Hervé This Equipe INRA de Gastronomie moléculaire AgroParisTech








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Niveau: Supérieur, Doctorat, Bac+8
Hervé This, Equipe INRA de Gastronomie moléculaire, AgroParisTech 1 How to use the « protocols of experiments » ? What we call “protocols of experiments” are computer files that can help you to make good science. These files are indeed tables, and you need an empty one. Then, for any experiment, the advice is to make a copy of this file, and then… it's easy, because you can just fill in the cells. More generally, an empty cell is an invitation to fill it. And be sure that, when all cells contain something, a publication can be done. However, practice showed that some of us have questions about these documents, in the detailed formulation. Here is a description of the various cells, and how to fill them in. Better write “nothing to say here” than leaving a cell empty. Report of experiment (give a code and a number, so that the file can be easily recovered) Title Title : no explanation should be needed… but do you know what a title is? And did you think that “beautiful words” are more pleasant to use than ugly ones? Name of the scientist : Name of the scientist: this is important, not only for you but also for the group, because we try to make a group, with friendship and cooperation, so that anybody can benefit from the work of others.

  • then

  • file can

  • it's needed

  • instruments give

  • all details

  • general method

  • can help

  • tables should

  • any experiment

  • results

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How to use the « protocols of experiments » ? What we call “protocols of experiments” are computer files that can help you to make good science. These files are indeed tables, and you need an empty one. Then, for any experiment, the advice is to make a copy of this file, and then… it’s easy, because you can just fill in the cells. More generally, an empty cell is an invitation to fill it. And be sure that, when all cells contain something, a publication can be done. However, practice showed that some of us have questions about these documents, in the detailed formulation. Here is a description of the various cells, and how to fill them in. Better write “nothing to say here” than leaving a cell empty. Report of experiment(give a code and a number, so that the file can be easily recovered) Title : no explanation should be needed… but do you know what a Titletitle is? And did you think that “beautiful words” are more pleasant to use than ugly ones? Name of theName of the scientist: this is important, not only for you but also for scientist :the group, because we try to make a group, with friendship and cooperation, so that anybody can benefit from the work of others. Then it’s frequent (daily!) that we exchange these “protocols of experiments”, and then the name is useful. Date of the creationDate (first appearance of such a cell): it’s always good to keep track of of this file :what one does, as it’s also a possibility, later on, to evaluate the time that was really needed, so that a better prediction of times and a better planning can be made in the future. Objectiveaim: an experiment has an objective. Which result do you: Objective,  want to reach? Reasons for thisReason of the experiment: of course, one does not make experiments
Hervé This, Equipe INRA de Gastronomie moléculaire, AgroParisTech
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