if there is no econometric bias, we need estimates of the impact of product market rivalry in order to asses whether there is over-investment or under-investment in R&D. To do this, we need to compare social and private rates of return to R&D that appropriately capture both forms of spillovers. If product market rivalry eects dominate technology spillovers, the conventional wisdom that there is under-investment in R&D could be overturned. This paper develops a methodology to identify the separate eects of technology and product market spillovers and is based on two main features. First, using a general analytical framework we develop the implications of technology and product market spillovers for a range ofrm performance indicators (market value, citation-weighted patents, productivity and R&D). The predictions dier across performance indicators, thus providing identication for the technology and product market spillover eects.Second, we empirically distinguish arms position inspace and space using information on the distribution of its patenting across technologyelds, and its sales activity across dierent four-digit industries. This allows us to construct distinct measures of the distance betweenrms in the technology and product market dimensions2 show that the signi. Wecant variation in these two dimensions allows us to distinguish empirically between technology and product market spillovers.3We also develop a methodology for deriving the social and private rates 2In an earlier study Jae (1988) assignedrms to technology and product market space, but did not examine the distance betweenrms inboth In a related paper, Bransetter and Sakakibara (2002) makethese spaces. an important contribution by empirically examining the eects of technology closeness and product market overlap on patenting in Japanese research consortia. 3that illustrate this variation include IBM, Apple, Mo-Examples of well-known companies in our sample torola and Intel, who are all close in technology space (revealed by their patenting and conrmed by their research joint ventures), but only IBM and Apple compete in the PC market and only Intel and Motorola com-
of return to R&D, measured in terms of the output gains generated by a marginal increase in R&D. These reect both the positive technology spillovers (for the social return) and negative business stealing eects (for the private return), and thus depend on the position of therm in both the technology and product market spaces. Applying this approach to a panel of U.S.rms for a twenty year period (1981-2001), wend that both technology and product market spillovers are present and quantitatively important, but the technology spillover eects are much larger. a result we estimate that As the (gross) social rate of return to R&D exceeds the private return, which in our baseline specication are (with some additional assumptions) calculated as 38% and 20%, respectively. At the aggregate level this implies under-investment in R&D, with the socially optimal level being two to three times higher than the level of observed R&D. A central issue in the paper is distinguishing a spillover interpretation from the possibility that positive interactions are just a reection of spatially correlated technological opportuni-ties. If new research opportunities arise exogenously in a given technological area, then all area will do more R&D and may improve their productivity, an erms in that ect which may be erroneously picked up by a spillover measure. This issue is an example of the classic re address this by using changes in the Weection problem discussed by Manski (1991). rm-specic tax price of R&D (exploiting Federal and State-specic rules) to construct in-strumental variables for R&D expenditures. This allows us to estimate the causal impact of R&D onand those around it in product and technology space.rms own performance We also estimate our model for three high-technology industries - computers, pharmaceuti-cals and telecommunications - and Technologynd wide variation in private and social returns. spillovers are present in all sectors, and business stealing in two of the three. We also inves-tigate the returns to R&D for dierent categories ofrm size, andnd that smallerrms have signicantly lower social returns because they tend to operate in technological niches (because few otherrms operate in their technologyelds, their technology spillovers are more limited). This suggests that policy-makers should reconsider their strong support for higher rates of R&D tax credit for smaller Ofrms, at least on the basis of knowledge spillovers. course, there may be other potential justifor the preferential treatment of smallercations rms, such as liquidity constraints.
Our paper has its antecedents in the empirical literature on knowledge spillovers. The dominant approach has been to construct a measure of outside R&D (the spillover pool) pete in the semi-conductor market, with little product market competition between the two pairs. Appendix D has more details on this and other examples.
and include this as an extra term in addition to therms own R&D in a production, cost or innovation function. The simplest version is to measure the spillover pool as the stock of knowledge generated by other Bernstein and Nadiri, 1989).rms in the industry (e.g. This assumes thatrms only benet from R&D by otherrms in their industry, and that all suchrms are weighted equally in the construction of the spillover pool. Unfortunately, this makes identication of the strategic rivalry eect of R&D from technology spillovers impossible because industry R&D reects both inuences4. A more sophisticated approach recognizes that arm is more likely to benet from the R&D of otherrms that are close
to it, and models the spillover pool (which we will label   ) available torm as  =Σ6=whereis some knowledge-weighting matrix applied to the R&D stocks () of otherrms. All such approaches impose the assumption that the interaction betweenrmsandis proportional to the weights (distance measure). There are many approaches to constructing the knowledge-weighting matrix. The best practice is probably the methodrst used by Jae (1986), exploitingrm-level data on patenting in dif-ferent technology classes to locaterms in a multi-dimensional technology space. A weighting matrix is constructed using the uncentered correlation coecients between the location vectors of dierent follow this idea rms. Webut extend it to the product market dimension by using line of business data for multiproductrms to construct an analogous distance measure in product market space5 also develop a new Mahalanobis distance measure between. Werms
that exploits the co-location of patenting technology classes within idea is thatrms. The rms internally co-locate technologies that have the greatest knowledge spillovers, and using the observed co-location of technologies withinrms can help to measure technology distances betweenrms. Using this Mahalanobis distance measure, we estimate even larger spillover eects. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 outlines our analytical framework. Section 3 describes the data and Section 4 discusses the main econometric issues. The main empirical ndings are presented in Section 5, extensions in Section 6, robustness in Section 7 and conclusions in the also have a series of Appendices with more details on Wenal section. 4The same is true for papers that use distance to the frontier as a proxy for the potential size of the technological spillover. In these models the frontier is the same for allrms in a given industry (e.g. Acemoglu et al. 2007). Other approaches include using international data and weighting domestic and foreign R&D stocks by measures including imports, exports and FDI (see, for example, Coe et al. 2008). 5Without this additional variation betweenrms within industries, the degree of product market closeness is not identied from industry dummies in the cross section. The extent of knowledge spillovers may also be inuenced by other factors like geographic proximity (e.g. Ja 1993). Oure et al. methodology could easily be extended to allow geographic proximity to inuence both technological and product market interactions.
