Niveau: Supérieur, Doctorat, Bac+8
An algebraic process calculus Emmanuel Beffara? Institut de Mathématiques de Luminy CNRS & Université Aix-Marseille II E-mail: Abstract We present an extension of the piI-calculus with formal sums of terms. The study of the properties of this sum reveals that its neutral element can be used to make as- sumptions about the behaviour of the environment of a pro- cess. Furthermore, the formal sum appears as a fundamen- tal construct that can be used to decompose both internal and external choice. From these observations, we derive an enriched calculus that enjoys a confluent reduction which preserves the testing semantics of processes. This system is shown to be strongly normalising for terms without repli- cation, and the study of its normal forms provides a fully abstract trace semantics for testing of piI processes. 1. Introduction The point of this paper is to define a meaningful notion of normalisation for process calculi. Normalisation is not an obvious idea in the context of concurrency because of the non-determinism that is present in most process calculi, and it makes it crucial to distinguish two related notions for term languages: execution, which is a relation that describes the intended dynamics of a term considered as a program in a given model of computation, and evaluation, which is a relation that preserves the computational meaning of terms while simplifying them (in some sense).
- transition system
- transition labelled
- can extend
- standard terms
- equivalence rules
- formal sums
- has no
- both actions