Niveau: Supérieur, Doctorat, Bac+8
Asymptotically Optimal Regularization in Smooth Parametric Models Percy Liang University of California, Berkeley Francis Bach INRIA - Ecole Normale Superieure, France Guillaume Bouchard Xerox Research Centre Europe, France Michael I. Jordan University of California, Berkeley Abstract Many types of regularization schemes have been employed in statistical learning, each motivated by some assumption about the problem domain. In this paper, we present a unified asymptotic analysis of smooth regularizers, which allows us to see how the validity of these assumptions impacts the success of a particular regularizer. In addition, our analysis motivates an algorithm for optimizing regu- larization parameters, which in turn can be analyzed within our framework. We apply our analysis to several examples, including hybrid generative-discriminative learning and multi-task learning. 1 Introduction Many problems in machine learning and statistics involve the estimation of parameters from finite data. Although empirical risk minimization has favorable limiting properties, it is well known that this procedure can overfit on finite data. Hence, various forms of regularization have been employed to control this overfitting. Regularizers are usually chosen based on assumptions about the problem domain at hand. For example, in classification, we might use L2 regularization if we expect the data to be separable with a large margin.
- regularizer bias
- worse than
- oracle
- oracle regularization
- relative risk
- parameters ? ?
- james-stein estimator
- better when