the theory (Appendix A), data issues (Appendix B), calculation of the distance measures (Appendix C), examples oflocation (Appendix D), and the methodology for calculatingrm the social and private rates of return to R&D (Appendix E).
2. Analytical Framework
We consider the empirical implications of a non-tournament model of R&D with technology spillovers and strategic interaction in the product market.6We study a two-stage game. In stage 1produces knowledge that is taken as pre-rms decide their R&D spending and this determined in the second stage (in the empirical analysis we will use patents and total factor productivity (TFP) as proxies for knowledge). There may be technology spillovers in this
rst stage. stage 2, Inrms compete in some variable,, conditional on knowledge levels,. We do not restrict the form of this competition except to assume Nash equilibrium. What matters for the analysis is whether there is strategic substitution or complementarity of the dierentrms knowledge stocks in the reduced form pro Even in the absence oft function. technology spillovers, product market interaction would create an indirect link between the R&D decisions ofrms through the anticipated impact of R&D induced innovation on product market competition in the second stage. There are threerms, labelled0,andFirms0
andinteract only in technology space (production of innovations, stage 1) but not in the product market (stage 2);rms0andcompete only in the product market. Although this is a highly stylized model, it makes our key comparative static predictions very clear. Appendix A contains several extensions to the basic model. Firstly, we allow rms to overlap simultaneously in product market and technology space and also allow for more than three we consider a tournament model of R&D Secondly,rms in the economy. (rather than the non-tournament model which is the focus of this section). Thirdly, we allow patenting to be endogenously chosen byrms rather than only as an indicator of knowledge, The predictions of the model are shown to be generally robust to all these extensions. Stage 2 Firm00prot function is given by(0  0)We assume that the functionis common to allrms. Innovation output0may have a direct eect on prots, as well as an indirect 6This approach has some similarities to Jones and Williams (1998, 2000) who examine an endogeneous growth model with business stealing, knowledge spillovers and congestion externalities. Their focus, however, is on the biases of an aggregate regression of productivity on R&D as a measure of technological spillovers. Our method, by contrast, seeks to inform micro estimates throughseparately identifyingthe business stealing eect of R&D from technological spillovers. Interestingly, despite these methodological dierences wend (like Jones and Williams) social returns to R&D are about two to four times greater than private returns.
(strategic) eect working throughFor example, if0increases the demand forrm0(e.g. product innovation), its prots would increase for any given level of price or output in the second stage7 . The best response forrms0andare given by0= arg max0(0  0)and= arg max( 0 ) for second stage Nash decisions yieldsrespectively. Solving0= (0 )and=( 0)First stage prot forrm0isΠ(0 ) =(0 0 ), and similarly forrmIf there is no strategic interaction in the product market,(0 0 ) does not vary withand thusΠ0do not depend onWe assume thatΠ(0 )is increasing in0, non-increasing inand concave8. Stage 1
Firm0produces innovations with its own R&D, possibly beneting from spillovers from
rms that it is close to in technology space:
0=(0 )(2.1) where0is the R&D ofrm0,is the R&D ofrmand we assume that the knowledge production function()is non-decreasing and concave in both arguments. This means that
if there are technology spillovers, they are necessarily positive. We assume that the function
()is common to allrms.
Firm0solves the following problem: max0=Π((0 ) )00 Note thatdoes not involve0Therst order condition is: Π111 = 0 where the subscripts denote partial derivatives with respect to the dierent arguments.
We analyze how exogenous shifts in the R&D of technology and product market rivals (and) aect outcomes forrm09Comparative statics yield ={Π11+Π111}(2.3) 0 7We assume that innovation byrmaectsrm00prots only through process innovation,. For this assumption is certainly plausible. With product innovation,could also have a direct (negative) eect onrm00pro generalization can easily be introduced without changing the predictions of the model.t. This 8The assumption thatΠ(0 )is non-increasing inis reasonable unless innovation creates a strong externality through a market expansion eect. Certainly at'0this derivative must be negative, as monopoly is more protable than duopoly. 9In the empirical work we will use instrumental variables to address the potential endogeneity of the R&D of technology and product market rivals.
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