Touching Places Placing Touch: Space Culture and Tactility The Royal Geographical Society Institute of British








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Touching Places / Placing Touch: Space, Culture and Tactility The Royal Geographical Society / Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London. 28-31 August, 2007 Call for papers – The Royal Geographical Society / Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London. 28-31 August, 2007. Touching Places / Placing Touch: Space, Culture and Tactility Title : Touch in the skin's culture of the modern medicine : the birth of biosubjective care Bernard Andrieu (Professeur d'Epistémologie du corps et des pratiques corporelles, UHP Nancy 1/ ACCORPS/ Archives Henri Poincaré/ UMR 7117 CNRS) Alexandre Klein (Doctorant en philosophie/ ACCORPS/ LHPS Archives H. Poincaré/ UMR 7117 CNRS/ Nancy Université/ Université Nancy 2). Abstract: Touch is original cause of therapeutic relation. But, at present, touch in medicine is circled in alternative and “smooth” medicine. Touch is an entered point for an analysis of social influence in medicine because “touch is our most social sense” (Tiffany field, Touch, MIT Press, 2001, p. 19). Touch therapies are becoming increasingly popular but outside conventional medicine. Social asking of touch appears in modern medicine which do not know take care of it. Through touch's place in medicine, we can study actual paradigm, based on mechanism and instrumentalism, and also discover his needs of a holistic approach.

  • professeur d'epistémologie du corps et des pratiques corporelles

  • looking after

  • soin

  • tact makes

  • without subjective

  • body

  • tact

  • touch

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Touching Places / Placing Touch: Space, Culture and TactilityThe Royal Geographical Society / Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London. 28-31 August, 2007 Call for papers – The Royal Geographical Society / Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, London. 28-31 August, 2007. http://www.rgs.orgTouching Places / Placing Touch: Space, Culture and Tactility Title:Touch in the skin’s culture of the modern medicine : the birth of biosubjective careBernard Andrieu (Professeur d’Epistémologie du corps et des pratiques corporelles, UHP Nancy 1/ ACCORPS/ Archives Henri Poincaré/ UMR 7117 CNRS) Alexandre Klein (Doctorant en philosophie/ ACCORPS/ LHPS Archives H. Poincaré/ UMR 7117 CNRS/ Nancy Université/ Université Nancy 2). bernard.andrieu@wanadoo.fr  Touchis original cause of therapeutic relation. But, at present, touch in medicine is circled in alternative and “smooth” medicine. Touch is an entered point for an analysis of social influence in medicine because “touch is our most social sense” (Tiffany field,Touch, MIT Press, 2001, p. 19). Touch therapies are becoming increasingly popular but outside conventional medicine. Social asking of touch appears in modern medicine which do not know take care of it.
Through touch’s place in medicine, we can study actual paradigm, based on mechanism and instrumentalism, and also discover his needs of a holistic approach. Touch opens way of a subject medicine as a tale of skin. By discovering or integrating touch therapies, modern medicine can include the subject’s space. At the border of body, skin gives to us an access way of subject’s care. Finally, it is a theory of other that we can establish by touch: the other person is a touch relation and an affective relation.
Moreover, the alternatives medicine develop a new conception of therapeutic touch ; born in Europe, then exported in America in early 20e century, they return in Europe with a new generation and a new conception of touch : the biosubjective touch.
The therapeutic touch The therapeutic touch is a practice developed in the techniques of nursing in the 1 American maternities(maternity hospitals). The nursing consists at first of techniques of hygiene which maintain and organize the environment of the patient: " the adequate
1 . D. Krieger, 1975, Therapeutic touch : the imprimatur of nursing,Amer.J. Nurs.,5, p. 784-787.
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